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14th ARES 2019: Canterbury, UK
- Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2019, Canterbury, UK, August 26-29, 2019. ACM 2018, ISBN 978-1-4503-7164-3
ARES Full I - Dependability and resilience
- Tobias Mueller, Ephraim Zimmer
, Ludovico de Nittis:
Using Context and Provenance to defend against USB-borne attacks. 1:1-1:9 - Lucas Buschlinger
, Markus Springer, Maria Zhdanova
Plug-and-Patch: Secure Value Added Services for Electric Vehicle Charging. 2:1-2:10 - Jukka Soikkeli, Luis Muñoz-González
, Emil Lupu:
Efficient Attack Countermeasure Selection Accounting for Recovery and Action Costs. 3:1-3:10
ARES Full II - Best Paper Session
- Marius Musch, Christian Wressnegger, Martin Johns
, Konrad Rieck:
Thieves in the Browser: Web-based Cryptojacking in the Wild. 4:1-4:10 - Juraj Smeriga, Tomás Jirsík:
Behavior-Aware Network Segmentation using IP Flows. 5:1-5:9 - Morteza Safaei Pour
, Antonio Mangino, Kurt Friday, Matthias Rathbun, Elias Bou-Harb, Farkhund Iqbal
, Khaled B. Shaban, Abdelkarim Erradi:
Data-driven Curation, Learning and Analysis for Inferring Evolving IoT Botnets in the Wild. 6:1-6:10
ARES Full III - Software security
- Julien Proy, Karine Heydemann, Alexandre Berzati, Fabien Majéric, Albert Cohen:
A First ISA-Level Characterization of EM Pulse Effects on Superscalar Microarchitectures: A Secure Software Perspective. 7:1-7:10 - Johannes Feichtner, Christof Rabensteiner:
Obfuscation-Resilient Code Recognition in Android Apps. 8:1-8:10 - Elaine Venson
, Xiaomeng Guo, Zidi Yan, Barry W. Boehm:
Costing Secure Software Development: A Systematic Mapping Study. 9:1-9:11
ARES Full IV - Cryptographic mechanisms and applications I
- Stephan Krenn, Kai Samelin, Christoph Striecks
Practical Group-Signatures with Privacy-Friendly Openings. 10:1-10:10 - Samiran Bag, Muhammad Ajmal Azad
, Feng Hao
E2E Verifiable Borda Count Voting System without Tallying Authorities. 11:1-11:9
ARES Full V - Cryptographic mechanisms and applications II
- Ferhat Karakoç
, Majid Nateghizad, Zekeriya Erkin
SET-OT: A Secure Equality Testing Protocol Based on Oblivious Transfer. 12:1-12:9 - Olivier Blazy, Laura Brouilhet, Duong Hieu Phan
Anonymous Identity Based Encryption with Traceable Identities. 13:1-13:10
ARES Full VI - Network Security I
- Florian Wilkens
, Steffen Haas, Dominik Kaaser, Peter Kling
, Mathias Fischer:
Towards Efficient Reconstruction of Attacker Lateral Movement. 14:1-14:9 - Michael Pfeiffer, Michael Rossberg, Simon Buttgereit
, Guenter Schaefer:
Strong Tenant Separation in Cloud Computing Platforms. 15:1-15:10 - Mauro Conti
, Ankit Gangwal
, Michele Todero:
Blockchain Trilemma Solver Algorand has Dilemma over Undecidable Messages. 16:1-16:8
ARES Full VII - Web security and attacks
- Junaid Iqbal, Ratinder Kaur, Natalia Stakhanova:
PoliDOM: Mitigation of DOM-XSS by Detection and Prevention of Unauthorized DOM Tampering. 17:1-17:10 - Christos Iliou
, Theodoros Kostoulas
, Theodora Tsikrika
, Vasilis Katos, Stefanos Vrochidis
, Yiannis Kompatsiaris:
Towards a framework for detecting advanced Web bots. 18:1-18:10 - Pavlo Burda
, Coen Boot, Luca Allodi:
Characterizing the Redundancy of DarkWeb .onion Services. 19:1-19:10
ARES Full VIII - Network Security I
- Ryan R. Curtin, Andrew B. Gardner, Slawomir Grzonkowski, Alexey Kleymenov, Alejandro Mosquera
