Interpolate tools now are visible in Draw mode and not only in Edit mode.
When the tool is used in Draw mode, the only selected strokes option is disabled.
Enabled by default Layer Onion Skin for new layers.
New Material parameter to rotate texture for Dots and Strokes.
See also the new parameter in Texture modifier below.
New rotation parameter
Recalculate Geometry operator added to Cleanup menu. This operator was
only available using Search and it was used to fix old or damaged
Target object parameter changed in Bake mesh animation and Trace
New menu Paint in Vertex Paint mode. These operators existed in
previous versions, but the menu was removed by error. Also, now all
operators support multiframe edition.
New Vertex Paint menu
Added Pin icon for default eraser when using Ctrl key.
New option to Bake Animation only for selected frames instead to bake
all available frames. To bake only selected, select in the Dopesheet
the keyframes to
Bake selected frames
New option to trace image sequences and convert to grease pencil
strokes. Now it's possible to trace a single image or a full sequence
of images from an image sequence or a video. If the trace is for a
sequence, a new batch job is started and a progress bar is displayed
during the trace.
Improved Join operator to use the distance between points. Before, the
join was done using the order of the strokes but not the distance
between extremes. Now, the algorithm calculates the distance and tries
to join always the nearest extremes.
New Join algorithm
Improved method for interpolation. The new method gives better results
when interpolating between different sized strokes. Previously, the
longer stroke would be cut off. With the new algorithm, the strokes
are properly "stretched" to fit the extreme shapes exactly.
New interpolation method
New operator in Vertex Paint mode to reset vertex color data. After
running this operator, all vertex paint data is removed and the stroke
is reset to default material status.
Now Merge Layers respects the old keyframe drawing when the target
frame was missing. See Task
T83705 for more details.
New option to set flat the cut extreme of the stroke after using
Cutter tool. If the stroke angle is very extreme, parts of the stroke
can be visible still.
Cutter Caps
New option to automerge strokes while drawing.
Now Subdivision modifier adds geometry if the stroke is using cyclic.
This new geometry only refers to number of points, but the extremes of
the stroke are not smoothed at all in order to preserve original
extreme points.
New parameter to rotate textures in Dots and Strokes in Texture
modifier. This effect could be also obtained using the new material
texture rotation parameter.
Now the Effects can be linked using Ctrl + L Link operator.
The Google Summer of Code project Editing grease pencil strokes using
curves added a new
submode in edit mode (similar to multi-frame edit) that allows the
transformation of strokes using bézier curves.
Curve edit mode
To enable Bezier mode, use the bezier button in the top bar or press
U key.
Note: all the edit mode operators are supported except the ones
below, which will be added soon: