Linguistics and English Language (LEL)
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Image: Photo of Bapak Martinus Wakaf, ODC-By Laura Arnold
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A Crosslinguistic Database for Combinatorial and Semantic Properties of Attitude Predicates
The database contains semantic and combinatorial properties about ∼50 clause-embedding predicates in 16 languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kîîtharaka, Mandarin, ... -
Running away from Malakal, by Yoannes Amum Nyiker
At the center of this item is an audio recording (wav file) in Shilluk of a narative by Yoannes Amum Nyiker, who tells about an experience he had as a child. The audio recording is accompanied by a detailed time-aligned ... -
Shilluk Lexicography With Audio Data (2nd edition)
This archive represents a resource on the lexicon of Shilluk, a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in South Sudan. It includes a table of 2853 lexicographic items, plus 10082 sound clips. The table is included in pdf and MS Word ... -
Suffering Due To Conflict, by Asunta Atag
This is a recorded narrative in the Thuri language, just under 3 minutes in duration, in which the speaker tells the story of her life. The translation is as follows. "What I say here, is about the suffering that we went ... -
The Village Achang
“The Village Achang” or “Achang Village” is a long story (48 minutes), recorded in 4 parts, each in a separate wav file with its own annotation (TextGrid). The brief summary of the four parts is as follows – Part 1: Achang ... -
SAL - Salawati (ISO 369-3: xmx, Glottocode: made1253) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from several (not all) of the raw recordings in the Salawati (ISO 369-3: xmx, Glottocode: made1253) collection. The full collection is available here: ... -
KAW - Maˈya (Kawe dialect: ISO 369-3: kbg, Glottocode: kawe1240) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from the raw recordings in the Maˈya (Kawe dialect: ISO 369-3: kbg, Glottocode: kawe1240) collection; the full collection is available here: ... -
LAG - Maˈya (Laganyan dialect: ISO 369-3: lcc, Glottocode: lege1241) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from two of the three recordings in the Maˈya (Laganyan dialect: ISO 369-3: lcc, Glottocode: lege1241) collection. The full collection is available here: https://datashare.ed.a ... -
MOI - Moi (ISO 369-3: mxn, Glottocode moii1235) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from one of the raw recordings in the Moi (ISO 369-3: mxn, Glottocode moii1235) collection. The full collection is available here: ... -
BAT - Batta (Glottocode: bata1295) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from several (not all) of the raw recordings in the Batta (Glottocode: bata1295) collection. The full collection is available here: ... -
WAU - Maˈya (Wauyai dialect: ISO 369-3: lcc, Glottocode: lege1241) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from several (not all) of the raw recordings in the Maˈya (Wauyai dialect: ISO 369-3: wuy, Glottocode: wauy1247) collection. The full collection is available here: https://data ... -
BIG - Biga (ISO 639-3: bhc, Glottocode: biga1238) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from several of the raw recordings in the Biga (ISO 639-3: bhc, Glottocode: biga1238) collection; the full collection is available here: ... -
ASZ - As (ISO 639-3: asz) segmented files
This dataset contains segmented audio files from several of the raw recordings in the As (ISO 639-3: asz) collection; the full collection is available here: These segmented ... -
SAL010 - Butlih Salawati - Conversational questionnaire (Dialogue D, 'A family photo album')
This dataset contains a dialogue elicited using the Conversational Questionnaire method (François 2019, 'A proposal for conversational questionnaires') for Butlih Salawati with Siti Hariani Klasin (born 1983), a native ... -
SAL003 - Butlih Salawati - Basic vocabulary (Speaker: Yunus Klasin)
This dataset contains elicited basic vocabulary from the Butlih dialect of Salawati with Yunus Klasin (born 1975), a native speaker of Butlih Salawati. All words were recorded in isolation, utterance-final, and utterance-medial ... -
SAL005 - Butlih Salawati - Basic vocabulary (Speaker: Aifa Warfandu)
This dataset contains elicited basic vocabulary from the Butlih dialect of Salawati with Aifa Warfandu (born 1962), a native speaker of Butlih Salawati. All words were recorded in isolation, utterance-final, and utterance-medial ... -
BIG007 - Biga - Basic vocabulary (Speaker: Etresia Malbanat)
This dataset contains elicited basic vocabulary from Biga with Etresia Malbanat (born 1966), a speaker of Biga who grew up with Papuan Malay as her primary language. All words were recorded in isolation, utterance-final, ... -
BIG010 - Biga - Possessive and verbal subject-marking paradigms
This dataset contains elicited possessive and verbal subject-marking paradigms from Biga with Semuel Mandurun (born 1970), a native speaker of Biga. The possessed nouns in the possessive paradigms are 'fish', 'head', and ... -
SAL008 - Butlih Salawati - Conversational questionnaires (Dialogues B 'Preparing for the new year' and E 'A boy falls')
This dataset contains two dialogues elicited using the Conversational Questionnaire method (François 2019, 'A proposal for conversational questionnaires') for Butlih Salawati with Siti Hariani Klasin (born 1983), a native ... -
SAL001 - Butlih Salawati - Basic words (Speaker: Siti Hariani Klasin)
This dataset contains elicited basic vocabulary from the Butlih dialect of Salawati with Siti Hariani Klasin (born 1983), a native speaker of Butlih Salawati. All words were recorded in isolation, utterance-final, and ...