Support for 5 bone chains in the limbs.paw rig type.
New limbs.front_paw and limbs.rear_paw rig subtypes with extra
IK automation designed for front and rear limbs of animals.
The horse metarig updated using the new paw features to represent the
horse anatomy better.
The limbs.super_palm rig can now optionally generate a separate FK
control for every palm bone.
The basic.super_copy rig will now use the widget assigned to the
metarig bone as is, and it's possible to choose which built-in widget
to generate from a list. Human metarigs have better shoulder widgets
Rigify will now create a separate widget collection for each generated
rig, using the WGTS_... naming.
Exporter has a new option, "Use Space Transform", that allows to write
a different axis orientation system that default Blender one, without
actually trying to apply this global transformation to objects. It
seems to allow Unity to better deal with orientations on import
Texture Resolutions - All textured assets with higher original
resolutions now have lower resolutions generated.
This saves memory, speeds up all interactions, and also helps to
render bigger scenes.
Replace asset resolution command in the Selected model panel or in
the Asset bar can be used to swap asset resolution.
The resolution is set before download in import settings and can be changed after downlod from menu.
Model thumbnailer was improved, default lighting and angle now look
much cleaner. Uses a new HDR provided by Mike Radjabov.
HDR asset type
Scene asset type - BlenderKit scenes are templates to finish certain
tasks, or usable as environment setups for your models.
Particle system support inside Model asset type
It's possible to drag-drop particle systems and these will
automatically be transferred on the target mesh. The count of
particles is recalculated according to the target area, so the
particle system looks similar as result.
Drag-drop of a compatible particle system on a mesh.
Upload was refactored
Updating only metadata is now much faster since it happens in the
background thread.
If only the thumbnail is re-uploaded, background blender instance
doesn't start.
New fast metadata editing is possible from the right-click menu in
asset bar.
Snapping was improved and fixed.
Snapping ignores objects that are only drawn as bound boxes or are
part of a particle system(like grass). This is especially useful if
your scene has a lot of boolean modifier objects for purpose of
cutting holes.
Snapping also works on inverted normals objects by always snapping
on the visible side of the mesh.
Snapping works from inside of orthographic cameras
Several improvements have been made to the rating UI, showing ratings
more prominently and allowing users to rate.
An override checkbox was added to the preferences to override the
object hiding hotkeys with object disabling hotkeys. Menu items were
added to the Object->Show/Hide menu for the disable object operators.
Selected objects' collections can now be either isolated or disabled
from both the Collection Manager popup and the Quick View Toggles
Quick View Toggle hotkeys were updated to be more consistent.