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Press & media notices of Darwin Online

Darwin Online is the largest and most widely used publication on Darwin in history. It has received unprecedented media coverage and public attention for a history of science project. Many of the media references to the project and its members are listed below.

2025, 09.03 [Interview with John van Wyhe] 达尔文专家范·怀赫:灭绝物种无可复制. (Darwin expert van Wyhe: Extinct species cannot be replicated) Lianhe Zaobao (9 March): 4.

2025, 02.12 John van Wyhe interview. How Charles Darwin Changed The World. The Front Row Podcast by Keith Yap.

2025, 02.12 The largest collection of caricatures of Charles Darwin and evolution in history unveiled. NUS News.

The Associated Press
Yahoo! Finance
Thailand Business News
The Manila Times  
The Laotian Times  
FOX 44 News   
Sangri Times
Why Evolution is true

2024, 01.24 John van Wyhe in BBC Radio 4. Human Intelligence, Collectors: Charles Darwin. Also on BBC Sounds.

2024, Joseph Arditti, [Review of] Darwin Online. Plant Science Bulletin 70, 3: 310-11. PDF

2024, 11.24 Discover the Historical Events and Famous People Born on November 24. Editorialge.com

2024, 10.11 Clips of John van Wyhe in the Conservation Conversation documentary. Channel 8 Singapore TV (Mandarin)

2024, 09.03 New Books Network podcast.

2024, 07.10 What Did Charles Darwin Read? Newly assembled catalog reveals the extensive reading habits of Charles Darwin, providing insight into the mind of the revolutionary thinker. The Pinnacle Gazette.

2024, 06 National Library Board Singapore. Online highlights: John van Wyhe, Reconstructing Charles Darwin's Lost Library.

2024, 05.20 [The complete library of Charles Darwin] Be they public, private or imagined, libraries offer an expansive world. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

2024, Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. Microsoft start.

2024, 05.04 Like piecing together a puzzle: Science historian John van Wyhe on 'rebuilding' Darwin's library. [in print and online] Hindustan Times PDF

2024, 04.30 A historian of science: John van Wyhe. College of Humanities and Sciences, NUS FB, IG, Website
Faculty of Science, NUS FB, IG, Website

On the launch of The Complete Library of Charles Darwin:

2024, 04.07

The Complete Library of Charles Darwin for the First Time. SciTechDaily

Charles Darwin's Complete Library was first unveiled by scientists. List23

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. MSN

2024, 04.06 Darwin's Personal Library Including 13,000 Items Is Now Available To The Public For The First Time Ever. ChipChick

2024, 03.18 Feature: Charles Darwin's Library. Straits Times, p. A8. print edition

2024, 03.05 NUS science historian tracks origins and evolution of Charles Darwin's library. Straits Times
And print version

2024, 02.26 [Interview with John van Wyhe.] Dans la bibliothèque de Charles Darwin. Radiofrance. (Click for audio)

2024, 02.22 'Amusing insight' revealed in Marx's 'Das Kapital' gift to Darwin. CNN Style.

2024, 02.21

The Madras Tribune

. Ars Technica

2024, 02.20 Charles Darwin's Personal Library of 13,000 Books Revealed for the First Time. Art World.

2024, 02.19 Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. Irish Examiner

2024, 02.18 Curiosities. YahooNews.

2024, 02.17

Interview with John van Wyhe. Nightlife with Suzanne Hill. ABC Radio Sydney. (Click for audio)@3:11:15

Charles Darwin's complete library discovered for the first time. newsyou.info


2024, 02.15

Darwins Bibliothek rekonstruiert. Oberbayerisches Volksblatt

[Interview with John van Wyhe] Darwin studerede danske bøger med ordbog på knæet. Kristeligt Dagblad (Denmark)

Linnean Society: News and Nature

HPS&ST February Newsletter

News at a glance. Science

2024, 02.14 Interview with Director of Darwin Online, John van Wyhe, on Darwin's Library. Arun Verma's Midlands Evening Show. BBC Radio West Midlands.

