User Interface
- Tabs in the Properties editor show the name of the tab in a tooltip,
quicker than the usual tooltips.
- Drag & drop inside Blender now supports
Esc or
to cancel dragging.
- Hover highlighting of UIList rows.
- Some search boxes are widened if needed, for example if there is a
linked scene.
- Outliner now allows the filtering of Grease Pencil objects.
- Resetting to defaults, eyedropper, and other operations working
correctly in popovers.
- The "Open Recent" menu list default size increased to 20 items.
- Fallback font "Noto Emoji" updated with new Unicode 15.0 emojis.
- Color Picker can now adjust position to better fit within available
- Searching for nodes with a slash character in their names works
correctly now.
- Alt-click support to edit string properties for multiple objects.
- Better positioning of text with Measure/Ruler tools.
- Clicking the NLA/Graph Editor search box no longer scrolls the items
below it.
- Node Editor supports Smooth View.
- Support operator enums in Quick Favorites.
- More Context Menus open with last-used option.
- Many Operator confirmations can be now be disabled with the "Confirm"
checkbox (on by default) in the keymap.

Asset Browser
- Assets now shows tooltips with the full name and description.

- Meta-data fields in the sidebar are not shown if blank and read-only.
- Clear Asset now works for all selected assets
File Browser
- File Browser list mode items can now be dragged by the full name, not
just by the icon.
- File Browser items now have "External" menu for opening and other
operations outside of Blender.
- MacOS: recently opened/saved files will now show in Dock context menu
and in App Expose.

- MacOS: double-clicking a blend file will now always load even if
Blender loses focus while launching.
- Windows: autofocus child windows on hover.
- Windows: Image Editor can now copy/paste images with other
3D Text Objects
- Text selection by mouse dragging. Word selection by double-click.
- Nicer control and feedback for text styles.
- "To Uppercase" and "To Lowercase" now supports most languages.
- Operators to move the cursor to the top and bottom.
- Proportional Size can now be set in the Proportional Editing popover