Blender 4.3: Corrective Releases¶
Blender 4.3.2¶
Released on December 17th 2024, Blender 4.3.2 features 7 bug fixes:
- Blender crashing upon hitting open video editing from splash screen. (#131769)
- Front Faces only creates artifacts with multress modifier. (#131880)
- Grease Pencil 3 Reproject to View operator reprojects strokes to behind the camera. (#131596)
- Moving GP keyframes doesn't update in the viewport. (#131299)
- Set Vertex Colors Disabled in Vertex Paint Mode with Paint Mask Enabled. (#131893)
- The saving in 4.3 is a lot slower then in 4.2. (#131793)
- Unpacking the .blend file resulted in data loss. (#131175)
Blender 4.3.1¶
Released on December 10th 2024, Blender 4.3.1 features 95 bug fixes:
- "Pulled string" visualizer while using Grease Pencil Stabilize stroke can't be turned off in 4.3. (#130813)
- Blender crashes after saving with delay viewport updates enabled. (#130544)
- Blender crashes when loading a scene that contains linked objects with overrides. (#131530)
- Blender Python API gpu.types.buffer Always Returns Float Type Buffer Regardless of Declared Format. (#116551)
- Blender shows a duplicated view of the grease pencil material properties on files with LineArt saved pre 4.3. (#130799)
- Blender workspace switch Crash. (#130606)
- Bug reporting: Install the Cycles debug script. (5e82875e41)
- Build: Make MSIX architecture a template variable. (485e67fb64)
- Can not use keyboard shortcut for bone eyedropper. (#130308)
- Can't select bones in Weight Paint Mode with Grease Pencil in Blender 4.3. (#130748)
- Cannot 'un-isolate' collection when a linked collection is also present. (#130579)
- Clone brush missing from image texture paint. (612852e245)
- Correct error printing error in f03fba614d354c0a3a5d952798803715488679e6. (8e43ecdfe7)
- Crash on enter edit mode. (#130808)
- Crash opening a file when asset shelf is set for non-paint modes. (#130583)
- Crash renaming a modifier in the Outliner and then toggling its "Realtime" / "show_viewport" property. (#130536)
- Crash When Clicking Custom Color Palette in Object/Edit/Pose Modes in 3D View. (#130998)
- Cycles randomly stopping rendering - MetalRT. (#130641)
- Cycles: CPU / GPU difference. (#130389)
- Cycles: Reintroduce noinline keyword for oneAPI device. (#130299)
- Depth option in navigation not considering camera and light type objects. (#120778)
- Dragging on bone transform property won't go below zero. (#131045)
- Error installing extension - Acess is denied,
os.rename(filepath_local_pkg_temp, filepath_local_pkg)
. (#130211) - Error with import of glTF file in Blender 4.3 (missing extern_draco.dll). (#130545)
- Extensions python wheels incompatible with 3.11 error in Blender 4.3 and 4.2.4 LTS (Extensions disabled). (#130561)
- Extensions: fix building packages containing macos universal wheels. (ead4f5a898)
- Extensions: suppress noisy prints for extension wheel filtering. (fc9108ded9)
- Extensions: use replace exists with lexists to check a path can be used. (776b05fd98)
- FBX Normals export issue (IndexToDirect interpreted wrong in Unity). (#123088)
- Fill tool stroke projection incorrect in ortho mode. (#130918)
- Filter Mesh crash when using operator panel. (150b503dd3)
- Fix 3D text styling buttons in edit-mode. (bca32f4d39)
- Fix error enabling extensions with an empty wheel list. (be6a84136d)
- Fix failure to reinstall an extension uninstalling the extension. (8622917874)
- Fix: Mesh Filter undo panel not undoing previous change. (548c85293a)
- Geometry Nodes: Broken selection state inside geometry nodes. (#130369)
- Grease Pencil: In edit mode, the context menu is absent on segment mode. (#130533)
- Grease Pencil: "Boundary -> Edit Lines" setting for fill tool behaves the same as "Strokes". (#130571)
- Grease Pencil: Blender crashes when lock a layer in a Grease Pencil object with Line Art modifier. (#131049)
- Grease Pencil: Build modifier in natural drawing speed does not finish drawing before next key. (#130198)
- Grease Pencil: cannot modify "Grease Pencil Vertex" theme color. (#130992)
- Grease Pencil: Crash when moving vertices. (#131451)
