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24. Mensch und Computer 2024: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Alexander Maedche, Michael Beigl
, Kathrin Gerling, Sven Mayer:
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024, MuC 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1-4, 2024. ACM 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-0998-2
Session 1: Physiological Sensing and Virtual Reality
- Tobias Wagner
, Mark Colley
, Daniel Breckel
, Michael Kösel
, Enrico Rukzio
UnitEye: Introducing a User-Friendly Plugin to Democratize Eye Tracking Technology in Unity Environments. 1-10 - Sophie Kergaßner
, Nina Doerr
, Markus Wieland
, Martin Fuchs
, Michael Sedlmair
HiveFive360: Extending the VR Gaze Guidance Technique HiveFive to Highlight Out-Of-FOV Targets. 11-20 - Lisa Grabinger
, Jürgen Horst Mottok
Statistical Analysis of Eye Movement Data for Beginners. 21-28 - Xingyu Long
, Sven Mayer
, Francesco Chiossi
Multimodal Detection of External and Internal Attention in Virtual Reality using EEG and Eye Tracking Features. 29-43 - Martin Kocur
, Thomas Noack
, Valentin Schwind
, Johanna Bogon
, Niels Henze
Physiological and Perceptual Effects of Avatars' Muscularity while Rowing in Virtual Reality. 44-52
Session 2: Health and Well-being
- Jonas Carl Christian Kamps
, Max V. Birk
, Chantal Vriens
, Günter Wallner
, Regina Bernhaupt
Do You Dare to Ask? Influence of Question Recipient and Information Medium on Prompting Preparatory Questions for MR Imaging. 53-66 - Jessica Sehrt
, Ebony Mbamara
, Mustafa Rafati
, Valentin Schwind
From Skepticism to Acceptance: On the Dynamics of Elderly Engagement with Mixed Reality. 67-82 - Ambika Shahu
, Fabian Pechstein
, Florian Michahelles
Beyond Screen Time: Exploring Smartwatch Interventions for Digital Well-Being. 83-98 - Anastasiya Zakreuskaya
, Daniel Buschek
, Wendy E. Mackay
, Ignacio Avellino
, Graham Dove
, Bjoern M. Eskofier
From Text to Treatment: How Medical Discharge Letters Are Used as a Key Artifact for Managing Patient Care. 99-110 - Theresa Jung-Krenzer
, Jeanine Kirchner-Krath
, Celina Retz
, Maximilian Altmeyer
Leaf your Chair Behind - Calm Persuasion for Frequent Sitting Breaks Among Office-Workers. 111-128
Session 3: Understanding Experiential Qualities and User Needs
- Kevin Schott
, Andrea Papenmeier
, Daniel Hienert
, Dagmar Kern
What Did I Say Again? Relating User Needs to Search Outcomes in Conversational Commerce. 129-139 - Oliver Suchanek
, Janis Lena Meissner
, Robin Angelini
, Katta Spiel
From Participation to Solidarity: A Case Study on Access of Maker Spaces from Deaf and Hearing Perspectives: Von Partizipation zu Solidarität: Eine Fallstudie zur Zugänglichkeit von Makerspaces aus Gehörloser und Hörender Perspektive. 140-155 - Zelun Tony Zhang
, Felicitas Buchner
, Yuanting Liu
, Andreas Butz
You Can Only Verify When You Know the Answer: Feature-Based Explanations Reduce Overreliance on AI for Easy Decisions, but Not for Hard Ones. 156-170 - Annika Sabrina Schulz
, Yara Youssef
, Frank Beruscha
, Eva Hornecker
User Perceptions and Experiences with Smart Homes - The Smart Home as an Obedient Guard Dog, Disinterested Cat, Ambitious Octopus or Busy Beehive. 171-183 - Dominique Winter
, Gunnar Stevens
What Makes for a Good UX Professional?: Development of a UX Professional Competence Model. 184-195
Session 4: Usable, Mobile and Tangible Interaction
- Roman Beier
, Florian Wolling
, Eva Hornecker
, Florian Michahelles
TipTopTyping: A Thumb-to-Finger Text Input Method and Character Layout Optimized for Mobile Spatial Computing. 196-206 - Christoph Wührl
, Andreas Schmid
, Sabrina Hößl
, Raphael Wimmer
Comparing the Effectiveness and Ergonomics of Smartphone-Based Gamepads. 207-218 - Esra Gümüs
, Jan Christoph Gutzmann
, Sebastian Thomas Büttner
, Michael Prilla
The Impact of Smart-glass-based Video Tutorials on Knowledge Transfer in Practice. 219-230 - Thomas Weber
