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Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, February 2023
- Ori Saporta-Katz
, Edriss S. Titi, Hezi Gildor
, Vered Rom-Kedar:
A Kinematic-Dynamic 3D Model for Density-Driven Ocean Flows: Construction, Global Well-Posedness, and Dynamics. 1 - Victor G. LeBlanc:
Rotational Symmetry and Rotating Waves in Planar Integro-Difference Equations. 2 - Yiyang Deng, Marshall Hampton
Equilateral Chains and Cyclic Central Configurations of the Planar Five-Body Problem. 4 - Xin Chen, Ana Bela Cruzeiro
, Tudor S. Ratiu:
Stochastic Variational Principles for Dissipative Equations with Advected Quantities. 5 - Jinlu Li, Xing Wu, Weipeng Zhu, Jiayu Guo:
Non-uniform Continuity of the Generalized Camassa-Holm Equation in Besov Spaces. 6 - Shanming Ji, Ming Mei:
Optimal Decay Rates of the Compressible Euler Equations with Time-Dependent Damping in ${\mathbb {R}}^n$: (I) Under-Damping Case. 7 - Stefan Klus
, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad:
Koopman-Based Spectral Clustering of Directed and Time-Evolving Graphs. 8 - Manuel de León
, Manuel Lainz
, Miguel C. Muñoz-Lecanda
Optimal Control, Contact Dynamics and Herglotz Variational Problem. 9 - Mimi Dai
, Susan Friedlander:
Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness Results for Forced Dyadic MHD Models. 10 - Lu Trong Khiem Nguyen
, Noel Frederick Smyth
Modulation Theory for Radially Symmetric Kink Waves Governed by a Multi-Dimensional Sine-Gordon Equation. 11 - Aaron J. Moston-Duggan
, Mason A. Porter
, Christopher J. Lustri
Nanoptera in Higher-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Effects of Discretization. 12 - Zibo Wang
, Li Lv
, Jinqiao Duan
Homogenization of Dissipative Hamiltonian Systems Under Lévy Fluctuations. 13 - Feliks Nüske
, Sebastian Peitz
, Friedrich Philipp
, Manuel Schaller
, Karl Worthmann
Finite-Data Error Bounds for Koopman-Based Prediction and Control. 14 - Sun-Ho Choi
, Hyowon Seo
Exponential Asymptotic Stability of the Kuramoto System with Periodic Natural Frequencies and Constant Inertia. 15 - Zafar Iqbal
Magnetic Trajectories in Killing Magnetic Backgrounds Framed in 3D pp-Waves. 16 - Tere M. Seara
, Mercè Ollé
, Oscar Rodríguez, Jaume Soler
Generalized Analytical Results on n-Ejection-Collision Orbits in the RTBP. Analysis of Bifurcations. 17 - Yuri F. Saporito, Max O. Souza
, Yuri Thamsten
A Mathematical Framework for Dynamical Social Interactions with Dissimulation. 18 - Janusz Ginster
, Barbara Zwicknagl
Energy Scaling Law for a Singularly Perturbed Four-Gradient Problem in Helimagnetism. 20 - Boqing Dong, Jiahong Wu
, Xiaoping Zhai:
Global Small Solutions to a Special $2\frac{1}{2}$-D Compressible Viscous Non-resistive MHD System. 21 - Klaus Böhnlein, Stefan Neukamm
, David Padilla-Garza, Oliver Sander
A Homogenized Bending Theory for Prestrained Plates. 22 - Qun Liu, Zhenfeng Shi:
Analysis of a Stochastic HBV Infection Model with DNA-Containing Capsids and Virions. 23
Volume 33, Number 2, April 2023
- Shan Gao, Donghua Shi
, Dmitry V. Zenkov:
Discrete Hamiltonian Variational Mechanics and Hamel's Integrators. 26 - Baoquan Zhou
, Daqing Jiang
