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SAINT Workshops 2003: Orlando, Florida, USA
- 2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT 2003), 27-31 January 2003 - Orlando, FL, USA, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1873-7
Satellite Internet: Technology, Applications and Operations in Asia Pacific
Satellite Internet Activities in Asia Pacific
- Jun Takei, Jun Murai:
Satellite Communication in the Internet: Its history and the Technology. 3-7 - Suguru Yamaguchi, Tomomitsu Baba, Jun Murai:
Steps beyond International Collaborations: our challenges in Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives. 8-13 - Yasuo Tsuchimoto, Shoko Mikawa, Keiko Okawa:
The deployment of UDL network on satellite circuit with training workshop. 14-17
Satellite Internet Technologies
- Haruhito Watanabe, Achmad Husni Thamrin:
Dynamic Bandwidth Configuration System for Satellite Internet. 18-21 - Seow S. Lim, Yoke K. Pang, H. S. Cheng, Yeow M. Loh:
An ATM Network Test Bench over a C-Band Satellite System. 22-26 - Achmad Husni Thamrin, Hidetaka Izumiyama, Hiroyuki Kusumoto:
PIM-SM Configuration and Scalability on Satellite Unidirectional Links. 27-30
Operating Satellite Internet Environments
- Hidetaka Izumiyama, Hiroyuki Kusumoto:
Implementation and Operation of a Satellite-based Broadcast IP Network. 31-34 - Kotaro Kataoka
, Haruhito Watanabe, Jun Murai:
Data Link Monitoring on the Satellite Based Network in the Internet. 35-40 - Edwin D. Vinas, Carla P. Quiblat, Carlo Manuel R. Camus, Rene C. Mendoza, Denis F. Villorente, Tomomitsu Baba:
Characterization, Analysis, and Visualization of Traffic in the Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3) Satellite-based Research Network Test Bed. 41-45
Applications of Satellite Internet
- Patcharee Basu, Kanchana Kanchanasut:
A Multicast Push Caching System over a UDLR Satellite Link. 46-49 - Mikiyo Nishida, Keiko Okawa, Jun Murai:
The Design and Implementation of Data Dissemination Application Using Multicast over a Satellite Network. 50-55 - Sureswaran Ramadass, Rahmat Budiarto
, V. Siva:
Satellite Bandwidth Requirements for an MCS Based Multimedia Conference. 56-59 - Shoko Mikawa, Keiko Okawa, Jun Murai:
Establishment of a lecture environment using Internet technology via satellite communication in Asian countries. 60-66
Service Oriented Computing: Models, Architectures and Applications
Interaction and Collaboration of Services (I)
- Thomas Risse, Predrag Knezevic:
Data Storage Requirements for the Service Oriented Computing. 67-72 - Mark James Carman
, Luciano Serafini:
Planning For Web Services the Hard Way. 73-77 - Enzo Colombo, Chiara Francalanci:
Formalizing Governance in Virtual Districts. 78-84
Interaction and Collaboration of Services (II)
- Ali Shaikh Ali, Omer F. Rana
, Rashid J. Al-Ali, David W. Walker
UDDIe: An Extended Registry for Web Service. 85-89 - Justin O'Sullivan, David Edmond:
When and where is a service? Investigating temporal and locative service properties. 90-94 - Valeria De Antonellis, Michele Melchiori, Pierluigi Plebani
An approach to Web Service compatibility in cooperative processe. 95-100 - Andreas Wombacher, Bendick Mahleko:
Ad-Hoc Business Processes in Web Services. 101-105
Service Oriented Architectures, Frameworks and Models
- Maurizio Marchese
Service oriented architectures for supporting environments in eGovernment applications. 106-110 - Pierre Fernand Tiako:
Web-Services Modeling for E-Marketplace. 111-115 - Randall Perrey, Mark Lycett
Service-Oriented Architecture. 116-119 - Giacomo Piccinelli, Christian Zirpins, Winfried Lamersdorf:
The FRESCO Framework: An Overview. 120-126
New Trends and Conditions of E-business
- Kazuaki Naruse:
The survey of the mobile Internet, usage and awareness, study for m-commerce. 127-130 - Malgorzata Galuszewska, Jean-Michel Sahut:
Intelligent Agent Stake for E-Commerce. 131-135
E-business Regulations/User Protection and Confidence
- Ikuo Takahashi:
A Comparative Study of Personal Data Protection Bill in Japan with UK Data Protection Act 1998. 136-138 - Shiro Uesugi:
An Insight for Consequences of E-Business: Possible Case of Cross Border Trading without Using Hard Currency. 139-144
IPv6 and Applications
IPv6 Testbed
- Tim Chown, Jordi Palet:
Results and plans of the IPv6 test-bed initiatives within the European Commission IST Programme. 145-148 - Tim Chown:
IPv6 Initiatives Within the European National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). 149-152 - Chongrong Li, Xing Li, Jianping Wu, Yue You, Maoke Chen:
IPv6 Development in China. 153-156 - Nen-Fu Huang, Han-Chieh Chao
, Reen-Cheng Wang, Whai-En Chen, Tzu-Fang Sheu:
The Ipv6 Deployment and Projects in Taiwan. 157-160 - Kazumasa Kobayashi, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Hisayoshi Hayashi, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Satoshi Katsuno, Yukiji Mikamo, Akihiko Machizawa, Hiroshi Esaki:
JGN IPv6 Network. 161-166 - Osamu Nakamura, Yuji Sekiya
, Suguru Yamaguchi, Noriyuki Shigechika, Naoto Morishima:
ShowNet on INTEROP Tokyo 2002. 167-171 - Hiroshi Esaki, Akira Kato, Jun Murai:
R&D Activities and Testbed Operatio in WIDE Project. 172-177
- Keisuke Uehara, Hideki Sunahara, Jun Murai:
Problems and Tentative solutions in InternetCAR testing with IPv6. 178-183 - Toyokazu Akiyama, Shinji Shimojo
, Shojiro Nishio, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Steven Peltier, Thomas Hutton, Fang-Pang Lin:
Telecontrol of Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope over Global IPv6 Network. 184-187 - Tsuyoshi Hisamatsu, Akimichi Ogawa, Osamu Nakamura, Jun Murai, Kazunori Sugiura:
Software compatibility and human interface for DV over IP. 188-191 - Kazunori Sugiura, Akimichi Ogawa, Osamu Nakamura, Jun Murai:
Resource friendly platform requirements for portable computers using broadband applications. 192-195 - Christos Bouras, Apostolos Gkamas
, Kostas Stamos
From IPv4 to IPv6: The Case of OpenH323 Library. 196-199 - Juan Quemada
, Tomás de Miguel, Eva M. Castro
, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas
, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Elena Apolinario, Javier Sedano, María José Perea:
Isabel Distribution of the Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2002. 200-203
IPv6 Technical Issues
- Arifumi Matsumoto, Kenji Fujikawa, Yasuo Okabe, Fumio Teraoka, Mitsunobu Kunishi, Masataka Ohta, Masahiro Ishiyama:
Multihoming Support based on Mobile Node Protocol LIN6. 204-207 - Masahiro Ishiyama, Michimune Kohno, Mitsunobu Kunishi, Fumio Teraoka:
A Mobility Protocol Framework to Support Multiple Namespaces. 208-213 - Shoichi Sakane, Nobuo Okabe, Kenichi Kamada, Hiroshi Esaki:
Applying Kerberos to the Communication Environment for Information Appliances. 214-217 - Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino:
Implementing IPv6: experiences at KAME project. 218-221 - Dorgham Sisalem, Jens Fiedler, Reinhard Ruppelt:
SIP and IPv6: Why and How? 222-225 - Satoshi Uda, Nobuo Ogashiwa, Yojiro Uo, Yoichi Shinoda:
IPv6 support on MPLS networks: Experiences with 6PE approach. 226-231 - Yasuhiro Ohara, Manav Bhatia, Osamu Nakamura, Jun Murai:
Route Flapping Effects on OSPF. 232-237 - Yuji Imai, Hiro Kishimoto, Myung-Ki Shin, Young Han Kim:
XCAST6: explicit Multicast on IPv6. 238-243 - Hitoshi Asaeda
, Shinsuke Suzuki:
MLDv2 Protocol Design, Implementation and Evaluation for Source-Specific Multicast over IPv6. 244-249 - Masafumi Oe, Youki Kadobayashi, Suguru Yamaguchi:
An implementation of a hierarchical IP traceback architecture. 250-253 - Glenn Mansfield Keeni, Debasish Chakraborty, Kazuhide Koide, Norio Shiratori:
SNMP in the IPv6 context. 254-257 - Takao Nakayama, Yutaka Nakamura, Hideki Sunahara:
A WWW Server Benchmark System in IPv6 Environment. 258-261 - Masatoshi Kakiuchi, Naoto Morishima, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, Hideki Sunahara:
KUPF: 2-Phase Selection Model of Classification Records. 262-265 - Yuichiro Hei, Ayumu Kubota, Takao Hotta, Katsuyuki Yamazaki:
Open 6to4 Relay Router Operation. 266-272
Al Applications of the Internet
- Kenichi Yoshida, Kazuo Hashimoto:
AI application of the Internet - Backgrounds and Issues. 273-275 - Kumi Itai, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi:
Information Extraction from HTML Pages and its Integration. 276-281 - Hannes Wettig, Jussi Lahtinen, Tuomas Lepola, Petri Myllymäki, Henry Tirri:
Bayesian Analysis of Online Newspaper Log Data. 282-287 - Shusaku Tsumoto:
Web based medical decision support system: application of internet to telemedicine. 288-293 - Osamu Akashi, Toshio Hirotsu, Koji Sato, Kenichi Kourai
, Mitsuro Maruyama, Toshiharu Sugawara
Agents Support for Flexible Inter-AS Policy Control. 294-298 - Kazunori Matsumoto, Shigeki Muramatsu, Naomi Inoue, Hideki Mori:
Degradation Detection of Wireless IP Links Based on Local Stationary Binomial Distribution Model. 299-308
Emergency and Lifeline Support of the Internet
Paper Presentations
- Kimberly S. King, Scott O. Bradner:
Internet Emergency Preparedness in the IETF. 309-312 - Masaya Nakayama, Hiroyuki Ohno:
Current Status of IAA (I Am Alive) system and IAA Alliance. 313-316 - Yoshitaka Shibata, Daisuke Nakamura, Noriki Uchida, Kazuo Takahata:
Residents oriented Disaster Information Network . 317-322 - Takahiro Kikuchi, Masaaki Noro, Hideki Sunahara, Shinji Shimojo
Lifeline Support of the Internet. 323-330
Security and Assurance in Ad hoc Networks
Authentication and Applications I
- Sampo Sovio, N. Asokan
, Kaisa Nyberg:
Defining Authorization Domains Using Virtual Devices. 331-336 - Matei Ciobanu Morogan, Sead Muftic:
Certificate Management in Ad Hoc Networks. 337-341
Authentication and Applications II
- Aram Khalili, Jonathan Katz, William A. Arbaugh:
Toward Secure Key Distribution in Truly Ad-Hoc Networks. 342-346 - Shardul Gokhale, Partha Dasgupta:
Distributed Authentication for Peer-to-Peer Networks. 347-353 - Sankar Kaliaperumal:
Securing Authentication and Privacy in Ad hoc Partitioned Networks. 354-357
Industry Panel. Solutions for Wireless Security
- Ronda R. Henning:
Vulnerability Assessment in Wireless Network. 358-362 - G. Suarez:
Challenges Affecting a Defense-in-Depth Security Architected Network by Allowing Operations of Wireless Access Points (WAPs. 363-367
Intrusion Protection and Applications
- Paul Brutch, Calvin Ko:
Challenges in Intrusion Detection for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. 368-373 - Colin Van Dyke, Çetin Kaya Koç
On Ubiquitous Network Security and Anomaly Detection. 374-378 - Panagiotis Papadimitratos
, Zygmunt J. Haas:
Secure Link State Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 379-383 - Lingxuan Hu, David Evans
Secure Aggregation for Wireless Network. 384-394
Metadata Applications for the Next Generation Internet
Metadata and Related Technologies
- Ray S. Atarashi, Junichi Kishigami, Shigeo Sugimoto:
Metadata and new challenges. 395-398
Metadata Applications
- Nancy Virgil Morgan:
An Overview of Metadata for E-Learning, focusing on the Gateway to Educational Materials and activities of the Dublin Core Education Working Group. 399 - Yoichi Ishibashi, Shigehiko Watabe, Manabu Ito, Takuyo Kogure, Haruo Hiki, Yoshikazu Tanno, Masaru Kawabata, Hidetoshi Mishima, Chih-Chang Hsu, Fumio Hasegawa:
A Video Metadata Application and Its Verification Test Using MPEG-7 Description and Watermarked Content ID. 400-406

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