Detecting DGA domains with recurrent neural networks and side information. 20:1-20:10 - Aditya Kuppa, Slawomir Grzonkowski, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar
, Nhien-An Le-Khac
Black Box Attacks on Deep Anomaly Detectors. 21:1-21:10
ARES Short I - Identity, authorization and privacy
- Mohammad Hajian Berenjestanaki
, Mauro Conti
, Ankit Gangwal
On the Exploitation of Online SMS Receiving Services to Forge ID Verification. 22:1-22:5 - Eman Salem Alashwali, Pawel Szalachowski, Andrew Martin:
Does "www." Mean Better Transport Layer Security? 23:1-23:7 - Francesco Buccafurri, Vincenzo De Angelis
, Gianluca Lax, Lorenzo Musarella
, Antonia Russo
An Attribute-Based Privacy-Preserving Ethereum Solution for Service Delivery with Accountability Requirements. 24:1-24:6
ARES Short II - Threat detection and response
- Khanh-Huu-The Dam
, Tayssir Touili:
STAMAD: a STAtic MAlware Detector. 25:1-25:6 - Ludwig Englbrecht
, Gregor Langner
, Günther Pernul, Gerald Quirchmayr:
Enhancing credibility of digital evidence through provenance-based incident response handling. 26:1-26:6 - Christopher Stelly, Vassil Roussev:
Language-based Integration of Digital Forensics & Incident Response. 27:1-27:6
- Olivier Blazy, Céline Chevalier, Quoc-Huy Vu:
Post-Quantum UC-Secure Oblivious Transfer in the Standard Model with Adaptive Corruptions. 28:1-28:6 - Markus Hittmeir
, Andreas Ekelhart
, Rudolf Mayer
On the Utility of Synthetic Data: An Empirical Evaluation on Machine Learning Tasks. 29:1-29:6 - Mohamad Imad Mahaini
, Shujun Li, Rahime Belen Saglam:
Building Taxonomies based on Human-Machine Teaming: Cyber Security as an Example. 30:1-30:9
FARES I - Protection and Detection
- Ahmed Mahmoud Alwakeel
, Abdulrahman Khalid Alnaim, Eduardo B. Fernández
A Pattern for a Virtual Network Function (VNF). 31:1-31:7 - Pooria Madani
, Natalija Vlajic:
Near-optimal Evasion of Randomized Convex-inducing Classifiers in Adversarial Environments. 32:1-32:6 - Giuseppe Bernieri, Mauro Conti
, Gabriele Pozzan:
AMON: an Automaton MONitor for Industrial Cyber-Physical Security. 33:1-33:10 - Michal Javorník, Jana Komárková, Martin Husák
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Cyber Defence. 34:1-34:8
FARES II - Measurement and Robust Design
- Thomas Clédel, Nora Cuppens, Frédéric Cuppens:
Managing the Overestimation of Resilience. 35:1-35:10 - Martin Horák, Václav Stupka, Martin Husák:
GDPR Compliance in Cybersecurity Software: A Case Study of DPIA in Information Sharing Platform. 36:1-36:8 - Muhammad Mudassar Yamin, Basel Katt:
Cyber Security Skill Set Analysis for Common Curricula Development. 37:1-37:8
- Oren Halvani, Christian Winter, Lukas Graner
Assessing the Applicability of Authorship Verification Methods. 38:1-38:10 - Huajian Liu, Martin Steinebach, Kathrin Schölei:
Improved Manipulation Detection with Convolutional Neural Network for JPEG Images. 39:1-39:6 - Patrício Domingues
, Alexandre Frazão Rosário:
Deep Learning-based Facial Detection and Recognition in Still Images for Digital Forensics. 40:1-40:10
- Thomas Göbel, Jan Türr, Harald Baier:
Revisiting Data Hiding Techniques for Apple File System. 41:1-41:10 - Courtney Hassenfeldt, Shabana Baig, Ibrahim M. Baggili
, Xiaolu Zhang:
Map My Murder: A Digital Forensic Study of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications. 42:1-42:12 - Xiaoyu Du, Mark Scanlon:
Methodology for the Automated Metadata-Based Classification of Incriminating Digital Forensic Artefacts. 43:1-43:8