, Yucong Dai, Tasawar Hayat:
Threshold Dynamics and Probability Density Function of a Stochastic Avian Influenza Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate and Psychological Effect. 29 - Calvin Khor
, Xiaojing Xu:
Temperature Patches for a Generalised 2D Boussinesq System with Singular Velocity. 30 - Andrew D. Gilbert, Jacques Vanneste:
A Geometric Look at Momentum Flux and Stress in Fluid Mechanics. 31 - Christelle Combescure, Timothy J. Healey, Jay Treacy:
A Group-Theoretic Approach to the Bifurcation Analysis of Spatial Cosserat-Rod Frameworks with Symmetry. 32 - Roberto Alicandro, Lucia De Luca
, Giuliano Lazzaroni, Mariapia Palombaro, Marcello Ponsiglione:
Coarse-Graining of a Discrete Model for Edge Dislocations in the Regular Triangular Lattice. 33 - Harald Garcke, Patrik Knopf, Robert Nürnberg
, Quan Zhao
A Diffuse-Interface Approach for Solid-State Dewetting with Anisotropic Surface Energies. 34 - Daniel Reyes Nozaleda, Piergiulio Tempesta, Giorgio Tondo:
Generalized Nijenhuis Torsions and Block-Diagonalization of Operator Fields. 35 - Shan Gao, Donghua Shi
, Dmitry V. Zenkov:
Correction to: Discrete Hamiltonian Variational Mechanics and Hamel's Integrators. 36 - Alexander Kiselev, Xiaoyutao Luo
On Nonexistence of Splash Singularities for the α-SQG Patches. 37 - Joshua W. Burby
, E. Hirvijoki, M. Leok:
Nearly Periodic Maps and Geometric Integration of Noncanonical Hamiltonian Systems. 38 - Stan Alama, Lia Bronsard
, Xavier Lamy
, Raghavendra Venkatraman:
Far-Field Expansions for Harmonic Maps and the Electrostatics Analogy in Nematic Suspensions. 39
Volume 33, Number 3, June 2023
- Shanshan Chen, Junping Shi
, Zhisheng Shuai
, Yixiang Wu:
Evolution of Dispersal in Advective Patchy Environments. 40 - Elisa Davoli
, Irene Fonseca, Pan Liu
Adaptive Image Processing: First Order PDE Constraint Regularizers and a Bilevel Training Scheme. 41 - Alexander Mielke
On Two Coupled Degenerate Parabolic Equations Motivated by Thermodynamics. 42 - Vladimir Dragovic, Borislav Gajic
, Bozidar Jovanovic
Gyroscopic Chaplygin Systems and Integrable Magnetic Flows on Spheres. 43 - C. J. van Duijn, Andro Mikelic
Mathematical Theory of Nonlinear Single-Phase Poroelasticity. 44 - Stephan Wojtowytsch
Stochastic Gradient Descent with Noise of Machine Learning Type Part I: Discrete Time Analysis. 45 - Jean-Philippe Lessard, Kaname Matsue
, Akitoshi Takayasu
Saddle-Type Blow-Up Solutions with Computer-Assisted Proofs: Validation and Extraction of Global Nature. 46 - Klaus Heiduschke:
Nonlinear Logarithmic Hyperelasticity with Isotropy in the Initial State. 47 - Dmitry Golovaty, Matthias Kurzke, José Alberto Montero, Daniel Spirn
Tetrahedral Frame Fields via Constrained Third-Order Symmetric Tensors. 48 - Yiwen Tao, Yutong Sun, Huaiping Zhu, Jiangnan Lyu, Jingli Ren
Nilpotent Singularities and Periodic Perturbation of a GIβ Model: A Pathway to Glucose Disorder. 49 - Mark Hermes
, Mitul Luhar:
Frictional Locomotion of a Radially Symmetric Tripedal Robot. 50 - Dirk Hennig, Nikos I. Karachalios, Jesús Cuevas-Maraver:
Dissipative Localised Structures for the Complex Discrete Ginzburg-Landau Equation. 51
Volume 33, Number 4, August 2023
