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36th SODA 2025, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Yossi Azar, Debmalya Panigrahi:
Proceedings of the 2025 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2025, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 12-15, 2025. SIAM 2025, ISBN 978-1-61197-832-2 - Yaowei Long, Seth Pettie, Thatchaphol Saranurak:
Connectivity Labeling Schemes for Edge and Vertex Faults via Expander Hierarchies. 1-47 - Daniel Paul-Pena, C. Seshadhri:
A Dichotomy Hierarchy for Linear Time Subgraph Counting in Bounded Degeneracy Graphs. 48-87 - Hsien-Chih Chang, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Jonathan Conroy, Hung Le, Marcin Pilipczuk, Michal Pilipczuk:
Embedding Planar Graphs into Graphs of Treewidth O (log3 n ). 88-123 - Aditya Anand, Thatchaphol Saranurak, Yunfan Wang:
Deterministic Edge Connectivity and Max Flow using Subquadratic Cut Queries. 124-142 - Amir Azarmehr, Soheil Behnezhad, Rajesh Jayaram, Jakub Lacki, Vahab Mirrokni, Peilin Zhong:
Massively Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree in General Metric Spaces. 143-174 - Ce Jin, Yael Kirkpatrick, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Nicole Wein:
Beyond 2-Approximation for k-Center in Graphs. 175-211 - Sebastian Forster, Antonis Skarlatos:
Dynamic Consistent k-Center Clustering with Optimal Recourse. 212-254 - Martin G. Herold
, Evangelos Kipouridis
, Joachim Spoerhase
Clustering to Minimize Cluster-Aware Norm Objectives. 255-287 - Ilias Diakonikolas, Daniel M. Kane, Jasper C. H. Lee, Thanasis Pittas:
Clustering Mixtures of Bounded Covariance Distributions Under Optimal Separation. 288-322 - Debarati Das, Amit Kumar:
Breaking the Two Approximation Barrier for Various Consensus Clustering Problems. 323-372 - Xi Chen, Anindya De, Yizhi Huang, Yuhao Li, Shivam Nadimpalli, Rocco A. Servedio, Tianqi Yang:
Relative-error monotonicity testing. 373-402 - Yiqiao Bao, Sampath Kannan, Erik Waingarten:
Nearly Tight Bounds on Testing of Metric Properties. 403-445 - Xi Chen, Anindya De, Shivam Nadimpalli, Rocco A. Servedio, Erik Waingarten:
Lower Bounds for Convexity Testing. 446-488 - William Swartworth, David P. Woodruff:
Tight Sampling Bounds for Eigenvalue Approximation. 489-516 - Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakob Nogler, Philip Wellnitz:
Near-Optimal-Time Quantum Algorithms for Approximate Pattern Matching. 517-534 - Jesper Nederlof, Céline M. F. Swennenhuis, Karol Wegrzycki:
A Subexponential Time Algorithm for Makespan Scheduling of Unit Jobs with Precedence Constraints. 535-552 - Shi Li:
Approximating Unrelated Machine Weighted Completion Time Using Iterative Rounding and Computer Assisted Proofs. 553-571 - Étienne Bamas:
Lift-and-Project Integrality Gaps for Santa Claus. 572-615 - Étienne Bamas, Sarah Morell, Lars Rohwedder:
The Submodular Santa Claus Problem. 616-640 - Franziska Eberle, Felix Hommelsheim, Malin Rau, Stefan Walzer:
A Tight (3/2 + ∈ )-Approximation Algorithm for Demand Strip Packing. 641-699 - Tijn de Vos, Aleksander B. G. Christiansen:
Tree-Packing Revisited: Faster Fully Dynamic Min-Cut and Arboricity. 700-749 - Antoine El-Hayek
, Monika Henzinger, Jason Li:
Fully Dynamic Approximate Minimum Cut in Subpolynomial Time per Operation. 750-784 - Julia Chuzhoy, Merav Parter:
Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Spanners via Low-Diameter Router Decomposition. 785-823 - Anton Bukov, Shay Solomon, Tianyi Zhang:
Nearly Optimal Dynamic Set Cover: Breaking the Quadratic-in-f Time Barrier. 824-863 - Sepehr Assadi, Soheil Behnezhad, Christian Konrad, Kheeran K. Naidu, Janani Sundaresan:
Settling the Pass Complexity of Approximate Matchings in Dynamic Graph Streams. 864-904 - Alexander Schmidhuber, Ryan O'Donnell, Robin Kothari, Ryan Babbush:
Quartic quantum speedups for planted inference. 905-913 - Robbie King, David Gosset, Robin Kothari, Ryan Babbush:
Triply efficient shadow tomography. 914-946 - Yupan Liu
, Qisheng Wang:
On Estimating the Trace of Quantum State Powers. 947-993 - Yanlin Chen, András Gilyén, Ronald de Wolf:
A Quantum Speed-Up for Approximating the Top Eigenvectors of a Matrix. 994-1036 - Joel Rajakumar, James D. Watson, Yi-Kai Liu:
Polynomial-Time Classical Simulation of Noisy IQP Circuits with Constant Depth. 1037-1056 - Soh Kumabe, Yuichi Yoshida:
Lipschitz Continuous Algorithms for Covering Problems. 1057-1093 - Weiming Feng, Ce Jin:
Approximately Counting Knapsack Solutions in Subquadratic Time. 1094-1135 - Swati Gupta, Jai Moondra, Mohit Singh:
Balancing Notions of Equity: Trade-offs Between Fair Portfolio Sizes and Achievable Guarantees. 1136-1165 - Martin Böhm, Zachary Friggstad, Tobias Mömke, Joachim Spoerhase:
Approximating Traveling Salesman Problems Using a Bridge Lemma. 1166-1177 - Aditya Anand, Euiwoong Lee, Amatya Sharma:
Min-CSPs on Complete Instances. 1178-1201 - Suprovat Ghoshal, Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Markarychev:
Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Advice. 1202-1221 - Elfarouk Harb:
New Prophet Inequalities via Poissonization and Sharding. 1222-1269 - Mathieu Molina, Nicolas Gast, Patrick Loiseau, Vianney Perchet:
Prophet Inequalities: Competing with the Top ℓ Items is Easy. 1270-1307 - Javier Cembrano, José Correa, Ulrike Schmidt-Kraepelin, Alexandros Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, Victor Verdugo:
New Combinatorial Insights for Monotone Apportionment. 1308-1328 - Prommy Sultana Hossain, Xintong Wang, Fang-Yi Yu:
Designing Automated Market Makers for Combinatorial Securities: A Geometric Viewpoint. 1329-1365 - Eshwar Ram Arunachaleswaran, Natalie Collina, Aaron Roth, Mirah Shi:
An Elementary Predictor Obtaining Distance to Calibration. 1366-1370 - Ziyun Chen, Zhiyi Huang, Dongchen Li, Zhihao Gavin Tang:
Prophet Secretary and Matching: the Significance of the Largest Item. 1371-1401 - Fedor V. Fomin, Petr A. Golovach, Tuukka Korhonen, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh:
Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Hedge Cut. 1402-1411 - Daniel Lokshtanov, Fahad Panolan, Saket Saurabh, Roohani Sharma, Jie Xue, Meirav Zehavi:
Crossing Number in Slightly Superexponential Time (Extended Abstract). 1412-1424 - Matthias Bentert, Fedor V. Fomin, Petr A. Golovach, Tuukka Korhonen, William Lochet, Fahad Panolan, M. S. Ramanujan, Saket Saurabh, Kirill Simonov:
Packing Short Cycles. 1425-1463 - Aditya Anand, Euiwoong Lee, Jason Li, Yaowei Long, Thatchaphol Saranurak:
Unbreakable Decomposition in Close-to-Linear Time. 1464-1493 - Michael Lampis:
The Primal Pathwidth SETH. 1494-1564 - Daniel Lokshtanov, Abhishek Sahu, Saket Saurabh, Vaishali Surianarayanan, Jie Xue:
Parameterized Approximation for Capacitated d-Hitting Set with Hard Capacities. 1565-1592 - Joakim Blikstad, Ola Svensson, Radu Vintan
, David Wajc:
Deterministic Online Bipartite Edge Coloring. 1593-1606 - Arun Jambulapati, Sushant Sachdeva, Aaron Sidford, Kevin Tian, Yibin Zhao
Eulerian Graph Sparsification by Effective Resistance Decomposition. 1607-1650 - Bernhard Haeupler, Jonas Hübotter, Mohsen Ghaffari:
A Cut-Matching Game for Constant-Hop Expanders. 1651-1678 - Pierre Bergé, Guillaume Ducoffe, Michel Habib:
Quasilinear-time eccentricities computation, and more, on median graphs. 1679-1704 - Daoyuan Chen, Simon Meierhans, Maximilian Probst Gutenberg, Thatchaphol Saranurak:
Parallel and Distributed Expander Decomposition: Simple, Fast, and Near-Optimal. 1705-1719 - Shuchi Chawla, Dimitris Christou, Trung Dang, Zhiyi Huang, Gregory Kehne, Rojin Rezvan:
A Multi-Dimensional Online Contention Resolution Scheme for Revenue Maximization. 1720-1757 - Matteo Castiglioni, Junjie Chen:
Hiring for An Uncertain Task: Joint Design of Information and Contracts. 1758-1794 - Matteo Castiglioni, Junjie Chen, Minming Li, Haifeng Xu, Song Zuo:
A Reduction from Multi-Parameter to Single-Parameter Bayesian Contract Design. 1795-1836 - Siddhartha Banerjee, Kamesh Munagala, Yiheng Shen, Kangning Wang:
Majorized Bayesian Persuasion and Fair Selection. 1837-1856 - Paul Dütting, Tomer Ezra, Michal Feldman, Thomas Kesselheim:
Multi-Agent Combinatorial Contracts. 1857-1891 - Ruiwen Dong:
Linear equations with monomial constraints and decision problems in abelian-by-cyclic groups. 1892-1908 - Pascal Koiran:
An Efficient Uniqueness Theorem for Overcomplete Tensor Decomposition. 1909-1932 - Josh Alman, Hantao Yu:
Improving the Leading Constant of Matrix Multiplication. 1933-1971 - Michal Derezinski, Christopher Musco, Jiaming Yang:
Faster Linear Systems and Matrix Norm Approximation via Multi-level Sketched Preconditioning. 1972-2004 - Josh Alman, Ran Duan, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Yinzhan Xu, Zixuan Xu, Renfei Zhou:
More Asymmetry Yields Faster Matrix Multiplication. 2005-2039 - Shashank Srivastava
Improved List Size for Folded Reed-Solomon Codes. 2040-2050 - Nikhil Bansal, Haotian Jiang:
Quasi-Monte Carlo Beyond Hardy-Krause. 2051-2075 - Yichuan Wang:
Tight Streaming Lower Bounds for Deterministic Approximate Counting. 2076-2094 - Chandra Chekuri, Rhea Jain:
A Polylogarithmic Approximation for Directed Steiner Forest in Planar Digraphs. 2095-2110 - Jason Li, Satish Rao, Di Wang:
Congestion-Approximators from the Bottom Up. 2111-2131 - Ohad Trabeisi:
(Almost) Ruling Out SETH Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow. 2132-2156 - Feodor F. Dragan, Guillaume Ducoffe, Michel Habib, Laurent Viennot:
Certificates in P and Subquadratic-Time Computation of Radius, Diameter, and all Eccentricities in Graphs. 2157-2193 - Charlie Carlson, Eric Vigoda:
Flip Dynamics for Sampling Colorings: Improving (11/6 - ε) Using A Simple Metric. 2194-2212 - Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So:
Testing Approximate Stationarity Concepts for Piecewise Affine Functions. 2213-2224 - Eleonore Bach, Friedrich Eisenbrand, Thomas Rothvoss, Robert Weismantel:
Forall-exist statements in pseudopolynomial time. 2225-2233 - Christian Nöbel, Raphael Steiner:
Complexity of polytope diameters via perfect matchings. 2234-2251 - Naren Sarayu Manoj, Max Ovsiankin:
The Change-of-Measure Method, Block Lewis Weights, and Approximating Matrix Block Norms. 2252-2300 - Manuel Aprile, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret, Stefan Kober, Miehal T. Seweryn, Stefan Weltge, Yelena Yuditsky:
Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case. 2301-2312 - Håvard Bakke Bjerkevik
, Linda Kleist
, Torsten Ueckerdt
, Birgit Vogtenhuber
Flipping Non-Crossing Spanning Trees. 2313-2325 - Sayan Bandyapadhyay, Katie Clinch, William Lochet, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, Jie Xue:
PTASes for Euclidean TSP with Unit Disk and Unit Square Neighborhoods. 2326-2356 - Sujoy Bhore, Timothy M. Chan:
Fast Static and Dynamic Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Optimization Problems: Piercing, Independent Set, Vertex Cover, and Matching. 2357-2386 - Florent Becker, Daniel Hader, Matthew J. Patitz:
Strict Self-Assembly of Discrete Self-Similar Fractals in the abstract Tile Assembly Model. 2387-2466 - Yu Chen, Zihan Tan:
Path and Intersections: Characterization of Quasi-metrics in Directed Okamura-Seymour Instances. 2467-2490 - Mete Seref Ahunbay, Martin Bichler:
On the Uniqueness of Bayesian Coarse Correlated Equilibria in Standard First-Price and All-Pay Auctions. 2491-2537 - Jugal Garg, Yixin Tao, László A. Végh:
Approximating Competitive Equilibrium by Nash Welfare. 2538-2559 - Lukas Graf, Tobias Harks, Julian Schwarz:
Tolls for Dynamic Equilibrium Flows. 2560-2606 - Nika Haghtalab, Mingda Qiao, Kunhe Yang:
Platforms for Efficient and Incentive-Aware Collaboration. 2607-2628 - Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin, Xizhi Tan:
Clock Auctions Augmented with Unreliable Advice. 2629-2655 - Tyler Chen, Feyza Duman Keles, Diana Halikias, Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco, David Persson:
Near-optimal hierarchical matrix approximation from matrix-vector products. 2656-2692 - Rajarshi Bhattacharjee, Rajesh Jayaram, Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco, Archan Ray:
Improved Spectral Density Estimation via Explicit and Implicit Deflation. 2693-2754 - Toghrul Karimov, Florian Luca, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell:
On the Decidability of Presburger Arithmetic Expanded with Powers. 2755-2778 - Holger Dell, Anselm Haak, Melvin Kallmayer, Leo Wennmann:
Solving Polynomial Equations Over Finite Fields. 2779-2803 - Andreas Björklund, Radu Curticapean, Thore Husfeldt, Petteri Kaski, Kevin Pratt:
Fast Deterministic Chromatic Number under the Asymptotic Rank Conjecture. 2804-2818 - Sushant Agarwal, Gautam Kamath, Mahbod Majid, Argyris Mouzakis, Rose Silver, Jonathan R. Ullman:
Private Mean Estimation with Person-Level Differential Privacy. 2819-2880 - Jane Lange, Ephraim Linder, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Arsen Vasilyan:
Local Lipschitz Filters for Bounded-Range Functions with Applications to Arbitrary Real-Valued Functions. 2881-2907 - Michael Dinitz, Satyen Kale, Silvio Lattanzi, Sergei Vassilvitskii:
Almost Tight Bounds for Differentially Private Densest Subgraph. 2908-2950 - Monika Henzinger, Jalaj Upadhyay:
Improved Differentially Private Continual Observation Using Group Algebra. 2951-2970 - Sepehr Assadi, Sanjeev Khanna, Peter Kiss:
Improved Bounds for Fully Dynamic Matching via Ordered Ruzsa-Szemerédi Graphs. 2971-2990 - Aaron Bernstein, Jiale Chen, Aditi Dudeja, Zachary Langley, Aaron Sidford, Ta-Wei Tu:
Matching Composition and Efficient Weight Reduction in Dynamic Matching. 2991-3028 - Mark Braverman, Mahsa Derakhshan, Tristan Pollner, Amin Saberi, David Wajc:
New Philosopher Inequalities for Online Bayesian Matching, via Pivotal Sampling. 3029-3068 - Jiale Chen, Aaron Sidford, Ta-Wei Tu:
Entropy Regularization and Faster Decremental Matching in General Graphs. 3069-3115 - Joseph (Seffi) Naor, Aravind Srinivasan
, David Wajc:
Online Dependent Rounding Schemes for Bipartite Matchings, with. 3116-3154 - Romain Bourneuf, Marcin Pilipczuk:
Bounding ε-scatter dimension via metric sparsity. 3155-3171 - Moses Charikar, Erik Waingarten:
The Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma for Clustering and Subspace Approximation: From Coresets to Dimension Reduction. 3172-3209 - Moses Charikar, Spencer Compton, Chirag Pabbaraju:
Embedding Probability Distributions into Low Dimensional ℓ1: Tree Ising Models via Truncated Metrics. 3210-3266 - Andreas Emil Feldmann, Arnold Filtser:
Highway Dimension: a Metric View. 3267-3276 - Hongjie Chen, Deepak Narayanan Sridharan, David Steurer:
Outlier-robust Mean Estimation near the Breakdown Point via Sum-of-Squares. 3277-3309 - Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta:
An analogue of Reed's conjecture for digraphs. 3310-3324 - Jedrzej Hodor, Hoang La, Piotr Micek, Clément Rambaud:
Weak coloring numbers of minor-closed graph classes. 3325-3334 - Yeyuan Chen:
Unique-neighbor Expanders with Better Expansion for Polynomial-sized Sets. 3335-3362 - Jungho Ahn, J. Pascal Gollin, Tony Huynh, O-joung Kwon:
A coarse Erdős-Pósa theorem. 3363-3381 - Vida Dujmovic, Gwenaël Joret, Piotr Micek, Pat Morin, David R. Wood:
Planar Graphs in Blowups of Fans. 3382-3391 - Raghuvansh R. Saxena, Noah G. Singer, Madhu Sudan, Santhoshini Velusamy:
Streaming Algorithms via Local Algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut. 3392-3408 - Seth Pettie, Dingyu Wang:
Universal Perfect Samplers for Incremental Streams. 3409-3422 - Sepehr Assadi, Aaron Bernstein, Zachary Langley, Lap Chi Lau, Robert Wang:
Streaming and Communication Complexity of Load-Balancing via Matching Contractors. 3423-3449 - Yuchen He, Zichun Ye, Chihao Zhang:
Understanding Memory-Regret Trade-Off for Streaming Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits. 3450-3485 - Elena Gribelyuk, Pachara Sawettamalya, Hongxun Wu, Huacheng Yu:
Near-Optimal Relative Error Streaming Quantile Estimation via Elastic Compactors. 3486-3529 - Tamal K. Dey, Tao Hou, Dmitriy Morozov:
A Fast Algorithm for Computing Zigzag Representatives. 3530-3546 - Mook Kwon Jung, Seokyun Kang, Hee-Kap Ahn:
Minimum Convex Hull and Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polytopes. 3547-3561 - Mikkel Abrahamsen, Nichlas Langhoff Rasmussen:
Partitioning a Polygon Into Small Pieces. 3562-3589 - Matthijs Ebbens, Francis Lazarus:
Computing the second and third systoles of a combinatorial surface. 3590-3610 - Natan Rubin:
An Efficient Regularity Lemma for Semi-Algebraic Hypergraphs. 3611-3636 - Simon Döring, Dániel Marx, Philip Wellnitz:
From Graph Properties to Graph Parameters: Tight Bounds for Counting on Small Subgraphs. 3637-3676 - Radu Curticapean, Daniel Neuen:
Counting Small Induced Subgraphs: Hardness via Fourier Analysis. 3677-3695 - Karthik C. S., Subhash Khot:
Maximum Span Hypothesis: A Potentially Weaker Assumption than Gap-ETH for Parameterized Complexity. 3696-3727 - Ignasi Sau, Giannos Stamoulis, Dimitrios M. Thilikos:
Parameterizing the quantification of CMSO: model checking on minor-closed graph classes. 3728-3742 - Michal Wlodarczyk:
Losing Treewidth In The Presence Of Weights. 3743-3761 - Petr A. Golovach, Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Giannos Stamoulis, Dimitrios M. Thilikos:
Finding irrelevant vertices in linear time on bounded-genus graphs. 3762-3774 - Avrim Blum, Vaidehi Srinivas:
Competitive strategies to use "warm start" algorithms with predictions. 3775-3801 - Qingyun Chen, Sungjin Im, Aditya Petety:
Online Scheduling via Gradient Descent for Weighted Flow Time Minimization. 3802-3841 - Sander Borst, Marek Eliás, Moritz Venzin:
Stronger adversaries grow cheaper forests: online node-weighted Steiner problems. 3842-3864 - Benjamin Moseley, Aidin Niaparast, R. Ravi:
Putting Off the Catching Up: Online Joint Replenishment Problem with Holding and Backlog Costs. 3865-3883 - Xingjian Bai, Christian Coester
, Romain Cosson:
Unweighted Layered Graph Traversal: Passing a Crown via Entropy Maximization. 3884-3900 - Sven Jäger
, Alexander Lindermayr, Nicole Megow:
The Power of Proportional Fairness for Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling under Polyhedral Constraints. 3901-3930 - William Kuszmaul, Michael Mitzenmacher:
Efficient d-ary Cuckoo Hashing at High Load Factors by Bubbling Up. 3931-3952 - Bernhard Haeupler, Richard Hladík, John Iacono, Václav Rozhon, Robert E. Tarjan, Jakub Tetek:
Fast and Simple Sorting Using Partial Information. 3953-3973 - William Kuszmaul, Aaron Putterman, Tingqiang Xu, Hangrui Zhou, Renfei Zhou:
Tight Bounds and Phase Transitions for Incremental and Dynamic Retrieval. 3974-3997 - Peyman Afshani, Nodari Sitchinava:
A Cell Probe Lower Bound for the Predecessor Search Problem in PRAM. 3998-4008 - Gonzalo Navarro, Yakov Nekrich:
Top-k Document Retrieval in Compressed Space. 4009-4030 - Jonas Ellert, Pawel Gawrychowski, Adam Górkiewicz, Tatiana Starikovskaya:
Faster two-dimensional pattern matching with k mismatches. 4031-4060 - Merav Parter, Asaf Petruschka, Shay Sapir, Elad Tzalik:
Parks and Recreation: Color Fault-Tolerant Spanners Made Local. 4061-4094 - Colin Cooper, Frederik Mallmann-Trenn, Tomasz Radzik, Nobutaka Shimizu, Takeharu Shiraga:
Asynchronous 3-Majority Dynamics with Many Opinions. 4095-4131 - Andreea B. Alexandru
, Julian Loss, Charalampos Papamanthou, Giorgos Tsimos, Benedikt Wagner:
Sublinear-Round Broadcast without Trusted Setup. 4132-4171 - John Augustine, Fabien Dufoulon, Gopal Pandurangan:
Fully-Distributed Byzantine Agreement in Sparse Networks. 4172-4197 - Sebastian Brandt, Yannic Maus, Ananth Narayanan, Florian Schager, Jara Uitto:
On the Locality of Hall's Theorem. 4198-4226 - Pierre Civit, Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar, Seth Gilbert, Rachid Guerraoui, Jovan Komatovic, Manuel Vidigueira, Igor Zablotchi:
Partial Synchrony for Free: New Upper Bounds for Byzantine Agreement. 4227-4291 - Sujoy Bhore, Balázs Keszegh, Andrey Kupavskii, Hung Le, Alexandre Louvet, Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Csaba D. Tóth:
Spanners in Planar Domains via Steiner Spanners and non-Steiner Tree Covers. 4292-4326 - Greg Bodwin, Jeremy Flics:
A Lower Bound for Light Spanners in General Graphs. 4327-4337 - Adam Karczmarz, Da Wei Zheng:
Subquadratic algorithms in minor-free digraphs: (weighted) distance oracles, decrementai reachability, and more. 4338-4351 - Shimon Kogan, Merav Parter:
Having Hope in Missing Spanners: New Distance Preservers and Light Hopsets. 4352-4374 - Greg Bodwin, Tuong Le:
Improved Online Reachability Preservers. 4375-4404 - Gary Hoppenworth, Yinzhan Xu, Zixuan Xu:
New Separations and Reductions for Directed Hopsets and Preservers. 4405-4443 - Maria Chudnovsky, Peter Gartland, Sepehr Hajebi, Daniel Lokshtanov, Sophie Spirkl:
Tree Independence Number IV. Even-hole-free graphs. 4444-4461 - Seth Pettie, Gábor Tardos:
A Refutation of the Pach-Tardos Conjecture for 0-1 Matrices. 4462-4483 - Amir Abboud, Nick Fischer, Ron Safier, Nathan Wallheimer:
Recognizing Sumsets is NP-Complete. 4484-4506 - Sebastian Meyer, Jakub Oprsal:
A topological proof of the Hell-Nešetřil dichotomy. 4507-4519 - Nick Fischer:
Sumsets, 3SUM, Subset Sum: Now for Real! 4520-4546 - Nick Fischer, Ce Jin, Yinzhan Xu:
New Applications of 3SUM-Counting in Fine-Grained Complexity and Pattern Matching. 4547-4595 - Karl Bringmann, Nick Fischer, Vasileios Nakos:
Beating Bellman's Algorithm for Subset Sum. 4596-4612 - Mina Dalirrooyfard, Andrea Lincoln, Barna Saha, Virginia Vassilevska Williams:
Average-Case Hardness of Parity Problems: Orthogonal Vectors, k-SUM and More. 4613-4643 - Junren Chen, Jonathan Scarlett:
Exact Thresholds for Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing. 4644-4706 - Henry L. Fleischmann, Kyrylo Karlov, Karthik C. S., Ashwin Padaki, Stepan Zharkov:
Inapproximability of Maximum Diameter Clustering for Few Clusters. 4707-4731 - Lingxiao Huang, Jian Li, Pinyan Lu, Xuan Wu:
Coresets for Constrained Clustering: General Assignment Constraints and Improved Size Bounds. 4732-4782 - Vincent Cohen-Addad, Andrew Draganov, Matteo Russo, David Saulpic, Chris Schwiegelshohn:
A Tight VC-Dimension Analysis of Clustering Coresets with Applications. 4783-4808 - Pankaj K. Agarwal, Sharath Raghvendra, Pouyan Shirzadian, Keegan Yao:
Efficient Approximation Algorithm for Computing Wasserstein Barycenter under Euclidean Metric. 4809-4826 - Ilya Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Gary Peng, Suho Shin:
Gains-from-Trade in Bilateral Trade with a Broker. 4827-4860 - Sepehr Assadi:
Faster Vizing and Near-Vizing Edge Coloring Algorithms. 4861-4898 - Varsha Dani, Thomas P. Hayes:
A Sublinear-Time Algorithm for Nearly-Perfect Matchings in Regular Non-Bipartite Graphs. 4899-4913 - Sayan Bhattacharya, Martín Costa, Shay Solomon, Tianyi Zhang:
Even Faster (Δ + 1)-Edge Coloring via Shorter Multi-Step Vizing Chains. 4914-4947 - Aditi Dudeja, Rashmika Goswami, Michael Saks:
Randomized Greedy Online Edge Coloring Succeeds for Dense and Randomly-Ordered Graphs. 4948-4982 - Soheil Behnezhad, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Omer Wasim:
Fully Dynamic (Δ + 1)-Coloring Against Adaptive Adversaries. 4983-5026 - Thijs Beurskens, Tim Ophelders, Bettina Speckmann
, Kevin Verbeek:
Relating Interleaving and Fréchet Distances via Ordered Merge Trees. 5027-5050 - Hugo A. Akitaya, Jean Cardinal, Stefan Felsner, Linda Kleist, Robert Lauff:
Facet-Hamiltonicity. 5051-5064 - Ahmed Abdelkader, David M. Mount:
Differentiable Approximations for Distance Queries. 5065-5099 - Siu-Wing Cheng, Haoqiang Huang:
Fréchet Distance in Subquadratic Time. 5100-5113 - Éric Colin de Verdière, Vincent Despré, Loïc Dubois:
A Discrete Analog of Tutte's Barycentric Embeddings on Surfaces. 5114-5146 - Barna Saha, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Yinzhan Xu, Christopher Ye:
Fine-Grained Optimality of Partially Dynamic Shortest Paths and More. 5147-5190 - Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Zoe Xi, Yinzhan Xu, Uri Zwick:
All-Hops Shortest Paths. 5191-5206 - Shiri Chechik, Itay Hoch, Gur Lifshitz:
New Approximation Algorithms and Reductions for n-Pairs Shortest Paths and All-Nodes Shortest Cycles. 5207-5238 - Yufan Huang
, Peter Jin, Kent Quanrud:
Faster single-source shortest paths with negative real weights via proper hop distance. 5239-5244 - Greg Bodwin, Lily Wang:
Improved Shortest Path Restoration Lemmas for Multiple Edge Failures: Trade-offs Between Fault-tolerance and Subpaths. 5245-5262 - Vikrant Ashvinkumar, Aaron Bernstein, Adam Karczmarz:
Faster Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs. 5263-5277 - Yunbum Kook, Matthew S. Zhang:
Rényi-infinity constrained sampling with d3 membership queries. 5278-5306 - David Jekel, Juspreet Singh Sandhu, Jonathan Shi:
Potential Hessian Ascent: The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model. 5307-5387 - Xiaoyu Chen, Xiongxin Yang, Yitong Yin, Xinyuan Zhang:
Spectral Independence Beyond Total Influence on Trees and Related Graphs. 5388-5417 - Charlie Carlson, Xiaoyu Chen, Weiming Feng, Eric Vigoda:
Optimal Mixing for Randomly Sampling Edge Colorings on Trees Down to the Max Degree. 5418-5433 - Antonio Blanca, Reza Gheissari, Xusheng Zhang:
Mean-field Potts and random-cluster dynamics from high-entropy initializations. 5434-5467 - Kun He, Zhidan Li, Guoliang Qiu, Chihao Zhang:
FPTAS for Holant Problems with Log-Concave Signatures. 5468-5503 - Prashanth Amireddy, Amik Raj Behera
, Manaswi Paraashar, Srikanth Srinivasan, Madhu Sudan:
Low Degree Local Correction Over the Boolean Cube. 5504-5511 - Louis Golowich, Venkatesan Guruswami:
Quantum Locally Recoverable Codes. 5512-5522 - Tamer Moud, Alon Rosen, Ron Rothblum:
Locally Testable Tree Codes. 5523-5559 - Xin Li, Songtao Mao:
Improved Explicit Near-Optimal Codes in the High-Noise Regimes. 5560-5581 - Lucas Gretta, William He, Angelos Pelecanos:
More Efficient Approximate k-wise Independent Permutations from Random Reversible Circuits via log-Sobolev Inequalities. 5582-5598 - Rikhav Shah:
Hermitian Diagonalization in Linear Precision. 5599-5615

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