School of Mathematics
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Research in the School of Mathematics is undertaken in a wide variety of areas of the mathematical sciences, including pure, applied, statistics, operational research as well as mathematical physics. The research environment is enhanced by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences and by close collaboration with Heriot-Watt University through the Maxwell Institute.
Research groups include:
- Algebra and Number Theory
- Analysis
- Geometry and Topology
- Mathematical Physics
- Operational Research and Optimization
- Probability & Stochastic Analysis
- Statistics
Sub-communities within this community
Applied and Computational Mathematics Research Group
Research Group
Collections in this community
An N-body simulation of M4
a large N-body simulation of the globular cluster M4
Recent Submissions
Neural networks weights related to "Super-resolution of turbulence with dynamics in the loss"
A set of routines to train neural networks to perform super-resolution, without necessarily requiring high-resolution data, along with network weights used to generate figures in the publication "Super-resolution of ... -
Trained neural networks and model data for `Online learning in idealized ocean gyres`
Calculations performed using bt_ocean. bt_ocean is a differentiable finite difference solver for the barotropic vorticity equation on a beta-plane, for classic wind-forced barotropic ocean gyre simulations. The latest ... -
Neural networks weights related to "Recurrent patterns as a basis for two-dimensional turbulence: predicting statistics from structures"
The dataset contains neural network weights (checkpointed in TensorFlow) for two deep-convolutional autoencoders designed to generate low-dimensional representations of snapshots of vorticity in two-dimensional turbulence. ... -
Instances for "Optimising Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement using Advanced Discrete Choice Models"
Parameter values and error terms for all twenty instances in each of the five datasets discussed in "Optimising Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement using Advanced Discrete Choice Models". Instances are designed to ... -
Ocean surface drifter and drifter simulation data
Many practical problems in fluid dynamics demand an empirical approach, where statistics estimated from data inform understanding and modelling. In this context data-driven probabilistic modelling offers an elegant alternative ... -
Instances for "Optimal Allocation of Demand Response Considering Transmission System Congestion"
Electricity demand response (DR) is the capability of the electricity consumers to adjust their consumption according to the needs of the grid. Demand response is especially important as a means to mitigate the variability ... -
Inertia-gravity wave energy in 2D spectral space from a high-resolution Boussinesq simulation
This dataset is the end result of a high-resolution three-dimensional Boussinesq simulation allowed to run until its statistics are approximately stationary. It contains 3 CSV files. Ew.csv, a 406 X 575 matrix, is the IGW ... -
QAPLIB - A Quadratic Assignment Problem Library - Problem instances and solutions
The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) has remained one of the great challenges in combinatorial optimization. It is still considered a computationally nontrivial task to solve modest size problems, say of size n=25. The ... -
Slot Allocation Synthetic Data
Set of 100 pairs of (capacity, demand) files each representing a synthetic instance of a single airport slot allocation problem. -
Passive particle trajectories in isotropic 2D turbulence
The data represent a set of simulated particle trajectories, specifically the positions of a set of 1000 passive particles sampled at a uniform discrete timestep. The particles are advected in an idealised forced-dissipative ... -
Instances for "A Tractable Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Peak-Load-Pricing Model with Strategic Interaction"
Instances of hierarchical Cournot games to show the properties of the algorithm presented in the companion paper. This library contains problem instances for multi-leader, multi-follower games with a special structure that ... -
Synthetic IR data for the Attia et al. (2020) battery dataset
Data produced to accompany the paper Strange et al. (2021, Feb): Calum Strange, Shawn Li, Richard Gilchrist and Goncalo dos Reis, 2021 Feb, 'Elbows of Internal Resistance Rise Curves in Li-Ion Cells ' (https://www.mdpi.c ... -
Bursting equilibria and travelling waves in Kolmogorov flow
This dataset contains equilibrium and travelling wave solutions for 2D Kolmogorov flow (monochromatically forced with wavenumber n=4) at a Reynolds number Re=40. These solutions are also documented in the manuscript ... -
Instances for "Increasing electric vehicle adoption through the optimal deployment of fast-charging stations for local and long-distance travel"
Two networks representing possible locations for electric vehicle charging stations in the province of Quebec in Canada, and in the state of California in the U.S.A. This data was created by the authors of the paper ... -
Data file for the submitted publication "Robustness of the microtubule network self-organization in epithelia"
Combining mathematical modelling with genetic manipulations in Drosophila, we show that the microtubule self-organization indeed does not depend on dynamics of individual microtubules, and thus is robust on the tissue level. -
ISST Deca-Alanine
This dataset contains a deca-alanine trajectory analysed in paper "Local and Global Perspectives on Diffusion Maps in the Analysis of Molecular Systems" by Trstanova 2019. The trajectory was obtained using an ... -
GEOMETRIC (MITgcm) diagnostic data
Dataset for the article "Implementation of a geometrically and energetically constrained mesoscale eddy parameterisation in an ocean circulation model". -
Wave packet dynamics in the optimal superadiabatic approximation - Data
Data and figure files for the paper Wave packet dynamics in the optimal superadiabatic approximation V. Betz, B. D. Goddard, and U. Manthe The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 224109 (2016) doi: 10.1063/1.4953577 Open ... -
We present a Matlab implementation of a novel, efficient pseudo-spectral collocation scheme for the solution of stiff, non-local, non-linear PDEs in one and two spatial dimensions. In particular, we compute the non-local ... -
Wave packet dynamics in the optimal superadiabatic approximation - Matlab code
Matlab code for computation of transitions through avoided crossings using superadiabatic representations. See e.g. Wave packet dynamics in the optimal superadiabatic approximation V. Betz, B. D. Goddard, and U. ...