2024, 02.13

Darwins Bibliothek rekonstruiert. Münchner Merkur. [print edition]

Darwin ist online. Tageszeitung. [print edition]

De enorme bibliotheek van Charles Darwin is eindelijk compleet, en veel groter dan gedacht. Volkskrant. [print edition]

. YubaNet

Inside the Mind of Charles Darwin: Unveiling the Complete Library of an Intellectual Giant. Medriva.

. World Nation News.

Jerry Coyne's blog Why Evolution is True.

The completed Darwin library. themeanews.com.

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Weekly Journal.

The Wellsboro Gazette

Ashley County Ledger

St Albans & Harpenden Review

The Delta News

2024, 02.12

BBC Radio 4 Today Programme.

Interview with John van Wyhe. NSW & ACT Evenings with Renee Krosch. ABC Radio Sydney.

The Complete Library of Charles Darwin revealed for the first time. NUS News.

See What Charles Darwin Kept in His 'Insanely Eclectic' Personal Library, Revealed for the First Time. Smithsonian Magazine.

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. The Scotsman.

You can now view Charles Darwin's entire personal library collection.New Atlas.

Scholars catalog Darwin's library online. The Wildlife Society.

Charles Darwin's eclectic personal library is now online. Popular Science.

Charles Darwin's extensive library published virtually for first time. 960 theRef Athens Sports Radio.

Bibliothek von Charles Darwin vollständig rekonstruiert: Was der Wissensrevolutionär gelesen hat. GEO.de

Darwins Bibliothek kann man jetzt auch online lesen. Stuttgarter Zeitung.

Inhalt der persönlichen Bibliothek von Charles Darwin rekonstruiert. Der Standard.

You can now view Charles Darwin's entire personal library collection. New Atlas.

. IFL Science.

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. Shropshire Star.

. 9News

. Interesting Engineering.

. Study Finds

. Bollyinside

Charles Darwin's lost library finally discovered after 142 years. The News International.

Erster Blick in Darwins Privatbibliothek - Alle 7.400 Titel von Darwins Lesestoff sind jetzt frei im Internet abrufbar. scinexx.de

Rekonstruktion: Komplette Bibliothek von Charles Darwin verfügbar. Science ORF.at

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Herald Palladium

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Delphos Herald.

Times Bulletin Media.

Inhalt von Darwins Bibliothek vollständig rekonstruiert. mdr Wissen.

Zum 215. Geburtstag: Inhalt der Bibliothek von Charles Darwin rekonstruiert. heise online

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Fox 11 and Fox 41

Charles Darwin's library goes digital: A treasure trove of knowledge unveiled. BNN

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Watauga Democrat

Charles Darwin's complete library revealed for the first time. Tyler Morning Telegraph

Albia newspaper
Andover Advertiser
Asian Image
Borehamwood Times
Braintree & Witham Times
Brentwood Live
Chard & Ilminster News
Evesham Journal
Gwinnett Daily Post
Halstead Gazette
Harrow Times
Keighley News
Knutsford Guardian
Leigh Journal
Malvern Gazette
Milford Mercury
North Wales Chronicle
Penarth Times
Redditch Advertiser
Redhill And Reigate Life
Rockdale Newton Citizen
Stourbridge News
Stroud News
Surrey Comet
The Daily Courier
The Mountaineer
The Shuttle
Tivyside Advertiser
Wandsworth Guardian
Wiltshire Times
Worcester News

2024, 02.11

BBC Radio 4. 4pm News broadcast.

[Interview with John van Wyhe] Contents of Charles Darwin's entire personal library revealed for first time. The Guardian

Researchers reveal lost library of Charles Darwin for the first time. Space+Science CNN.com
[Interview with John van Wyhe] "This is exactly what the library can show," he said. "Instead of basing one's understanding on the authors Darwin read that are mentioned in biographies, etc., anyone can now scroll through his whole library. The impression this gives is that he was a voracious reader and he got through an astonishing number of works."

First photo of bacteria revealed as Charles Darwin's vast library put online. The Telegraph

Good Morning Britain (TV)

Vroege vogels [the leading programme on nature in the Netherlands]. 'Darwin's complete library' NOS Nieuws (Netherlands national radio)
(Click for audio)@ 1.57hr
"Beautiful, very special," responds Redmond O'Hanlon, writer and presenter of the television series Beagle, In the footsteps of Darwin. "The size of the library, and the focus and attention with which van Wyhe has put everything together - through catalogs and auctions - is truly extraordinary. With attention to the smallest things, such as pamphlets and magazines."

