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NeuroImage, Volume 155
Volume 155, July 2017
- Nadine Kloth
, Gillian Rhodes
, Stefan R. Schweinberger:
Watching the brain recalibrate: Neural correlates of renormalization during face adaptation. 1-9 - Petr Dluhos
, Daniel Schwarz
, Wiepke Cahn, Neeltje E. M. van Haren, René S. Kahn, Filip Spaniel
, Jirí Horácek
, Tomás Kaspárek, Hugo G. Schnack:
Multi-center machine learning in imaging psychiatry: A meta-model approach. 10-24 - Ardalan Aarabi
, Victoria Osharina, Fabrice Wallois:
Effect of confounding variables on hemodynamic response function estimation using averaging and deconvolution analysis: An event-related NIRS study. 25-49 - Matthias Ertl
, M. Moser, Rainer Boegle
, Julian Conrad
, Peter zu Eulenburg
, Marianne Dieterich:
The cortical spatiotemporal correlate of otolith stimulation: Vestibular evoked potentials by body translations. 50-59 - James E. Kragel
, Youssef Ezzyat, Michael R. Sperling
, Richard J. T. Gorniak
, Gregory A. Worrell, Brent M. Berry
, Cory S. Inman
, Jui-Jui Lin, Kathryn A. Davis, Sandhitsu R. Das, Joel M. Stein, Barbara C. Jobst, Kareem A. Zaghloul, Sameer A. Sheth, Daniel S. Rizzuto, Michael J. Kahana:
Similar patterns of neural activity predict memory function during encoding and retrieval. 60-71 - Maria Montefinese
, Cristina Turco
, Francesco Piccione
, Carlo Semenza:
Causal role of the posterior parietal cortex for two-digit mental subtraction and addition: A repetitive TMS study. 72-81 - Robbert L. Harms
, Francisco J. Fritz, Alexandra Tobisch
, Rainer Goebel
, Alard Roebroeck:
Robust and fast nonlinear optimization of diffusion MRI microstructure models. 82-96 - Claudia Roswandowitz
, Stefanie Schelinski
, Katharina von Kriegstein
Developmental phonagnosia: Linking neural mechanisms with the behavioural phenotype. 97-112 - I. Betina Ip
, Adam Berrington, Aaron T. Hess
, Andrew J. Parker
, Uzay Emir
, Holly Bridge:
Combined fMRI-MRS acquires simultaneous glutamate and BOLD-fMRI signals in the human brain. 113-119 - Stephen D. Mayhew
, Andrew P. Bagshaw
Dynamic spatiotemporal variability of alpha-BOLD relationships during the resting-state and task-evoked responses. 120-137 - Kristjan Kalm, Dennis Norris
A shared representation of order between encoding and recognition in visual short-term memory. 138-146 - Ruiqi Wu
, Feng Wang
, Pai-Feng Yang, Li Min Chen:
High-resolution functional MRI identified distinct global intrinsic functional networks of nociceptive posterior insula and S2 regions in squirrel monkey brain. 147-158 - Sergi Valverde, Mariano Cabezas
, Eloy Roura, Sandra González-Villà
, Deborah Pareto
, Joan Carles Vilanova
, Lluís Ramió-Torrentà, Alex Rovira, Arnau Oliver, Xavier Lladó
Improving automated multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation with a cascaded 3D convolutional neural network approach. 159-168 - Marco Tettamanti
, Matilde M. Vaghi
, Bruno G. Bara, Stefano F. Cappa
, Ivan Enrici, Mauro Adenzato
Effective connectivity gateways to the Theory of Mind network in processing communicative intention. 169-176 - Sofia Gustafsson, Jonas Eriksson
, Stina Syvänen
, Olof Eriksson, Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes, Gunnar Antoni:
Combined PET and microdialysis for in vivo estimation of drug blood-brain barrier transport and brain unbound concentrations. 177-186 - Jana Wörsching, Frank Padberg, Konstantin Helbich, Alkomiet Hasan, Lena Koch, Stephan Goerigk
, Sophia Stoecklein
, Birgit Ertl-Wagner
, Daniel Keeser
Test-retest reliability of prefrontal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) effects on functional MRI connectivity in healthy subjects. 187-201 - Shir Hofstetter
, Yaniv Assaf:
The rapid development of structural plasticity through short water maze training: A DTI study. 202-208 - Peter J. Hellyer
, Erica F. Barry, Alberto Pellizzon, Mattia Veronese
, Gaia Rizzo, Matteo Tonietto