, Sven Mayer
Usability and Adoption of Graphical Tools for Data-Driven Development. 231-241 - Martina Emmert
, Nicole Schönwerth
, Andreas Schmid
, Christian Wolff
, Raphael Wimmer
I've Got the Data in My Pocket! - Exploring Interaction Techniques with Everyday Objects for Cross-Device Data Transfer. 242-255
Session 5: Automated Futures
- Martina Schuß
, Tatjana Röhr
, Andreas Riener
'Baymax' or 'RoboCop'? Exploring Different Feminine Avatar Personalities for Shared Automated Vehicles. 256-268 - Delong Du
, Apostolos K. Vavouris
, Omid Veisi
, Lu Jin
, Gunnar Stevens
, Lina Stankovic
, Vladimir Stankovic
, Alexander Boden
Time and Money Matters for Sustainability: Insights on User Preferences on Renewable Energy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. 269-278 - Annika Stampf
, Mark Colley
Deriving Non-Driving-Related Activities in Highly Automated Driving via an Autoethnographic Approach by Traveling Canada in a Recreational Vehicle. 279-287 - Carina Manger
, Kathrin Albrecht
, Andreas Riener
Explanation Needs in Automated Driving: Insights from German Driving Education and Vehicle Acquisition. 288-298 - Lesley-Ann Mathis
, Carla Bernadette Bubeck
, Matthias Peissner
When to Approach the User: Investigating Suitable Context Factors for Proactive Voice Assistance in Automated Cars. 299-309
Session 6: Immersive Realities
- Leonie Disch
, Sebastian Überreiter
, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Beyond Textbooks: A Study on Supporting Learning of Molecule Naming in a Virtual Reality Environment. 310-322 - Heiko Drewes
, Yara Fanger
, Sven Mayer
Hands-free Selection in Scroll Lists for AR Devices. 323-330 - André Helgert
, Carolin Straßmann
, Sabrina Cornelia Eimler
Conceptualizing and Designing a Virtual Reality Authoring Tool for Human-Robot Interaction Studies - Learnings and Guidance from Expert Interviews. 331-341 - Wan Abdul Aliim Wanali
, Markus Dresel
, Nicole Jochems
Human-Animal Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality: The Role of Social Presence and Positive Effects. 342-359 - Aliya Andrich
, Florian Weidner
, Wolfgang Broll
Tick-tock: Revisiting the Influence of Zeitgebers and Cognitive Load on Time Judgments during and after VR Immersion. 360-369
Short Paper
- Patrizia Ring
, Julius Tietenberg
, Maic Masuch
Validation of a German Version of the Collision Anxiety Questionnaire. 370-374 - Katharina Simbeck
, Yannick Kalff
Understanding how Computers Learn: AI Literacy for Elementary School Learners. 375-380 - Jan Christoph Gutzmann
, Gian Luca Dossena
, Michael Prilla
Augmented reality glasses for the crafts sector - acceptance factors for tasks with highly variable workspaces. 381-385 - Marilena Wilhelm
, Eva Schwaetzer
, Tabea Otten
, Theresa Elfriede Isa Zobel
, Kinga Schumacher
Troubleshooting Conversations: Exploring Chatbot Repair Strategies. 386-391 - Isabell Seemann
, Stephan Huber
Do We Need to Ask Our Users? Probing the Efficacy of User Behavior Analytics. 392-398 - Khaled Kassem
, Alia Saad
, Max Pascher
, Martin Schett
, Florian Michahelles
Push Me: Evaluating Usability and User Experience in Nudge-based Human-Robot Interaction through Embedded Force and Torque Sensors. 399-407 - Solveig Rabsahl
, Fabian Beck
A Multi-layer Event Visualization for Exploring User Search Patterns in Literature Discovery with PUREsuggest. 408-412 - Alexander Rossner
, Marie Cassel
, Martin Huschens
Do Users Really Care? Evaluating the User Perception of Disclosing AI-Generated Content on Credibility in (Sports) Journalism. 413-418 - Christian Meske
, Erdi Ünal
Investigating the Impact of Control in AI-Assisted Decision-Making - An Experimental Study. 419-423 - Anita Susann Krüger
, Nadine Dittert
, Ulrike Lucke
Developing a hybrid Escape Game to enhance Digital Sovereignty across all ages: Entwicklung eines hybriden Escape Games zur altersübergreifenden Förderung digitaler Souveränität. 424-431 - Kirsten Greiner
