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ICT 2013: Casablanca, Morocco
- 20st International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2013, Casablanca, Morocco, May 6-8, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-6426-3
- Mohammed Aloqlah:
End-to-end performance analysis of dual-hop relaying systems over Extended Generalized K-fading channels. 1-4 - Hermano Pereira, Edgard Jamhour:
A clustering-based method for intrusion detection in web servers. 1-5 - Kais Ben Fredj, Sonia Aïssa:
Performance and optimization of two-way relaying under Nakagami-m fading. 1-5 - Nicola Maturo, Marco Baldi
, Marco Bianchi, Franco Chiaraluce
Security gap assessment for the fast fading wiretap channel. 1-5 - Fengming Cao, Zhong Fan, Mahesh Sooriyabandara, Tim Farnham:
REM-based power control and femtocell self-organization. 1-5 - Wael Guibène, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Signal classification in heterogeneous OFDM-based cognitive radio systems. 1-5 - Omer Faruk Gemici, Ibrahim Hökelek, Hakan Ali Çirpan
Trade-off analysis of QoS-aware configurable LTE downlink schedulers. 1-5 - Wazir Zada Khan
, Mohammed Y. Aalsalem
, Mohamad Naufal bin Mohamad Saad:
Secure & robust RED (SR-RED). 1-5 - Ejder Bastug, Jean-Louis Guenego, Mérouane Debbah:
Proactive small cell networks. 1-5 - Berna Sayraç, Lionel Gueguen, Chung Cong Trang, Ana Maria Galindo Serrano:
Point-process based localization of primary users in collaborative dynamic spectrum access. 1-5 - Edgard Jamhour, Manoel Camillo Penna:
Evaluation of segment-based crankback re-routing for GMPLS-based WSON. 1-5 - Gregoris Liasis, Stavros Stavrou:
Optimizing level set initialization for satellite image segmentation. 1-5 - Tarik Anouari, Abdelkrim Haqiq
Performance analysis of routing protocols in WiMAX using Random Waypoint model. 1-5 - Tongyang Xu, Ryan C. Grammenos
, Izzat Darwazeh:
FPGA implementations of real-time detectors for a spectrally efficient FDM system. 1-5 - Younes Benlcouiri, Abdelmalek Azizi
, Moulay Chrif Ismaili, Mohammed Benabdellah
Affine cipher extended to (Z/pZ) and it's application in images. 1-5 - Mohammad Ali Sedaghat, F. Bateni, Farrokh Marvasti:
Detecting matrices for random CDMA systems. 1-5 - Moataz M. H. El Ayadi, Mahmoud H. Ismail
Novel simple bounds on the probability of error for EGC and MRC diversity receivers over α-μ fading. 1-5 - Chien-Chun Cheng, Serdar Sezginer, Hikmet Sari, Yu Ted Su:
Robust MIMO-OFDM detection with channel estimation errors. 1-5 - Ryma Abassi, Sihem Guemara El Fatmi:
Dealing with delegation in a trust-based MANET. 1-5 - Tero Kivimäki
, Timo Vuorela, Miika Valtonen, Jukka Vanhala
Reliability of the TileTrack capacitive user tracking system in smart home environment. 1-5 - Bruno Lopes Alcantara Batista, Gustavo Augusto Lima de Campos, Marcial Porto Fernandez
A proposal of policy based OpenFlow network management. 1-5 - Tarik Moataz, Abdullatif Shikfa
, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens:
Semantic search over encrypted data. 1-5 - Nabil Madrane, Abderrahim Sekkaki, Said Jai-Andaloussi
Lightweight real-time decoding of video on J2ME devices. 1-4 - Panayiotis Kolios, Andreas Pitsillides, Osnat Mokryn
Bilateral routing in emergency response networks. 1-5 - Said Jai-Andaloussi
, Abdeljalil Elabdouli, Abdelmajid Chaffai, Nabil Madrane, Abderrahim Sekkaki:
Medical content based image retrieval by using the Hadoop framework. 1-5 - Codé Diop, Ernesto Exposito
, Christophe Chassot:
QoS and scalability management in an autonomic cloud-based networked service bus. 1-5 - Mika Lasanen, Marc Aubree, Cedric Cassan, Alberto Conte, J. David, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Timo Galkin, V. Grigore, Stéphane Le Masson, Jonathan Lees, Hasna Louahlia-Gualous
