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FJCC 1987: Chicago, IL, USA
- Stephen A. Szygenda:
Proceedings of the 1987 Fall Joint Computer Conference on Exploring technology: today and tomorrow. ACM 1987, ISBN 0-8186-0811-0 - W. Lively:
Alternative software development paradigms. 2 - Phillip Topping, John E. McInroy, William Livley, Sallie Sheppard:
Express - rapid prototyping and product development via integrated knowledge-based executable specifications. 3-9 - R. T. Yeh, T. A. Welch:
Software evolution: forging a paradigm. 10-12 - Stephen Travis Pope, A. Goldberg, L. Peter Deutsch:
Object-oriented approaches to the software life cycle using the Smalltalk-80 system as a CASE toolkit. 13-20 - R. T. Mittermeir, Wilhelm R. Rossak:
Software bases and software archives: alternatives to support software reuse. 21-28 - Richard Denney:
Deriving contingencies among diagnostic tests with Prolog by code examination. 29-33 - P. Wetterlind, W. M. Lively:
Ensuring software safety in robot control. 34-37 - T. R. Cahall Jr., K. Y. Fang:
Investigation of non-interference real-time debugging through bus cycle simulation and interpretation. 38-45 - Luqi:
Normalized specifications for identifying reusable software. 46-49 - William B. Frakes, Christopher J. Fox:
An approach to integrating expert system components into production software. 50-56 - T. R. Hines, Elizabeth A. Unger:
A variation of conceptual graphs: an object-oriented approach. 57-68 - Weiping Yin, Murat M. Tanik, D. Y. Y. Yun, T. J. Lee, Alfred G. Dale:
Software reusability: a survey and a reusability experiment. 65-72 - Maya B. Gokhale:
Algorithm specification in a very high level language. 73-79 - A. Zellweger:
FAA's advanced automation system: strategies for achieving safe, highly available and extensible air traffic control systems. 80-84 - Kenneth J. Thurber, Noel E. Schmidt, E. S. Nolley:
LAN requirements for air traffic control. 85-88 - Algirdas Avizienis:
The dependability problem: Introduction and verification of fault tolerance for a very complex system. 89-93 - C. G. Davis:
Software design synthesis for strategic computing. 96 - B. P. McCune:
The potential for AI in strategic defense. 97 - R. T. Yeh:
Some software issues of strategic defense systems. 98-100 - J. H. Manley:
Industrial-strength software engineering for large organizations. 102-104 - E. R. Bond:
Software challenges - large organizations. 105-106 - G. M. Schumacher:
Problems, needs, and practices of software engineering in larger organizations. 107-110 - John D. Musa:
Software quality and reliability basics. 114-115 - D. Drake:
Reliability theory applied to software testing. 116-118 - Richard P. Ejzak:
On the successful application of software reliability modeling. 119 - William W. Everett:
Software reliability applied to computer-based network operation systems. 120 - Martin L. Shooman:
Yes, software reliability can be measured and predicted. 121-122 - G. E. Stark:
Monitoring software reliability in the shuttle mission simulator. 123 - F. Kamijo, Laszlo A. Belady:
Activities for advanced workstations in Japan. 128 - T. Ichikawa, M. Hirakawa:
Visual programming - toward realization of user-friendly programming environments. 129-137 - Hideko S. Kunii:
DBMS with graph data model for knowledge handling. 138-142 - Y. Ohfude:
Expected changes in software development using engineering work stations. 143-146 - S. Isoda:
SoftDA - a computer-aided software engineering system. 147-151 - T. Koizumi:
Considerations on software workstation. 152 - Masaaki Kobayashi, Shigeo Takenouchi, Yoshiaki Kushiki, Ken Sakamura:
The software structure of extended nucleus based on BTRON specification. 153-158 - Tetsuo Wasano, Masato Ohminami, Yoshizumi Kobayashi, Toshikazu Ohkubo, Ken Sakamura:
Design principles and configuration of CTRON. 159-166 - Ikuo Takeuchi, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Nobuyasu Osato, M. Kamio, Kenichi Yamazaki:
A concurrent multiple-paradigm list processor TAO/ELIS. 167-174 - S. Yamaguchi, Tadaaki Bandoh, K. Kurosawa, M. Morioka:
Architecture of high performance integrated Prolog processor IPP. 175-182 - B. Gasch, Udo Kelter, H. Kopfer, H. Weber:
Reference model for the integration of tools in the EUREKA software factory. 183-189 - P. Y. Cunin, J. van Zijl:
ESPRIT software engineering environments - a joint European activity. 191-204 - R. Jacquart:
Formal methods and formal description techniques: their understanding, development, support and use in the context of ESPRIT. 205-213 - G. Merbeth:
Report on German Joint Venture Tool Integration Projects. 214-218 - S. Y. Bang:
The next 15 years of computer technology in Korea. 219-223 - Q. Gao, H. Chen, K. Zhang, C. Wang:
An overall structure of intelligent computer program in China. 224-227 - L. S. Say, I. F. Chang:
National computerization and road map to information technology research and development. 228-234 - F. G. Sobrinho, M. D. Ferraretto:
Software plant: the Brazilian software consortium. 235-243 - A. K. Onoma:
Solving the software crisis: toward management of large-scale software development. 244-245 - D. Tajima, T. Matsubara:
The influence of cultural and social aspects on the Japanese software development environment. 246 - Y. Matsumoto, Y. Ohfude:
Software reuse based on a process programming system. 254-261 - K. Fujino:
Software factory engineering; today and the future. 262-270 - E. Takahashi:
Fujitsu automatic drawing input systems for the process industry. 271-276 - H. L. Poppel:
Information technology: the trillion-dollar opportunity. 278-281 - Egil Juliussen:
Computer improvements will continue. 282-285 - Mike Graf:
Building a visual designer's environment. 287-297 - E. P. Glinert:
Out of Flatland: towards 3-D visual programming. 292-299 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Michael J. Tauber, Bing Yu, Jing-Sheng Yu:
A visual language compiler. 300-307 - T. Ichikawa:
User-friendliness in a professional programming environment. 308 - Aloysius K. Mok:
Supercomputers/parallel algorithms. 310 - Chang-Sung Jeong, T. D. Lee:
Parallel geometric algorithms on mesh-connected computers. 311-318 - R. Loganantharaj:
DC parallelism of connection graph. 319-326 - P. L. Shaffer:
Implementation of a parallel extended Kalman filter using a bit-serial silicon compiler. 327-334 - S. Mishra, P. K. Srimani:
A robust algorithm for mutual exclusion in a computer network. 335-342 - David W. Krumme, George Cybenko, Alva L. Couch:
Instrumentation for distributed computing systems. 344 - David E. Muller, Franco P. Preparata:
Toward a switching theory of CMOS circuits. 347-348 - Sing-Ban Tien, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
A parallel algorithm for execution of production systems on HMESH architecture. 349-356 - Sun-Yuan Kung, Shiann-Ning Jean, Sheng-Chun Lo:
Matching algorithms to array processors. 357-365 - Elena P. Papadopoulou, Yiannis G. Saridakis, Theodore S. Papatheodorou:
Orderings and partition of PDE computations for a fixed-size VLSI architecture. 366-375 - B.-C. Huang, M. A. Langston:
Practical in-place merging. 376-380 - W. J. Hsu:
New algorithms for comparing symbol sequences. 381-389 - Chang N. Zhang, Behrooz A. Shirazi, D. Y. Y. Yun:
Residue number conversion. 390-396 - Seyed H. Hosseini, Bruce E. Litow, M. I. Malkawi, K. Vairavan:
Distributed algorithms for load balancing in very large homogeneous systems. 397-404 - Ravinderpal Singh Sandhu:
On some cryptographic solutions for access control in a tree hierarchy. 405-410 - Jeffrey Picciotto, J. Wynn:
Privileges and their use by trusted applications. 411-420 - L. J. Fraim:
Secure office management system: the first commodity application on a trusted system. 421-426 - Ken-Chih Liu, Rajshekhar Sunderraman:
An extension to the relational model for indefinite databases. 428-435 - Ali R. Hurson, Leslie L. Miller, Simin H. Pakzad:
Incomplete information and the join operation in database machines. 436-443 - Jay Banerjee:
A DAG clustering algorithm for design configurations. 444-451 - Nick Roussopoulos:
Overview of DBMS: a high performance database management system. 452-460 - Jong Tae Park, Toby J. Teorey:
A knowledge-based approach to multiple query processing in distributed database system. 461-468 - C. T. Wu:
Towards fully-computerized database maintenance for non-traditional appliances. 469-474 - Steven A. Demurjian, G. P. Fenton, David K. Hsiao, J. R. Vincent:
A computer-aided benchmarking system for parallel and expandable database computers. 475-482 - Alfio Lombardo:
Designing presentation service by Lotos. 483-489 - Hojjat Adeli, K. V. Balasubramanyam:
A knowledge-based approach to computer-aided design of structures. 490-497 - John R. Bedell, Fred J. Maryanski:
Semantic data modeling support for CAD. 498-504 - G. C. Burdea:
Two piece jig-saw puzzle robot assembly with vision, position and force feedback. 505-511 - S. P. Smith, B. Wood, J. Little, P. Hunter:
Proteus-1: a general accelerator for CAD. 512-519 - Farokh B. Bastani, C. V. Ramamoorthy:
Fault tolerant distributed process-control systems. 522-526 - Farokh B. Bastani, Ernst L. Leiss:
On the overall reliability of hardware/software systems. 528-533 - Jinghao Xu, Leszek Lilien:
A survey of methods for system-level fault diagnosis. 534-540 - E. C. Foudriat:
A bus network designed to support parallel processing. 542-549 - Stephen J. Talabac, David H. Walters:
Implementation of gateways for high performance fiber optic networking. 550-558 - Bharat K. Bhargava, Tom Mueller, John Riedl:
Experimental analysis of layered Ethernet software. 559-568 - Ja-Song Leu, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney:
Modeling of parallel software for efficient computation communication overlap. 569-575 - Toshitsugu Yuba, Kei Hiraki, Toshio Shimada, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Kenji Nishida:
The SIGMA-1 dataflow computer. 578-585 - Yungui Tzu, Chengzheng Sun:
Parallel execution of logic programs in the framework of OR-Forest. 586-593 - Hiroaki Terada, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Katsuhiko Asada, Satoshi Matsumoto, Souichi Miyata:
VLSI design of a one-chip data-driven processor: Q-v1. 594-601 - Makoto Amamiya, Masaru Takesue, Ryuzo Hasegawa, Hirohide Mikami:
DFM: the data flow machine highly parallel symbol manipulation. 602-611 - Okan K. Ersoy, D. Y. Kim:
New methods for real-time signal and image recognition. 612-619 - W.-C. Lin, C.-C. Liang, C.-T. Chen:
Dynamic elastic interpolation for 3-D object reconstruction from serial cross-sectional images. 620-627 - J. K. Aggarwal, Baba C. Vemuri:
Representation and recognition of objects from depth maps. 628-635 - Minkoo Kim, Anthony S. Maida:
Frame systems and inheritance systems. 636-643 - Bon K. Sy, John R. Deller Jr.:
A knowledge-based message generation system for the nonverbal, profoundly motor disabled. 644-651 - A. S. Maida:
A uniform architecture for rule-based meta-reasoning and representation: a case study. 652-657 - C. Koa, C. J. Hwang:
A dietary recommendation expert system using OPS5. 658-663 - K. Efe, P. A. Ng:
A conceptual model for case grammar analysis. 664 - P. K. Fink, F. A. Iddings, M. A. Overby:
An analysis of knowledge used for a structured selection problem. 672-677 - Daniel C. St. Clair, William E. Bond, Barry B. Flachsbart, A. R. Vigland:
An architecture for adaptive learning in rule-based diagnostic expert systems. 678 - Murat M. Tanik:
In search of silver bullet. 686 - R. Ron Goforth, Robert M. Crisp Jr., G. B. Seiff:
The development of computer oriented small businesses in a university sponsored incubator: an overview and case study. 690-695 - Stephen A. Szygenda, M. Wilson:
Technology transfer: commercializing university research. 696-699 - H. B. Dorsey, M. Aucoin:
Technology commercial from a state agency perspective: technology business development, a division of the Texas engineering experiment station. 700-705 - J. L. McKenzie, J. A. Rodman:
TIINS, the missing link for innovation and economic development. 708-711 - R. A. Zollinger:
The Illinois resource network - linking business and government with university and federal laboratory expertise. 712-714 - D. A. Roth:
Establishing meaningful legal rights for intellectual property - The birth and care of the intellectual property baby. 716-717 - R. G. Garrick, C. M. Mayhall:
Financing for high technology ventures. 720-721 - R. L. Black:
Tax issues in computer technology companies. 722-728 - I. L. Bruning, J. B. Reedy:
Exploring the knowledge-based society: industry/education partnership to promote technological learning at the secondary level. 732-734 - Harriet G. Taylor, James L. Poirot, Gerald L. Engel, Cathleen A. Norris:
Retraining teachers to teach high school computer science. 738 - A. K. Elmagarmid:
When will we have true heterogeneous databases? 746 - Amit P. Sheth:
When will we have true heterogeneous database systems. 747-748 - S. Heiler:
Heterogeneous databases: some outstanding problems. 748-749 - Witold Litwin:
The future of heterogeneous databases. 751-752 - Marek Rusinkiewicz:
Heterogeneous databases - towards a federation of autonomous systems. 753 - N. M. Conlon:
New classifications and future trends for computer specialists. 756-757 - C. J. R. Green:
An evolutionary approach to verification and validation of expert systems. 760

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