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9th VLSI Design 1996: Bangalore, India

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'95 Keynote Address

'96 Keynote Address

Session 1: Plenary Session: Invited Address

Session 2: VLSI for Mobile Communication I

Session 3: Placement and Routing

Session 4: Built-In Self-Test and Diagnosis

Session 5: Hardware/Software Co-Design

Session 6: Analog Circuits

Session 7: Automatic Test Pattern Generation

Session 8: High-Level Synthesis I

Session 9: High-Performance Circuits

Session 10: Sequential Automatic Test Pattern Generation

Session 12: High-Level Synthesis II

Session 13: Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Session 14: Mixed-Signal Design and Test

Session 15: Logic Design and Synthesis

Session 16: Architecture

Session 17: Logic and Fault Simulation

Session 18: VLSI in Communications and Applications

Session 19: Low-Power and Analog Design

Session 20: Test and Logic Synthesis

Session 21: Low-Power Design

Session 22: Asynchronous Circuits, Retiming, and Paritioning

Session 23: Delay Testing

Panel Discussion