- Daniel Spiekermann
, Tobias Eggendorfer
, Jörg Keller:
A Study of Network Forensic Investigation in Docker Environments. 44:1-44:7 - Ahmad Atamli, Giuseppe Petracca, Jon Crowcroft:
IO-Trust: An out-of-band trusted memory acquisition for intrusion detection and Forensics investigations in cloud IOMMU based systems. 45:1-45:6 - Tina Wu, Frank Breitinger
, Ibrahim M. Baggili
IoT Ignorance is Digital Forensics Research Bliss: A Survey to Understand IoT Forensics Definitions, Challenges and Future Research Directions. 46:1-46:15
- Tobias Groß, Matanat Ahmadova, Tilo Müller:
Analyzing Android's File-Based Encryption: Information Leakage through Unencrypted Metadata. 47:1-47:7 - Soundes Marzougui, Juliane Krämer:
Post-Quantum Cryptography in Embedded Systems. 48:1-48:7 - Marcus Botacin, Anatoli Kalysch, André Grégio
The Internet Banking [in]Security Spiral: Past, Present, and Future of Online Banking Protection Mechanisms based on a Brazilian case study. 49:1-49:10
- York Yannikos
, Julian Heeger, Maria Brockmeyer:
An Analysis Framework for Product Prices and Supplies in Darknet Marketplaces. 50:1-50:7 - Andrea Tundis
, Leon Böck, Victoria Stanilescu, Max Mühlhäuser:
Limits in the data for detecting criminals on social media. 51:1-51:8
- Elena Doynikova
, Andrey Fedorchenko
, Igor V. Kotenko
Ontology of Metrics for Cyber Security Assessment. 52:1-52:8 - Tobias Dam
, Lukas Daniel Klausner, Damjan Buhov, Sebastian Schrittwieser
Large-Scale Analysis of Pop-Up Scam on Typosquatting URLs. 53:1-53:9 - Mariano Di Martino, Peter Quax
, Wim Lamotte
Realistically Fingerprinting Social Media Webpages in HTTPS Traffic. 54:1-54:10
- Martin Steinebach, Karol Gotkowski, Huajian Liu:
Fake News Detection by Image Montage Recognition. 55:1-55:9 - Alexander Aigner, Rene Zeller:
HEHLKAPPE: Utilizing Deep Learning to Manipulate Surveillance Camera Footage in Real-Time. 56:1-56:8 - Felix Anda, David Lillis
, Aikaterini Kanta
, Brett A. Becker
, Elias Bou-Harb, Nhien-An Le-Khac
, Mark Scanlon:
Improving Borderline Adulthood Facial Age Estimation through Ensemble Learning. 57:1-57:8
SSE I - Secure Software Development
- Shao-Fang Wen, Basel Katt:
Learning Software Security in Context: An Evaluation in Open Source Software Development Environment. 58:1-58:10 - Inger Anne Tøndel, Daniela Soares Cruzes, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Kalle Rindell:
The Security Intention Meeting Series as a way to increase visibility of software security decisions in agile development projects. 59:1-59:8
SSE II - Managing security on applications
- Kalle Rindell, Karin Bernsmed, Martin Gilje Jaatun:
Managing Security in Software: Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Manage the Security Technical Debt. 60:1-60:8 - Irdin Pekaric, Clemens Sauerwein, Michael Felderer:
Applying Security Testing Techniques to Automotive Engineering. 61:1-61:10 - Serafettin Sentürk, Hasan Yasar, Ibrahim Sogukpinar:
Model Driven Security in a Mobile Banking Application Context. 62:1-62:7
CUING I - Keynote Session: CUING II
- Steffen Wendzel
Protocol-independent Detection of "Messaging Ordering" Network Covert Channels. 63:1-63:8 - Tobias Schmidbauer, Steffen Wendzel
, Aleksandra Mileva
, Wojciech Mazurczyk
Introducing Dead Drops to Network Steganography using ARP-Caches and SNMP-Walks. 64:1-64:10 - Krzysztof Cabaj
, Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Piotr Nowakowski
