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AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Volume 63
Volume 63, Number 1, January 1984
- Aaron E. Rosenberg:
A probabilistic model for the performance of word recognizers. 1-32 - John DeTreville:
A simulation-based comparison of voice transmission on CSMA/CD networks and on token buses. 33-55 - Arik N. Kashper, George C. Varvaloucas:
Trunk implementation plan for hierarchical networks. 57-88 - Steven Michael Barta, Michael L. Honig:
Analysis of a demand assignment TDMA blocking system. 89-114 - Ward Whitt:
On approximations for queues, I: Extremal distributions. 115-138 - J. G. Kuncewicz, Ward Whitt:
On approximations for queues, II: Shape constraints. 139-161 - Ward Whitt:
On approximations for queues, III: Mixtures of exponential distributions. 163-175 - Attilio J. Rainal:
Computing inductive noise of chip packages. 177-195
Volume 63, Number 2, February 1984
- Corrado Dragone, W. E. Legg:
Quarter-wave corrugated transformer for broadband matching of a corrugated feed. 207-215 - Zigmantas L. Budrikis, Mehdi Hatamian:
Moment calculations by digital filters. 217-229 - John B. Minkoff:
Wideband operation of nonlinear solid-state power amplifiers - Comparisons of calculations and measurements. 231-248 - Hamid Gharavi:
Conditional variable-length coding for gray-level pictures. 249-260 - Benjamin F. Logan:
Signals designed for recovery after clipping - I. Localization of infinite products. 261-285 - Benjamin F. Logan:
Signals designed for recovery after clipping - II. Fourier transform theory of recovery. 287-306 - Jon W. Mark, John O. Limb:
Integrated voice/data services on Fasnet. 307-336 - Terrence J. Nelson, Dirk J. Muehlner, Virendra V. S. Rana, Bernard J. Roman, George P. Vella-Coleiro:
Experimental ion-implanted bubble memory device with 16-μm2 cell. 337-355 - G. Eisenstein:
Theoretical design of single-layer antireflection coatings on laser facets. 357-364 - Frederick M. Sears, Jay R. Simpson:
Polarization quality of high-birefringence single-mode fibers. 365-371
Volume 63, Number 3, March 1984
- Benjamin F. Logan:
Signals designed for recovery after clipping - III: Generalizations. 379-399 - Benjamin F. Logan:
Click modulation. 401-423 - William T. Anderson, P. F. Glodis:
Design diagrams for depressed cladding single-mode fibers. 425-430 - Frank H. Levinson, Stephen W. Granlund:
Single GRIN-lens directional couplers. 431-439 - Michael K. Brown, Reed Thorkildsen, Young-Hwan Oh, Syed S. Ali:
The DTWP: An LPC-based dynamic time-warping processor for isolated word recognition. 441-457 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Jay G. Wilpon, Sandra G. Terrace:
On the application of embedded training to connected letter recognition for directory listing retrieval. 459-477 - Jay G. Wilpon, Lawrence R. Rabiner, Thomas B. Martin:
An improved word-detection algorithm for telephone-quality speech incorporating both syntactic and semantic constraints. 479-498 - Mohsen Kavehrad:
Performance of cross-polarized M-ary QAM signals over nondispersive fading channels. 499-521
Volume 63, Number 4, April 1984
- Curtis A. Siller Jr.:
An experimental investigation of wide-angle sidelobe suppression in a pyramidal horn-reflector antenna. 531-544 - Bernard S. Glance:
BER degradations caused by switching in digital mobile radio systems using base station diversity. 545-564 - Harrison E. Rowe:
Processing channel-bank spectrometer data. 565-585 - Carl-Erik W. Sundberg, Wai Choong Wong
, Raymond Steele:
Weighting strategies for companded PCM transmitted over Rayleigh fading and Gaussian channels. 587-626 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Stephen E. Levinson, M. Mohan Sondhi:
On the use of hidden Markov models for speaker-independent recognition of isolated words from a medium-size vocabulary. 627-642 - Clyde L. Monma, Donald R. Smith:
Probabilistic analysis of interframe tie requirements for cross-connect systems. 643-664 - Kenneth R. Lipske, Julian H. Fletcher:
A nonlinear zero-one combinatorial, goal-programming model and constructive algorithm for solving multiobjective assignment problems. 665-677
Volume 63, Number 5, May - June 1984
- Ward Whitt:
Heavy-traffic approximations for service systems with blocking. 689-708 - Bhaskarpillai Gopinath, J.-M. Garcia, Pravin Varaiya:
Blocking probability in a switching center with arbitrary routing policy. 709-720 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, M. Mohan Sondhi, Stephen E. Levinson:
A vector quantizer combining energy and LPC parameters and its application to isolated word recognition. 721-735 - Manu Malek-Zavarei, Ming Chwan Chow, John D. Williams:
Generic approaches to the design of network services circuits. 737-773 - Donald V. Batorsky, Michael E. Burke:
1980 Bell system noise survey of the loop plant. 775-818 - Mary N. Youssef:
On the accuracy of forecasting telephone usage demand. 819-849
Volume 63, Number 6, July - August 1984
- Daniel R. Kaplan, Peter P. Deimel:
Exact calculation of the reflection coefficient for coated optical waveguide devices. 857-877 - George W. Bleisch, William J. Mitchell, Stanley Dodds:
The LT-1 connector family of transmultiplexers. 879-900 - George E. Peterson:
Electrical transmission lines as models for soliton propagation in materials: Elementary aspects of video solitons. 901-919 - Donald C. Cox, Roy R. Murray, A. W. Norris:
800-MHz attenuation measured in and around suburban houses. 921-954 - Raymond Steele, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg, Wai Choong Wong
Transmission errors in companded PCM over Gaussian and Rayleigh fading channels. 955-990 - Julian Stone, Andrew R. Chraplyvy, Jay M. Wiesenfeld, Charles A. Burrus Jr.:
Overtone absorption and Raman spectra of H2 and D2 in silica optical fibers. 991-1000 - Thomas W. Butler:
Computer response time and user performance during data entry. 1007-1018 - John DeTreville, W. David Sincoskie:
Program transformations for data access in a local distributed environment. 1019-1028 - David W. Tolleth:
System sparing for minicomputer-based operations systems. 1029-1047 - Verlyn B. Erickson, John F. Pellegrin:
Build - A software construction tool. 1049-1059 - Alexander G. Fraser, Samuel P. Morgan:
Queueing and framing disciplines for a mixture of data traffic types. 1061-1087 - Jack K. Wolf, Aaron D. Wyner, Jacob Ziv, János Körner:
Coding for a write-once memory. 1089-1112 - M. Niel Ransom:
Local area data transport service overview. 1113-1134 - David J. Stelte, Henry J. Kafka, W. Joseph Paule:
AT&T Technologies implementation of local area data transport - A hardware and software overview. 1135-1190 - Michael R. Garey, Ron Y. Pinter:
Optimum scan-width selection under containment constraints. 1191-1212
Volume 63, Number 7, September 1984
- Biing-Hwang Juang:
On the hidden Markov model and dynamic time warping for speech recognition - A unified view. 1213-1243 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Kuk-Chin Pan, Frank K. Soong:
On the performance of isolated word speech recognizers using vector quantization and temporal energy contours. 1245-1260 - Jacqueline M. Akinpelu:
The overload performance of engineered networks with nonhierarchical and hierarchical routing. 1261-1281 - David L. Jagerman:
Methods in traffic calculations. 1283-1310 - Hans S. Witsenhausen:
On the capacity of sticky storage devices. 1311-1323 - Geoffrey W. Taylor:
Velocity-saturated characteristics of short-channel MOSFETs. 1325-1404
Volume 63, Number 8, October 1984
- Gerard J. Foschini:
Contrasting performance of faster binary signaling with QAM. 1419-1445 - Gerald L. Fenderson, James W. Parker, Patrick D. Quigley, Scott R. Shepard, Curtis A. Siller Jr.:
Adaptive transversal equalization of multipath propagation for 16-QAM, 90-Mb/s digital radio. 1447-1463 - Venkatasubbarao Ramamoorthy, Nuggehally S. Jayant:
Enhancement of ADPCM speech by adaptive postfiltering. 1465-1475 - Biing-Hwang Juang:
On using the Itakura-Saito measures for speech coder performance evaluation. 1477-1498 - Zigmantas L. Budrikis, Arun N. Netravali:
A packet/circuit switch. 1499-1520 - Philip J. Fleming:
An approximate analysis of sojourn times in the M/G/1 queue with round-robin service discipline. 1521-1535 - Michael L. Honig:
Analysis of a TDMA network with voice and data traffic. 1537-1563 - Robert L. Martin:
The UNIX system: Preface. 1571-1572 - Alfred V. Aho:
The UNIX system: Foreword. 1573-1576 - Dennis M. Ritchie:
The UNIX system: The evolution of the UNIX time-sharing system. 1577-1593 - Rob Pike, Brian W. Kernighan:
The UNIX system: Program design in the UNIX environment. 1595-1605 - Rob Pike:
The UNIX system: The blit: A multiplexed graphics terminal. 1607-1631 - Thomas A. Cargill:
The UNIX system: Debugging C programs with the blit. 1633-1647 - Frederick T. Grampp, Robert H. Morris:
The UNIX system UNIX operating system security. 1649-1672 - James A. Reeds, Peter J. Weinberger:
The UNIX system: File security and the UNIX system crypt command. 1673-1683 - Lawrence Rosler:
The UNIX system: The evolution of C - Past and future. 1685-1699 - Bjarne Stroustrup:
The UNIX system: Data abstraction in C. 1701-1732 - Maurice J. Bach, Steven J. Buroff:
The UNIX system: Multiprocessor UNIX operating systems. 1733-1749 - William A. Felton, Gerald L. Miller, J. Michael Milner:
The UNIX system: A UNIX system implementation for System/370. 1751-1767 - D. E. Bodenstab, Thomas F. Houghton, Keith A. Kelleman, George Ronkin, Edward P. Schan:
The UNIX system: UNIX operating system porting experiences. 1769-1790 - Jerome Feder:
The UNIX system: The evolution of UNIX system performance. 1791-1814 - Peter J. Weinberger:
The UNIX system: Cheap dynamic instruction counting. 1815-1826 - John P. Linderman:
The UNIX system: Theory and practice in the construction of a working sort routine. 1827-1843 - Gary J. Henry:
The UNIX system: The fair share scheduler. 1845-1857 - Michael J. Fitton, Carol J. Harkness, Keith A. Kelleman, Paul F. Long, Carl Mee:
The UNIX system: The virtual protocol machine. 1859-1876 - Thomas E. Fritz, Joseph E. Hefner, Thomas Raleigh:
The UNIX system: A network of computers running the UNIX system. 1877-1896 - Dennis M. Ritchie:
The UNIX system: A stream input-output system. 1897-1910
Volume 63, Number 9, November 1984
- Ward Whitt:
Open and closed models for networks of queues. 1911-1979 - Lawrence R. Rabiner:
On the application of energy contours to the recognition of connected word sequences. 1981-1995 - Harrison E. Rowe:
Spatial filtering radio astronomical data: One-dimensional case. 1997-2031 - John D. Healy, Maurice Lampell, David G. Leeper, Thomas C. Redman, Edward J. Vlacich:
1982/83 End office connection study: ASPEN data acquisition system and sampling plan. 2033-2057 - Michele B. Carey, Han-Tee Chen, Alfred Descloux, James F. Ingle, Kun Il Park:
1982/83 End office connection study: Analog voice and voiceband data transmission performance characterization of the public switched network. 2059-2119
Volume 63, Number 10, December 1984
- Lawrence H. Ozarow, Aaron D. Wyner:
Wire-tap channel II. 2135-2157 - Martin H. Ackroyd:
Stationary and cyclostationary finite buffer behaviour computation via Levinson's method. 2159-2170 - Nevio Benvenuto:
Distortion analysis on measuring the impulse response of a system using a crosscorrelation method. 2171-2192 - Wai Choong Wong
, Raymond Steele, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
Soft decision demodulation to reduce the effect of transmission errors in logarithmic PCM transmitted over Rayleigh fading channels. 2193-2213 - Noach Amitay, Jack Salz:
Linear equalization theory in digital data transmission over dually polarized fading radio channels. 2215-2259 - Thomas A. Abele, Albert J. Schepis:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: Overview. 2273-2281 - Michael M. Luniewicz, John W. Olson, Kenneth E. Stiefel:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: Channel bank. 2283-2331 - Gary D. Bainbridge, Robert W. Henn:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: Physical design. 2333-2362 - Dennis H. Morgen, Michael A. Schwartz, John W. Olson:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: Maintenance and operation. 2363-2387 - Peter P. Bohn, Charles A. Brackett, Michael J. Buckler, Tadikonda N. Rao, Robert H. Saul:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: The fiber SLC carrier system. 2389-2416 - Steven A. McRoy, James H. Miller, James B. Truesdale, Robert W. Van Slooten:
The SLC 96 subscriber loop carrier system: Integration with the 5ESS switching system. 2417-2437

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