, Didier Marquet, Z. A. Mokhti, Loutfi Nuaymi, Hans Otto Scheck, L. Smalen:
Environmental friendly mobile radio networks: Approaches of the European OPERA-Net 2 project. 1-5 - Salma Bourbia, Daniel Le Guennec, Khaled Grati, Adel Ghazel:
Reducing the receiver's computation complexity by limiting the use of the beamforming action. 1-5 - Zebing Feng, Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang:
A location-aware discrete region approach for spatial access opportunity analysis in cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Souad Belmoubarik, Hasnae Bilil, Ghassane Aniba, Aawatif Hayar
Power management for collaborative microgrids. 1-5 - Md. Mehedi Hasan, Kamran Arshad
Robust home automation scheme using cognitive ZigBee network. 1-4 - Hui Ji, Gheorghe Zaharia, Jean-François Hélard:
A new differential space-time modulation scheme for MIMO systems with four transmit antennas. 1-5 - Emil Björnson
, Marios Kountouris, Mérouane Debbah:
Massive MIMO and small cells: Improving energy efficiency by optimal soft-cell coordination. 1-5 - Cong Wang, Yiwen Xu, Qixun Zhang, Zhiyong Feng, Sisi Ma:
Cognitive multi-relay based on dynamic spectrum leasing. 1-5 - Mohammed Boutabia, Hossam Afifi:
Maximizing predictive mode probability in fast handovers for mobile IP. 1-5 - Ömer Faruk Çelebi, Engin Zeydan
, Omer Faruk Kurt, Ömer Dedeoglu, Ömer Ileri, Burak AykutSungur, Ahmet Akan, Salih Ergüt
On use of big data for enhancing network coverage analysis. 1-5 - Mohamed Lahby
, Leghris Cherkaoui
, Abdellah Adib
An enhanced-TOPSIS based network selection technique for next generation wireless networks. 1-5 - Karim Benzidane
, Saad Khoudali, Fetjah Leila
, Abderrahim Sekkaki:
Toward inter-VM visibility in a Cloud environment using packet inspection. 1-5 - Nabih Alaoui, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi:
A new protocol to enhance the transmission integrity of mobile sensor networks: Horizontal correction and vertical detection. 1-5 - Zhicai Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Zhaoming Lu, Zhenmin Zhao, Xiangming Wen:
Energy-efficient resource optimization in OFDMA-based dense femtocell networks. 1-5 - Andrea Tassi
, Giovanni Rigazzi, Chadi Khirallah, Dejan Vukobratovic
, Francesco Chiti
, John Thompson, Romano Fantacci
Reliable multicast in LTE-A: An energy efficient cross-layer application of network coding. 1-5 - Ke Wang, Chi Zhang, Lei Cao, Yongyu Chang, Dacheng Yang:
Cross-tier interference coordination of macro muting based on adaptive CQI hysteresis in HSPA heterogeneous network. 1-5 - Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Hongyan Li, Min Sheng, Qin Liu, Wei Liu, Yuzhou Li:
Multi-resource allocation for LTE networks: Joint-optimality and distributed algorithm. 1-5 - Teguh Prakoso
, Razali Ngah, Tharek Abdul Rahman, Zabih Ghassemlooy:
Isolation enhancement and size reduction of printed-antenna pairs for broadband microwave-photonic access-point. 1-5 - Zhao Li, Jun Gu, Qin Liu:
Dynamic spectrum sharing and user scheduling for CR-MIMO system based on interference alignment. 1-5 - Asma Mejri, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman:
Bidirectional relaying via network coding: Design algorithm and performance evaluation. 1-5 - Erik Dahlman, Konstantinos D. Dimou, Stefan Parkvall
, Hugo M. Tullberg:
Future wireless access small cells and heterogeneous deployments. 1-5 - Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen:
Measures of complexity for the radio environment. 1-5 - Hans Otto Scheck, Susanna Kallio:
Methods and standards for environmental impact assessment of mobile radio networks. 1-5 - S. Yuva Kumar, Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan:
