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AFIPS NCC 1974: Chicago, Illinois, USA
- American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1974 National Computer Conference, 6-10 May 1974, Chicago, Illinois, USA. AFIPS Conference Proceedings 43, AFIPS Press 1974, ISBN 978-1-4503-7920-5
Associative processing
- P. Bruce Berra:
Some problems in associative processor applications to data base management. 1-5 - James D. Feldman, Louis C. Fulmer:
RADCAP: an operational parallel processing facility. 7-15 - Edward W. Davis:
STARAN parallel processor system software. 17-22 - William W. Patterson:
Some thoughts on associative processing languages. 23-26
Advances in data base management
- Gene Altshuler, Bernard K. Plagman:
User/system interface within the context of an integrated corporate data base. 27-33 - Bruce J. Taylor, Stephen C. Lloyd:
DUCHESS: a high level information system. 35-40 - Sheng-Chao Huang, Amrit L. Goel:
An analytical model for information processing systems. 41-44 - Randall L. Frank, Koichi Yamaguchi:
A model for a generalized data access method. 45-52 - Gerard T. Capraro, P. Bruce Berra:
A data base management problem specification model. 53-56 - Alberto Cezar De Souza Moreira, Claudio Pinheiro, Luiz Fernando D'Elia:
Integrating data base management into operating systems: an access method approach. 57-62 - Gerald Levitt, David H. Stewart, Beatrice Yormark:
A prototype system for interactive data analysis. 63-69 - Norton Greenfeld:
Quantification in a relational data system. 71-75
Information systems for health care
- John C. Peck, Francis M. Crowder:
A public health data system. 77-80 - Robert Chalice, Olga M. Haring, Ronald R. Hochsprung:
Automated patient record summaries for health care auditing. 81-84 - Kevin C. O'Kane, Richard J. Hildebrandt:
An integrated health care information processing and retrieval system. 93-105 - Pradeep Shah, Rudy Haidle, George Czerlinski:
Interface for rapid data transfer and evaluation. 107-114
Technological aids for the physically disadvantaged
- Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Andrew M. Volk, C. Daniel Geisler:
An alternate interface to computers for the physically handicapped: the auto-monitoring communication board. 115-120 - Morteza Amir Rahimi, John B. Eulenberg:
A computing environment for the blind. 121-124 - Raymond S. Nickerson, D. N. Kalikow, Kenneth N. Stevens:
A computer-based system of speech-training aids for the deaf: a progress report. 125-126 - Patrick Suppes, John Dexter Fletcher:
Computer-assisted instruction in mathematics and language arts for deaf students. 127-131
Computers in communication and voice recognition
- Leon D. Wald:
Integrated voice/data compression and multiplexing using associative processing. 133-138 - Rein Turn:
Speech as a man-computer communication channel. 139-143
operating systems---I
- Gerald J. Popek, Charles S. Kline:
Verifiable secure operating system software. 145-151 - Wolfgang W. Millbrandt, Juan Rodriguez-Rosell:
An interactive software engineering tool for memory management and user program evaluation. 153-158
Information systems for ambulatory care
- Norma S. Justice, G. Octo Barnett, Robert Lurie, William Cass:
Development and implementation of a medical/management information system at the harvard community health plan. 159-165
Recent developments and applications of CAI
- C. Victor Bunderson:
A status report on the TICCIT project. 167 - Robert B. Davis:
What classroom role should the PLATO computer system play? 169-173 - William M. Richardson:
Computer assisted instruction comes of age in a public school system. 175-177
Operating systems---II
- N. A. Oliver:
Experimental data on page replacement algorithm. 179-184 - James L. Elshoff:
Some programming techniques for processing multi-dimensional matrices in a paging environment. 185-193 - Robert P. Goldberg, Robert Hassinger:
The double paging anomaly. 195-199
