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3rd CICSyN 2011: Bali, Indonesia

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Track: 01-A Intelligent Systems

Track: 02-B Hybrid Intelligent Systems & Hybrid Soft Computing

Track: 03-C Sensor Nodes, Circuits, Devices, Wireless Sensor Networks

Track: 04-D RFIDs and Their Applications

Track: 05-E Protocols and Standards

Track: 06-F Modelling and Performance

Track: 07-G Software Platforms and Middleware

Track: 08-H Tools and Techniques for Design, Deployment, Testing and Evaluation

Track: 09-I Security, Authentication, Wireless Security, Dependability

Track: 10-J Discrete Event and Real Time Systems

Track: 11-K Image, Speech and Signal Processing

Track: 12-L Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine

Track: 14-N Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems

Track: 15-O Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies

Track: 17-Q Vehicular Technology and Networks

Track: 21-U Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation

Track: 22-V Circuits, Sensors and Devices