, Piotr Zórawski
Fine-tuning of Distributed Network Covert Channels Parameters and Their Impact on Undetectability. 65:1-65:8
- Martin Steinebach, Marcel Schäfer, Alexander Karakuz, Katharina Brandl, York Yannikos
Detection and Analysis of Tor Onion Services. 66:1-66:10 - Donatello Luna, Luca Allodi, Marco Cremonini
Productivity and Patterns of Activity in Bug Bounty Programs: Analysis of HackerOne and Google Vulnerability Research. 67:1-67:10 - Michal Choras, Marek Pawlicki
, Rafal Kozik
, Konstantinos P. Demestichas
, Pavlos Kosmides, Manik Gupta
SocialTruth Project Approach to Online Disinformation (Fake News) Detection and Mitigation. 68:1-68:10
- Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Przemyslaw Szary, Steffen Wendzel
, Luca Caviglione:
Towards Reversible Storage Network Covert Channels. 69:1-69:8 - Martin Steinebach, Sebastian Lutz, Huajian Liu:
Privacy and Robust Hashes. 70:1-70:8
- Zhuohua Li
, Jincheng Wang, Mingshen Sun, John C. S. Lui:
Securing the Device Drivers of Your Embedded Systems: Framework and Prototype. 71:1-71:10 - Musa G. Samaila
, Moser Z. V. José
, João B. F. Sequeiros, Mário M. Freire
, Pedro R. M. Inácio
IoT-HarPSecA: A Framework for Facilitating the Design and Development of Secure IoT Devices. 72:1-72:7
- Pradip Mainali, Carlton Shepherd:
Privacy-Enhancing Fall Detection from Remote Sensor Data Using Multi-Party Computation. 73:1-73:10 - Konstantin Mikhaylov
, Radek Fujdiak, Ari Pouttu, Miroslav Voznák, Lukas Malina
, Petr Mlynek
Energy Attack in LoRaWAN: Experimental Validation. 74:1-74:6 - Lukas Malina
, Gautam Srivastava
, Petr Dzurenda
, Jan Hajny, Radek Fujdiak:
A Secure Publish/Subscribe Protocol for Internet of Things. 75:1-75:10
- Maxime Bélair, Sylvie Laniepce, Jean-Marc Menaud:
Leveraging Kernel Security Mechanisms to Improve Container Security: a Survey. 76:1-76:6 - Abdulrahman Khalid Alnaim, Ahmed Mahmoud Alwakeel
, Eduardo B. Fernández
A Misuse Pattern for Compromising VMs via Virtual Machine Escape in NFV. 77:1-77:6
- Luca Calderoni
Preserving context security in AWS IoT Core. 78:1-78:5 - Khaoula Es-Salhi, David Espes
, Nora Cuppens:
DTE Access Control Model for Integrated ICS Systems. 79:1-79:9
- Hamid Reza Ghaeini
, Nils Ole Tippenhauer
, Jianying Zhou
Zero Residual Attacks on Industrial Control Systems and Stateful Countermeasures. 80:1-80:10
CyberTIM II - Threat prediction, detection and mitigation
- Martin Husák
, Jaroslav Kaspar:
AIDA Framework: Real-Time Correlation and Prediction of Intrusion Detection Alerts. 81:1-81:8 - Christian Doll, Arnold Sykosch, Marc Ohm
, Michael Meier
Automated Pattern Inference Based on Repeatedly Observed Malware Artifacts. 82:1-82:10 - Thomas Schaberreiter, Veronika Kupfersberger, Konstantinos Rantos
, Arnolnt Spyros, Alexandros Papanikolaou
, Christos Ilioudis
, Gerald Quirchmayr:
A Quantitative Evaluation of Trust in the Quality of Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources. 83:1-83:10
CyberTIM III - Threat Intelligence Sharing
- Václav Bartos
NERD: Network Entity Reputation Database. 84:1-84:7 - Adam Zibak, Andrew Simpson
Cyber Threat Information Sharing: Perceived Benefits and Barriers. 85:1-85:9 - Peter Amthor, Daniel Fischer
, Winfried E. Kühnhauser, Dirk Stelzer
Automated Cyber Threat Sensing and Responding: Integrating Threat Intelligence into Security-Policy-Controlled Systems. 86:1-86:10