Complete library of Charles Darwin put online by historians. paudal.com [the NOS Nieuws story above in English]

Charles Darwin's complete library of 13,000 books revealed for first time. News Express.

El Diariode Madrid.es

The Independent.

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. The Irish News

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. Ireland Live

Researchers reveal lost library of Charles Darwin for the first time. The Albany Herald.

Charles Darwin's complete research library published for the first time. Earth.com

Charles Darwin's extensive library published virtually for first time. Action News Jax. Cox Media Group Television News

Researchers reveal lost library of Charles Darwin for the first time. Apple Valley News Now.com




Wharfedale Observer

Denbighshire Free Press

Gazette (UK)

Vast personal library of Charles Darwin uncovered for the first time. The Irish News.

'Extraordinary' vast personal library of Charles Darwin revealed for the first time. ITV

2024, Fact Check: Popular Darwin Quote Started as a Paraphrase of His Work. MSN Microsoft Start.

2024, 01 [Interview with John van Wyhe.] Singapore and Malaysia. In Wallace's Footsteps Newsletter. [By a team of French students re-tracing Wallace's footsteps in the Malay Archipelago]

2023, 11.30 Rough draft of Darwin's Origin of species goes online. Daily News

2023, 11.28 Wie Charles Darwin den Bär zum Wal machte. Süddeutsche Zeitung [re Origin drafts]

2023, 11.27 Rough Draft Of Darwin's Origin Of Species Goes Online. Eurasia Review

2023, 11.25 Uncovering the Evolutionary Journey: Newly Published Drafts of Darwin's Origin of Species ISP Today

2023, 11.24 Entwürfe für Darwins "Entstehung der Arten" veröffentlicht. Scinexx.de - das wissensmagazin.

2023, 11.24 Digital Collections: "All Surviving Drafts, Including Three Rediscovered Pages, of Origin of Species Revealed". Library Journal.

2023, 11.24 All surviving drafts, including three rediscovered pages, of Origin of Species revealed. NUS News.

2023, 11.24 Rough draft of Darwin's Origin of species goes online. News wise

2023, 11.23 『種の起源』、再発見された3ページを含む現存する全草稿が明らかに, Ti

2023, 11.07 What Skulls Told Us. JSTOR Daily.

2023, 10.01 Ali: Alfred Russel Wallace's right-hand gun. JSTOR Daily. [summary of John van Wyhe's: "I am Ali Wallace": The Malay assistant of Alfred Russel Wallace)

2023, 08.27 Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.

2023, 06.30 Darwin Corrected Proofs and Karl Marx Letter to Publisher at Christie's. Fine Books & Collections.com

2023, 05.09 Jim Smith, President of the Zoological Society of London. Blog: On the Origin of ZSL's Origin.

2023, 02.27 The complete photos of Darwin unveiled. NUS News.

2023, 02.17 The SoapyRao show ft. [interview with] Dr. John van Wyhe. (YouTube)

2023, 02.13 Skeptic Magazine.

2023, 02.12 Jerry, Coyne. 'At last! Every every known photograph of Darwin on one wonderful site.' Why Evolution is True.

2023, 02.12 British photographic history

2023, 02.12 The launch of The Complete Photographs of Darwin catalogue is Tweeted about by the Nobel Prize, Linnean Society of London, etc.

2023, [Interview with John van Wyhe] In Maggie M. Jackson, Uncertainty's edge: The wisdom of being unsure in a time of angst and flux.

2022, 12.29 [Interview with John van Wyhe]. What is Biology. Tattva Deep. YouTube.

2022, 12.02 Review of John van Wyhe's Charles Darwin, l'uomo, il suo grande viaggio, la teoria dell'evoluzione. Il Mattino, p. 3. (Naples)

2022, 11.30 Darwin manuscript. The East African.

2022, 11.28 Charles Darwin's Signed Document To Go For Auction, Could Fetch ₹ 9 Crore. New Delhi Television Ltd.