, Manuel Schütze, Michael J. Brammer, Marco Aurélio Romano-Silva
, Alessandra Bertoldo, Federico E. Turkheimer
Protein synthesis is associated with high-speed dynamics and broad-band stability of functional hubs in the brain. 209-216 - Martin Havlicek, Alard Roebroeck, Karl J. Friston
, Anna Gardumi, Dimo Ivanov
, Kâmil Uludag
On the importance of modeling fMRI transients when estimating effective connectivity: A dynamic causal modeling study using ASL data. 217-233 - Kenia Martínez
, Joost Janssen
, José Angel Pineda-Pardo
, Susanna Carmona
, Francisco J. Román
, Yasser Alemán-Gómez
, David Garcia-Garcia
, Sergio Escorial
, M. Ángeles Quiroga, Emiliano Santarnecchi
, Francisco J. Navas-Sanchez, Manuel Desco
, Celso Arango
, Roberto Colom:
Individual differences in the dominance of interhemispheric connections predict cognitive ability beyond sex and brain size. 234-244 - Salvador Castaneda Vega, Christine Weinl, Carsten Calaminus, Lisa Wang, Maren Harant, Walter Ehrlichmann, Dennis Thiele, Ursula Kohlhofer, Gerald Reischl
, Johann-Martin Hempel, Ulrike Ernemann, Leticia Quintanilla Martinez, Alfred Nordheim, Bernd J. Pichler:
Characterization of a novel murine model for spontaneous hemorrhagic stroke using in vivo PET and MR multiparametric imaging. 245-256 - Zachary A. Monge, Benjamin R. Geib, Rachel E. Siciliano, Lauren E. Packard, Catherine W. Tallman, David J. Madden
Functional modular architecture underlying attentional control in aging. 257-270 - Jalil Taghia, Srikanth Ryali
, Tianwen Chen, Kaustubh Supekar, Weidong Cai, Vinod Menon
Bayesian switching factor analysis for estimating time-varying functional connectivity in fMRI. 271-290 - Paola Pinti, Arcangelo Merla, Clarisse Aichelburg, Frida Lind, Sarah Power, Elizabeth Swingler, Antonia F. de C. Hamilton, Sam J. Gilbert, Paul W. Burgess, Ilias Tachtsidis
A novel GLM-based method for the Automatic IDentification of functional Events (AIDE) in fNIRS data recorded in naturalistic environments. 291-304 - Idalmis Santiesteban
, Simran Kaur, Geoffrey Bird
, Caroline Catmur
Attentional processes, not implicit mentalizing, mediate performance in a perspective-taking task: Evidence from stimulation of the temporoparietal junction. 305-311 - John E. Kiat
, Jacob E. Cheadle:
The impact of individuation on the bases of human empathic responding. 312-321 - Xiangyu Long, Alina Benischek, Deborah Dewey
, Catherine Lebel
Age-related functional brain changes in young children. 322-330 - Alberto Merola, Michael A. Germuska
, Esther A. H. Warnert
, Lewys Richmond, Daniel Helme, Sharmila Khot
, Kevin Murphy
, Peter J. Rogers
, Judith E. Hall, Richard G. Wise:
Mapping the pharmacological modulation of brain oxygen metabolism: The effects of caffeine on absolute CMRO2 measured using dual calibrated fMRI. 331-343 - Granville J. Matheson
, Per Stenkrona, Zsolt Cselényi, Pontus Plavén-Sigray, Christer Halldin, Lars Farde
, Simon Cervenka:
Reliability of volumetric and surface-based normalisation and smoothing techniques for PET analysis of the cortex: A test-retest analysis using [11C]SCH-23390. 344-353 - Anders Eklund
, Martin A. Lindquist, Mattias Villani:
A Bayesian heteroscedastic GLM with application to fMRI data with motion spikes. 354-369 - Zeynep M. Saygin, Dorit Kliemann, Juan Eugenio Iglesias
, André J. W. van der Kouwe, Ellen Boyd, Martin Reuter
, Allison Stevens, Koenraad Van Leemput
, Alexis McKee, Matthew P. Frosch, Bruce Fischl, Jean C. Augustinack:
High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging reveals nuclei of the human amygdala: manual segmentation to automatic atlas. 370-382 - Azar Zandifar, Vladimir S. Fonov
, Pierrick Coupé
, Jens C. Pruessner
, D. Louis Collins
A comparison of accurate automatic hippocampal segmentation methods. 383-393 - Antoine Sauvage, Guillaume Hubert, Jonathan Touboul, Jérôme Ribot
The hemodynamic signal as a first-order low-pass temporal filter: Evidence and implications for neuroimaging studies. 394-405 - Stefan Frässle