- Grease Pencil: Edit Mode: Selection not working when everything is selected. (#130521)
- Grease Pencil: Fill tool opacity low when freehanding with tablet (only with Wintab API). (#130570)
- Grease Pencil: Grouping channels in the dope sheet crashes Blender. (#130760)
- Grease Pencil: Pin mode between Material and Vertex Color overrides Pin mode in other tools. (#130513)
- Grease Pencil: Running repeat on duplicate and shift keyframe does not work. (#130793)
- Grease Pencil: Running repeat on duplicate and shift keyframe does not work. (#130793)
- Grease Pencil: Sample weight crash. (7256a9dc6b)
- Grease Pencil: Sculpt Mode: Locked layers still create keyframes. (#130792)
- Grease Pencil: Sculpt Smooth Stroke Mode doesn't respect Smooth brush settings. (#130309)
- Grease Pencil: Subdivision modifier need to be disabled/activated to properly show changes in viewport. (#130475)
- Grease Pencil: Tint brush shows wrong color in header. (#130651)
- Grease Pencil: Tint modifier gradient for stroke does not respect alpha channel. (#130569)
- Grease Pencil: Trace Image to Grease Pencil has Holdout areas inverted. (#130271)
- Grease Pencil: Vertex Groups aren't transferred to frames generated with Interpolate Sequence. (#130771)
- Grease Pencil: with Bézier type stroke ignores Offset modifier and origin transformations. (#130691)
- Gradient Brush - Weight Paint Mode Behaviour Change in 4.3. (#130707)
- Grease pencil multiframe does not turn off in object mode. (#131367)
- Grease pencil subdivide icon is not consistent. (#131374)
- Hard Crash when doing Grease Pencil Surface Reproject. (#131107)
- IC keymap: Click drag not invoking sequencer select box tool. (#130944)
- Image editor toolbar brush not work. (#130783)
- Importing/exporting FBX with lights fails on Blender 4.3. (#130705)
- Installer: Windows: Various tweaks and updates to the installer. (197215bc6b)
- Line Art will not update automatically when changing camera unless you move the camera view or change shading mode. (#129389)
- Locked Grease Pencil materials always editable in sculpt mode, no matter layer lock materials settings. (#130725)
- Make license: mention Blender Foundation copyright for the bundle. (68dd7b72b3)
- Make license: Tweak on generated comments. (163620c63c)
- Mirror vertex groups lose their value when bringing a 4.2 Grease Pencil object into 4.3. (#130840)
- MMB to confirm Grease Pencil primitives does not work. (#130739)
- Multiframe Editing not applying Falloff graph while in Grease Pencil Edit Mode. (#130688)
- NLA hotkey K adding value. (#130556)
- Paint mode in Image editor breaks in files saved in older versions of Blender. (#130548)
- Painting face sets does not work with hidden faces. (#130719)
- Quick explode Python error due to removal of EEVEE Legacy API. (#130822)
- Relax Slide Smooth Topology (shift mode) can not Affect Vertex/Edge Along the Mesh Boundary. (#130692)
- Release: Update copyright.txt pointing to new (d4bf19c82d)
- Scrape Multiplane brush is too aggressive. (#130704)
- Sculpt brush hot keys not importing into 4.3 properly. (#130527)
- Sculpt Redo Broken with transfer mode operator. (#130420)
- Sculpt Undo don't revert multi-res modifier, sometimes crashes. (#131478)
- Sculpting on a dense mesh after an undo step in 4.3 is much slower than in 4.2. (#130636)
- Size Sensitivity with Brush Alpha Completely Tanks Performance. (#131139)
- Snap stays enabled. (#130864)
- Snapping to grid disabled when toogle x-ray. (#131215)
- Software crashing instantly on Texture Paint. (#131210)
- Tests Correct hard coded version string in extensions test. (35c53bc3a5)
- The new join system causing Blender to crash. (4.3). (#130732)
- Toolbar tooltips have uncentered vertical padding. (#130478)
- Tools Add cleaner of bpy install folder for wheel. (bcb0488787)
- UI Show File Name on Recent Item Tooltip. (67da1937fb)
- VSE Rendering a scene from the VSE takes double than normal. (#130742)
- Vulkan Crash compiling OpenGL GLSL. (#130555)
- Wavefront OBJ import with vertex normals causes shading artifacts in some duplicate vertex positions. (#130969)