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40th SoCG 2024: Athens, Greece
- Wolfgang Mulzer
, Jeff M. Phillips
40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2024, June 11-14, 2024, Athens, Greece. LIPIcs 293, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik 2024, ISBN 978-3-95977-316-4 - Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization. 0:i-0:xxii
- Zachary Abel, Hugo A. Akitaya, Scott Duke Kominers, Matias Korman, Frederick Stock:
A Universal In-Place Reconfiguration Algorithm for Sliding Cube-Shaped Robots in a Quadratic Number of Moves. 1:1-1:14 - Mikkel Abrahamsen
, Sarita de Berg
, Lucas Meijer, André Nusser, Leonidas Theocharous:
Clustering with Few Disks to Minimize the Sum of Radii. 2:1-2:15 - Eyal Ackerman, Gábor Damásdi, Balázs Keszegh, Rom Pinchasi, Rebeka Raffay
On the Number of Digons in Arrangements of Pairwise Intersecting Circles. 3:1-3:14 - Pankaj K. Agarwal
, Esther Ezra, Micha Sharir:
Semi-Algebraic Off-Line Range Searching and Biclique Partitions in the Plane. 4:1-4:15 - Manasseh Ahmed, Tsun-Ming Cheung, Hamed Hatami, Kusha Sareen:
Communication Complexity and Discrepancy of Halfplanes. 5:1-5:17 - Ángel Javier Alonso, Michael Kerber, Primoz Skraba:
Probabilistic Analysis of Multiparameter Persistence Decompositions into Intervals. 6:1-6:19 - Shinwoo An, Eunjin Oh:
ETH-Tight Algorithm for Cycle Packing on Unit Disk Graphs. 7:1-7:15 - Boris Aronov, Abdul Basit, Indu Ramesh, Gianluca Tasinato
, Uli Wagner:
Eight-Partitioning Points in 3D, and Efficiently Too. 8:1-8:15 - Boris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Leonidas Theocharous:
A Clique-Based Separator for Intersection Graphs of Geodesic Disks in ℝ². 9:1-9:15 - Boris Aronov, Tsuri Farhana, Matthew J. Katz, Indu Ramesh:
Discrete Fréchet Distance Oracles. 10:1-10:14 - Dominique Attali, Hana Dal Poz Kourimská, Christopher Fillmore, Ishika Ghosh
, André Lieutier, Elizabeth Stephenson
, Mathijs Wintraecken
Tight Bounds for the Learning of Homotopy à la Niyogi, Smale, and Weinberger for Subsets of Euclidean Spaces and of Riemannian Manifolds. 11:1-11:19 - Sayan Bandyapadhyay, Jie Xue:
An O(n log n)-Time Approximation Scheme for Geometric Many-To-Many Matching. 12:1-12:15 - Willow Barkan-Vered, Huck Bennett, Amir Nayyeri
Topological k-Metrics. 13:1-13:13 - Brannon Basilio, Chaeryn Lee, Joseph Malionek:
Totally Geodesic Surfaces in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Algorithms and Examples. 14:1-14:19 - Ulrich Bauer, Fabian Roll:
Wrapping Cycles in Delaunay Complexes: Bridging Persistent Homology and Discrete Morse Theory. 15:1-15:16 - Mark de Berg, Leonidas Theocharous:
A Coreset for Approximate Furthest-Neighbor Queries in a Simple Polygon. 16:1-16:16 - Sarita de Berg
, Tillmann Miltzow, Frank Staals:
Towards Space Efficient Two-Point Shortest Path Queries in a Polygonal Domain. 17:1-17:16 - Helena Bergold, Stefan Felsner, Meghana M. Reddy, Joachim Orthaber
, Manfred Scheucher:
Plane Hamiltonian Cycles in Convex Drawings. 18:1-18:16 - Sujoy Bhore, Martin Nöllenburg, Csaba D. Tóth, Jules Wulms:
Fully Dynamic Maximum Independent Sets of Disks in Polylogarithmic Update Time. 19:1-19:16 - Václav Blazej
, Boris Klemz, Felix Klesen
