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IEEE ANTS 2016: Bangalore, India
- 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, ANTS 2016, Bangalore, India, November 6-9, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-2193-2
- Vanita Pawar, Krishna Naik Karamtot
Least square solver for wireless communication system. 1-4 - Manoranjan Rai Bharti, Debashis Ghosh:
Joint spectral shaping and power loading for OFDM-based cognitive radio. 1-6 - Rahul Singh, Abhishek Chakraborty, B. S. Manoj
On spectral analysis of node centralities. 1-5 - M. Anand, G. K. Reddy Chinthalapudi:
A novel architecture for last mile connectivity for rural India using NOFN. 1-5 - Shubham Agarwal, Avirup Das
, Nabanita Das:
An efficient approach for load balancing in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 1-6 - Manish Mandloi
, Mohammed Azahar Hussain, Vimal Bhatia
Ordered multi-branch processing for successive interference cancellation based MIMO detection. 1-6 - Shashank Tiwari
, Sourav Chatterjee, Suvra Sekhar Das:
Comparative analysis of waveforms for fifth generation mobile networks. 1-6 - Sanjeev Sharma, Vimal Bhatia
Performance analysis of filtered PSM signal using non-matched receiver for UWB communication. 1-6 - Vishnu Vardhan Makkapati
, Sai Saketh Rambhatla:
Remote monitoring of camera based respiration rate estimated by using occlusion of dot pattern. 1-5 - Elizabeth Mukhwana Okumu, Mqhele E. Dlodlo:
Throughput based transmit antenna selection for underlay CR MIMO systems. 1-6 - Elizabeth Mukhwana Okumu, Mqhele E. Dlodlo:
Near-optimal and optimal reduced complexity algorithms for throughput maximization in underlay CR MIMO systems. 1-5 - Sainandan Bayya Venkata, Prabhakara Yellai, Gaurav D. Verma, Andhavarapu Lokesh, K. S. Adithya, Siva Sankara Sai Sanagapati:
A new Light Weight Transport Method for secured transmission of data for IoT. 1-6 - Basant Subba
, Santosh Biswas, Sushanta Karmakar:
Enhancing performance of anomaly based intrusion detection systems through dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis. 1-6 - Basant Subba
, Santosh Biswas, Sushanta Karmakar:
Enhancing effectiveness of intrusion detection systems: A hybrid approach. 1-6 - Rakesh Tripathi, S. Vignesh, Venkatesh Tamarapalli
Towards cost-effective capacity provisioning for fault-tolerant green distributed data centers. 1-6 - Neelaabh Gupta, Anagh Narain, Akshat Arora, Dolly Sharma
Correlating centralities of social networks. 1-6 - Praveen Kumar Singya, Nagendra Kumar
, Vimal Bhatia
Performance analysis of OFDM based multiple relay cooperative AF system with relay selection and nonlinear power amplifier. 1-6 - Arunan Sivanathan, Daniel Sherratt, Hassan Habibi Gharakheili
, Vijay Sivaraman, Arun Vishwanath:
Low-cost flow-based security solutions for smart-home IoT devices. 1-6 - Ravi Sharma
, Ashok Singh Sairam, Akash Yadav, Axel Sikora:
Tunable synchronization in duty-cycled wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Muhammad Siddiqi, Vijay Sivaraman, Sanjay Jha
Timestamp integrity in wearable healthcare devices. 1-6 - Kumar Saurav, Kartik Vermun, Sandip Chakraborty:
Adaptive redistribution of resources for ensuring service quality in a post disaster situation analysis network. 1-6 - Kapil Sharma, Venkataramana Badarla:
Curtailing latency in data center network by adopting Jumbo Frames. 1-6 - Irfan Baig, Saptarshi Chaudhuri, Debabrata Das
Downlink interference control through adaptive DRX in a carrier aggregation enabled LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks. 1-6 - Ranadheer Musham, Srikant Manas Kala, Pavithra Muthyap, Mule Pavan Kumar Reddy, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
Near optimal channel assignment for interference mitigation in wireless mesh networks. 1-6 - Gaurangi Sahay, P. Meghana, Vadali Venkata Sravani, T. Prabha Venkatesh, Viswavardhan Karna
SDR based single channel S-AIS receiver for satellites using system generator. 1-6 - Atri Mukhopadhyay
, Goutam Das:
A proposal for WLAN-EPON integration that reduces video traffic jitter in presence of mixed traffic. 1-6 - Carlos Colman Meixner
, Gustavo B. Figueiredo, Matteo Fiorani, Massimo Tornatore
, Biswanath Mukherjee:
Resilient cloud network mapping with virtualized BBU placement for cloud-RAN. 1-3 - S. Vignesh, Rakesh Tripathi, Venkatesh Tamarapalli
Minimizing the cost of designing fault-tolerant CDN data centers. 1-3 - Mukesh Chaudhary, Narendra Kumar Meena, Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum
Local search based near optimal low complexity detection for large MIMO System. 1-5 - Ayan Chatterjee, Amitava Chakraborty, Saptarshi Pal, Amitava Mukherjee
, Mrinal K. Naskar:
Non-autonomous dynamic network model involving growth and decay. 1-6 - M. P. R. Sai Kiran, Raja Vara Prasad Yerra
, V. Subrahmanyam, Pachamuthu Rajalakshmi
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer: Prospect for multi-hop networks. 1-6 - Bala Prakasa Rao Killi, Seela Veerabhadreswara Rao:
Controller placement with planning for failures in software defined networks. 1-6 - Alireza Shahanaghi, Aliazam Abbasfar, Kasra Madayeni Avval:
Fairness analysis of MAC protocols in MIMO networks using stochastic geometry. 1-5 - Nishat Afshan Ansari
, Umesh A. Deshpande
, S. P. Mohammad:
An asynchronous algorithm for providing energy efficient coverage and connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - U. Prathap, P. Deepa Shenoy, K. R. Venugopal:
PCAD: Power control attack detection in wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Sarita Agrawal, Manik Lal Das:
Node revocation and key update protocol in wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Shrikant S. Tangade
, Sunilkumar S. Manvi:
Scalable and privacy-preserving authentication protocol for secure vehicular communications. 1-6 - Sangeeta Bhattacharjee
, Tamaghna Acharya, Uma Bhattacharya
Optimal power allocation for cognitive radio multicast networks under primary users' outage loss constraint. 1-6 - Uday Trivedi, Munal Patel:
A fully automated deep packet inspection verification system with machine learning. 1-6 - Chandra Sekhar Vorugunti
PPMUAS: A privacy preserving mobile user authentication system for cloud environment utilizing big data features. 1-6 - Hema Kumar Yarnagula, Venkatesh Tamarapalli
Score-based objective quality of experience assessment of DASH adaptation algorithms. 1-6 - A. S. Asif Ahmad, Bharath Keshavamurthy
, K. S. Abhay Narasimha, N. Mahesh, M. N. Suma:
Communication system design for white-fi (802.11af). 1-6 - Suman Bhattacharjee
, Sourav Kanta, Saket Modi, Madhumita Paul, Sipra Das Bit
Disaster messenger: An android based infrastructure less application for post disaster information exchange. 1-5 - Sriram Sankaran
Modeling the performance of IoT networks. 1-6 - Krishna Vijay Kumar Singh
, Mayank Pandey:
Software-defined mobility in IP based Wi-Fi networks: Design proposal and future directions. 1-6 - V. Vivekanand
, V. T. Thushara:
Ultra resource constrained adaptive multipath routing for meteorological sensor networks. 1-6 - Sourav Das, Anil Kumar Nagaraja, Harshad Sardesai:
Evaluation of OTN solutions for metro networks in Asia. 1-3 - Srikanth Kaka, V. N. Sastry, Rajib Ranjan Maiti:
On the MitM vulnerability in mobile banking applications for android devices. 1-6 - M. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Srikant Manas Kala, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
Enhancing channel assignment performance in wireless mesh networks through interference mitigation functions. 1-6 - Shilpa Budhkar, Venkatesh Tamarapalli
An overlay management strategy to improve peer stability in P2P live streaming systems. 1-6 - B. Akilesh, Vanlin Sathya, Arun Ramamurthy, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
A novel scheduling algorithm to maximize the D2D spatial reuse in LTE networks. 1-6 - N. Sowmiya, H. Shahul Hamead
, T. T. Mirnalinee:
Adaptive link rates for burst based transmission towards the prosperity of green networks. 1-6 - Shashwati Banerjea, Mayank Pandey, Ashish Kumar, Rishabh Dugar, M. M. Gore:
Implementation of MapReduce over structured peer-to-peer overlay of underutilized resources. 1-6 - Hema Kumar Yarnagula, Ram Kumar Vooda, Venkatesh Tamarapalli
A measurement study of energy consumption anc QoE trade-offs for DASH in mobile devices. 1-3 - Kumaran Ragunathan, Thabotharan Kathiravelu:
A hop-count and time based MANET routing protocol. 1-6 - Pankaj Kumar Dalela, Saurabh Basu, Sabyasachi Majumdar, Ankita Saldhi, Vipin Tyagi:
Real Time Monitoring of Power Resources with Surveillance based on M2M Communication. 1-5 - Misha Hungyo, Mayank Pandey:
SDN based implementation of publish/subscribe paradigm using OpenFlow multicast. 1-6 - Mukesh Kumar Giluka, M. Sibgath Ali Khan, Vanlin Sathya, A. Antony Franklin
Leveraging decoupling in enabling energy aware D2D communications. 1-6 - S. Sajithabanu, S. R. Balasundaram:
Cloud based Content Delivery Network using Genetic Optimization Algorithm for storage cost. 1-6 - Ayush Agarwal, Mohit P. Tahiliani:
BCON: Back pressure based congestion avoidance model for Named Data Networks. 1-5 - Sandeep Kumar Singh
, R. Manivasakan:
Traffic adaptive reconfiguration in virtual optical bus networks. 1-6 - Chalavindala Swapna, Mohit P. Tahiliani:
CSS: Cautious Slow Start algorithm to minimize packet drop rate. 1-6 - Hari Krishna Boddapati, Manav R. Bhatnagar
, Nagaraju Kakinada, Vemuri Sai Krishna, Shankar Prakriya:
BER analysis of improved path selection criterion for cluster-based multi-hop cooperative networks. 1-6 - Amit A. Deshmukh
, Priyanka Verma, Divya Singh, Payal Mohadikar, Kamla Prasan Ray
Key-shaped slot loaded circular microstrip antenna for multi-band and broadband response. 1-6 - Himani Joshi, Sumit Jagdish Darak
