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7th IVIC 2021: Kajang, Malaysia
- Halimah Badioze Zaman, Alan F. Smeaton, Timothy K. Shih, Sergio A. Velastin, Tada Terutoshi, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen, Hazleen Aris, Nazrita Ibrahim
Advances in Visual Informatics - 7th International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2021, Kajang, Malaysia, November 23-25, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13051, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-90234-6
- Alan F. Smeaton
Computer Vision for Supporting Image Search. 3-12
Visualisation and Digital Innovation
- Wei Chuan Lim, Chee-Onn Wong
, Lai-Kuan Wong:
Color Aesthetic Enhancement for Categorical Data Visualization. 15-26 - Nur Maisarah Shahril Khuzairi, Zaihisma Che Cob
A Preliminary Model of Learning Analytics to Explore Data Visualization on Educator's Satisfaction and Academic Performance in Higher Education. 27-40 - Suraya Ya'acob
, Sharida Mohd Yusof, Doris Hooi-Ten Wong, Norziha Megat Zainuddin:
An Analytical Reasoning Framework for Visual Analytics Representation. 41-52 - T. Nanthakumaran Thulasy
, Puteri Nor Ellyza binti Nohuddin
, Norlizawati Abd Rahim
, Astuty Amrin
Literature Survey on Aircraft Maintenance Issues with Human Errors and Skill Set Mismatch Using Document Mining Technique. 53-64 - Chloe Hue Tung San, Kher Hui Ng
Interactive Tangible Game for Collaborative Play Between Children with Cerebral Palsy. 65-76 - Marina Md. Din
, Fiza Abdul Rahim
, Rina Md. Anwar
, Asmidar Abu Bakar
, Aliza Abdul Latif
Establishing Field of Study: Towards Development of a Multilingual Model for Auto-detection of Cyberbullying Using Fuzzy-Crisp Rules and Internet Crowd Data. 77-89 - Rina Md. Anwar
, Puven Alvin Victor, Fiza Abdul Rahim
, Marina Md. Din
, Asmidar Abu Bakar
, Aliza Abdul Latif
Identifying the Presence of Cyberbullying in Tamil-English Phonetic Words Using Browser Plugin. 90-97 - Khoo Shiang Tyng
, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Ummul Hanan Mohamad, Azlina Ahmad:
Visual Learning Application in Mathematics Using Holographic Display Based on Multi-touch Technology. 98-110 - Feninferina Azman
, Azimah Abdul Ghapar
, Masyura Ahmad Faudzi
, Hasventhran Baskaran
, Fiza Abdul Rahim
Systematic Review of Common Factors Used to Measure Individuals' Career Choice. 111-126 - Salsabila Putri Jatiningtyas
, Danang Junaedi
, Veronikha Effendy:
Interaction Design for Digital Saron Musical Instruments Using Call and Response System and Rhythmic Emphasis Weighting Methods. 127-138 - Kiranjeet Kaur, Khairul Shafee Kalid
, Savita K. Sugathan:
A User Experience Model for Designing Educational Mobile Application. 139-150 - Hafzan Yusoff
, Wan Putri Elena Wan Dali
, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem
Evidence-Based of Interactive Multimedia-Based Nutrition Education Package Efficacy on Obesity Outcomes Through Game and Video Intervention. 151-162 - Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem
, Noor Shariah Ismail:
Evidence-Based of Improved Electron Tomogram Segmentation and Visualization Through High-Pass Domain Kernel in Bilateral Filter. 163-170 - Nazrita Ibrahim
, Eze Manzura Mohd Mahidin
, Azmi Mohd Yusof, Mohd Ezanee Bin Rusli, Nur Suria Iskandar, Farhah Amaliya Zaharuddin, Imran Mahalil:
VR-Based Relaxation Therapy for Customer Service Staff: A Pilot Study. 171-183 - Halimah Badioze Zaman, Hanif Baharin, Azlina Ahmad:
Fusion Technology and Visualisation to Share STEM Data Using PETS Robots (i-COMEL) for Open Data Readiness Amongst Primary School Children. 184-194 - Azizah Nurul Khoirunnisa
, Munir, Rasim, Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Laksmi Dewi:
Interactive Multimedia Kolb Experiential Learning Model Using Logistic Regression Algorithm to Improve Student Cognitive. 195-204 - Muhamad Hariz Izzat Ahmad Hapez, Noor Latiffah Adam, Zaidah Ibrahim:
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Analysis. 205-213 - Suzaimah Ramli
, Izzuddin Redzuan, Iqbal Hakim Mamood, Norulzahrah Mohd. Zainudin, Nor Asiakin Hasbullah, Muslihah Wook
National Sport Institute Case: Automated Data Migration Using Talend Open Studio with 'Trickle Approach'. 214-223
Engineering and Digital Innovation
- Sufri Muhammad
, Novia Admodisastro
, Hafeez Osman
, Norhayati Mohd. Ali
