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CODES+ISSS 2012: Tampere, Finland

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ESWEEK special session

Software solutions for handling physical effects in embedded platforms

Robust embedded architecture

Managing parallelism in multi-core systems

NOC and memory performance analysis and mapping

Efficient simulation techniques

Routing algorithms and NoC architectures for next-generation 2D/3D SoCs

Advanced simulation techniques for simulation-based validation

Emulation of physical systems and design of wireless sensor networks

Advances in power/thermal optimization

Enabling hardware design in system context

Special session: testbenches for advanced TLM verification

Power-efficient mobile computing

System-level synthesis and optimization

New advances in microfluidic chips

Power, reliability, and security issues from systems to circuits

Real-time and mixed critical systems

Memory management

Co-design in the real world

Special session: synthesis of executable extra-functional system-level models for timing and power exploration