, Elias Müller
, Alexander Mädche
Designing a Smartwatch-based Micro-Intervention to Support Students Emotion Regulation. 432-436 - Christopher Katins
, Katja Chen
, Thorben Grodon
, Thomas Kosch
Ground Control: Leveraging the User's Spatial Position as an Input Modality in an Embodied Immersive Analysis Use Case. 437-441 - Nicolás Ruiz
, Gabriela Molina León
, Hendrik Heuer
Design Frictions on Social Media: Balancing Reduced Mindless Scrolling and User Satisfaction. 442-447 - Paul Neumann
, Sebastian Thomas Büttner
, Luca Hernández Acosta
, Delphine Reinhardt
, Michael Prilla
"I Don't Want Parents to Watch My Lessons" - Privacy Trade-offs in the Use of Telepresence Robots in Schools for Children with Long-term Illnesses. 448-454 - Christina Haspel
, Michael Burmester
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Large Enterprises: Worlds Apart?: An Initial Exploration of the Differences in Usability and UX Interests, Needs, Knowledge and Implementation. 455-460 - Mathias Trefzger, Michael Raschke, Michael Fath, Jochen Eckart:
What does it Take to Test a Bicycle Simulator for Realism? A Discussion of the Challenges and Possible Evaluation Methods. 461-465 - Diane Linke
, Claudia Müller-Birn
Identifying Characteristics of Reflection Triggers in Data Science Ethics Education. 466-473 - Antonia Schäfer
, Mark Jonathan Freyer
"Is There Anything Else...?" Role-Play Exploration To Use Response Times As A Relationship-Building Effect With Voice Assistants. 474-478 - Sebastian Thomas Büttner
, Maral Goudarzi
, Michael Prilla
Why does the robot only select men? How women and men perceive autonomous social robots that have a gender bias. 479-484 - Marius Schenkluhn
, Thimo Schulz
, Christof Weinhardt
Xperisight: Parallelizing Extended Reality Studies Without Losing Control. 485-490 - Tim Schluchter
, Nimra Ahmed
, Elaine M. Huang
"It Actually Affected My Relationship": A Qualitative Analysis of Affordances and Attitudes Towards Mental Health Content on TikTok. 491-507 - Mirjam Landowski
, Jana-Sophie Effert
, Franziska Günther
, Markus Tebart
, Frauke Mörike
Beyond Hallway Chats ? Negotiating Content Awareness in Hybrid Work Practices. 508-513 - Franziska Günther
, Frauke Mörike
Knocking On Office Doors. 514-519 - David Schwarz
, Alessandra Zarcone
, Florian Laquai
Talk to your Cobot: faster and more efficient error-handling in a robotic system with a multi-modal Conversational Agent. 520-532 - Jan Schmalfuß-Schwarz
, David Gollasch
, Christin Engel
, Meinhardt Branig
, Gerhard Weber
Customized Wake-Word Integration in ANC-Enabled Headphones: Enhancing Assistive Technology for Noise-Sensitive Employees in Office. 533-537 - Thilo Hemmie
, Daniel Wessel
, Moreen Heine
Overcoming the prevention dilemma ? Improving the accessibility of information on support services for families with a digital information platform. 538-543 - Julia Hermann
, Aiden Danny Mäder
, Aysegül Dogangün
Nachhaltigkeit gestalten: Aktivierung der Generation Z für ökologisches Engagement durch Persuasive Computing. 544-554 - Stefan Resch
, Rohan Brijesh Tiwari
, Heer Rakeshkumar Vankawala
, Priya Singh
, Mustafa Rafati
, Valentin Schwind
, Diana Völz
, Daniel Sánchez Morillo
The Impact of Visual Feedback and Avatar Presence on Balance in Virtual Reality. 555-559 - Rasita Vinay
, Nora Camilla Tommila
, Mathias Schlögl
, Stefan Klöppel
, Nikola Biller-Andorno
, Tobias Kowatsch
GRACE: Towards an Embodied Voice Assistant for Improving Quality of Life by Leveraging Elements of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy. 560-565 - Philipp Spitzer
, Sebastian Celis
, Dominik Martin
, Niklas Kühl
, Gerhard Satzger
Looking Through the Deep Glasses: How Large Language Models Enhance Explainability of Deep Learning Models. 566-570 - Philipp Spitzer
, Marc Goutier
, Niklas Kühl
, Gerhard Satzger
(X)AI as a Teacher: Learning with Explainable Artificial Intelligence. 571-576 - Lukas Panzer