Health care planning and acceptance of computer systems
- Richard B. Freibrux:
Effective planning for and justification of the extension of data processing in hospitals. 201-205 - Bernard W. Bise:
A resource allocation and planning system for the development and operation of health care delivery systems. 207-214 - Marion J. Ball:
Medical data processing in the United States. 215-225
Business data processing education---a decade of failure
- Gary B. Shelly:
Why industry won't hire your graduates. 227-229 - Thomas J. Cashman:
How the data processing industry has failed education. 231-233 - Denise A. Pierce:
A springboard for data processing education in Oklahoma. 235-237 - Joe M. Kinzer Jr.:
Career education in business data processing teacher education. 239-240
Equipment monitoring and information use (part I)
- D. R. Magill, R. D. Memis:
Computer control of component insertion. 241-245
Display processing and technology
- Charles H. Irby:
Display techniques for interactive text manipulation. 247-255 - Donald I. Andrews:
Line processor: a device for amplification of display terminal capabilities for text manipulation. 257-265 - Arnold K. Griffith:
The GRAFIX I image processing system. 267-272 - Thomas L. Boardman Jr.:
Hardware / software design considerations for high speed / low cost interactive graphic communication systems. 273-278
System implementation techniques
- Samuel Levy, Richard H. Doyle, Ralph M. Heller:
APL as a development tool for special-purpose processors. 279-284 - Henry J. Theberge, Eric E. Beaverstock:
Narrowing the generation gap between virtual machines and minicomputers. 285-287 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, K. H. Kim:
Pipelining: the generalized concept and sequencing strategies. 289-297
Network interfaces
- John T. M. Pryke, Lawrence J. Munini:
Interfacing communication network to IBM system/360 and system/370 host processors: an end users viewpoint. 299-302
Computer science education---recommendations for change
- Martha E. Sloan:
Implications of changes in the secondary school: mathematics curriculum for the computer science and computer engineering curricula. 303-306 - Charles B. Kreitzberg, Len Swanson:
A cognitive model for structuring an introductory programming curriculum. 307-311 - Julius A. Archibald, M. Katzper:
On the preparation of computer science professionals in academic institutions. 313-319 - Gopal K. Kapur:
EDP education: an acute crisis. 321-325 - Charles J. Testa:
An undergraduate/graduate program in information systems. 327-332
The high cost of software---causes and corrections
- John B. Slaughter:
Understanding the software problem. 333-336 - Judith A. Clapp, J. E. Sullivan:
Automated monitoring of software quality. 337-341 - John H. Manley:
Embedded computers: software cost considerations. 343-347
Artificial intelligence and related topics
- Robert C. Gammill:
An examination of TIC-TAC-TOE like games. 349-355 - Donald I. Good:
Provable programs and processors. 357-363 - Robert M. Balzer:
A language-independent programmer's interface. 365-370
Improving computer system effectiveness
- Jeffrey P. Buzen, P. S. Goldberg:
Guidelines for the use of infinite source queueing models in the analysis of computer system performance. 371-374 - G. Cort Steinhorst, Barry L. Bateman, Daniel L. Curtis:
Data base concepts applied to generalized programming packages. 375-377 - George H. Walther, Harold F. O'Neil Jr.:
On-line user-computer interface: the effects of interface flexibility, terminal type, and experience on performance. 379-384
Operation status of large scale data processing
- Charles Purcell:
The control data STAR-100: performance measurements. 385-387 - W. J. Watson, H. M. Carr:
Operational experiences with the TI advanced scientific computer. 389-397 - John Mitchell, Charles Knadler, Gary Lunsford, Steve Yang:
Multiprocessor performance analysis. 399-403 - Kenneth E. Batcher:
STARAN parallel processor system hardware. 405-410