2022, 11.28 Science ahead of its time: 157-year-old Darwin manuscript made available online. phys.org

2022, 11.27 'Extremely rare' signed Charles Darwin manuscript. Shropshire Star.

2022, 11.26 Darwin's Origin Defense, With Signature, Goes Up for Bid. Vigour Times.

2022, 11.25

John van Wyhe interviewed about Darwin manuscript at Sotheby's. The Monocle Daily. Monocle24. (click for audio)

John van Wyhe interviewed about Darwin manuscript at Sotheby's. BBC World News (TV).

Charles Darwin: Autographed document could fetch record price. BBC News.

Darwin's Origin Defense, With Signature, Goes Up for Bid. newser

Darwin's autographed document up for auction, could fetch record price. NewsBytes.

Rare Charles Darwin manuscript may fetch over £1m at auction. Evening Standard.

Secret of 157-year old Darwin manuscript. Newswise.

Secret of 157-year old Darwin manuscript. Bol News.

2022, 11.24 Science ahead of its time: Secret of 157-year old Darwin manuscript. NUS News.

2022, 11.11 [On Italian translation of Darwin biography] John van Wyhe commenta il suo libro "Charles Darwin" (Valtrend, 2022). PikaiaChannel YouTube.

2022, 11.11 Il curatore Roberto Sandulli sull'edizione italiana di "Darwin", di John Van Wyhe. PikaiaChannel YouTube.

2022, 11.11 , Darwin per tutti: disponibile l'edizione italiana di "Charles Darwin. L'uomo, il suo grande viaggio e la teoria dell'evoluzione" Pikaia: the portal to evolution.

2022, 10.26 Expert Voices: Age of Wonder: John van Wyhe on an Autograph Manuscript Leaf by Charles Darwin. Sothebys. & on YouTube.

2022, 10. Darwin His definitive statement on natural selection, and his legacy. Sotheby's.com

2022, 10.11 John van Wyhe's book 'Darwin' translated into Vietnamese. Thu Vien Phap Luat.

2022, 08.15 Evolution and Charles Darwin | John van Wyhe | Ep. 1. Tattva Deep (YouTube)

2022, 07.22 A book from the voyage of the Beagle. From the Vaults. Library of Congress.

2022, 03.16 [John van Wyhe quoted] Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker suggests evolution isn't real because apes still exist. Bet.com

2022, 02.28. [Summary of John van Wyhe's article, Where do Darwin's finches come from]. Evolutionary Road. Darwin's great theory was years in the making. The American Scholar.

2022, 02.12 Two books on Darwin [by John van Wyhe]. Why evolution is true.

2021, 11.21 Darwin's handwritten pages from On the Origin of Species go online for the first time. TechExplorist.com

2021, 11.15 [Launch of reviews of Darwin] Come vennero accolte le opere di Darwin? Scopriamolo sulla piattaforma Darwin Online. Pikaia.

2021, 11.11 Launch of reviews of Darwin. NUSnews

2021, 11.11 Launch of reviews of Darwin. Newswise.com

2021, 11.11 Launch of reviews of Darwin. National Centre for Science Education tweet.

2021, 06.22 Documentary with John van Wyhe. Ida Pfeiffer: 19th Century globetrotter. The Forum BBC World Service. (Click for audio)

2021, 04.30. [Review of John van Wyhe's Wanderlust]. Anticipated journeys; Ida Pfeiffer, trusting fate and going alone. TLS. Times Literary Supplement.

2021, 03.25 Interview with John van Wyhe. Victorian Specimen Collecto‪r‬. Jobsolete (podcast)

2021, 03.14 [Notice of Darwin: A Companion] The Sunday Times (Singapore).

2021, 03.03 [On Darwin: A Companion] New book reveals Charles Darwin’s cultural impact in unprecedented detail. NUS News.

2021, 03.02 [On Darwin: A Companion] New book reveals Charles Darwin's cultural impact in unprecedented detail. EurekAlert (AAAS).