Mudahnya BM: A Context-Aware Mobile Cloud Learning Application Using Semantic-Based Approach. 227-238 - Sugumaran Nallusamy
, Hoo Meei Hao
, Farizuwana Akma Zulkifle
Software Redocumentation Using Distributed Data Processing Technique to Support Program Understanding for Legacy System: A Proposed Approach. 239-252 - Alimatu-Saadia Yussiff
, Florian Carl
, Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad
, Simon Mariwah
, Otchere Eric Debrah
, Abdul-Lateef Yussiff
System Design and Usability Evaluation of Ghana Music Documentation System Using the System Usability Scale. 253-264 - A'qilah Ahmad Dahalan
, Azali Saudi
Static Indoor Pathfinding with Explicit Group Two-Parameter Over Relaxation Iterative Technique. 265-275 - Mohammed Najah Mahdi, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Qais Saif Qassim, Mohammed Ahmed Subhi
Use of Faceted Search: The Effect on Researchers. 276-286 - Chun Kit Chan, Kok Weng Ng
, Mei Choo Ang, Chin Yuen Ng, Ah-Lian Kor:
Sustainable Product Innovation Using Patent Mining and TRIZ. 287-298 - Mat Razali Noor Afiza, Nur Atiqah Malizan, Nuraini Shamsaimon, Khairani Abd Majid
, Muhammad Narzwan Mohd Puad, Khairul Khalil Ishak, Muhammad Hafiz Abdul Rahim:
Personalised Smart Mobility Model for Smart Movement During Pandemic Covid-19. 299-309 - Kisheen Rao Gsangaya
, Sami Salama Hussen Hajjaj
, Wahidah Hashim
, Rina Azlin Razali
Intelligent Multi-cellular Network Connectivity for Internet of Things Applications. 310-321 - Priyadashini Saravanan, Suvendran Ravindran, Leong Yeng Weng, Khairul Salleh Bin Mohamed Sahari, Adzly Bin Anuar, Muhammad Fairuz Bin Abdul Jalal, Zubaidi Faiesal Bin Mohamad Rafaai
, Prashalini Naidu A/P Raventhran, Husni Mohd Radzi, Salman Yussof:
A Performance Study on Emotion Models Detection Accuracy in a Pandemic Environment. 322-331 - Afida Jemat
, Salman Yussof
, Sera Syarmila Sameon
, Nur Adriana Alya Rosnizam:
IoT-Based System for Real-Time Swimming Pool Water Quality Monitoring. 332-341 - Anton Budi Dharma
, Rabiah Abdul Kadir
The Preliminary Study of Traffic Impact Analysis for Developing Countries in Southeast Asia. 342-349 - Jian Ching Lim, Kok Weng Ng
, Mei Choo Ang:
Search Operators Based on TRIZ for Optimising PCB Assembly Time. 350-361 - Faridah Hani Mohamed Salleh
, Deshinta Arrova Dewi, Nurul Azlin Liyana, Naziffa Raha Md Nasir:
A Model for Teaching and Learning Programming Subjects in Public Secondary Schools of Malaysia. 362-373 - Daniel Jie Yuan Chin
, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed
, Khairul Anuar Shariff
, Kunio Ishikawa
GPU-Accelerated Enhanced Marching Cubes 33 for Fast 3D Reconstruction of Large Bone Defect CT Images. 374-384
Cyber Security & Machine Learning and Digital Innovation
- Mohamad Redza Izudin Abu Zaharin, Shafiza Mohd Shariff:
Malware Classification Based on System Call. 387-398 - Mat Razali Noor Afiza, Normaizeerah Mohd Noor, Nor Asiakin Hasbullah, Liew Ching Chen, Khairul Khalil Ishak, Norlisa Francis Nordin:
A Conceptual Model: Securing Resources Through a Decentralized Access Control Using Blockchain Technology for Smart Farming. 399-410 - Nuraini Shamsaimon, Mat Razali Noor Afiza, Khairani Abd Majid
, Suzaimah Ramli
, Mohd Fahmi Mohamad Amran
, Khairul Khalil Ishak, Raslan Ahmad:
Traffic Flow Prediction Using Long-Short Term Memory Technique for Connected Vehicles in Smart Cities. 411-422 - Ijaz Muhammad Khan, Aysha Al-Mamari, Bashayer Al-Abdulsalam, Fatma Al-Abdulsalam, Maryam Al-Khansuri, Sohail Iqbal Malik
, Abdul Rahim Ahmad:
A Machine Learning Classification Application to Identify Inefficient Novice Programmers. 423-434 - Ijaz Muhammad Khan, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Nafaâ Jabeur
, Mohammed Najah Mahdi:
Minimizing Classification Errors in Imbalanced Dataset Using Means of Sampling. 435-446 - Muhammad Ramzul Abu Bakar, Mat Razali Noor Afiza, Muslihah Wook
, Mohd Nazri Ismail
, Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok:
The Mediating Role of Cloud Computing and Moderating Influence of Digital Organizational Culture Towards Enhancing SMEs Performance. 447-458 - Sarah Abdul-Wahid, Moamin A. Mahmoud, Nassren Abdulwahid:
Arabic Speaker Identification System for Forensic Authentication Using K-NN Algorithm. 459-468 - Nor Zakiah Gorment
, Ali Selamat
, Ondrej Krejcar
A Recent Research on Malware Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm: Current Challenges and Future Works. 469-481 - Qais Saif Qassim, Norziana Jamil