, Yves Louët:
Testbed and experimental analysis of automatic modulation classifier for non-uniformly sampled signal. 1-3 - Thomas Valerrian Pasca S, B. Akilesh, Arjun V. Anand, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
A NS-3 module for LTE UE energy consumption. 1-6 - Naveen Gupta
, Vivek Ashok Bohara:
Subcarrier sharing scheme for overlay anc cooperative D2D communication in cellular networks. 1-6 - Vikas V. Khairnar
, C. K. Ramesha
, Lucy J. Gudino:
A reconfigurable microstrip cross parasitic patch antenna with two-dimensional beam scanning capability. 1-6 - Sandip Das, Suvra Sekhar Das, Indrajit Chakrabarti:
Hardware implementation of MIL-STD-1553 protocol over OFDMA-PHY based wireless high data rate avionics systems. 1-6 - Tanweer Ali
, Sameena Pathan
, Rajashekhar C. Biradar
A novel frequency reconfigurable rectangular step slotted antenna for WLAN/ITU. 1-6 - Sanjay Singh Yadav, S. Hariharan, P. Muthuchidambaranathan
AUC analysis of centralized cooperative-MIMO spectrum sensing over generalized fadec reporting channel. 1-5 - Avik Banerjee
, Santi P. Maity
On energy minimization in cooperative spectrum sensing using LRT in presence of emulation attack. 1-6 - Amol Delmade, Deepa Venkitesh
, Ravinder David Koilpillai
Performance comparison of optical fronthauling techniques for centralized radio access network. 1-6 - Kapil Sharma, Venkataramana Badarla:
FlowFurl: A flow-level routing for faulty data center networks. 1-6 - Amit A. Deshmukh
, Payal Mohadikar, Kshitij Lele, Priyanka Verma, Divya Singh, Kamla Prasan Ray
Ultra-wideband star shaped planar monopole antenna. 1-6 - Anupam Kumar Garg:
Braille-8 - The unified braille Unicode system: Presenting an ideal unified system around 8-dot Braille Unicode for the braille users world-over. 1-6 - Bipsa Purushothaman, A. Chinna Veeresh, S. Venkata Siva Prasad, S. V. Hari Prasad, G. Pradeep:
Synchronization of TDMA bursts with short preamble for satellite receiver. 1-6 - Divya Murali, Karun Mathew Verghese, Keerthana Ravi, Vamsi Krishna Tumuluru:
Scheduling of resource blocks for Device-to-Device communications in LTE-Advanced networks. 1-5 - Sachin Sharma
, Seshadri Mohan
Cognitive radio adhoc vehicular network (CRAVENET): Architecture, applications, security requirements and challenges. 1-6 - Sandip Das, Nilesh Chandrakar, Suvra Sekhar Das:
MIL-STD-1553 based wireless visible light communication system. 1-6 - M. C. Radhesh Anand, Mohit P. Tahiliani:
TmRPL++: Trust based smarter-HOP for optimized mobility in RPL. 1-6 - Ashutosh Bhatia, Ranjeet Kumar Patro:
PMAC: A poll-based MAC protocol for wireless body area networks (WBANs). 1-6 - Arijit Bhattacharjee
, Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, Sanjay Kumar Bose
Mitigation of beam blocking in mmWave indoor WPAN using dynamic control delegation based approach. 1-6 - Abishek Gopalan, Onur Turkcu, Biao Lu, Snigdho Bardalai, Parthiban Kandappan:
A comparison of network bandwidth efficiencies among various multi-layer network architectures. 1-3 - Nikhil Tripathi
, Neminath Hubballi:
A probabilistic anomaly detection scheme to detect DHCP starvation attacks. 1-6 - Shreyank N. Gowda:
An advanced Diffie-Hellman approach to image steganography. 1-4 - Sharad S.
