Modeling and Simulation
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People often describe computer modeling and simulation as the third methodology, complementing theory and experimentation. This activity touches almost every aspect of our daily lives because the ability to virtually experiment with theories can greatly reduce the cost of research, accelerate development in many areas and unlock new discoveries. This collection is a repository of EPCC outputs relating to models and simulation tools we have developed.
Items in this Collection
Velocity time-series data from a hybrid finite element Large Eddy Simulation of flow over a backward-facing step with associated geometry and mesh files
A Large Eddy Simulation turbulence (LES) algorithm has been developed for finite element-based computational fluid dynamics, using a hybrid continuous-discontinuous Galerkin scheme. The test case for this was a backward-facing ... -
SUPERSEDED - Velocity time-series data from a hybrid finite element Large Eddy Simulation of flow over a backward-facing step
##This item has been replaced by the one which can be found at ## A Large Eddy Simulation turbulence (LES) algorithm has been developed for finite element-based computational fluid dynamics, ... -
Met Office NERC Cloud model (MONC)
This is the source code for the Met Office NERC Cloud model (MONC) which is an atmospheric model used to study clouds and turbulent flows. It has been shown to scale to over 32768 compute cores and includes both the ...