This collection contains research data associated with the PhD thesis "Walking with portable projections: a creative exploration into mediated perception in the environment" by Rocio von Jungenfeld. The collection contains four main items associated with four artworks which are discussed in depth in the thesis (Chapter 3, 4, 5 & 6). For more details please see the thesis (pdf) which will soon be available via Edinburgh Research Archive (

Image credit: Chih-Peng Lucas Kao CC-BY-NC

Items in this Collection

  • (wh)ere land 

    Jungenfeld, Rocio von; Kao, Chih-Peng Lucas; Olenik, Mike; Perconte, Jacques; Rafferty, Patrick; Lloyd, Emma; Usui, Shiori; Williams, Sean
    The video, stills and audio materials of this data item are associated with the video walk "(wh)ere land" - commissioned by the Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival. The video footage for the video walk and indoor screening ...
  • The Surface Inside 

    Jungenfeld, Rocio von; Usui, Shiori; Kao, Chih-Peng Lucas
    The video and audio materials of this dataset are associated with the video walk "The Surface Inside" - a collaboration project between Jungenfeld and Usui. The audio and visuals used to produce the video walk were collected ...
  • Walk-itch 

    Jungenfeld, Rocio von; Kao, Chih-Peng Lucas
    The video and stills of this dataset are associated with the video walk "Walk-itch" - devised by Jungenfeld for the collective event "Glitch'd: Purposeful Mistakes" (Hood et. al) as part of the Edinburgh International ...
  • I-Walk 

    Jungenfeld, Rocio von; Aldredge, Michelle; Pinney, Nancy
    The video, stills and audio materials of this data item are associated with the video walk "I-Walk" - produced by Jungenfeld at the I-Park Foundation Inc., Connecticut (USA). All the data were collected and the video walk ...