, Mohammed Najah Mahdi:
Symptoms-Based Network Intrusion Detection System. 482-494 - Ahmad Qayyim Nordin, Norziana Jamil
, Zuhaira Muhammad Zain
, Md Nabil Ahmad Zawawi
Impact Analysis and Correlation Study on the Spread of Fake News During Pandemic COVID-19 in Malaysia. 495-507 - Athirah Abdul Razak
, Radiyati Umi Partan, Normy Norfiza Razak
, Asma Abu-Samah, Norliyana Nor Hisham Shah, Mohd Shahnaz Hasan:
Machine Learning Classification for Blood Glucose Performances Using Insulin Sensitivity and Respiratory Scores in Diabetic ICU Patients. 508-517 - Nur'atiah Zaini
, Lee Woen Ean
, Ali Najah Ahmed
Forecasting of Carbon Monoxide Concentration Based on Sequence-to-Sequence Deep Learning Approach. 518-529 - Mohamad Taha Ijab
, Mohamad Syahmi Shahril
, Suraya Hamid
Infodemiology Framework for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Misinformation and Disinformation. 530-539 - Mohd Zafri Baharuddin
, Dickson N. T. How
, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari
, A. Z. Abas, M. K. Ramlee:
Object Detection Model Training Framework for Very Small Datasets Applied to Outdoor Industrial Structures. 540-551 - Muhammad Nur Hakim Bin Zamri
, Junaidi Abdullah
, Roman Bhuiyan
, Noramiza Hashim
, Fahmid Al Farid
, Jia Uddin
, Mohd Nizam Husen
, Norra Abdullah:
A Comparison of ML and DL Approaches for Crowd Analysis on the Hajj Pilgrimage. 552-561 - Ainun Syarafana Binti Pauzi, Firdaus Bin Mohd Nazri, Salisu Sani, Ahmad Mwfaq Bataineh, Muhamad Nurul Hisyam, Mohd Hafiidz Jaafar
, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab
, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed
Movement Estimation Using Mediapipe BlazePose. 562-571
Energy Informatics and Digital Innovation
- Husni Mohd Radzi, Farhaniza Ghazali, Nurshuhaida Mohd Shokri
, Hazleen Aris:
Awareness on Energy Efficient Products as Prediction on Intention to Subscribe to and Purchase Energy Efficient Services and Products. 575-586 - Abbas M. Al-Ghaili
, Hairoladenan Kasim, Ridha Omar, Zainuddin Bin Hassan, Naif Mohammed Al-Hada
, Jihua Wang:
Algebraic Operations-Based Secret-Key Design for Encryption Algorithm (ASKEA) for Energy Informatics and Smart Internet of Things (IoT) Applications. 587-599 - Nur Shakirah Md Salleh
, Azizah Suliman, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
Comparison of Electricity Load Prediction Errors Between Long Short-Term Memory Architecture and Artificial Neural Network on Smart Meter Consumer. 600-609 - Ozioma Alex Nwaogwugwu, Nazrita Ibrahim
Study on the Contributing Factors in e-hailing Waste Management Systems for Mobile Application Adoption and Usage. 610-622 - Nor Salwati Othman
, Nor Hamisham Harun
, Izzaamirah Ishak
, Nurul Hezlin Mohamed Hariri:
Establishing Valid and Reliable Measures for Residential Consumer Behaviour Towards New Technology Electricity Appliances: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. 623-641 - Halimah Badioze Zaman, Azlina Ahmad, Aw Kien Sin:
Energy Efficiency Through a Wearable Device for the Elderly Based on the Integrated Smart Neighbourhood Framework of Malaysia 5.0 Model. 642-654 - Azlina Abdullah, Nor Shafiqah Yusoff, Nurul Wahilah Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Zahari
, Zeittey Karmilla Kaman, Zurina Ismail, Wan Hafiizhah Wan Mohamad Norafi:
Investigating the Contributing Factors of Continuance Use of Smart Meter in Melaka. 655-664 - Azlina Abdullah, Wan Hafiizhah Wan Mohamad Norafi, Nurul Wahilah Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Zahari
, Zeittey Karmilla Kaman, Zurina Ismail, Nor Shafiqah Yusoff:
Highlighting the Contributing Factors of Smart Meter Adoption in Klang Valley. 665-675 - Mohd Yusri Jusoh
, Haryani Haron
, Jasber Kaur
Virtualization Technology to Support Green Computing Among IT Personnel in the Public Sector. 676-688 - Salman Yussof
, Nurul Nazeera Mohd Zulkefle, Yunus Yusoff
, Asmidar Abu Bakar
Willingness of Electricity Consumer in Malaysia to Share Electric Energy Consumption Data. 689-700 - Ammuthavali Ramasamy, Hazleen Aris, Aliza Abdul Latif
, S. Nur Hidayah Malek, Syakir Abdul Latif, Komal Deep Kaur:
Challenges and Recommendations on the Development of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) Datahub for Improved DERs Data Management in Malaysia. 701-714

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