Robust, block based cyclostationary detection. 1-5 - Xiaofeng Qiu, Lei Cao, Pengfei Li, Liang Zhao:
Architecture approach for ICT supply chain integrity. 1-5 - Amin Gholoobi, Stavros Stavrou:
A hybrid TDoA-ToA localization method. 1-4 - Jialing Li
, Kenneth Kearney, Erdem Bala, Rui Yang:
A resource block based filtered OFDM scheme and performance comparison. 1-5 - Yuzhou Li, Min Sheng, Chungang Yang, Xiao Ma, Zhao Li:
Energy-delay tradeoffs for multi-user multi-antenna downlink communication systems. 1-5 - Ghofrane Fersi, Wassef Louati, Maher Ben Jemaa:
Consistent and efficient bootstrapping ring-based protocol in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks. 1-5 - Fernando Casadevall, Anna Umbert
REM-based real time testbed: A proof of concept on the benefits of using REM for improving radio resource management capabilities. 1-5 - Jorge Baranda
, Pol Henarejos
, Ciprian Gavrincea
An SDR implementation of a visible light communication system based on the IEEE 802.15.7 standard. 1-5 - Amine Mouafi, Rachid Benslimane
, Aziza El-Ouaazizi:
A genetic algorithm for recovering camera parameters and motion from silhouettes. 1-5 - Yu Chen, Izzat Darwazeh:
Quality of service (QoS) analysis of an Internet traffic trace over gigabit Ethernet. 1-4 - Younes El Hajjaji El Idrissi, Noureddine Zahid, Mohamed Jedra:
A new fast re-authentication method for the 3G-WLAN interworking based on EAP-AKA. 1-5 - Moussa Diallo
, Maryline Hélard, Laurent Cariou:
A limited and efficient quantized feedback for IEEE 802.11n evolution. 1-5 - Hussein Kobeissi, Oussama Bazzi, Youssef Nasser
Wavelet denoising in cooperative and NonCooperative spectrum sensing. 1-5 - Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Min Sheng, Hongyan Li, Wei Liu, Qin Liu, Yuzhou Li:
Cognitive information-assisted energy efficiency design in green composition networks. 1-5 - Mohammed Ridouani
, Aawatif Hayar
General scheme for always transmit solution in cognitive radio systems. 1-5 - Juliette Dromard, Rida Khatoun, Lyes Khoukhi:
A Watchdog extension scheme considering packet loss for a reputation system in wireless mesh network. 1-5 - Fahima Ben Guirat, Imen Filali:
An efficient data replication approach for structured peer-to-peer systems. 1-5 - Hamid Menouar, Raik Aissaoui
, Fethi Filali
, Adnan A. Abu-Dayya, Abdelfettah Belghith
Cellular-based location service to support GeoUnicast communications in vehicular wireless networks. 1-5 - Diego Pinto Roa, Benjamín Barán
, Carlos A. Brizuela
A multi-objective approach for routing and wavelength converter allocation under uncertainty. 1-5 - Rouzbeh Razavi, Holger Claussen
Improved fuzzy reinforcement learning for self-optimisation of heterogeneous wireless networks. 1-5 - Seytkamal Medetov, Mohamed Bakhouya
, Jaafar Gaber
, Maxime Wack:
Evaluation of an energy-efficient broadcast protocol in mobile ad hoc networks. 1-5 - Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede
, David Grace:
Energy efficient soft real-time spectrum auction for dynamic spectrum access. 1-5 - Ahmad Jabban, Youssef Nasser
, Maryline Hélard:
Performance analysis of heterogeneous networks based on SINR selection strategy. 1-5 - Mustafa Abdelaziz Manna, Walid M. Qaja, Jonathon A. Chambers:
OFDM-based modified quasi-orthogonal space-time scheme for use in asynchronous cooperative networks with relay selection. 1-4 - Lu Ge, Gaojie Chen, Yu Gong, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Two-way distributed transmission based on the golden code for application in wireless relay networks. 1-5 - Abdelaali Chaoub
, Elhassane Ibn-Elhaj, Jamal El Abbadi:
Multiple description coding based distributed communications over cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Hichem Besbes, Souha Ben Rayana, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman:
