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DG.O 2004: Seattle, Washington, USA
- Sharon S. Dawes, Eduard H. Hovy, Lois M. L. Delcambre:
Proceedings of the 2004 Annual National Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, 2004. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Digital Government Research Center 2004 - Dean Duncan, Hye-Chung Kum, Kimberly Flair, Wei Wang:
Adopting IT for Effective Management of Social Welfare Programs. - Nabil R. Adam, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Vandana Pursnani Janeja:
Agency Interoperation for Effective Data Mining in Border Control and Homeland Security Applications. - Jane E. Fountain, Robin McKinnon, Eunyun Park:
Antecedents of Sustainability in Cross-agency Information-based Networks. - José Luis Ambite, Genevieve Giuliano, Peter Gordon, Stefan Decker, Andreas Harth, Karanbir Jassar, Qisheng Pan, LanLan Wang:
Argos: An Ontology and Web Service Composition Infrastructure for Goods Movement Analysis. - José Luis Ambite, Genevieve Giuliano, Peter Gordon, Andreas Harth, LanLan Wang, Qisheng Pan, Stefan Decker:
Argos: Dynamic Composition of Web Services for Goods Movement Analysis and Planning. - Gamal Fahmy, Diaa Eldin M. Nassar, Eyad Jai-Said, Hong Chen, Omaima Nomir, Jindan Zhou, Robert Howell, Hany H. Ammar, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb, Anil K. Jain:
Automated Dental Identification System (ADIS). - Eduard H. Hovy, Stefan Falke:
Automating the Integration of Heterogeneous Databases. - Nancy Wiegand:
Being Successful in Digital Government Projects. - Daniel Dajun Zeng, Hsinchun Chen, Chunju Tseng, Catherine A. Larson, Millicent Eidson, Ivan Gotham, Cecil Lynch, Michael Ascher:
BioPortal: Sharing, Analyzing & Visualizing Infectious Disease Datasets. - Alexander Schellong, Dieter Mans:
Citizens Preferences Towards One-Stop Government. - Alan M. MacEachren, Daniel B. Carr, David W. Scott:
Collaborative Research: Quality graphics for federal statistical summaries: results. - Matt Wilson, Christie Drew, Timothy L. Nyerges, Kevin Ramsey:
Comparing and contrasting models of participation for online transportation decision-making. - Teresa M. Harrison, Sibel Adali, James P. Zappen:
Connected Kids: Designing Database Software for Web-Based Information Dissemination to Multiple Audiences. - Nadav Rouche:
Constructing the InterPARES Thesaurus: A Vocabulary Tool for Diverse Research Communities. - Hsinchun Chen, Homa Atabakhsh, Tim Petersen, Chuck Violette:
COPLINK Center: Information and Knowledge Management for Law Enforcement. - Byron Marshall, Siddharth Kaza, Jennifer Jie Xu, Homa Atabakhsh, Tim Petersen, Chuck Violette, Hsinchun Chen:
Cross-Jurisdictional Activity Networks to Support Criminal Investigations. - Hans Jochen Scholl:
Current Practices in E-Government-induced Business Process Change (BPC). - Alan F. Karr:
Data Confidentiality, Data Quality and Data Integration for Federal Databases. - Athman Bouguettaya, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Mourad Ouzzani, Brahim Medjahed:
Database Middleware for Distributed Ontologies in State and Federal Family & Social Services. - Ian J. Cottingham, Steve Goddard, Shifeng Zhang, Xueming Wu, Kun Lu, A. Rutledge, William J. Waltman:
Demonstration of the National Agricultural Decision Support System. - Vandana Pursnani Janeja, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Nabil R. Adam:
Detecting Anomalous Geospatial Trajectories through Spatial Characterization and Spatio-Semantic Associations. - Peter Shane, Peter Muhlberger, Robert Cavalier:
Developing and Testing A High Telepresence Virtual Agora for Broad Citizen Participation: A Multi-Trait, Multi-Method Investigation. - Eduard H. Hovy, Andrew Philpot, Lei Ding:
DGRC AskCal: A Multilingual Question Answering Agent for Heterogeneous Energy Databases. - Mack Reed, Yigal Arens:
Digital Government Community-Building and Outreach. - Cary Coglianese:
Digital Government and E-Rulemaking: New Directions for Technology and Regulation. - William J. Waltman, Steve Goddard, P. E. Read, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Ian J. Cottingham, Jeffrey S. Peake:
Digital Government: New Tools to Define Terroirs and Viticultural Areas in the Northern Great Plains. - Hsinchun Chen, Yilu Zhou, Jialun Qin, Catherine A. Larson:
Digital Government Portal: A Tool for Digital Government Research. - William J. Waltman, Steve Goddard, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Gang Gu, Ian J. Cottingham, Jeffrey S. Peake, Tsegaye Tadesse, Sherri K. Harms, Jitender S. Deogun:
Digital Government: Reviving the Newhall Simulation Model to Understand the Patterns and Trends of Soil Climate Regimes and Drought Events. - Rongxing (Ron) Li, Keith W. Bedford, C. K. Shum, J. Raul Ramirez, Aidong Zhang:
Digitalization of Coastal Management and Decision Making Supported by Multi-Dimensional Geospatial Information and Analysis. - J. Brad Fitzgibbons, Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Alfred Park, Hao Wu:
Distributed Simulation Test Bed for Intelligent Transportation Systems Design and Analysis. - David Lazer, Maria Christina Binz-Scharf, Birgit Rabl:
DNA and the Criminal Justice System: A Web-Based Community of Practice. - Shasha Wu, Peter Z. Revesz:
DOAS: A Drought Online Analysis System with Constraint Databases. - Daniel B. Carr, Yuguang Zhang, Yaru Li, Chunling Zhang:
Dynamic Conditioned Choropleth Maps: Examples and Innovations. - Judith Bayard Cushing:
Ecoinformatics. - K. Jo Min, Sasidhar Malladi:
E-Government in Rural Communities: Issues and Trends. - Andrew Philpot, Eduard H. Hovy, Stefan Falke:
EPA-AIR SIfT: Air Quality Data Integration from Heterogeneous Sources. - Donald F. Norris:
Electronic Government at the American Grassroots. - Sharon Shin, Eric Landis:
Enabling Data Interoperability Through Metadata. - Xutong Niu, Jue Wang, Kaichang Di, Jin-Duk Lee, Rongxing (Ron) Li:
Evaluation of the Geopositioning Accuracy of QuickBird Imagery. - Devika Subramanian, Richard Stoll:
Events, Patterns and Analysis: forecasting conflict in the 21st century. - Maria Christina Binz-Scharf:
Exploration and Exploitation: Knowledge Sharing in Digital Government Projects. - Sharon S. Dawes, Natalie Helbig, J. Ramón Gil-García:
Exploring the Feasibility of a Digital Government Journal. - Marshall DeBerry, Jon Sperling:
The FedStats Statistical Portal: Developing Access to City Information through MapStats. - Mack C. Shelley, Lisa E. Thrane, Stuart W. Shulman:
Generational Differences in Informational Technology Use & Political Involvement. - Alan M. MacEachren, Guoray Cai, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese:
Geo-Collaborative Crisis Management. - Guoray Cai, Levent Bolelli, Alan M. MacEachren, Rajeev Sharma, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese:
GeoCollaborative Crisis Management: Using Maps to Mediate EOC-Mobile Team Collaboration. - Ganapati P. Patil, Charles Taillie:
Geoinformatic Surveillance Hotspot Prioritization Using Linear. Extensions of Partially Ordered Sets for Multi-criterion Ranking with Multiple Indicators. - Steve Goddard, Jitender S. Deogun, Sherri K. Harms, Michael J. Hayes, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Peter Z. Revesz, William J. Waltman, Donald A. Wilhite:
A Geospatial Decision Support System for Drought Risk Management. - Sarah Nusser, Michael F. Goodchild, Keith C. Clarke, Leslie L. Miller:
Geospatial Information in Complex Mobile Field Settings. - Audrey N. Selian:
Governance Structures & Technology Adoption in the Post-Communist Caucasus, Case Study: Armenia. - Jesse Wilbur, Stephanie W. Haas:
The GovStat Content Delivery Template (CDT) for Creating Explanatory Animations. - Lois M. L. Delcambre, Timothy Tolle, David Maier, Mathew Weaver, Daniel Behlings, Patty Toccalino, Fred Phillips, Nicole Steckler, Marianne Lykke Nielsen, Eric Landis, Lacey Baldwin:
Harvesting Information to Sustain our Forests. - Vincent Price, Joseph N. Cappella:
Healthcare Dialogue: Constructing Electronic Interaction to Maximize Decision Quality in Deliberations among Citizens, Issue Publics, and Elites. - Kevin M. Esterling, David Lazer, Michael Neblo:
Home (Page) Style: House Members on the Web. - Diana B. Gant:
How are we doing? Tracking country image in the information Age. - Nabil R. Adam, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Soon Ae Chun:
Human-Centered Systems for Business Services. - Chaitan Baru, Amarnath Gupta, Ilya Zaslavsky, Yannis Papakonstantinou, Peter Joftis:
I2T: Information Integration Testbed for Digital Government. - Christie Drew, K. Jo Min:
Identifying 'the public': Who should be involved in developing information technology designed to support public participation? - L. Jean Camp:
Identity the Civic Scenario. - Hanan Samet, Frantisek Brabec, Jagan Sankaranarayanan:
Importing Abstract Spatial Data into the SAND Database System. - Egemen Tanin, Aaron Harwood, Hanan Samet:
Indexing Distributed Complex Data for Complex Queries. - Gloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold:
An Information Infrastructure for Government Regulation Analysis and Compliance Assistance. - Dawn J. Wright, Tanya Haddad, Paul Klarin:
Infrastructure for Data Sharing, Spatial Analysis, Resource Decision-Making, and Societal Impact: The Oregon Coastal Atlas. - Alan Borning, Paul Waddell:
Integrated Land Use, Transportation and Environmental Simulation: UrbanSim. - Nancy Wiegand:
Integrating Metadata Development, XML, and DBMS Search and Query Techniques in a State of Wisconsin Land Information System. - Peter McCartney, Corinna Gries, Amy Sundermier, Robin Schoeninger, Joseph Zehnder, Anubhav Bagley, Dale Mason, Longjiang Ding:
Integrating Urban Ecological Models. - Noshir S. Contractor, Anthony Stefanidis:
International Collaboration. - Timothy L. Nyerges:
An Internet Platform to Support Public Participation in Transportation Decision Making; aka Participatory GIS for Transportation (PGIST). - Christie Drew, K. Jo Min:
Internet-Based Public Policy Participation for Rural Community Citizens. - Theresa A. Pardo, Anthony M. Cresswell:
Interorganizational Information Integration and Social and Technical Interactions. - Franco Arcieri, Mario Ciclosi, Fabio Fioravanti, Enrico Nardelli, Maurizio Talamo:
The Italian Electronic Identity Card: a short introduction. - Dustin Kozal, Matt Culver, Sherri K. Harms:
A Knowledge-based Geo-Spatial Decision Support System for Drought Assessment. - Peggy Agouris, Anthony Stefanidis, Kate Beard, Mark Gahegan, Vassilis J. Tsotras, Dimitrios Gunopulos:
Knowledge Management Over Time-Varying Geospatial Datasets. - Sharon S. Dawes, Anthony M. Cresswell, Theresa A. Pardo, Fiona Thompson:
Knowledge Networking in the Public Sector. - Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Jim Leckie, Barton Thompson, Lau Kerrigan, Bill Labiosa, Charles Heenan, Haoyi Wang, Liang Zhou, Pooja Trivedi, Jun Peng:
ITR/IM+SII: A Distributed Information Management Framework (REGNET) for Environmental Laws and Regulations. - W. Bruce Croft, Jamie Callan:
A Language Modeling Approach to Metadata for Cross-Database Linkage and Search. - William G. LeFurgy:
Long-Term Management and Preservation of Digital Information. - Chuck Eckman, Vicky Reich, Thomas Robertson, David S. H. Rosenthal:
Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) Government Documents. - David Lazer, Maria Christina Binz-Scharf:
Managing Novelty and Cross-Agency Cooperation in Digital Government. - Mathew Weaver, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Timothy Tolle, Daniel Behlings, Patty Toccalino, Lacey Baldwin, Marianne Lykke Nielsen:
Metadata++ A Digital Library for Natural Resource Managers. - Anvith Baddam, Prajakta Nivargi, Monte Gardner, Raphael M. Malyankar:
Model and Schema Registry. - Kristin Eickhorst, Peggy Agouris, Anthony Stefanidis:
Modeling and Comparing Spatiotemporal Events. - Sharon S. Dawes, Anthony M. Cresswell, Theresa A. Pardo, Fiona Thompson:
Modeling the Social and Technical Processes of Interorganizational Information Integration. - Carol A. Hert:
Modeling Statistical Comparisons in the Statistical Knowledge Network. - Bienvenido Vélez-Rivera, Walter Díaz, Rafael Fernandez-Sein, Manuel Rodríguez-Martínez, Mario Nuñez-Molina, Pedro I. Rivera-Vega:
Multidisciplinary E-Government Research and Education as a Catalyst for Effective Information Technology to Regional Governments. - Eduard H. Hovy, Andrew Philpot, Lei Ding:
Multilingual DGRC AskCal: Querying Energy Time Series in English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. - Michael T. Frame:
The National Biological Information Infrastructure: Building Information & Geospatial Technologies for Biological Community. - Jane E. Fountain, David Lazer, Robin McKinnon, Ines Mergel:
The National Center for Digital Government: Integrating Information and Institutions. - Peter McCartney, Ray Quay, Corinna Gries, Charles Redman, Tony Fountain:
Networking Urban Ecological Models Through Distributed Services. - Sharon S. Dawes, Ophelia Eglene:
New models of collaboration for delivering government services: A dynamic model drawn from multi-national research. - Ramesh R. Rao:
NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure Research for Homeland Security. - Isabel F. Cruz, William Sunna, Anjli Chaudhry:
Ontology Alignment for Real-World Applications. - Isabel F. Cruz, William Sunna, Nancy Wiegand, Naijun Zhou:
Ontology-Based Geospatial XML Query System. - Tanya Haddad, Michele Dailey, Dawn J. Wright:
The Oregon Coastal Atlas: A Pacific Northwest Coastal Information Management System. - Soonhee Kim, Hyangsoo Lee:
Organizational Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Capabilities in E-Government: An Empirical Study. - Ethan Katsh, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer:
Process Technology for Achieving Government Online Dispute Resolution. - Paul S. Herrnson, Richard G. Niemi, Michael Traugott:
A Project to Assess voting Technology and Ballot Design. - Paul S. Herrnson, Richard G. Niemi, Benjamin B. Bederson, Frederick G. Conrad:
A Project to Assess Voting Technology and Ballot Design. - Stanley Y. W. Su, José A. B. Fortes, Thrity R. Kasad, Manjiri Patil, Andréa M. Matsunaga, Maurício O. Tsugawa, Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Jaime G. Carbonell, Peter J. Jansen, Wayne H. Ward, Ronald A. Cole, Donald F. Towsley, Weifeng Chen, Annie I. Antón, Qingfeng He, Charles McSweeney, Lilliam G. de Brens, José Luis Ventura, Pedro Taveras, Ruth M. Connolly, Carmen Ortega, Beatriz Piñeres, Ornel Brooks, Manuel Herrera:
A Prototype System for Transnational Information Sharing and Process Coordination. - Stanley Y. W. Su, José A. B. Fortes, Thrity R. Kasad, Manjiri Patil, Andréa M. Matsunaga, Maurício O. Tsugawa, Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Jaime G. Carbonell, Peter J. Jansen, Wayne H. Ward, Ronald A. Cole, Donald F. Towsley, Weifeng Chen, Annie I. Antón, Qingfeng He, Charles McSweeney, Lilliam G. de Brens, José Luis Ventura, Pedro Taveras, Ruth M. Connolly, Carmen Ortega, Beatriz Piñeres, Ornel Brooks, Manuel Herrera:
A Prototype System for Transnational Information Sharing and Process Coordination: System Demo. - Sven Fuhrmann, Stephen Crawford, Alan M. MacEachren, Tanuka Bhowmick:
Publishing Geographic and Statistical Online Learning Activities for Middle School Children. - Xing Wei, W. Bruce Croft, David Pinto:
Question Answering Performance on Table Data. - Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Gloria T. Lau, Xiaoshan Pan, Haoyi Wang, Li Zhang:
REGBASE: A Distributed Information Infrastructure for Regulation Management and Compliance Checking. - Alan F. Karr, Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, Jerome P. Reiter:
Regression on Distributed Databases via Secure Multi-Party Computation. - Junliang Zhang, Tim Shearer, Gary Marchionini, Miles Efron, Jonathan L. Elsas:
Relation Browser++: an information exploration and searching tool. - Raphael M. Malyankar:
Representation and Distribution of Geospatial Knowledge. - Judith Bayard Cushing, Kate Beard-Tisdale, Kathleen M. Bergen, Jim Clark, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Eric Landis, David Maier, John L. Schnase, Rob Stevenson:
Research Agenda for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Informatics. - Hanan Samet, Egemen Tanin, Leana Golubchik:
Scalable Data Collection Infrastructure for Digital Government Applications. - William C. Cheng, Leslie Cheung, Cheng-Fu Chou, Leana Golubchik:
Scalable and Secure Data Collection: Fault Tolerance Considerations. - Stuart W. Shulman, Eduard H. Hovy, Stephen Zavestoski, Jamie Callan:
SGER Collaborative: A Testbed for eRulemaking Data. - Daniel Dajun Zeng, Hsinchun Chen, Lu Tseng, Catherine A. Larson, Millicent Eidson, Ivan Gotham, Cecil Lynch, Michael Ascher:
Sharing and Visualizing Infectious Disease Datasets Using the WNV-BOT Portal System. - J. Brad Fitzgibbons, Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Alfred Park, Hao Wu:
Simulation-Based Operations Planning for Regional Transportation Systems. - Shirley Ann Becker, Chia-Jung Tu, Hyoung-rae Kim:
Software Tools for the Effective Use of Color in Web Designs. - Gloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold:
A Software Infrastructure for Government Regulation Analysis and Compliance Assistance. - Xutong Niu, Xian Xu, Alok Srivastava, Chung-yen Kuo, Vasilia Velissariou, Ron Li, Keith W. Bedford, C. K. Shum, J. Raul Ramirez, Aidong Zhang:
Spatial Technologies for Coastal Management. - Jane Fedorowicz, Ulric J. Gelinas, Janis L. Gogan, Christine B. Williams:
Strategic Alignment of Key Partners in E-Government Initiatives: The Internet Payment Platform Pilot. - Dean Duncan, Hye-Chung Kum, Kimberly Flair, Wei Wang:
Successfully Adopting IT for Social Welfare Program Management. - Alan Borning, Paul Waddell:
A Technical Modeler's Interface for UrbanSim, a System for Integrated. Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Modeling. - Dan Li, Liying Jiang, Jitender S. Deogun:
Temporal Knowledge Discovery with Infrequent Episodes. - Charles W. Bostian, Scott F. Midkiff, Tim Gallagher, Christian James Rieser, Thomas W. Rondeau, W. Michael Kurgan, Laurence W. Carstensen, George E. Morgan, Dennis G. Sweeney, J. H. Hood:
Testbed for High-Speed 'End-to-End' Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency Management. - Gary Marchionini, Stephanie W. Haas, Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Carol A. Hert:
Toward the National Statistical Knowledge Network. - Daniel Dajun Zeng, Hsinchun Chen, Chunju Tseng, Catherine A. Larson, Millicent Eidson, Ivan Gotham, Cecil Lynch, Michael Ascher:
Towards A National Infectious Disease Information Infrastructure: A Case Study in West Nile Virus and Botulism. - Jon P. Gant, Won-Joon Nam, Stuart Bretschneider, Soonhee Kim, Heungsuk Choi:
The Transformation of E-governance in Local Government: Comparison of Critical Success Factors in Gangnam-Gu, Seoul South Korea and Washington DC, USA. - José A. B. Fortes:
Transnational Digital Government Research: Project Highlights. - Sharon S. Dawes, Bruce B. Cahan, Anthony M. Cresswell, Theresa A. Pardo, Fiona Thompson, Giri Kumar Tayi, Teresa M. Harrison, Thomas Stewart, Thomas Birkland:
Turning to Digital Government in a Crisis: Coordinating Government, Business & Nonprofit Services in Response to the World Trade Center Attacks of September 11, 2001. - Ganz Chockalingam, Nick Hill, Brian Braunstein, Ramesh R. Rao:
UCSD Cal-(IT)2 Demonstrations. - Hye-Chung Kum, Dean Duncan, Wei Wang:
Understanding Social Welfare Service Patterns Using Sequential Analysis. - Shirley Ann Becker, Ramprasad Sugumaran, Kiran Pannu:
The Use of Mobile Technology for Proactive Healthcare in Tribal Communities. - Deborah Barreau, Chang Su, Kristina M. Spurgin:
Vertical Integration in the Statistical Knowledge Network. - Aidong Zhang, Wei Wang, David M. Mark:
Very Large Scale Multidimensional Data Management and Retrieval for USGS and NIMA Imagery. - Lixin Li, Reinhard Piltner:
Voronoi Region-Based Spatiotemporal GIS Databases. - Shirley Ann Becker:
Web Accessibility for Older Adults. - Xiping Dai, Diansheng Guo, Alan M. MacEachren, Biliang Zhou, Jin Chen, James Macgill:
Web-Based Collaborative Tools for Geospatial Data Exploration. - Gamal Fahmy, Diaa Eldin M. Nassar, Eyad Jai-Said, Hong Chen, Omaima Nomir, Jindan Zhou, Robert Howell, Hany H. Ammar, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb, Anil K. Jain:
A Web Based Tool for an Automated Dental Identification System (ADIS). - Nancy Wiegand, Naijun Zhou, Isabel F. Cruz, William Sunna:
A Web Query System for Heterogeneous Government Data. - L. Jean Camp:
Identity the Civic Scenario (Workshop report).

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