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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 1, 2010
- Sylvain Biancamaria
, Kostas M. Andreadis, Michael Durand
, Elizabeth A. Clark, Ernesto Rodríguez, Nelly M. Mognard, Douglas E. Alsdorf, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Yannick Oudin:
Preliminary Characterization of SWOT Hydrology Error Budget and Global Capabilities. 6-19 - Michael Durand
, Ernesto Rodríguez, Douglas E. Alsdorf, Mark Trigg
Estimating River Depth From Remote Sensing Swath Interferometry Measurements of River Height, Slope, and Width. 20-31 - F. Joseph Turk, Georgy V. Mostovoy, Valentine G. Anantharaj:
Soil Moisture Sensitivity to NRL-Blend High-Resolution Precipitation Products: Analysis of Simulations With Two Land Surface Models. 32-48 - Ming Pan
, Eric F. Wood
Impact of Accuracy, Spatial Availability, and Revisit Time of Satellite-Derived Surface Soil Moisture in a Multiscale Ensemble Data Assimilation System. 49-56 - John D. Bolten, Wade T. Crow
, Xiwu Zhan, Thomas J. Jackson, Curt Reynolds:
Evaluating the Utility of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Retrievals for Operational Agricultural Drought Monitoring. 57-66 - William L. Crosson, Ashutosh S. Limaye, Charles A. Laymon:
Impacts of Spatial Scaling Errors on Soil Moisture Retrieval Accuracy at L-Band. 67-80 - Paolo Ferrazzoli, Rachid Rahmoune, Fernando Moccia, Francisco Grings
, Mercedes Salvia, Matias Barber, Vanesa Douna
, Haydee Karszenbaum, Alvaro Soldano, Dora Goniadzki, Gabriela Parmuchi, Celina Montenegro, Patricia Kandus
, Marta Borro:
The Effect of Rain and Flooding Events on AMSR-E Signatures of La Plata Basin, Argentina. 81-90 - Kristine M. Larson
, John J. Braun
, Eric E. Small, Valery U. Zavorotny
, Ethan D. Gutmann
, Andria L. Bilich:
GPS Multipath and Its Relation to Near-Surface Soil Moisture Content. 91-99 - Valery U. Zavorotny
, Kristine M. Larson
, John J. Braun
, Eric E. Small, Ethan D. Gutmann
, Andria L. Bilich:
A Physical Model for GPS Multipath Caused by Land Reflections: Toward Bare Soil Moisture Retrievals. 100-110 - Lucas A. Jones, Craig R. Ferguson, John S. Kimball
, Ke Zhang
, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Kyle C. McDonald, Eni G. Njoku, Eric F. Wood
Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing of Daily Land Surface Air Temperature Minima and Maxima From AMSR-E. 111-123 - Qilong Min, Bing Lin, Rui Li:
Remote Sensing Vegetation Hydrological States Using Passive Microwave Measurements. 124-131 - Jiarui Dong, Christa D. Peters-Lidard
On the Relationship Between Temperature and MODIS Snow Cover Retrieval Errors in the Western U.S. 132-140 - Marco Tedesco, Parag S. Narvekar:
Assessment of the NASA AMSR-E SWE Product. 141-159
Volume 3, Number 2, 2010
- Sandra Eckert
, Thomas Hollands
Comparison of Automatic DSM Generation Modules by Processing IKONOS Stereo Data of an Urban Area. 162-167 - Hasi Bagan
, Wataru Takeuchi
, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yuhai Bao, Yoshiki Yamagata:
Land Cover Classification and Change Analysis in the Horqin Sandy Land From 1975 to 2007. 168-177 - Anmin Fu, Guoqing Sun, Zhifeng Guo, Dianzhong Wang:
Forest Cover Classification With MODIS Images in Northeastern Asia. 178-189 - Sébastien Viscardy
, Quentin Errera
, Yves Christophe, Simon Chabrillat
, Jean-Christopher Lambert
Evaluation of Ozone Analyses From UARS MLS Assimilation by BASCOE Between 1992 and 1997. 190-202 - James R. Campbell
, Jeffrey S. Reid
, Douglas L. Westphal, Jianglong Zhang
, Edward J. Hyer
, Ellsworth J. Welton
CALIOP Aerosol Subset Processing for Global Aerosol Transport Model Data Assimilation. 203-214
Volume 3, Number 3, 2010
- Shunlin Liang, William P. Kustas, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
, Xiaowen Li:
Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Changes on Land Surface Radiation and Energy Budgets. 219-224 - Shunlin Liang, Kaicun Wang
, Xiaotong Zhang, Martin Wild:
Review on Estimation of Land Surface Radiation and Energy Budgets From Ground Measurement, Remote Sensing and Model Simulations. 225-240 - Sihan Liu, Qiang Liu, Qinhuo Liu
, Jianguang Wen, Xiaowen Li:
The Angular and Spectral Kernel Model for BRDF and Albedo Retrieval. 241-256 - Fuqin Li, David L. B. Jupp