A non-quadratic criterion for FIR MIMO channel equalization. 1-5 - Naama Amdouni, Mohamed Koubàa
, Taoufik Aguili:
A new intentional lightpath rerouting scheme for dynamic traffic in WDM all-optical networks. 1-5 - Dinh Thuy Phan Huy, Slim Ben Halima, Maryline Hélard:
Dumb-to-perfect receiver throughput ratio maps of a time reversal wireless indoor system. 1-5 - Gilberto Berardinelli
, Fernando M. L. Tavares, Nurul Huda Mahmood
, Oscar Tonelli, Andrea F. Cattoni, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
Distributed synchronization for beyond 4G indoor femtocells. 1-5 - Richard Fritzsche, Gregor Schulzig, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Forward signaling strategies for MU-MIMO downlink transmission. 1-5 - Saoucene Mahfoudh, Ines Khoufi, Pascale Minet, Anis Laouiti:
Relocation of mobile wireless sensors in the presence of obstacles. 1-5 - Nikos Dimitriou
, Andreas Polydoros, Ahmed Barnawi:
Cooperative path establishment for robust connectivity in mobile ad-hoc networks. 1-5 - Ming Liu, Matthieu Crussière, Maryline Hélard, Jean-François Hélard:
Distributed MIMO schemes for the future digital video broadcasting. 1-5 - Chafika Tata
, Michel Kadoch
CAM: Courteous bandwidth constraints allocation model. 1-5 - Wael Guibène, Chadi Khirallah, Dejan Vukobratovic
, John Thompson, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Energy-aware multiband communications in heterogeneous networks. 1-5 - Mohammed Khalil
, Abdellah Adib
Impact of spreading codes on CDMA based audio watermarking system. 1-5 - Zhicheng Dong, Pingzhi Fan, Erdal Panayirci:
An efficient SAGE-based data detection algorithm for OFDM systems in the presence of very fast fading channels. 1-5 - Guoyan Zhang, Yonghua Li, Jiaru Lin:
Optimal energy consumption for dynamic network coding in cooperative multicast system. 1-5 - Younes Balboul
, Fatiha Mrabti, Najiba El Amrani El Idrissi:
LTE - Improving quality reception in downlink radio resources links. 1-4 - Hussam Ayad, A. Khalil, M. Fadlallah, Fabien Ndagijimana, Jalal Jomaah:
Design of MSRR-loaded dual-band dipole PCB antennas. 1-5 - Adrian Kliks
, Nikos Dimitriou
, Andreas Zalonis, Oliver Holland:
WiFi traffic offloading for energy saving. 1-5 - Mutlu Koca, Hikmet Sari:
Generalized spatial modulation over correlated fading channels: Performance analysis and optimization. 1-5 - Raed Mesleh, Hany Elgala
, Thomas D. C. Little
On the performance degradation of optical wireless OFDM communication systems due to changes in the LED junction temperature. 1-5 - Raymond Kwan:
On downlink load estimation for LTE in the context of self-organizing networks. 1-5 - Abdelhamid Laraki, Driss El Ouadghiri, Abdellah Jamali:
4G receiver: Modeling of a multi-standard transceiver and study of algorithm control. 1-5 - S. Alireza Nezamalhosseini
, Mohammad Ali Sedaghat, Farrokh Marvasti, Mona Ghassemian:
Interference cancellation in overloaded optical CDMA systems using unipolar walsh codes. 1-5 - Adrian Kliks
, Faouzi Bader:
Power loading for FBMC systems: An analysis with mercury-filling approach. 1-5 - Yosra Abbes, Sameh Najeh, Hichem Besbes:
Joint proportional fairness admission control and superposition coding for OFDMA networks. 1-5 - Ali Yassine, Mariette Awad
, Youssef Nasser
On the hybrid localization in heterogeneous networks with lack of hearability. 1-5 - Yijing Liu, Lihua Li:
Adaptive multi-step channel prediction in spatial channel model using Kalman filter. 1-5 - Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Antonio Liotta
, Marios Raspopoulos
, Stavros Stavrou:
A binomial distribution approach for the evaluation of indoor positioning systems. 1-4

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