Software for computer systems acquisition
- Paul Oliver:
A program for software quality control. 411-416 - George N. Baird, Margaret M. Cook:
Experiences in COBOL compiler validation. 417-421 - George N. Baird, L. Arnold Johnson:
System for efficient program portability. 423-429 - Paul Oliver, George N. Baird, Margaret M. Cook, L. Arnold Johnson, Patrick M. Hoyt:
An experiment in the use of synthetic programs for system benchmarking. 431-438
Mini- and micro-computers in data communication systems
- P. M. Russo, M. D. Lippman:
A microprocessor implementation of a dedicated store-and-forward data communications system. 439-445 - Clemens B. Hergenhan, Mark M. Rochkind:
The multipurpose batch station (MBS) system: software design. 447-451 - J. F. Mollenauer, E. J. Sitar, V. B. Turner:
The MINICOM data entry system. 453-456
The prophet system---computing in pharmacology
- Paul A. Castleman, Channing H. Russell, Frederick N. Webb, C. A. Hollister, J. R. Siegel, S. R. Zdoxik, D. M. Fram:
The implementation of the PROPHET system. 457-468 - Charles M. Weeks, Vivian Cody, Stephen Pokrywiecki, Douglas C. Rohrer, William L. Duax:
Applications of the PROPHET system in correlating crystallographic structural data with biological information. 469-472 - Carl L. Johnson:
Applications of the PROPHET system in molecular pharmacology: structure-activity relationships in monoamine oxidase inhibitors. 473-476 - Bernard J. Ransil:
Applications of the PROPHET system in human clinical investigation. 477-483
Manufacturing control system
- Leland R. Kneppelt:
A simple distributed systems approach to manufacturing information systems. 485-490 - G. J. Peters:
Interactive computer graphics application of the bi-cubic parametric surface to engineering design problems. 491-511 - Robert P. Burton, Ivan E. Sutherland:
Twinkle box: a three-dimensional computer input device. 513-520 - Wolfgang K. Giloi, José L. Encarnação:
APLG-An APL based system for interactive computer graphics. 521-528
Darmouth time sharing system---then and now
- John S. McGeachie, Donald L. Kreider:
Project FIND: an integrated information and modeling system for management. 529-535
Microprogramming technology
- Gregory R. Lloyd, Andries van Dam:
Design considerations for microprogramming languages. 537-542 - Ronald G. Harris, James E. Sustman, John F. McDonald:
Controller for a flexible disk. 545-552
Planning and design of data communications networks
- Wushow Chou:
Planning and design of data communications networks. 553-559 - Lynn Hopewell:
Management planning in the data communications environment. 561-564 - Patrick V. McGregor:
Effective use of data communications hardware. 565-575 - Mario Gerla:
New line tariffs and their impact on network design. 577-582 - Aaron Kershenbaum:
Tools for planning and designing data communications networks. 583-591
Automated warehousing
- P. R. Witt:
Automatic storage and retrieval system control. 593-611
Cooperative government utilization of information processing systems
- Edward H. Pechan, Ralph A. Luken, Jacob E. Mendelssohn:
Supporting government cost planning of industrial wastewater treatment. 613-620 - Leonard Stitelman:
The base-data-cluster concept: a cooperative metropolitan approach to computer utilization. 621-624
Architectural parameters
- C. V. Ramamoorthy, Hon Fung Li:
Efficiency in generalized pipeline networks. 625-635 - Henry Y. H. Chuang, Santanu Das:
An approach to the design of highly reliable and fail-safe digital systems. 637-642 - Behrooz Parhami, Algirdas Avizienis:
A study of fault tolerance techniques for associative processors. 643-652
Programming and programming languages
- Ken Magel, Andries van Dam, Martin Michel:
Toward the development of machine: independent systems programming languages. 653-658 - Billy G. Claybrook:
LPL: a generalized list processing language. 659-663 - Johannes J. Martin:
Generalized structured programming. 665-669