2021, 03.02 New book reveals Charles Darwin’s cultural impact in unprecedented detail. Bolly Inside

2021, 03.02 New Book Reveals Charles Darwin’s Cultural Impact In Unprecedented Detail. ScienMag

2021, 03.02 New book reveals Charles Darwin’s cultural impact in unprecedented detail. Bioengineer.org

2021, 03.02 New Book Reveals Charles Darwin’s Cultural Impact in Unprecedented Detail. Health News Digest

2021, 03.02 New book reveals Charles Darwin's cultural impact in unprecedented detail. Phys.org

2021, 03.02 New book reveals Charles Darwin’s cultural impact in unprecedented detail. 7th Space

2021, 02.27 [Review of Darwin: A Companion] Sleutel tot alle trivia rond Darwin. bionieuws, p. 7. [Netherlands]

2021, Lai Suat Yan. Review of Wanderlust. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 94, part 1, no. 320 (June): 220-222. 

2020, Christa Riedl-Dorn. Review of Wanderlust. Archives of Natural History, vol. 47, issue 2, (October): 422.

2020, 02.11 Interview with John van Wyhe. Phrenologist. Jobsolete podcast. (YouTube)

2021, 02.24 [Review of John van Wyhe's Darwin] by John Funk. “The Nicest Book I've Ever Seen”. The Love of Reading (YouTube)

2020, 12 [Report on recent manuscript transcriptions in Darwin Online]. Boletim de História e Filosofia da Biologia, vol. 14, no. 4.

2020, 12 [Brief review of Wanderlust]. Shereads.com

2020, 12.10 Darwin: deux pages rescapées du manuscrit de L'origine des espèces. Actualité

2020, 12.10 Storia: Darwin, pagine autografe di 'L'origine delle specie' su internet per la prima volta. Affaritaliani.it

2020, 11.24 Interview with John van Wyhe on new Darwin manuscripts online. BBC World Service TV

2020, 11.24 See 2 new pages from Darwin's 'Origin of Species' draft online. Futurity.

2020, 11.23 [Interview with John van Wyhe.] Lessons from Darwin and evolution, 161 years on. The Straits Times, p. B10. (online edition, PDF of print edition)

2020, 11.23 [Interview with John van Wyhe.] Darwin's handwritten pages from On the Origin of Species go online. NUS Research News

2020, 11.23 Darwin's handwritten pages from On the Origin of Species go online for the first time. EurekAlert!

2020, 11.23 Darwin's handwritten pages from 'On the Origin of Species' go online for the first time. Phys.Org

2020, 09.30 [John van Wyhe's re-discovery of Lined Blind Snake in Singapore after 172 years is still a record]. Rare Selangor mud snake rediscovered in Singapore after 106 years. Straits Times.

2020, 09.03 Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin etc. on Atheist Incorporated (YouTube).

2020, Summer. Review of Wanderlust by John van Wyhe. Metropole [Austria].

2020, Spring. Review of Wanderlust by John van Wyhe. The Explorers Journal.

2020, 05.18 Lemmin-Woolfrey, Ulrike, [Wanderlust review] 7 of history's most inspiring female adventurers. Travel Awaits. https://www.travelawaits.com/

2020, 04 Review of Wanderlust by John van Wyhe. The Well-read Naturalist.

2020, 03 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Komodo-Warane: Gefährdete Überlebenskünstler. ZDF (German television).

2020, 01-03 Interview with John van Wyhe on Wanderlust. Biblioasia, vol. 15, issue 4, p. 27.

2020, 02.26 Huang, X. J. Review of Wanderlust by John van Wyhe. Lianhe Zaobao.
2020, 02.26 黄向京 文:奇女子的流浪癖。 作者:约翰范威。联合早报。

2020, 02.20 Wanderlust recommended on Christ's College, Cambridge Facebook page.

2020, 01.24 Radio interview with John van Wyhe on Wanderlust. Read with Michelle Martin. Money FM 89.3 (Singapore) (Click for audio).

2019, 12 Ships that shaped us. EP2. Reviving the Lady Mary Wood. [Interviews with John van Wyhe] TV documentary, CNA, Singapore.

2019, 12 Ships that shaped us. EP4. Restoring the Fame. [Interviews with John van Wyhe] TV documentary, CNA, Singapore.

2019, 11.17 150 Tahun Jejak Kawasan Wallacea, Mari Merayakannya di Makassar. IDN Times [Indonesia].

