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schema_version = "1.0.0"

# Example of manifest file for a Blender extension
# Change the values according to your extension
id = "my_example_extension"
version = "1.0.0"
name = "My Example Extension"
tagline = "This is another extension"
maintainer = "Developer name <[email protected]>"
# Supported types: "add-on", "theme"
type = "add-on"

# # Optional: link to documentation, support, source files, etc
# website = "https://extensions.blender.org/add-ons/my-example-package/"

# # Optional: tag list defined by Blender and server, see:
# # https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/tags.html
# tags = ["Animation", "Sequencer"]

blender_version_min = "4.2.0"
# # Optional: Blender version that the extension does not support, earlier versions are supported.
# # This can be omitted and defined later on the extensions platform if an issue is found.
# blender_version_max = "5.1.0"

# License conforming to https://spdx.org/licenses/ (use "SPDX: prefix)
# https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/licenses.html
license = [
# # Optional: required by some licenses.
# copyright = [
#   "2002-2024 Developer Name",
#   "1998 Company Name",
# ]

# # Optional: list of supported platforms. If omitted, the extension will be available in all operating systems.
# platforms = ["windows-x64", "macos-arm64", "linux-x64"]
# # Other supported platforms: "windows-arm64", "macos-x64"

# # Optional: bundle 3rd party Python modules.
# # https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/python_wheels.html
# wheels = [
#   "./wheels/hexdump-3.3-py3-none-any.whl",
#   "./wheels/jsmin-3.0.1-py3-none-any.whl",
# ]

# # Optional: add-ons can list which resources they will require:
# # * files (for access of any filesystem operations)
# # * network (for internet access)
# # * clipboard (to read and/or write the system clipboard)
# # * camera (to capture photos and videos)
# # * microphone (to capture audio)
# #
# # If using network, remember to also check `bpy.app.online_access`
# # https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/addons.html#internet-access
# #
# # For each permission it is important to also specify the reason why it is required.
# # Keep this a single short sentence without a period (.) at the end.
# # For longer explanations use the documentation or detail page.
# [permissions]
# network = "Need to sync motion-capture data to server"
# files = "Import/export FBX from/to disk"
# clipboard = "Copy and paste bone transforms"

# # Optional: advanced build settings.
# # https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/command_line_arguments.html#command-line-args-extension-build
# [build]
# # These are the default build excluded patterns.
# # You only need to edit them if you want different options.
# paths_exclude_pattern = [
#   "__pycache__/",
#   "/.git/",
#   "/*.zip",
# ]

# This was added automatically when building and must not be included in source manifest files.
platforms = ["windows-x64", "macos-arm64", "linux-x64", "windows-arm64", "macos-x64"]

Required values

Field Description Example
blender_version_min Minimum supported Blender version - use at least 4.2.0. "4.2.0"
id Unique identifier for the extension based on its name. "my_example_extension"
license List of licenses, use SPDX license identifier. "SPDX:GPL-3.0-or-later"
maintainer Maintainer of the extension. "Developer Name <[email protected]>"
name Complete name of the extension. "My Example Extension"
schema_version Internal version of the file format. "1.0.0"
tagline One-line short description - cannot end with punctuation. "This is another extension"
type "add-on", "theme". "add-on"
version Version of the extension - must follow semantic versioning. "1.0.0"

Optional values

Field Description Example
blender_version_max Blender version that the extension does not support, earlier versions are supported. "5.1.0"
website Website for the extension. "https://extensions.blender.org/add-ons/my-example-extension/"
copyright Some licenses require a copyright, copyrights must be "Year Name" or "Year-Year Name". ["2002-2024 Developer Name", "1998 Company Name"]
tags List of tags. See the list of available tags. ["Animation", "Sequencer"]
platforms List of supported platforms. If ommitted, the extension will be available in all operating systems. The available options are ["windows-x64", "windows-arm64", "macos-x64", "macos-arm64", "linux-x64"] ["windows-amd64"]
wheels List of relative file-paths Python Wheels. ["./wheels/jsmin-3.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"]
permissions Add-ons can list which resources they require. The available options are: files, network, clipboard, camera, microphone. Each permission should be followed by an explanation (short single-sentence with no end punctuation). network = "Need to sync motion-capture data to server"


All the values present in the manifest file must be filled (i.e., cannot be empty, nor text "", nor list []).
If you don't want to set one of the optional values just exclude it from the manifest altogether.

Build generated


When building with blender -c extension build --split-platforms a build.generated section is added with platform specific values.


  • Initial version.