, Marie Diana Sieper, Alexander Wolff, Johannes Zink:
Constrained and Ordered Level Planarity Parameterized by the Number of Levels. 20:1-20:16 - Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Kunal Dutta, Soumik Dutta, Siddharth Pritam:
On Edge Collapse of Random Simplicial Complexes. 21:1-21:16 - Nicolas Bousquet, Lucas de Meyer, Théo Pierron, Alexandra Wesolek:
Reconfiguration of Plane Trees in Convex Geometric Graphs. 22:1-22:17 - Mathilde Bouvel, Valentin Féray, Xavier Goaoc, Florent Koechlin:
A Canonical Tree Decomposition for Chirotopes. 23:1-23:18 - Bruce W. Brewer, Gerth Stølting Brodal
, Haitao Wang:
Dynamic Convex Hulls for Simple Paths. 24:1-24:15 - Karl Bringmann, Frank Staals, Karol Wegrzycki, Geert van Wordragen
Fine-Grained Complexity of Earth Mover's Distance Under Translation. 25:1-25:17 - Moritz Buchem, Paul Deuker
, Andreas Wiese:
Approximating the Geometric Knapsack Problem in Near-Linear Time and Dynamically. 26:1-26:14 - Kevin Buchin
, Maike Buchin, Joachim Gudmundsson, Aleksandr Popov, Sampson Wong:
Map-Matching Queries Under Fréchet Distance on Low-Density Spanners. 27:1-27:15 - Denys Bulavka
, Éric Colin de Verdière, Niloufar Fuladi:
Computing Shortest Closed Curves on Non-Orientable Surfaces. 28:1-28:16 - Rhuaidi Antonio Burke:
Practical Software for Triangulating and Simplifying 4-Manifolds. 29:1-29:23 - Benjamin A. Burton, Finn Thompson
Effective Computation of the Heegaard Genus of 3-Manifolds. 30:1-30:16 - Sergio Cabello, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Christian Knauer:
Geometric Matching and Bottleneck Problems. 31:1-31:15 - Luca Castelli Aleardi, Olivier Devillers:
SCARST: Schnyder Compact and Regularity Sensitive Triangulation Data Structure. 32:1-32:19 - Timothy M. Chan, Pingan Cheng, Da Wei Zheng:
Semialgebraic Range Stabbing, Ray Shooting, and Intersection Counting in the Plane. 33:1-33:15 - Timothy M. Chan, Isaac M. Hair
Convex Polygon Containment: Improving Quadratic to Near Linear Time. 34:1-34:15 - Timothy M. Chan, Qizheng He, Jie Xue:
Enclosing Points with Geometric Objects. 35:1-35:15 - Timothy M. Chan, Zhengcheng Huang:
Dynamic Geometric Connectivity in the Plane with Constant Query Time. 36:1-36:13 - Hsien-Chih Chang, Jonathan Conroy, Hung Le, Lazar Milenkovic, Shay Solomon, Cuong Than:
Optimal Euclidean Tree Covers. 37:1-37:15 - Hsien-Chih Chang, Jie Gao, Hung Le:
Computing Diameter+2 in Truly-Subquadratic Time for Unit-Disk Graphs. 38:1-38:14 - Dror Chawin, Ishay Haviv:
Nearly Orthogonal Sets over Finite Fields. 39:1-39:11 - Kyungjin Cho, Eunjin Oh, Haitao Wang, Jie Xue:
Optimal Algorithm for the Planar Two-Center Problem. 40:1-40:15 - Suyoung Choi, Hyeontae Jang, Mathieu Vallée:
GPU Algorithm for Enumerating PL Spheres of Picard Number 4: Application to Toric Topology. 41:1-41:15 - Jacobus Conradi, Benedikt Kolbe, Ioannis Psarros, Dennis Rohde:
Fast Approximations and Coresets for (k,𝓁)-Median Under Dynamic Time Warping. 42:1-42:17 - Fernando Cortés Kühnast, Justin Dallant, Stefan Felsner, Manfred Scheucher:
An Improved Lower Bound on the Number of Pseudoline Arrangements. 43:1-43:18 - Justin Curry, Washington Mio, Tom Needham, Osman Berat Okutan, Florian Russold:
Stability and Approximations for Decorated Reeb Spaces. 44:1-44:17 - Suryendu Dalal, Rahul Gangopadhyay, Rajiv Raman, Saurabh Ray:
Sweeping Arrangements of Non-Piercing Regions in the Plane. 45:1-45:15 - Gábor Damásdi, Zichao Dong, Manfred Scheucher, Ji Zeng:
Saturation Results Around the Erdős-Szekeres Problem. 46:1-46:14 - Rathish Das, Omrit Filtser, Matthew J. Katz, Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Robustly Guarding Polygons. 47:1-47:17 - Pierre Dehornoy, Corentin Lunel, Arnaud de Mesmay:
Hopf Arborescent Links, Minor Theory, and Decidability of the Genus Defect. 48:1-48:18 - Tamal K. Dey, Tao Hou:
Computing Zigzag Vineyard Efficiently Including Expansions and Contractions. 49:1-49:15 - Tamal K. Dey, Abhishek Rathod:
Cup Product Persistence and Its Efficient Computation. 50:1-50:15 - Tamal K. Dey, Florian Russold, Shreyas N. Samaga:
Efficient Algorithms for Complexes of Persistence Modules with Applications. 51:1-51:18 - Michael Gene Dobbins, Andreas F. Holmsen, Dohyeon Lee:
Colorful Intersections and Tverberg Partitions. 52:1-52:13 - Herbert Edelsbrunner, János Pach:
Maximum Betti Numbers of Čech Complexes. 53:1-53:14 - Friedrich Eisenbrand, Matthieu Haeberle, Neta Singer:
An Improved Bound on Sums of Square Roots via the Subspace Theorem. 54:1-54:8 - Alexandros Eskenazis
Dimensionality of Hamming Metrics and Rademacher Type. 55:1-55:13 - Arnold Filtser, Yuval Gitlitz, Ofer Neiman:
Light, Reliable Spanners. 56:1-56:15 - Jacob Focke, Florian Hörsch, Shaohua Li, Dániel Marx:
Multicut Problems in Embedded Graphs: The Dependency of Complexity on the Demand Pattern. 57:1-57:15 - Emily Fox, Amir Nayyeri
, Jonathan James Perry, Benjamin Raichel:
Fréchet Edit Distance. 58:1-58:15 - Jacob Fox, János Pach, Andrew Suk:
A Structure Theorem for Pseudo-Segments and Its Applications. 59:1-59:14 - Zhimeng Gao, Sariel Har-Peled:
Near Optimal Locality Sensitive Orderings in Euclidean Space. 60:1-60:14 - Fabrizio Grandoni, Edin Husic, Mathieu Mari, Antoine Tinguely:
Approximating the Maximum Independent Set of Convex Polygons with a Bounded Number of Directions. 61:1-61:16 - Joachim Gudmundsson, Martin P. Seybold, Sampson Wong:
Approximating Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagrams: Efficient Construction with Linear Size. 62:1-62:14 - Thijs van der Horst
, Tim Ophelders:
Faster Fréchet Distance Approximation Through Truncated Smoothing. 63:1-63:15 - Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang, Robert Krauthgamer, Shay Sapir
Moderate Dimension Reduction for k-Center Clustering. 64:1-64:16 - Iyad Kanj, Salman Parsa:
On the Parameterized Complexity of Motion Planning for Rectangular Robots. 65:1-65:15 - Chaya Keller, Shakhar Smorodinsky:
Zarankiewicz's Problem via ε-t-Nets. 66:1-66:15 - Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Jana Masaríková, Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Bartosz Walczak, Karol Wegrzycki:
Separator Theorem and Algorithms for Planar Hyperbolic Graphs. 67:1-67:17 - Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Geert van Wordragen
A Quadtree, a Steiner Spanner, and Approximate Nearest Neighbours in Hyperbolic Space. 68:1-68:15 - Hana Dal Poz Kourimská, André Lieutier, Mathijs Wintraecken