, Ekaterina I. Lomakina, Adeel Razi
, Karl J. Friston
, Joachim M. Buhmann, Klaas E. Stephan
Regression DCM for fMRI. 406-421 - Manoj Kumar, Kara D. Federmeier
, Li Fei-Fei, Diane M. Beck
Evidence for similar patterns of neural activity elicited by picture- and word-based representations of natural scenes. 422-436 - Lior Bugatus, Kevin S. Weiner, Kalanit Grill-Spector
Task alters category representations in prefrontal but not high-level visual cortex. 437-449 - Eino Partanen
, Alina Leminen
, Stine de Paoli, Anette Bundgaard, Osman Skjold Kingo, Peter Krøjgaard
, Yury Shtyrov
Flexible, rapid and automatic neocortical word form acquisition mechanism in children as revealed by neuromagnetic brain response dynamics. 450-459 - Sébastien Tourbier
, Clemente Velasco-Annis, Vahid Taimouri, Patric Hagmann, Reto Meuli, Simon K. Warfield
, Meritxell Bach Cuadra
, Ali Gholipour:
Automated template-based brain localization and extraction for fetal brain MRI reconstruction. 460-472 - Sebastian A. Markett, Marcel A. de Reus, Martin Reuter, Christian Montag
, Bernd Weber
, Jan-Christoph Schoene-Bake, Martijn P. van den Heuvel
Variation on the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) is associated with basal ganglia-to-frontal structural connectivity. 473-479 - Anna Gaglianese
, Mariska J. Vansteensel
, Ben M. Harvey, Serge O. Dumoulin
, Natalia Petridou
, Nick F. Ramsey
Correspondence between fMRI and electrophysiology during visual motion processing in human MT+. 480-489 - Alessandra Griffa
, Benjamin Ricaud, Kirell Benzi, Xavier Bresson, Alessandro Daducci, Pierre Vandergheynst, Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Patric Hagmann:
Transient networks of spatio-temporal connectivity map communication pathways in brain functional systems. 490-502 - Claude J. Bajada
, Rebecca L. Jackson
, Hamied A. Haroon
, Hojjatollah Azadbakht
, Geoffrey J. M. Parker
, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Lauren L. Cloutman
A graded tractographic parcellation of the temporal lobe. 503-512 - Derek J. Huffman
, Craig E. L. Stark:
The influence of low-level stimulus features on the representation of contexts, items, and their mnemonic associations. 513-529 - Saima Rathore, Mohamad Habes
, Muhammad Aksam Iftikhar, Amanda Shacklett, Christos Davatzikos
A review on neuroimaging-based classification studies and associated feature extraction methods for Alzheimer's disease and its prodromal stages. 530-548 - Danilo Bzdok, B. T. Thomas Yeo
Inference in the age of big data: Future perspectives on neuroscience. 549-564
- Lucrezia Liuzzi
, Lauren E. Gascoyne, Prejaas Tewarie, Eleanor L. Barratt, Elena Boto
, Matthew J. Brookes
Optimising experimental design for MEG resting state functional connectivity measurement. 565-576 - Berkin Bilgic
, Huihui Ye, Lawrence L. Wald, Kawin Setsompop
Simultaneous Time Interleaved MultiSlice (STIMS) for Rapid Susceptibility Weighted acquisition. 577-586 - Kimberly L. Chan, Muhammad G. Saleh, Georg Oeltzschner
, Peter B. Barker, Richard A. E. Edden:
Simultaneous measurement of Aspartate, NAA, and NAAG using HERMES spectral editing at 3 Tesla. 587-593 - Ming-Hung Kao, Lin Zhou:
Optimal experimental designs for fMRI when the model matrix is uncertain. 594-604 - Rong Chen, Yuanjie Zheng, Erika Nixon, Edward H. Herskovits:
Dynamic network model with continuous valued nodes for longitudinal brain morphometry. 605-611 - Dmitry Kurzhunov, Robert Borowiak, Marco Reisert, Axel Joachim Krafft, Ali Caglar Özen
, Michael Bock
3D CMRO2 mapping in human brain with direct 17O MRI: Comparison of conventional and proton-constrained reconstructions. 612-624
- Christopher R. Madan, Elizabeth A. Kensinger
Corrigendum to "Cortical complexity as a measure of age-related brain atrophy" [NeuroImage 134 (2016) 617-629]. 625

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