BASS I - Privacy, Authentication, and Access Control
- Pradip Mainali, Carlton Shepherd, Fabien A. P. Petitcolas
Privacy-Enhancing Context Authentication from Location-Sensitive Data. 87:1-87:10 - Farah Dernaika, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens, Olivier Raynaud:
Semantic Mediation for A Posteriori Log Analysis. 88:1-88:10 - Yousra Javed, Shashank Sethi, Akshay Jadoun:
Alexa's Voice Recording Behavior: A Survey of User Understanding and Awareness. 89:1-89:10
BASS II - Communication networks
- Jorge Maestre Vidal, Marco Antonio Sotelo Monge
Adversarial Communication Networks Modeling for Intrusion Detection Strengthened against Mimicry. 90:1-90:6
- Peter Hamm, David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
A Systematic Analysis of User Evaluations in Security Research. 91:1-91:7 - Damjan Fujs
, Anze Mihelic, Simon L. R. Vrhovec
The power of interpretation: Qualitative methods in cybersecurity research. 92:1-92:10 - Caroline Moeckel:
Examining and Constructing Attacker Categorisations: an Experimental Typology for Digital Banking. 93:1-93:6
- Stephen B. Wicker:
eBook Readers, Location Surveillance and the Threat to Freedom of Association. 94:1-94:7
- Thanassis Giannetsos, Ioannis Krontiris:
Securing V2X Communications for the Future: Can PKI Systems offer the answer? 95:1-95:8 - Khuong An Nguyen
, Raja Naeem Akram
, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Zhiyuan Luo, Chris Watkins:
Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and Magnetometer Traces. 96:1-96:9
- Matthias Caesar
, Jan Steffan
A Location Privacy Analysis of Bluetooth Mesh. 97:1-97:7 - Luke R. Parker, Paul D. Yoo
, A. Taufiq Asyhari
, Lounis Chermak, Yoonchan Jhi, Kamal Taha
DEMISe: Interpretable Deep Extraction and Mutual Information Selection Techniques for IoT Intrusion Detection. 98:1-98:10
- Simon D. Duque Antón
, Daniel Fraunholz, Hans Dieter Schotten:
Using Temporal and Topological Features for Intrusion Detection in Operational Networks. 99:1-99:9 - Lucian Popa, Bogdan Groza
, Pal-Stefan Murvay
Performance Evaluation of Elliptic Curve Libraries on Automotive-Grade Microcontrollers. 100:1-100:7
- Björn Leander
, Aida Causevic, Hans Hansson:
Applicability of the IEC 62443 standard in Industry 4.0 / IIoT. 101:1-101:8 - Ralph Ankele
, Stefan Marksteiner
, Kai Nahrgang, Heribert Vallant
Requirements and Recommendations for IoT/IIoT Models to automate Security Assurance through Threat Modelling, Security Analysis and Penetration Testing. 102:1-102:8 - Nirojan Selvanathan, Dileepa Jayakody, Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt
Federated Identity Management and Interoperability for Heterogeneous Cloud Platform Ecosystems. 103:1-103:7
- Raimo Kantola:
6G Network Needs to Support Embedded Trust. 104:1-104:5 - Jorge Maestre Vidal, Marco Antonio Sotelo Monge
Framework for Anticipatory Self-Protective 5G Environments. 105:1-105:9
- Joo Yeon Cho, Andrew Sergeev, Jim Zou:
Securing Ethernet-based Optical Fronthaul for 5G Network. 106:1-106:6 - Markus Theil, Martin Backhaus, Michael Rossberg, Guenter Schaefer:
Towards a Security Architecture for Hybrid WMNs. 107:1-107:10 - Krzysztof Cabaj
, Marcin Gregorczyk, Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Piotr Nowakowski
, Piotr Zórawski
Sniffing Detection within the Network: Revisiting Existing and Proposing Novel Approaches. 108:1-108:8

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