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KES 2006: Bournemouth, UK
- Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain:
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 10th International Conference, KES 2006, Bournemouth, UK, October 9-11, 2006, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4251, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-46535-9
Generic Intelligent Systems
Artificial Neural Networks and Connectionists Systems
- Sheng-Chai Chi, Chih Chieh Yang:
Integration of Ant Colony SOM and K-Means for Clustering Analysis. 1-8 - Dimitrios A. Karras
An Improved Text Categorization Methodology Based on Second and Third Order Probabilistic Feature Extraction and Neural Network Classifiers. 9-20 - Limin Wang, Yanchun Liang, Xiaohu Shi, Ming Li, Xuming Han:
An Improved OIF Elman Neural Network and Its Applications to Stock Market. 21-28
Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Systems
- Min Seok Jie, Eun Jong Mo, Gyo-Young Hong, Kang Woong Lee:
Fuzzy Logic Controller for Turbojet Engine of Unmanned Aircraft. 29-36 - Bilge Bilgen
, Irem Ozkarahan:
Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach to Multi-mode Distribution Planning Problem. 37-45 - Amol Y. Deshmukh, Preeti R. Bajaj, Avinash G. Keskar
Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Controllers-Approach and Constraints. 46-51 - Zhong-Xian Wang, Jueng-je Yang, Tae-Chon Ahn:
The Design of Self-tuning Strategy of Genetically Optimized Fuzzy-PI Controller for HVDC System. 52-59
Evolutionary Computation
- Byounghak Yang:
A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem Using Local Searches. 60-67 - Eun Sung Jung, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Use of Cluster Validity in Designing Adaptive Gabor Wavelet Based Face Recognition. 68-77 - Eun Sung Jung, Soon Woong Lee, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Self-adaptive Classifier Fusion for Expression-Insensitive Face Recognition. 78-85 - Zong Woo Geem:
Improved Harmony Search from Ensemble of Music Players. 86-93 - Aytekin Bagis:
Performance Comparison of Genetic and Tabu Search Algorithms for System Identification. 94-101 - Robert Ross, Richard Hall:
Towards Self-configuring Evolvable FPGA Using Feedback Cross-Checking. 102-109 - SeongHoon Lee, Donghee Shim, Dongyoung Cho:
A Self-adjusting Load Sharing Mechanism Including an Improved Response Time Using Evolutionary Information. 110-121 - Sang-Moon Soak, Sang-Wook Lee, Nitaigour-Premchand Mahalik, Byung-Ha Ahn:
A New Memetic Algorithm Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. 122-129 - Sang-Wook Lee, Sang-Moon Soak, Nitaigour-Premchand Mahalik, Byung-Ha Ahn, Moon-Gu Jeon:
Mathematical and Empirical Analysis of the Real World Tournament Selection. 130-137 - Serdar Kucuk, Zafer Bingul
Link Mass Optimization of Serial Robot Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithm. 138-144
Machine Learning and Classical AI
- Honghai Feng, Baoyan Liu, Liyun He, Bingru Yang, Yumei Chen, Zhao Shuo:
An Algorithm for Eliminating the Inconsistencies Caused During Discretization. 145-152 - Zhonghua Li, Hongzhou Tan:
A Combinational Clustering Method Based on Artificial Immune System and Support Vector Machine. 153-162 - Kyung-Yong Jung:
User Preference Through Learning User Profile for Ubiquitous Recommendation Systems. 163-170 - Yong Mao, Zheng Xia
, Daoying Pi, Xiaobo Zhou, Youxian Sun, Stephen T. C. Wong:
Automated Recognition of Cellular Phenotypes by Support Vector Machines with Feature Reduction. 171-178 - Ming-Yuan Cho, Tsair-Fwu Lee, Shih-Wei Gau, Ching-Nan Shih:
Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks with Clonal Selection Algorithms Optimization. 179-186 - Chang-Hwan Lee:
A Semi-naive Bayesian Learning Method for Utilizing Unlabeled Data. 187-194 - Filip Karel:
Quantitative and Ordinal Association Rules Mining (QAR Mining). 195-202 - Jungyeop Kim, Yunhee Kang, Sungeon Hong, Soohong Park:
Extraction of Spatial Rules Using a Decision Tree Method: A Case Study in Urban Growth Modeling. 203-211 - Jiuyong Li
, Jason Jones:
Classification Using Multiple and Negative Target Rules. 212-219
Agent Systems
- Leo Bi, Richard Hall:
Coherent Formation for Agents Using Flocking with Cellular Automata. 220-227 - John K. Debenham, Simeon J. Simoff
Managing Emergent Processes. 228-235 - Gordan Jezic, Mario Kusek, Vjekoslav Sinkovic:
Teamwork Coordination in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Networks. 236-243 - In-Cheol Kim:
Real-Time Search Algorithms for Exploration and Mapping. 244-251 - Hidehiko Yamamoto, Jaber E. Abu Qudeiri, Mohamed Anouar Jamali:
Real-Time Control of Decentralized Autonomous Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Using Memory and Oblivion. 252-259 - Sungdoke Lee, Dongsoo Han
, Sanggil Kang:
Adaptive QoS Control Mechanism in Flexible Videoconference System. 260-267 - Adriana Carniello Biancho, Andreia Carniello de Aquino, Maurício Gonçalves Vieira Ferreira, José Demísio Simões da Silva, Luciana S. Cardoso:
Multi-agent Architecture for Automating Satellite Control Operations Planning and Execution. 268-275 - Sang Tae Kim, KeeHyun Park, Hyun Deok Kim:
Web-Based Agent System for Interworking Between Wired Network Devices and Mobile Devices. 276-283 - Dragan Jevtic, Marijan Kunstic, Stjepan Matijasevic:
Load Protection Model Based on Intelligent Agent Regulation. 284-291 - Min Jung Ko, Yong Kyu Lee:
Reserve Price Recommendation by Similarity-Based Time Series Analysis for Internet Auction Systems. 292-299 - Pao-Hua Chou, Kuang-Ku Chen, Menq-Jiun Wu:
Use of an Intelligent Agent for an E-Commerce Bargaining System. 300-309 - Kyung-Yong Jung:
Automatic Classification for Grouping Designs in Fashion Design Recommendation Agent System. 310-317 - Krunoslav Trzec, Ignac Lovrek, Branko Mikac:
Agent Behaviour in Double Auction Electronic Market for Communication Resources. 318-325
Knowledge Based and Expert Systems
- Rainer Schmidt, Tina Waligora:
Using Prototypical Cases and Prototypicality Measures for Diagnosis of Dysmorphic Syndromes. 326-333 - Rainer Schmidt, Olga Vorobieva:
ISOR: An Expert-System for Investigations of Therapy Inefficacy. 334-341 - Anne Håkansson, Ronald L. Hartung:
Reengineering for Knowledge in Knowledge Based Systems. 342-351 - Ronald L. Hartung, Anne Håkansson:
Knowledge Representation for Knowledge Based Leadership System. 352-359 - Gregor Molan
, Marija Molan
Modeling of the Vocational Suggestion with Restrictions (Graph Theory Approach). 360-367 - Mi Young Nam, Eun Jin Koh, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Robust Eye Detection Method for Varying Environment Using Illuminant Context-Awareness. 368-375 - Maria Virvou
, Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, George A. Tsihrintzis:
INMA: A Knowledge-Based Authoring Tool for Music Education. 376-383 - Paraskevi S. Lampropoulou, Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, George A. Tsihrintzis:
ALIMOS: A Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music LIbraries in MObile Services. 384-391 - Eui-young Kang, Hanil Kim, Jungwon Cho:
Personalization Method for Tourist Point of Interest (POI) Recommendation. 392-400
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Seung Wook Lee, Jong Tae Kim, Hongmoon Wang, Dae Jin Bae, Keon-Myung Lee
, Jee-Hyung Lee, Jae Wook Jeon:
Architecture of RETE Network Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Context-Aware System. 401-408 - Lyamine Bouhafs, Amir Hajjam, Abder Koukam:
A Combination of Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony System for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem. 409-416 - Keke Cai, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen, Peng Huang:
An Automatic Approach for Efficient Text Segmentation. 417-424 - Georgios Bardis, Georgios Miaoulis, Dimitri Plemenos:
Design and Configuration of a Machine Learning Component for User Profiling in a Declarative Design Environment. 425-434 - Efthymios Alepis, Maria Virvou
Emotional Intelligence: Constructing User Stereotypes for Affective Bi-modal Interaction. 435-442
Miscellaneous Intelligent Algorithms
- Chang-Il Cha, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kyu-Jeong Hwang, Sang-Wook Kim, Sang-Yun Lee, Hee-Sun Won:
Garbage Collection in an Embedded Java Virtual Machine. 443-450 - Sun-Moon Jo, Weon-Hee Yoo:
Design of Flexible Authorization System and Small Memory Management for XML Data Protection on the Server. 451-458 - Geguang Pu, Chong Zhang, Zongyan Qiu, Zuoquan Lin, Jifeng He:
A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for HW-SW Partitioning Within Timed Automata. 459-466 - Il-Young Moon:
Performance Analysis of WAP Packet Transmission Time and Optimal Packet Size in Wireless Network. 467-474 - Julio Barbancho, Carlos León
, Francisco Javier Molina, Antonio Barbancho:
Using Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Routing Protocols. 475-482 - Ihn-Han Bae, Hwa-Ju Lee, Kyung-Sook Lee:
Design and Evaluation of a Rough Set-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme Considering Weighted Feature Values. 483-489 - Dae-Young Choi:
ATM Based on SPMF. 490-497 - Honghai Feng, Baoyan Liu, Liyun He, Bingru Yang, Yueli Li, Zhao Shuo:
Using Rough Set to Induce More Abstract Rules from Rule Base. 498-505 - Noriyuki Okumura, Takayoshi Araki, Hirokazu Watabe, Tsukasa Kawaoka:
Dynamic Calculation Method of Degree of Association Between Concepts. 506-514 - Elpiniki Papageorgiou, George K. Georgoulas, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, George Nikiforidis, Peter P. Groumpos:
Combining Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Support Vector Machines for Bladder Tumor Grading. 515-523
Applications of Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Vision and Image Processing
- Tuan D. Pham, Dat Tran:
Image Classification by Fusion for High-Content Cell-Cycle Screening. 524-531 - Mi Young Nam, Md. Rezaul Bashar, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Adaptive Context-Aware Filter Fusion for Face Recognition on Bad Illumination. 532-541 - Duck Won Seo, Kang-Soo You, Hoon-Sung Kwak:
A Study on Content Based Image Retrieval Using Template Matching of Wavelet Transform. 542-549 - Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Giovanni Guzmán
, Rolando Quintero, Marco Moreno, Serguei Levachkine:
Semantic Decomposition of LandSat TM Image. 550-558 - Seungdo Jeong, Jounghoon Lim, Il Hong Suh, Byung-Uk Choi:
Vision-Based Semantic-Map Building and Localization. 559-568 - Eun Jin Koh, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Merging and Arbitration Strategy for Robust Eye Location. 569-581 - Yeon Gu Kang, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Head Gesture Recognition Using Feature Interpolation. 582-589 - Seok-Joo Lee, Yong-Guk Kim, Min-Soo Jang, Hyun-Gu Lee, Gwi-Tae Park:
A Stereovision Based Advanced Airbag System. 590-597 - Chil-Woo Lee, Jae Yong Oh, Yang Weon Lee:
Context-Based Approach for Human Gesture Analysis. 598-605 - Erkan Besdok, Pinar Çivicioglu:
Adaptive Implicit-Camera Calibration in Photogrammetry Using Anfis. 606-613 - Giovanni Guzmán