, Shanti Reddy, Leo Lymburner
, Norman Mueller, Peter Tan, Anisul Islam:
An Evaluation of the Use of Atmospheric and BRDF Correction to Standardize Landsat Data. 257-270 - Rasmus Fensholt
, Silvia Huber, Simon Richard Proud, Cheikh Mbow:
Detecting Canopy Water Status Using Shortwave Infrared Reflectance Data From Polar Orbiting and Geostationary Platforms. 271-285 - Marco Clerici, Michael Voßbeck, Bernard Pinty, Thomas Kaminski, Malcolm Taberner, Thomas Lavergne
, Ioannis Andredakis:
Consolidating the Two-Stream Inversion Package (JRC-TIP) to Retrieve Land Surface Parameters From Albedo Products. 286-295 - Xiaotong Zhang, Shunlin Liang, Kaicun Wang
, Lin Li, Sheng Gui:
Analysis of Global Land Surface Shortwave Broadband Albedo From Multiple Data Sources. 296-305 - Liangyun Liu
, Zhanhui Cheng:
Detection of Vegetation Light-Use Efficiency Based on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Separated From Canopy Radiance Spectrum. 306-312 - Huaguo Huang
, Qinhuo Liu
, Wenhan Qin:
Thermal Emission Hot-Spot Effect of Crop Canopies - Part I: Simulation. 313-322 - Jie Cheng
, Shunlin Liang, Fuzhong Weng
, Jindi Wang, Xiaowen Li:
Comparison of Radiative Transfer Models for Simulating Snow Surface Thermal Infrared Emissivity. 323-336 - Jun Xiong, Bingfang Wu, Nana Yan, Yuan Zeng, Shufu Liu:
Estimation and Validation of Land Surface Evaporation Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data in North China. 337-344 - Xiaosong Zhao, Yuanbo Liu, Hiroki Tanaka, Tetsuya Hiyama:
A Comparison of Flux Variance and Surface Renewal Methods With Eddy Covariance. 345-350 - Raymond Sluiter, Michael E. Schaepman
, Richard de Jeu:
Introduction to the Issue on Heterogeneous Data Access and Use for Geospatial User Communities - Part II. 351 - Aijun Chen, Gregory Leptoukh, Steven Kempler:
Using KML and Virtual Globes to Access and Visualize Heterogeneous Datasets and Explore Their Relationships Along the A-Train Tracks. 352-358 - Ana I. Prados
, Gregory Leptoukh, Christopher Lynnes
, James Johnson, Hualan Rui, Aijun Chen, Rudolf B. Husar:
Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets via the Giovanni Online Tool. 359-370 - Zhuotong Nan
, Shugong Wang, Xu Liang, Thomas E. Adams, William Teng, Yao Liang:
Analysis of Spatial Similarities Between NEXRAD and NLDAS Precipitation Data Products. 371-385 - Albrecht H. Weerts
, Jaap Schellekens, Frederiek Sperna Weiland:
Real-Time Geospatial Data Handling and Forecasting: Examples From Delft-FEWS Forecasting Platform/System. 386-394 - Abel Tadesse Woldemichael, Ahmed Mohammed Degu, A. H. Siddique-E.-Akbor, Faisal Hossain:
Role of Land-Water Classification and Manning's Roughness Parameter in Space-Borne Estimation of Discharge for Braided Rivers: A Case Study of the Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh. 395-403 - Qingke Wen, Zengxiang Zhang, Shuo Liu, Xiao Wang, Chen Wang:
Classification of Grassland Types by MODIS Time-Series Images in Tibet, China. 404-409
Volume 3, Number 4-1, 2010
- Liping Di, Karen Moe, Terence L. van Zyl:
Earth Observation Sensor Web: An Overview. 415-417 - Nengcheng Chen
, Liping Di, Genong Yu, Jianya Gong:
Automatic On-Demand Data Feed Service for AutoChem Based on Reusable Geo-Processing Workflow. 418-426 - Stephen Williams, Lonnie T. Parker, Ayanna M. Howard:
Calibration and Validation of Earth-Observing Sensors Using Deployable Surface-Based Sensor Networks. 427-432 - Genong (Eugene) Yu, Liping Di, Bei Zhang, Huilin Wang:
Coordination Through Geospatial Web Service Workflow in the Sensor Web Environment. 433-441 - Ashit Talukder, Anand V. Panangadan, Nickitas Georgas
, Thomas Herrington, Alan Blumberg:
Integrated Operational Control of Unattended Distributed Coastal Sensor Web Systems With Mobile Autonomous Robots. 442-450 - Surya S. Durbha, Roger L. King, Santhosh K. Amanchi, Shruthi Bheemireddy, Nicolas H. Younan:
Standards-Based Middleware and Tools for Coastal Sensor Web Applications. 451-466 - Yudong Tian, James Geiger, Hongbo Su
, Sujay V. Kumar
, Paul R. Houser
Middleware-Based Sensor Web Integration. 467-472 - Philippe M. Teillet
Sensor Webs: A Geostrategic Technology for Integrated Earth Sensing. 473-480 - Michael J. Garay, Michael C. Burl:
Adaptive Sky: From Instrument Pixels to a Sensor Web Gestalt. 481-487 - Manuel Benedetti, Luca Ioriatti, Mauro Martinelli, Federico Viani:
Wireless Sensor Network: A Pervasive Technology for Earth Observation. 488-496 - Eliza S. Bradley, Michael P. Toomey, Christopher J. Still
, Dar A. Roberts:
Multi-Scale Sensor Fusion With an Online Application: Integrating GOES, MODIS, and Webcam Imagery for Environmental Monitoring. 497-506 - Bruce M. Howe
, Yi Chao, Payman Arabshahi
, Sumit Roy, Tim McGinnis, Andrew Gray:
A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Fixed and Mobile Platforms, Integrated Acoustics, Satellites and Predictive Modeling. 507-521 - Mahta Moghaddam
, Dara Entekhabi, Yuriy Goykhman, Ke Li, Mingyan Liu, Aditya Mahajan
, Ashutosh Nayyar, David I. Shuman
, Demosthenis Teneketzis:
A Wireless Soil Moisture Smart Sensor Web Using Physics-Based Optimal Control: Concept and Initial Demonstrations. 522-535 - Mark Tschudi, Charles Fowler, James Maslanik, Julienne C. Stroeve:
Tracking the Movement and Changing Surface Characteristics of Arctic Sea Ice. 536-540 - Wen-Zhan Song
, Behrooz A. Shirazi, Renjie Huang, Mingsen Xu, Nina M. Peterson, Richard LaHusen, John Pallister, Daniel Dzurisin, Seth Moran
, Mike Lisowski, Sharon Kedar, Steve A. Chien, Frank Webb, Aaron B. Kiely, Joshua Doubleday, Ashley Davies
, David Pieri:
Optimized Autonomous Space In-Situ Sensor Web for Volcano Monitoring. 541-546
Volume 3, Number 4-2, 2010
- Ake Rosenqvist, Masanobu Shimada, Richard M. Lucas, Bruce Chapman, Philippe Paillou, Laura L. Hess, John Lowry:
The Kyoto & Carbon Initiative - A Brief Summary. 551-553 - Lisa-Maria Rebelo:
Eco-Hydrological Characterization of Inland Wetlands in Africa Using L-Band SAR. 554-559 - Teresa L. Evans, Maycira Costa, Kevin Telmer, Thiago S. F. Silva
Using ALOS/PALSAR and RADARSAT-2 to Map Land Cover and Seasonal Inundation in the Brazilian Pantanal. 560-575 - Richard M. Lucas
, John Armston
, Russell Fairfax, Rod Fensham
, Arnon Accad, João Carreiras, Jack Kelley, Peter Bunting
, Daniel Clewley
, Steven Bray, Daniel J. Metcalfe
, John Dwyer
, Michiala Bowen, Teresa Eyre, Melinda Laidlaw, Masanobu Shimada:
An Evaluation of the ALOS PALSAR L-Band Backscatter - Above Ground Biomass Relationship Queensland, Australia: Impacts of Surface Moisture Condition and Vegetation Structure. 576-593 - Wayne S. Walker, Claudia M. Stickler, Josef Kellndorfer
, Katie M. Kirsch, Daniel C. Nepstad:
Large-Area Classification and Mapping of Forest and Land Cover in the Brazilian Amazon: A Comparative Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR and Landsat Data Sources. 594-604 - Dirk H. Hoekman, Martin A. M. Vissers, Niels Wielaard:
PALSAR Wide-Area Mapping of Borneo: Methodology and Map Validation. 605-617 - Maurizio Santoro, Johan E. S. Fransson, Leif E. B. Eriksson
, Lars M. H. Ulander
Clear-Cut Detection in Swedish Boreal Forest Using Multi-Temporal ALOS PALSAR Backscatter Data. 618-631 - Philippe Paillou, Sylvia Lopez, Tom Farr, Ake Rosenqvist:
Mapping Subsurface Geology in Sahara Using L-Band SAR: First Results From the ALOS/PALSAR Imaging Radar. 632-636 - Masanobu Shimada, Takahiro Ohtaki:
Generating Large-Scale High-Quality SAR Mosaic Datasets: Application to PALSAR Data for Global Monitoring. 637-656 - Masanobu Shimada:
Ortho-Rectification and Slope Correction of SAR Data Using DEM and Its Accuracy Evaluation. 657-671 - Tristan Cossio, K. Clint Slatton, William E. Carter, Kris Shrestha, David J. Harding:
Predicting Small Target Detection Performance of Low-SNR Airborne Lidar. 672-688 - Xiaolan Xu, Ding Liang, Leung Tsang, Konstantinos M. Andreadis, Edward G. Josberger, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Donald W. Cline, Simon H. Yueh:
Active Remote Sensing of Snow Using NMM3D/DMRT and Comparison With CLPX II Airborne Data. 689-697 - Pierre Blanchart, Mihai Datcu:
A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Auto-Annotation and Unknown Structures Discovery in Satellite Image Databases. 698-717 - Houda Chaabouni-Chouayakh, Mihai Datcu:
Backscattering and Statistical Information Fusion for Urban Area Mapping Using TerraSAR-X Data. 718-730

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