, Kuno Kurzhals
, Fabian Beck
MoViQuotes: Creating Personalized Visual Quotes Capturing the Moods and Vibes of a Movie. 577-581 - Anna Chen
, Sabrina Burtscher
, Kathrin Gerling
"I may only be able to sit through 30 minutes": Gaming Sickness and Its Impact on Players' Experiences With Games. 582-587 - Isabel Höppchen
, Stefan Tino Kulnik
, Bernhard Reich
, Josef Niebauer
, Jan D. Smeddinck
, Alexander Meschtscherjakov
, Daniela Wurhofer
Establishing Foundations on Both Sides of the Bridge: Exploring Contextual Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Uptake to Inform Digital Health Technology Design. 588-593 - Lena Marcella Nischwitz
, Josef Haupt
, Aurora-Zoe Weigelt
, Lewis L. Chuang
Cute or Not: Validating Lorenz's Kindchenschema With Text-To-Image Generation. 594-598 - Thimo Schulz
, Shi Liu
, Alexander Mädche
, Christof Weinhardt
Enhancing AI Education for Business Students through Extended Reality: An Exploratory Study. 599-604 - Benjamin Lukas Schnitzer
, Polona Caserman
, Oliver Korn
Shaken, not stirred: Effects of Minimal Rotational Motion Cues on Cybersickness in a VR Flying Experience. 605-610 - Selina Behrens
, Martin Kocur
Investigating the Perceived Abilities of Popular Game Characters' Clothes. 611-616 - Sophia Maier
, Sebastian Oberdörfer
, Marc Erich Latoschik
Ballroom Dance Training with Motion Capture and Virtual Reality. 617-621 - Jennifer Klütsch
, Luise Haehn
, Sabine Janina Schlittmeier
"Who owns the city?" - Focus groups on barriers to current citizen participation and the design of digital participation formats: "Wem gehört die Stadt?" - Fokusgruppen zu Hürden aktueller Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Gestaltung digitaler Beteiligungsformate. 622-628 - Elisabeth Mayer
, Francesco Chiossi
, Sven Mayer
Crossing Mixed Realities: A Review for Transitional Interfaces Design. 629-634 - Adelka Niels
, Jutta Fortmann
, Eileen Trageiser
Key persons in the selection and implementation of UX processes for the development of digital products: Schlüsselpersonen bei der Auswahl und Implementierung von UX-Prozessen zur Entwicklung digitaler Produkte. 635-639 - Auriol Degbelo
, Benno Schmidt
, Johnni Vuong
, Christin Henzen
, Franziska Zander
, Sarah Lechler
, Bernadette Lier
Search User Interaction in Multi-Theme Map-based Applications: A Preliminary Assessment. 640-645 - Christof Wolf-Brenner
, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
, Gert Breitfuss
How Do Professionals in SMEs Engage With AI and Regulation? An Interview Study in Austria. 646-650 - Philipp Renner
, Johanna Gleichauf
, Sven Winkelmann
Non-Contact In-Car Monitoring of Heart Rate: Evaluating the Eulerian Video Magnification Algorithm in a Driving Simulator Study. 651-654 - Natalie Victoria Grant
, Alexander Bejan
, Christophe Kunze
, Heinrich Burkhardt
Can AI-supported Systems Help with Aftercare Planning? Opportunities and Challenges from a Clinical Perspective. 655-659 - Lea Wöbbekind
, Thomas Mandl
Exploring the Understanding of Semantic Differentials to Measure User Experience with Children and Adolescents - First Findings and Recommendations for UX Testing. 660-664 - Paula Hofmann
, Alexa Brand
, Eva Späthe
, Sebastian Lins
, Ali Sunyaev
AI-based Tools in Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of University Guidelines. 665-673 - Davinny Sou
, Debs Stebler
, Marinja Principe
, Tobias Kowatsch
, Marcia Nißen
Please CyMe: Towards Enhancing Menstrual Health Awareness through Customization and Personalized Visualization in a Menstrual Health App. 674-683 - Ann-Kathrin Kubullek
, Nadire Kumaç
, Aysegül Dogangün
Understanding the Adoption of ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Comparative Study with Insights from STEM and Business Students. 684-689 - Moritz Maleck
, Tom Gross
CoLoTiMa: A Cognitive-Load Based Time Management Tool. 690-694

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