Global Change Collection
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Image: Detail from Nomura, Keiko. (2019). Classified map, Tanintharyi, Myanmar, 2018-2019 [image]. University of Edinburgh. College of Science and Engineering. School of GeoSciences.
Items in this Collection
Data supporting the manuscript "A dynamical process-based model for quantifying global agricultural ammonia emissions – AMmonia–CLIMate v1.0 (AMCLIM v1.0) – Part 2: livestock farming"
Agricultural ammonia (NH3) emissions are a major pathway of nitrogen loss, which can have significant environmental consequences, such as air and water pollution, ecosystem damage and biodiversity loss. Ammonia emissions ... -
Satellite remote sensing can operationalise the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology in the biome-diverse north-east of Brazil
Accurate biome delineation is difficult where biomes occupy the same climatic space, as is the case for tropical dry forest and savanna. The resulting confusion limits our ability to understand and manage impacts of global ... -
Assessing the breadth and multidisciplinarity of the conservation curriculum in the UK and Australia
Data associated with the publication: Slater, H. et al. (2024) Assessing the breadth and multidisciplinarity of the conservation curriculum in the UK and Australia. There have been repeated calls to train conservationists ... -
Data supporting the manuscript "A dynamical process-based model AMmonia–CLIMate (AMCLIM) for quantifying global agricultural ammonia emissions – Part 1: Land module for simulating emissions from synthetic fertilizer use"
Ammonia (NH3) emissions mainly originate from agricultural practices and can have multiple adverse impacts on the environment. With the substantial increase of synthetic fertilizer use over the past decades, volatilization ... -
Mismatch between conservation higher education skills training and contemporary conservation needs
Data associated with the publication: Slater, H. et al. (2024) Mismatch between conservation higher education skills training and contemporary conservation needs. ### Abstract ### Scholars have detailed the range of skills ... -
Georeferenced KH-9 Imagery - Tri-border area
This dataset contains georeferenced KH-9 images used in the manuscript "Detecting Vietnam War bomb craters in declassified KH-9 satellite imagery" (in submission). It contains the following images, provided as .tif files ... -
Georeferenced KH-9 Imagery - Quang Tri
This dataset contains georeferenced KH-9 images used in the manuscript "Detecting Vietnam War bomb craters in declassified KH-9 satellite imagery" (in submission). It contains the following images, provided as .tif files ... -
2007 forest aboveground biomass map for China
This dataset relates to the work presented in the paper Wenquan Dong, Edward T.A. Mitchard, Maurizio Santoro, Man Chen, Charlotte E. Wheeler, 'A new circa 2007 biomass map for China differs significantly from existing maps' ... -
Ground Control Points (GCPs) for Mangrove and Nipa Palm Classification in the Niger Delta
GCPs were established by collecting GPS coordinates of 6 land cover types (Mangrove Forests, Nipa palm, Inland forests, Surface water, Built regions and Agricultural land) over the Niger Delta. GCPs were collected over the ... -
Plot level Aboveground biomass on Mangrove Forests in the Niger Delta
This dataset includes twenty-five 0.25 ha plots of Aboveground biomass (AGB) calculated using diameter at breast height measurements (DBH) and allometric equations published by Komiyama et al, 2005. -
Baseline record of vegetation dynamics at Cape Hallett, Antarctica
# Plot data Mc Nemar: To enable comparisons with the 1961 and 2004 survey results, the Lambert Conformal Conic projection from the 2004 survey was used to precisely georeference and trim the RGB image across a 1-m2 grid, ... -
Risks to carbon storage from land-use change revealed by peat thickness maps of Peru
Tropical peatlands are among the most carbon dense ecosystems but land-use change has led to the loss of large peatland areas, associated with substantial greenhouse gas emissions. In order to design effective conservation ... -
Data supporting "Ultraviolet radiation drives emission of climate-relevant gases from marine phytoplankton"
This dataset comprises results contained in a manuscript entitled "Ultraviolet radiation drives emission of climate-relevant gases from marine phytoplankton" that describes an investigation of the production of carbon ... -
SUPERSEDED - Data supporting "Ultraviolet photochemical production of climate-relevant gases from marine phytoplankton"
## SUPERSEDED - This dataset has been replaced by the one which can be found at: ## This dataset comprises results contained in a manuscript entitled "Ultraviolet photochemical production ... -
Agronomic trait and floral resource data
Mass-flowering crops, such as oilseed rape (OSR; Brassica napus), provide pulses of nectar and pollen helping to support pollinators and their pollination services, in agricultural landscapes. Despite their value to ... -
The Impact of Climate Change and Climate Extremes on Sugarcane Production
We combine the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere model with detailed timeseries measurements from experimental sugarcane plots in Guangxi, China, and São Paulo State, Brazil. We first calibrated and validated modelled carbon and water ... -
Data supporting the paper "A climate-dependent global model of ammonia emissions from chicken farming"
This dataset contains files of ammonia emissions from global chicken agriculture, from chicken housing to land spreading of chicken manure. All files are in netCDF format and can be easily read and processed by Python ... -
Does Economic Optimisation Explain LAI and Leaf Trait Distributions Across an Amazon Soil Moisture Gradient?
Model outputs presented in Flack-Prain, S., Meir, P., Malhi, Y., Smallman, T. L., & Williams, M. (2020).Does Economic Optimisation Explain LAI and Leaf Trait Distributions Across an Amazon Soil Moisture Gradient?. Global ... -
SUPERSEDED - Data supporting the manuscript "A climate-dependent global model of ammonia emissions from chicken farming"
## SUPERSEDED - This item has been replaced by the one which can be found at ##. This dataset contains files of ammonia emissions from global chicken agriculture, from chicken housing to ... -
A hybrid model for seasonal forecast of Indonesian fire risk
Documentation for the dataset is provided in the README file. List of files: 1. Readme.txt 2. A hybrid model code in the NCL language (seasonalforecasting.ncl.txt) 3. Equatorial Asian monthly total burned area ...