Technology investment management
- Jo Ann Lockett:
Computer performance analysis in mixed on-line/batch workloads. 671-676 - Paul Malick:
Systems performance/measurements: a quantitative base for management of computer systems. 677-682 - Roger W. Kleffman:
Two hat management: project management with a difference. 683-691 - A. C. (Toni) Shetler:
Controlled testing for computer performance evaluation. 693-699
Installing an on-line information system in the manufacturing environment
- Thomas J. Archbold:
Installing an on-line information system in a manufacturing environment. 701-707
Store ordering systems
- M. H. Resnick:
Remote data collection case study: telephone order processing system (TOPS). 709-735
Computer system design considerations for control applications
- Fredric C. Jaye, Ronald J. Reiner:
Use of a multi-programming mini-computer for real time control applications. 737-742 - Axel Daneels:
A data bank for on-line process control: the synchrotron injector. 743-748 - Eric L. Baatz, B. W. Jordan Jr., K. J. King, William J. Lennon, Z. Z. Stroll:
Design of a minicomputer network for the automatic determination of amino acid sequences in proteins. 749-752 - S. Reiter, D. J. Svetlik, A. M. Fayon:
An approach to the optimization of an olefins plant. 753-759
Network performance measurements
- Thomas E. Bell:
Computer performance variability. 761-766 - Leonard Kleinrock, William E. Naylor:
On measured behavior of the ARPA network. 767-780
The computer---career guidance tool of the present and future
- David V. Tiedeman:
The potential role of the computer in intuition and self development. 781-790 - Russell N. Cassel:
Use of computer in relation to critical guidance factors. 791-797
Selected topics on system simulation and interaction
- Sadashiva S. Godbole:
Effective demonstration of minicomputer-based systems by a novel digital simulation. 799-801 - James A. Ward:
Twenty commandments for managing the development of tactical computer programs. 803-806 - Lynn J. McKell, Gordon P. Wright, David G. Olson:
An optimal pollution surveillance schedule generating system (OPGENS). 807-820 - James A. Rose, James V. Leonard, Herbert A. Crosby:
Use of a micro-computer in a missile simulator. 821-825
Advances in memory technology
- J. E. Carnes, Walter F. Kosonocky, J. M. Chambers, D. J. Sauer:
Charge-coupled devices for computer memories. 827-836 - J. E. Brewer, D. R. Hadden Jr.:
Block-oriented random access MNOS memory. 837-840 - R. J. Spain, H. I. Jauvtis, F. T. Duben:
DOT memory systems. 841-846 - Hsu Chang:
Capabilities of the bubble technology. 847-855
Standard for computer networks
- Alex M. McKenzie:
Some computer network interconnection issues. 857-859
Continuing education and career development for computer professionals
- Nancy L. Ayer:
Step-by-step: a career structure for systematic EDP growth. 861-865 - Wallace C. Andrews, Lester J. Sontag:
Career development: a new approach to performance appraisal. 867-871 - Paul D. Oyer, Dorothy L. Ray:
A systems approach to career development: report of two surveys. 873-880 - David R. Skeen:
EDP certification: is it necessary? 881-888 - Robert M. Henry:
Skills possessed and skills useful for MIS practitioners: a research report. 889-895
Data base administration
- Richard L. Nolan:
Data base: an emerging organizational function. 897-901 - Cheryl M. Traver:
Data bases: uncontrollable or uncontrolled? 903-908
Switching and sorting networks
- Kenneth J. Thurber:
Interconnection networks: a survey and assessment. 909-919 - David C. van Voorhis:
An economical construction for sorting networks. 921-927
Continuing education and training through the use of CAI
- Eugene G. Kerr:
Business and industry in the 70's find computer-aided instruction a practical answer to training problems. 929-932 - Raymond J. Collins:
The role of computer assisted instruction (CAI) in management information systems. 933-945 - Catherine P. Breen:
Computer-assisted instruction in industry. 947-951 - Bernard H. Goddard:
The use of CAI at McDonnell Douglas. 953-955
Panel session papers and paper abstracts
- L. C. Hobbs, Marcian E. Hoff Jr., Thomas B. Steel Jr., Charles R. Fisher, C. W. Rosenthal:
Intelligent terminals: rationale and implications. 959-960 - Phillip P. Damon, James D. Foley, Arthur D. Hughes, Carl Machover, Sol Sherr, Robert H. Stotz, Luis Villalobos:
The effect of changing technology on computer graphic systems. 961-962 - John C. Davis, Dennis Luck, Eric Salbu, Carol Peters, Robert Koenig, Glen Bacon:
Mass memory systems. 963-964 - Martin A. Goetz, L. A. Welke, Patrick McGovern, Burton Grad:
Current trends in the software products industry. 965 - Jerry D. Burchfiel, Mel Pirtle, Edward R. Fiala, Robert H. Thomas, Daniel L. Murphy, David C. Walden:
Applications and extensions of the TENEX operating system. 967 - M. P. Fabisch, N. H. Brown, J. W. Olson, W. S. Doyle, J. R. Gibbons, J. P. Haggerty, B. P. Donohue III, J. F. McDonald, R. R. Conners, R. D. Freeman, H. M. Jackson II:
A large real-time system development. 969-970 - John R. Rice, Charles L. Lawson, William J. Cody, C. William Gear, Hans J. Oser, Barry W. Boehm:
Mathematical software: patterns for the future. 971 - Steven B. Lipner, William A. Wulf, Roger R. Schell, Gerald J. Popek, Peter G. Neumann, Clark Weissman, Theodore A. Linden:
Security kernels. 973-980 - Ralph E. Griswold, James F. Gimpel, Robert B. K. Dewar, Paul J. Santos, David R. Hanson:
Snobol languages. 981 - Helene E. Kulsrud, Robert M. Blazer, Herman H. Goldstine, Ralph Grishman, M. Douglas McIlroy, Patrick E. Hagerty:
Program debugging. 983 - John R. Ridgeway, James N. Hollister, Jon Warms, Bryan Wood, Tom Glacken:
Computer output to microfilm. 985 - Larry Simonette, Barbara Fossum, Chuck Mairet, Charles W. Bachman, Mike O'Connell, Roger Holliday, Don Jardine:
The CODASYL and GUIDE/SHARE proposals on data base management systems. 987 - Lee Danner, Robert T. Caravella, Robert H. Scott, Gerald E. Short:
Report on the IBM data security study. 989 - Richard A. Nerad, Robert Manion, Gresham T. Brebach, James Muenz:
Audit considerations of data bases. 991 - Robert F. Mathis, Stephen R. Crocker, Marvin Denicoff, Victor Mitchell, Frederick W. Weingarten, Edward A. Feustel, Lance J. Hoffman, David K. Hsiao, Rein Turn, William A. Wulf:
Research in data security: policies and projects. 993-999 - Charles A. Lupien, R. D. Harrison Jr., Eugene I. Lowenthal, T. Richley:
Accessing a data base through a minicomputer. 1001 - George J. Feeney, Robert D. Hilton, Robert L. Johnson, Thomas J. O'Rourke, Thomas E. Kurtz:
Utility computing: a superior alternative? 1003 - Jack Shaw, Kenneth W. Hunter, Gregory L. Brennan:
Structured systems development. 1005 - Einar Stefferud, David J. Farber, Laurence H. Baker, Joseph D. Naughton, Ronald P. Uhlig, John R. Lanahan, Carl H. Reynolds, Leland H. Williams:
Management impact of networks. 1007 - Richard H. Thayer, John B. Slaughter, Barry W. Boehm, Judith A. Clapp, John H. Manley, James H. Burrows:
The high cost of software: causes and corrections. 1009 - Marvin M. Wofsey, James V. Milano, Phillip J. London, Robert L. Johnson, Phillip C. Howard:
Effective use of computers. 1011 - Richard L. Nolan, Charles Carey, Michael J. Samek, K. Sreenivasan, John V. Soden, Myron Uretsky:
Charge-out system for management acceptance and control of the computer resource. 1013-1016 - Don S. Culbertson, Dennis R. Elchesen, Mary Ann Swanson, Frederick G. Kilgour, Russell Shank:
Accelerating information delivery. 1017 - Fred H. Harris, Robert N. Reinstedt, Donn B. Parker, William J. Horne, Herbert R. J. Grosch:
Certification of computing personnel: prospects and potential impact. 1019-1020 - Howard Frank, Davis McCarn, Richard Sprague, M. U. Ayres, John Perra, George J. Feeney, Morton Blanchard:
Large information processing networks: development and operational experience. 1021 - William F. Utlaut, Peter M. McManamon, Hubert J. Schlafly, Friend Skinner, S. S. Tyler:
Digital communications on cable systems. 1022 - Anthony I. Wasserman, William Cass, Jerome H. Grossman, Alfred H. Garratt, William V. Glenn Jr., Gerald A. Giebink:
Information systems for ambulatory care. 1023 - Stanley E. Jacobs, Lou Phillips, Marion J. Ball, John W. Anderson:
Terminal hardware and methodology in hospital information systems. 1024 - Jonathan Clive, Lee B. Lusted, Casimir A. Kulikowski, Thomas A. Pryor, Bruce H. McCormick:
Computer algorithms for analyzing patient data. 1025 - Max A. Woodbury, Richard Friedman, David Gustafson, Jonathan Clive:
Computer-simulations of aspects of the diagnostic process. 1026 - Sylvia Charp:
The use of computers for instruction and administration in elementary and secondary education. 1027 - Dick B. Simmons, Edward J. McCluskey, Aaron Finerman, Michael L. Dertouzos, Jürg Nievergelt:
University computer curricula. 1028 - James E. Oberg, Jack Butler, Bernard F. King Jr., Stephen Ruth:
Computer education for managers. 1029-1030 - Theodore A. Bakalar, Dennis Sears:
C-COMP: COPICS---communications oriented manufacturing plan: "a paper-less factory approach". 1031 - Lawrence Rosler, James D. Foley, John B. Macdonald, H. G. Marsh:
Problems, perils and promises of computer graphics. 1032 - James Warner, Ronald L. Boase:
Numeric control machine tool technology and applications. 1033 - Earl Gomersal:
Manufacturing information systems. 1034 - James A. O'Toole:
Shop floor control. 1035 - Gerald T. Montgomery, Vernon L. Schatz:
What manufacturers would like to see happening in point-of-sale. 1036 - Vernon L. Schaatz, Vern Sdhaatz, Doug Brookings, Dan Minter, Ron Low, Lee Paulson:
Point-of-sale systems for supermarkets. 1037 - Verne H. Tanner Jr., James J. Trainor, Nelson A. Howell, Charles D. Trigg, Harold O. Casali:
Transferability of government information systems, problems and solutions. Is it cost effective? 1038 - John Gentile, Kenneth W. Hunter, Clark R. Renninger, Gordon Yamada:
Federal activities in information processing. 1039 - Glen E. Pommerening, Howard Bjorklund, Melvin F. Bockelman, Alan A. Hamilton:
Law enforcement: do the systems really provide the information and safeguards promised? 1040 - Kenneth Orr, Jerry Hammett, Daniel B. Magraw, Andrew O. Atkinson, Mark Gitenstein:
Security, privacy and the information processing system. 1041 - Robert F. Johnston, John Doede, Edgar Jannotta, Gene M. Amdahl:
Venture capital for computer companies. 1042 - Noel Zakin, Richard J. Guiltinan, Everett C. Johnson, Richard D. Webb:
The auditor/EDP manager relationship. 1043 - Henry R. Koen:
Hardware and software concerns relating to industrial processes. 1045-1046 - John R. Kosorok, Russell L. Heath, Theodore H. Kehl, Edward A. Kramer, Robert E. Mahan:
Applying computers in the research and development laboratory. 1047-1048 - Dan E. Couchenour, C. F. Norton, Donald LePorte, J. Swartz:
Communication nets in transportation. 1049 - Eugene Jones:
Equipment control in transportation. 1050 - Jack W. Farrell, William R. McCartin, Frank J. Cyrkiewicz, Edmund R. Piesciuk, Phillip T. Catalano:
Computerized transportation-distribution: a user overview. 1051 - Donald L. Thomsen Jr., Warren J. Ewens, James S. Coleman, John J. Donovan, Warren E. Walker:
Computing and mathematics in society. 1052 - Isao Miyamoto:
Data reference characteristics of database application programs. 1053 - Gerald M. Masson:
Multi-connection networks. 1053 - John A. Rohr:
STAREX: the JPL-STAR computer resident executive. 1054 - Laurent Siklóssy, J. Dreussi:
Simulation of executing robots in imperfectly known environments. 1054 - Tomlinson Gene Rauscher:
The provision and use of environmental information in a multiprogramming system. 1055 - J. Weinberg:
Bill of material and requirements calculation systems. 1056

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