The Medial Axis of Any Closed Bounded Set Is Lipschitz Stable with Respect to the Hausdorff Distance Under Ambient Diffeomorphisms. 69:1-69:18 - Uzu Lim:
Strange Random Topology of the Circle. 70:1-70:17 - Hong Liu, Chong Shangguan, Jozef Skokan, Zixiang Xu:
Beyond Chromatic Threshold via (p, q)-Theorem, and Blow-Up Phenomenon. 71:1-71:15 - Daniel Lokshtanov, Fahad Panolan, Saket Saurabh, Jie Xue, Meirav Zehavi:
A 1.9999-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Cover on String Graphs. 72:1-72:11 - Sushovan Majhi:
Demystifying Latschev's Theorem: Manifold Reconstruction from Noisy Data. 73:1-73:16 - Tim Planken, Torsten Ueckerdt:
Polychromatic Colorings of Geometric Hypergraphs via Shallow Hitting Sets. 74:1-74:14 - Yohai Reani, Omer Bobrowski:
Morse Theory for the k-NN Distance Function. 75:1-75:16 - Günter Rote, Moritz Rüber, Morteza Saghafian:
Grid Peeling of Parabolas. 76:1-76:18 - Patrick Schnider, Simon Weber
A Topological Version of Schaefer's Dichotomy Theorem. 77:1-77:16 - Martin Tancer:
Pach's Animal Problem Within the Bounding Box. 78:1-78:18 - Haitao Wang, Jie Xue:
Algorithms for Halfplane Coverage and Related Problems. 79:1-79:15 - Qingsong Wang, Guanqun Ma, Raghavendra Sridharamurthy
, Bei Wang
Measure-Theoretic Reeb Graphs and Reeb Spaces. 80:1-80:18 - Ernest van Wijland, Hang Zhou:
Faster Approximation Scheme for Euclidean k-TSP. 81:1-81:12 - Xiaoyi Zhu, Yuxiang Tian
, Lingxiao Huang, Zengfeng Huang:
Space Complexity of Euclidean Clustering. 82:1-82:16 - Alkan Atak, Kevin Buchin
, Mart Hagedoorn
, Jona Heinrichs, Karsten Hogreve, Guangping Li, Patrick Pawelczyk:
Computing Maximum Polygonal Packings in Convex Polygons Using Best-Fit, Genetic Algorithms and ILPs (CG Challenge). 83:1-83:9 - Guilherme Dias da Fonseca, Yan Gerard:
Shadoks Approach to Knapsack Polygonal Packing (CG Challenge). 84:1-84:9 - Martin Held:
Priority-Driven Nesting of Irregular Polygonal Shapes Within a Convex Polygonal Container Based on a Hierarchical Integer Grid (CG Challenge). 85:1-85:6 - Canhui Luo, Zhouxing Su, Zhipeng Lü:
A General Heuristic Approach for Maximum Polygon Packing (CG Challenge). 86:1-86:9 - Dominique Attali, Hana Dal Poz Kourimská, Christopher Fillmore, Ishika Ghosh
, André Lieutier, Elizabeth Stephenson
, Mathijs Wintraecken
The Ultimate Frontier: An Optimality Construction for Homotopy Inference (Media Exposition). 87:1-87:6 - Marjolein Haagsman, Maarten Löffler, Carola Wenk:
Computational Geometry Concept Videos: A Dual-Use Project in Education and Outreach (Media Exposition). 88:1-88:4 - Irina Kostitsyna, Tim Ophelders, Irene Parada, Tom Peters
, Willem Sonke
, Bettina Speckmann
Optimal In-Place Compaction of Sliding Cubes (Media Exposition). 89:1-89:4 - Kacey Thien-Huu La, Jose E. Arbelo, Christopher J. Tralie:
Visualizing Lucas's Hamiltonian Paths Through the Associahedron 1-Skeleton (Media Exposition). 90:1-90:6 - Olivia X. Laske, Lori Ziegelmeier:
Image Triangulation Using the Sobel Operator for Vertex Selection (Media Exposition). 91:1-91:7 - Nithin Parepally, Ainesh Chatterjee, Auguste H. Gezalyan, Hongyang Du, Sukrit Mangla, Kenny Wu, Sarah Hwang, David M. Mount:
Ipelets for the Convex Polygonal Geometry (Media Exposition). 92:1-92:7

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