, Rolando Quintero, Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Marco Moreno:
Applying A-Priori Knowledge for Compressing Digital Elevation Models. 614-622 - Ewout Vansteenkiste, Dietrich Van der Weken, Wilfried Philips, Etienne E. Kerre:
Evaluation of the Perceptual Performance of Fuzzy Image Quality Measures. 623-630 - Zhengyou Wang, Quan Xue, Guobin Chen, Weiming Zeng, Zhijun Fang, Shiqian Wu
A New Color Image Enhancement Algorithm for Camera-Equipped Mobile Telephone. 631-638 - Chee Seng Chan, Honghai Liu, David J. Brown:
Human Arm-Motion Classification Using Qualitative Normalised Templates. 639-646
Knowledge Management and Ontologies
- Dazhou Kang, Baowen Xu, Jianjiang Lu, Yanhui Li:
A Fuzzy Extension of Description Logic ALC with Comparison Expressions. 647-654 - Yanhui Li, Baowen Xu, Jianjiang Lu, Dazhou Kang:
A Distributed and Fuzzy Extension of Description Logics. 655-662 - Cesar Sanín
, Edward Szczerbicki:
Similarity Metrics for Set of Experience Knowledge Structure. 663-670 - Cezary Orlowski, Zdzislaw Kowalczuk:
Knowledge Management Based on Dynamic and Self-adjusting Fuzzy Models. 671-678 - Carlos Toro, Jorge Posada
, Maite Termenon
, Joaquín Oyarzun, Juanjo Falcón:
Knowledge Based Tools to Support the Structural Design Process. 679-686 - Chaker Djaiz, Nada Matta:
Project Situations Aggregation to Identify Cooperative Problem Solving Strategies. 687-697 - Karina Verastegui, Miguel Martinez, Marco Moreno, Serguei Levachkine, Miguel Torres Ruiz
Incorporating Semantics into GIS Applications. 698-705 - Matthias Becker, Helena Szczerbicka:
Intelligent Reduction of Tire Noise. 706-713 - Honghai Feng, Hao Xu, Baoyan Liu, Liyun He, Bingru Yang, Yueli Li:
Algorithms for Finding and Correcting Four Kinds of Data Mistakes in Information Table. 714-719 - Hanna Suominen
, Tapio Pahikkala
, Marketta Hiissa, Tuija Lehtikunnas, Barbro Back, Helena Karsten, Sanna Salanterä, Tapio Salakoski:
Relevance Ranking of Intensive Care Nursing Narratives. 720-727 - Amandeep S. Sidhu
, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
Unification of Protein Data and Knowledge Sources. 728-737 - Jinguang Gu, Yi Zhou
Ontology Fusion with Complex Mapping Patterns. 738-745
Web Intelligence, Multimedia, e-Learning and Teaching
- Hee-Seop Han, Hyeoncheol Kim:
Adaptive QoS for Using Multimedia in e-Learning. 746-752 - Yoo-Joo Choi, Seong-Joon Yoo, Soo-Mi Choi, Carsten Waldeck, Dirk Balfanz
User-Centric Multimedia Information Visualization for Mobile Devices in the Ubiquitous Environment. 753-762 - Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger:
DAWN - A System for Context-Based Link Recommendation in Web Navigation. 763-770 - Akira Komedani, Tomoko Kojiri, Toyohide Watanabe:
Modeling Collaborators from Learner's Viewpoint Reflecting Common Collaborative Learning Experience. 771-779 - Ruihong Shi, Peng Lu:
A Multi-Criteria Programming Model for Intelligent Tutoring Planning. 780-787
Intelligent Signal Processing, Control and Robotics
- Jung-Hyun Kim, Kwang-Seok Hong:
An Implementation of KSSL Recognizer for HCI Based on Post Wearable PC and Wireless Networks. 788-797 - Jung-Hyun Kim, Kwang-Seok Hong:
Intelligent Multi-Modal Recognition Interface Using Voice-XML and Embedded KSSL Recognizer. 798-807 - Hun Choi, Jae-Won Suh, Hyeon-Deok Bae:
Subband Adaptive Filters with Pre-whitening Scheme for Acoustic Echo Cancellation. 808-816 - Sang-Wook Sohn, Hun Choi, Al-Chan Yun, Jae-Won Suh, Hyeon-Deok Bae:
A Noise Cancelling Technique Using Non-uniform Filter Banks and Its Implementation on FPGA. 817-824 - Piyush Goel, Honghai Liu, David J. Brown, Avijit Datta:
Spiking Neural Network Based Classification of Task-Evoked EEG Signals. 825-832 - Sarawut Sujitjorn, Sudarat Khwan-on:
Learning Control Via Neuro-Tabu-Fuzzy Controller. 833-840 - Emine Dogru Bolat:
DSP Based Implementation of Current Mode Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PI Controller for Single Phase UPS Inverter. 841-849 - Chang-Wook Han, Jung-Il Park:
Designing a Self-adaptive Union-Based Rule- Antecedent Fuzzy Controller Based on Two Step Optimization. 850-857 - Min Seok Jie, Kang Woong Lee:
Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators in the Presence of Uncertainty. 858-865 - Min Seok Jie, Joong-Hwan Baek, Yeh Sun Hong, Kang Woong Lee:
Real Time Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot Using Limit-Cycle and Vector Field Method. 866-873 - M. Omar Faruque Sarker, ChangHwan Kim, Bum-Jae You, Mohammed Golam Sadi:
Developing Knowledge-Based Security-Sense of Networked Intelligent Robots. 874-881 - Hirokazu Watabe, Tsukasa Kawaoka:
Autonomous Action Generation of Humanoid Robot from Natural Language. 882-889 - JaeMu Yun, SungBu Kim, JangMyung Lee:
Robust Positioning a Mobile Robot with Active Beacon Sensors. 890-897
Intelligent Systems Applications
- Woong-Sik Kim, Weon-Hee Yoo:
The Implementation of an Improved Fingerprint Payment Verification System. 898-905 - Byungkwan Park, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Jin-Won Park:
Capacity Planning for Scalable Fingerprint Authentication. 906-915 - Hyunsoo Song, Taekyoung Kwon:
Security Analysis of Secure Password Authentication for Keystroke Dynamics. 916-923 - Namje Park, Jin Kwak, Seungjoo Kim, Dongho Won, Howon Kim:
Security Techniques Based on EPC Gen2 Tag for Secure Mobile RFID Network Services. 924-934 - Jong Sou Park, Sung-Hwan Kim, Dong Seong Kim:
A Hardware Implementation of Lightweight Block Cipher for Ubiquitous Computing Security. 935-942 - Gustavo Arroyo-Figueroa, Yasmín Hernández, Luis Enrique Sucar:
Intelligent Environment for Training of Power Systems Operators. 943-950 - Millie Pant, Kusum Deep:
Building a Better Air Defence System Using Genetic Algorithms. 951-959 - Dionisios N. Sotiropoulos, George A. Tsihrintzis, Anastasios Savvopoulos, Maria Virvou
Artificial Immune System-Based Customer Data Clustering in an e-Shopping Application. 960-967 - Grigorios N. Beligiannis, Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Constantinos Koutsojannis
, Jim Prentzas
A GA Driven Intelligent System for Medical Diagnosis. 968-975 - Hong Hu, Jiuyong Li
, Hua Wang
, Grant Daggard:
Combined Gene Selection Methods for Microarray Data Analysis. 976-983 - Dae-Young Choi:
Toward an Intelligent Local Web Search in Telematics. 984-991 - Eun Sill Jang, Yong Kyu Lee:
A Method of Recommending Buying Points for Internet Shopping Malls. 992-1001 - Seiji Tsuchiya, Hirokazu Watabe, Tsukasa Kawaoka:
A Sensuous Association Method Using an Association Mechanism for Natural Machine Conversation. 1002-1010 - Jonghun Baek, Ik-Jin Jang, Hyun Deok Kim, Jae-Soo Cho, Byoung-Ju Yun:
Motion-Based Interaction on the Mobile Device for User Interface. 1011-1020 - Yusuke Fukazawa, Takefumi Naganuma, Kunihiro Fujii, Shoji Kurakake:
Role-Task Model for Advanced Task-Based Service Navigation System. 1021-1028 - Honghai Feng, Baoyan Liu, Liyun He, Bingru Yang, Yueli Li:
A Discretization Algorithm That Keeps Positive Regions of All the Decision Classes. 1029-1036 - Jun Feng
, Linyan Wu, Yuelong Zhu, Toyohide Watanabe:
Forecasting Region Search of Moving Objects. 1037-1042 - Byoungchol Chang, Jaehyuk Cha, Sang-Wook Kim, Miyoung Shin:
An Index-Based Time-Series Subsequence Matching Under Time Warping. 1043-1050 - Atulya Nagar, Dilbag Sokhi, Hissam Tawfik:
An Intrinsic Technique Based on Discrete Wavelet Decomposition for Analysing Phylogeny. 1051-1058 - Naoto Mukai, Toyohide Watanabe, Jun Feng