, Palaniappan Bagavathi Sivakumar
, V. Anantha Narayanan
The smart bus for a smart city - A real-time implementation. 1-6 - Milind R. Penurkar, Umesh A. Deshpande
OPPRES: Opportunistic Routing algorithm for routing messages in emergency situations using vehicular delay tolerant network. 1-6 - Shubha Sharma, Vivek Ashok Bohara
, Mansi Peer:
Opportunistic and cooperative hybrid spectrum access protocol for cognitive radio network. 1-6 - Shreyata Sharma, Sumit Jagdish Darak
, Anand Srivastava, Honggang Zhang
A transfer learning framework for energy efficient Wi-Fi networks and performance analysis using real data. 1-6 - Arunn Balasundram, Tharaka Samarasinghe
, Dileeka Dias:
Performance analysis of Wi-Fi Direct for vehicular ad-hoc networks. 1-6 - K. N. R. Surya Vara Prasad, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Energy-efficient multi-cell massive MIMO: How many antennas should we use? 1-6 - Krishna Kumar Naik B, Ruman Dutta, G. Shashidhara, R. Gowrishankar, Siva Sankara Sai Sanagapati, Bhyri Sai Kishore, Prabhat Praveen Behere:
Defragmentation of flexible dense wavelength division multiplexing (FDWDM) networks using wavelength tunability criterion. 1-6 - Sachin D. Patil
, Mohit P. Tahiliani:
On the robustness of AQM mechanisms against non-responsive traffic. 1-6 - Boopala Krishnan, Sudheer Babu, Sai Prem Shaji, Amar Sainath Reddy Tamanampudi, Siva Sankara Sai Sanagapati:
Software based gateway with distributed flow environment for medical IoT in rural areas. 1-5 - Pankaj Kumar Dalela, Saurabh Basu, Anurag Yadav, Sabyasachi Majumdar, Niraj Kant Kushwaha, Arun Yadav, Prashant Bansal, Vipin Tyagi:
Geo-intelligence based automatic verification and optimization of manual field survey for OFC network planning. 1-5 - Sayanti Mondal, Chandreyee Chowdhury, Sarbani Roy
, Sumanta K. Deb, Sarmistha Neogy:
Crash failure immune offloading framework. 1-6 - Tejas Mukesh Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava:
Joint distributed scheduling and tree formation for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Chhabi Rani Panigrahi
, Joy Lal Sarkar
, Bibudhendu Pati
, Sambit Bakshi
E3M: An Energy Efficient Emergency Management System using mobile cloud computing. 1-6 - Atanu Mondal, Sulata Mitra:
TDMAC: A timestamp defined message authentication code for secure data dissemination in VANET. 1-6 - Anurag Sewak, Mayank Pandey, Manoj Madhava Gore:
Forming structured P2P overlays over disjoint MANET clusters. 1-6 - Chetna Singh, Ashwin Nivangune, Mrinal Patwardhan:
Function code based vulnerability analysis of DNP3. 1-6 - Parag Aggarwal
, Ankita Agarwal, Vivek Ashok Bohara
Error vector magnitude analysis for carrier aggregated OFDM signals with nonlinear HPA. 1-3 - PraveenKumar Korrai, Debarati Sen:
Performance analysis of OFDM mmWave communications with compressive sensing based channel estimation and impulse noise suppression. 1-6 - Khushboo Mawatwal, Debarati Sen, Rajarshi Roy:
SAGE based semi-blind channel estimation technique for massive MIMO system. 1-6 - G. S. Meera, Vaibhav Gupta, S. Priya Sekhar, V. Sreejith, K. R. Anupama:
An efficient mobile sink routing in wireless sensor network using dynamic steiner tree. 1-6 - Shubhangi Kharche
, Sanjay Pawar:
Node level energy consumption analysis in 6LoWPAN network using real and emulated Zolertia Z1 motes. 1-5 - Pankaj Kumar Dalela, Anurag Yadav, Vipin Tyagi:
Security enhancement in tower monitoring system of oneM2M network. 1-5 - Dip Ghosh, Priya Roy
, Chandreyee Chowdhury, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
An ensemble of condition based classifiers for indoor localization. 1-6 - Pegah Afsharlar, Arash Deylamsalehi, Vinod M. Vokkarane
Delayed spectrum allocation for anycast advance reservation with flexible window in elastic optical networks. 1-6 - Joshua M. Boley, Eun-Sung Jung
, Rajkumar Kettimuthu:
Adaptive QoS for data transfers using software-defined networking. 1-6 - Arun Tomy, P. I. Liji, B. S. Manoj
On reducing energy consumption as a function of space and time in mobile devices. 1-6 - Pramit Biswas, Suman Kr. Dey
, Aneek Adhya:
Auxiliary graph based energy-efficient dynamic connection grooming for elastic optical networks. 1-3

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