- Paul Glendinning
, Stephen John Hogan
, Martin E. Homer, Mike R. Jeffrey
, Robert Szalai:
Uncountably Many Cases of Filippov's Sewed Focus. 52 - Sean D. Lawley
Extreme Statistics of Superdiffusive Lévy Flights and Every Other Lévy Subordinate Brownian Motion. 53 - Chaker Jammazi, Mohamed Ouzahra, Mohamed Sogoré:
Small-Time Extinction with Decay Estimate of Bilinear Systems on Hilbert Space. 54 - Chantelle Blachut
, Cecilia González-Tokman, Gerardo Hernández-Dueñas
A Patch in Time Saves Nine: Methods for the Identification of Localised Dynamical Behaviour and Lifespans of Coherent Structures. 55 - K. Uldall Kristiansen:
Correction: The Regularized Visible Fold Revisited. 56 - Pan Zheng, Runlin Hu, Wenhai Shan:
On a Two-Species Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis System with Nonlocal Terms. 57 - Paolo Piersanti:
Asymptotic Analysis of Linearly Elastic Flexural Shells Subjected to an Obstacle in Absence of Friction. 58 - Andrew Hofstrand, Huaiyu Li, Michael I. Weinstein:
Discrete Breathers of Nonlinear Dimer Lattices: Bridging the Anti-continuous and Continuous Limits. 59 - Ario Wiraya, Fajar Adi-Kusumo
Torus and Homoclinic Bifurcations on a Cells Repair Regulations Model of the Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. 60 - Zhengguang Guo, Zunzun Zhang, Zdenek Skalak:
Global Well-Posedness and Asymptotic Behavior of the 3D MHD-Boussinesq Equations. 61 - Ryosuke Ihara, Kazuyuki Yagasaki
Continuum Limits of Coupled Oscillator Networks Depending on Multiple Sparse Graphs. 62 - Eddie Nijholt
, Nándor Sieben
, James W. Swift
Invariant Synchrony and Anti-synchrony Subspaces of Weighted Networks. 63 - Jingpeng Wu, Xianwen Zhang:
Energy Conservation of the DiPerna-Lions Solutions to Vlasov-Maxwell Systems. 64 - Sabine Hittmeir, Rupert Klein
, Jinkai Li
, Edriss S. Titi
Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes. 65 - Klemens Fellner, Julian Fischer, Michael Kniely
, Bao Quoc Tang
Global Renormalised Solutions and Equilibration of Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Nonlinear Diffusion. 66 - Qiao Huang
, Jean-Claude Zambrini
From Second-Order Differential Geometry to Stochastic Geometric Mechanics. 67
Volume 33, Number 5, October 2023
- Salvador Moll
, Ken Shirakawa
, Hiroshi Watanabe
Existence of Solutions to a Phase-Field Model of 3D Grain Boundary Motion Governed by a Regularized 1-Harmonic Type Flow. 68 - Kerrek Stinson:
Existence for a Cahn-Hilliard Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Exponential Growth Boundary Conditions. 69 - Maryam Mohammadi Saem
, Ionel-Dumitrel Ghiba
, Patrizio Neff:
A Geometrically Nonlinear Cosserat (Micropolar) Curvy Shell Model Via Gamma Convergence. 70 - Yuehong Feng, Xin Li, Ming Mei, Shu Wang:
Zero-Relaxation Limits of the Non-Isentropic Euler-Maxwell System for Well/Ill-Prepared Initial Data. 71 - Peter Hornung:
Framed Curves, Ribbons, and Parallel Transport on the Sphere. 72 - Ivan Ovsyannikov, Jens D. M. Rademacher, Roland Welter
, Bing-ying Lu:
Time Averages and Periodic Attractors at High Rayleigh Number for Lorenz-like Models. 73 - Yiming Meng
, Navaratnam Sri Namachchivaya
, Nicolas Perkowski:
Hopf Bifurcations of Moore-Greitzer PDE Model with Additive Noise. 74 - Robert Szalai:
Data-Driven Reduced Order Models Using Invariant Foliations, Manifolds and Autoencoders. 75 - Xinhong Zhang, Tan Su, Daqing Jiang:
Dynamics of a Stochastic SVEIR Epidemic Model Incorporating General Incidence Rate and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. 76 - Martin Bauer, Yuxiu Lu, Cy Maor:
Correction to: A Geometric View on the Generalized Proudman-Johnson and r-Hunter-Saxton Equations. 77 - Hayato Chiba, Georgi S. Medvedev, Matthew S. Mizuhara:
Bifurcations and Patterns in the Kuramoto Model with Inertia. 78 - Patrick Sprenger
, Thomas J. Bridges, Michael Shearer
Traveling Wave Solutions of the Kawahara Equation Joining Distinct Periodic Waves. 79 - Andrea Braides, Marco Caroccia
Asymptotic Behavior of the Dirichlet Energy on Poisson Point Clouds. 80 - Ryan Shìjié Dù
, Oliver Bühler
The Impact of Frequency Bandwidth on a One-Dimensional Model for Dispersive Wave Turbulence. 81 - Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell:
Spectral Stability of Shock-fronted Travelling Waves Under Viscous Relaxation. 82 - Fabio Sozio, Arash Yavari
A Geometric Field Theory of Dislocation Mechanics. 83 - Ramy Rashad, Andrea Brugnoli
, Federico Califano
, Erwin Luesink
, Stefano Stramigioli
Intrinsic Nonlinear Elasticity: An Exterior Calculus Formulation. 84 - Amit Acharya, Irene Fonseca, Likhit Ganedi, Kerrek Stinson:
Vector Field Models for Nematic Disclinations. 85 - Tianyang Li, Qiru Wang:
Turing Patterns in a Predator-Prey Reaction-Diffusion Model with Seasonality and Fear Effect. 86 - Mimi Dai
, Bhakti Vyas, Xiangxiong Zhang
1D Model for the 3D Magnetohydrodynamics. 87 - Victoriano Carmona, Fernando Fernández-Sánchez, Douglas D. Novaes
A Succinct Characterization of Period Annuli in Planar Piecewise Linear Differential Systems with a Straight Line of Nonsmoothness. 88 - Jaime Andrade, D. E. Espejo:
Stability, Periodic Solution and Kam Tori in the Circular Restricted (N+1)-Body Problem on ${\mathbb {S}}^3$ and ${\mathbb {H}}^3$. 89 - Gabriella Pinzari, Xiang Liu:
Quantitative kam Theory, with an Application to the Three-Body Problem. 90 - Stefan Müller
A New Decomposition of the Graph Laplacian and the Binomial Structure of Mass-Action Systems. 91 - Ivan Ovsyannikov, Jens D. M. Rademacher, Roland Welter, Bing-ying Lu:
Correction: Time Averages and Periodic Attractors at High Rayleigh Number for Lorenz-like Models. 92 - Chuanfang Ge, Jiansheng Geng, Yingfei Yi:
Quasi-Periodic Breathers in Granular Chains with Hertzian Contact Potential. 93 - Eduard Feireisl, Arnab Roy
, Arghir Zarnescu:
On the Motion of a Nearly Incompressible Viscous Fluid Containing a Small Rigid Body. 94 - Qiang Du
, Amir Sagiv:
Minimizing Optimal Transport for Functions with Fixed-Size Nodal Sets. 95 - Dan Crisan, Darryl D. Holm
, Erwin Luesink
, Prince Romeo Mensah, Wei Pan
Theoretical and Computational Analysis of the Thermal Quasi-Geostrophic Model. 96 - Yan Wang, Minmin Lu, Daqing Jiang:
Dynamic Behavior of a General Stochastic HIV Model with Virus-to-Cell Infection, Cell-to-Cell Transmission, Immune Response and Distributed Delays. 97 - Sabine Hittmeir, Rupert Klein
, Jinkai Li
, Edriss S. Titi
Correction to: Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes. 98
Volume 33, Number 6, December 2023
- Telmo Peixe
, Alexandre A. Rodrigues
Stability of Heteroclinic Cycles: A New Approach Based on a Replicator Equation. 99 - Arnaud Ducrot, Zhucheng Jin:
Spreading Properties for Non-autonomous Fisher-KPP Equations with Non-local Diffusion. 100 - Bao Wang:
Pentagram-Type Maps and the Discrete KP Equation. 101 - Montie Avery, Matt Holzer, Arnd Scheel
Pushed-to-Pulled Front Transitions: Continuation, Speed Scalings, and Hidden Monotonicty. 102 - Edoardo Bocchi, Jiao He, Gaston Vergara-Hermosilla
Well-Posedness of a Nonlinear Shallow Water Model for an Oscillating Water Column with Time-Dependent Air Pressure. 103 - Thibault Congy
, Gennady A. El
, Giacomo Roberti, Alexander Tovbis:
Dispersive Hydrodynamics of Soliton Condensates for the Korteweg-de Vries Equation. 104 - Stanislav V. Tikhov, Dmitry V. Valovik:
Maxwell's Equations in a Plane Waveguide with Nonhomogeneous Nonlinear Permittivity: Analytical and Numerical Approaches. 105 - Christian Zillinger
On Stability Estimates for the Inviscid Boussinesq Equations. 106 - Eleanor Byrnes, Paul Carter
, Arjen Doelman, Lily Liu:
Large Amplitude Radially Symmetric Spots and Gaps in a Dryland Ecosystem Model. 107 - Xiao-Bing Zhang, Liang Zheng:
Complex Dynamics of a Stochastic SIR Epidemic Model with Vertical Transmission and Varying Total Population Size. 108 - Sergei Iakunin, Luis Vega:
Reconnection of Infinitely Thin Antiparallel Vortices and Coherent Structures. 109 - Emine Celik
, Eric J. Olson:
Data Assimilation Using Time-Delay Nudging in the Presence of Gaussian Noise. 110 - Zlatko Erjavec
, Jun-Ichi Inoguchi
J-Trajectories in 4-Dimensional Solvable Lie Group rmSol14. 111 - Nacer Aarach, Francesco De Anna
, Marius Paicu, Ning Zhu:
On the Role of the Displacement Current and the Cattaneo's Law on Boundary Layers of Plasma. 112 - Abdelmajid El Hakoume, Z. Zaabouli, Lekbir Afraites, Amine Laghrib:
On a Mathematical Analysis of a Coupled System Adapted to MRI Image Denoising. 113 - Wen Si, Lu Xu, Yingfei Yi:
Response Solutions in Singularly Perturbed, Quasi-Periodically Forced Nonlinear Oscillators. 114 - Dongho Chae, Jörg Wolf:
On the Discretely Self-similar Solutions to the Euler Equations in ${\mathbb {R}}^3$. 115 - Guangxiong Zhang, Peng Huang, Bao-Feng Feng, Chengfa Wu:
Rogue Waves and Their Patterns in the Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. 116 - Jaume Alonso
, Yuri B. Suris, Kangning Wei:
A Three-Dimensional Generalization of QRT Maps. 117 - Shimin Li, Changjian Liu, Jaume Llibre:
On the Poincaré-Bendixson Formula for Planar Piecewise Smooth Vector Fields. 118 - Sachin Bhalekar, Prashant M. Gade:
Fractional-Order Periodic Maps: Stability Analysis and Application to the Periodic-2 Limit Cycles in the Nonlinear Systems. 119 - Xinyu Zhao
, Bartosz Protas
Systematic Search for Singularities in 3D Euler Flows. 120 - Telmo Peixe, Alexandre Rodrigues
Correction to: Stability of Heteroclinic Cycles: A New Approach Based on a Replicator Equation. 121

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