Analysis of Selfish Behaviors on Door-to-Door Transport System. 1059-1066 - Jae-Woo Chang, Yong-Ki Kim, Young-Chang Kim:
Fault-Tolerant Cluster Management Tool for Self-managing of Cluster DBMS. 1067-1074 - Ali Bekir Yildiz, Mehmet Zeki Bilgin:
Speed Control of Averaged DC Motor Drive System by Using Neuro-PID Controller. 1075-1082 - Pedro Alípio, José Neves, Paulo Carvalho:
Automatic Detection of SLS Violation Using Knowledge Based Systems. 1083-1089 - Yong Kim, Hong Jeong:
Two-Level Dynamic Programming Hardware Implementation for Real Time Processing. 1090-1097 - Cecilia Zanni, François Rousselot:
Towards the Formalization of Innovating Design: The TRIZ Example. 1098-1105
Invited Session Papers
Experience Management and Engineering Workshop
- Qin Gu, Liang Liang:
The "5P" Apprenticeship Which Based the Chinese Traditional Culture. 1106-1114 - Zhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie:
A Unified 2D Representation of Fuzzy Reasoning, CBR, and Experience Based Reasoning. 1115-1123 - Jongwan Kim, SeokJin Im, Sang-Won Kang, SeongHoon Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang:
MBR Compression in Spatial Databases Using Semi-Approximation Scheme. 1124-1130 - Gaëlle Lortal, Myriam Lewkowicz
, Amalia Todirascu-Courtier
Annotations: A Way to Capture Experience. 1131-1138 - SeokJin Im, MoonBae Song, Jongwan Kim, Sang-Won Kang, Chong-Sun Hwang, SeongHoon Lee:
Cell-Based Distributed Index for Range Query Processing in Wireless Data Broadcast Systems. 1139-1146 - Joon-Min Gil, SeongHoon Lee:
Genetic-Fuzzy Modeling on High Dimensional Spaces. 1147-1154 - Sang-Won Kang, SeokJin Im, Jongwan Kim, SeongHoon Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Considering a Semantic Prefetching Scheme for Cache Management in Location-Based Services. 1155-1162 - SangHyun Jang, Bokyung Kye, YunHee Kang:
A Unified Framework for u-Edutainment Development of Using e-Learning and Ubiquitous Technologies. 1163-1170 - Julien Laflaquière, Lotfi Sofiane Settouti, Yannick Prié, Alain Mille:
Trace-Based Framework for Experience Management and Engineering. 1171-1178
Invited Sessions
Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems
- Simon D. Walters, Shaun H. Lee, Cyril Crua, Robert J. Howlett:
Neural Network Classification of Diesel Spray Images. 1179-1189 - Alejandro Figueroa
, John Atkinson
Molecular Sequence Alignment for Extracting Answers for Where-Typed Questions from Google Snippets. 1190-1197 - Zuoqin Qian, Honghai Liu, Guangde Zhang, David J. Brown:
Temperature Field Estimation for the Pistons of Diesel Engine 4112. 1198-1205 - Shaun H. Lee, Robert J. Howlett, Simon D. Walters:
Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Techniques for Modelling and Control. 1206-1215 - Edward Tersoo Apeh, Bogdan Gabrys:
Clustering for Data Matching. 1216-1225 - Dionisios Lefkaditis, Graeme J. Awcock, Robert J. Howlett:
Intelligent Optical Otolith Classification for Species Recognition of Bony Fish. 1226-1233
Information Engineering and Applications in Ubiquotous Computing Environments
- Heejun Park, Sangkyun Kim, Hong Joo Lee:
General Drawing of the Integrated Framework for Security Governance. 1234-1241 - Dong-You Choi:
A Study on the Rain Attenuation Prediction Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments in Korea. 1242-1249 - Jooyoung Lee, HoWon Kim:
A Framework for Ensuring Security in Ubiquitous Computing Environment Based on Security Engineering Approach. 1250-1258 - Hong Joo Lee, Choon Seong Leem, Sangkyun Kim:
A Study on Development of Business Factor in Ubiquitous Technology. 1259-1266 - Kyoung Jun Lee, Young Hwan Seo:
Design of a RFID-Based Ubiquitous Comparison Shopping System. 1267-1283

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