2019, 11 Orang-Orang Nusantara yang Membantu Ilmuwan Alfred Russel Wallace. tirto.id [Indonesia].

2019, 11.14 NUS lecturer finds snake species not seen here in 172 years. NUS News.

2019, 11.09 Rare snake was weirdest thing he'd ever seen, says lecturer. The Straits Times, p. A31.

2019, 11.02 Spotted: Snake not seen here in 172 year. The Straits Times.

2019, 11.02 [John van Wyhe's discovery of rare snake] Tamil Murasu, p. 2.

2019 11.01 Espécie de cobra é encontrada depois de não ser vista por 172 anos em Singapura. Sputnik news [Brazil]

2019, 11.01 Loài rắn mù biến mất cách đây 172 năm bất ngờ tái xuất. [Vietnam News outlet]

2019 11.01 [John van Wyhe's discovery of rare snake] Money 89.3FM (Singapore radio).

2019, 11.01 Snake not seen in 172 years found in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Asia One.

2019, 11.01 [John van Wyhe's discovery of rare snake] Berita Harian Online.

2019, 10.29 Etelä-Koreassa joka toinen nuori nainen on teettänyt jonkin kauneustoimenpiteen – uutuussarja pohtii, mitä kauneus on. [Documentary The Sense of Beauty, 2017] Menaiset [Finland]

2019 10.04 Review of John van Wyhe's Darwin by Pavel Pecháček. iliteratura.cz [Czechoslovakia]

2019, 09.17 Butler, John, "Wanderlust: The Amazing Ida Pfeiffer, the First Female Tourist" by John van Wyhe. Asian Review of Books.

2019, 08.31 Statues unveiled to honour UK naturalist and his Sarawak aide. Straits Times.

2019, 08.30 Statues of region's natural history pioneers unveiled for Singapore's bicentennial year. Straits Times.

2019, 08.23 When first female solo traveller Ida Pfeiffer visited Hong Kong in 1847. South China Morning Post.

2019, 08.10 Olivia Ho. Review of John van Wyhe's, Wanderlust. Straits Times.

2019, 07.24 Meet the World's First Solo Female Travel Writer. Outside magazine.

2019, 06.13 "Darwin's Fossil's: The Collection That Shaped the Theory of Evolution." Providence Journal.

2019, 05 Dr John van Wyhe: Transformative expeditions. Inside NUS.

2019, 05.22 'Deep Time'. The Washington Post.

2019, 04.01 Did Darwin get it wrong. MercatorNet.

2019, 03.16 Auf Darwins Spuren. Spektrum.de.

2018, 10.11 Katadata.co.id

2018, 10.11 Bisnis Indonesia.

2018, 10.08 Dispelling the Darkness cited in The Washington Post.

2018, 07.30 Origin of the species: where did Darwin's finches come from? The Guardian.

2018, Michael Engelhard, Darwin's polar bear. The Public Domain Review.

2018, 05 Darwin Online — The Authoritative Resource for Darwin's Life and Work Offers Valuable Insights to Students and Teachers. badcredit.org

2018, 03.12 Sailing the Krakatoa seas. NUS News.

2018, 02 Review of Darwin's fossils. Forbes Magazine.

2018, 01.27 The book that colored Charles Darwin's world. The New Yorker.

2018, 01.22 St. Charles Darwin. First things.

2018, 01.15 Alter a species: Darwin’s shopping list.

2017, 12.28 An attack on evolution. Washington Post.

2017, 11.24 Darwin and the origin of species. NUS News.

2017, 12.27 Kompas (Indonesia).

2017, 11.03. On the Face of It: Darwin and the Evolution of Expression. Undark Magazine.

2017, 10.18 Melihat Tengkorak Manusia Purba di Perpustakaan Nasional. Kompas (Indonesia).

2017, 10.17 [John van Wyhe report] Wallace Terinspirasi Nusantara. Kompas (Indonesia), p. 14.

2017, 10.16 [John van Wyhe interview] KBR radio Jakarta.

2017, 10.16 [John van Wyhe interview] CNN Indonesia.

2017, 10 [John van Wyhe’s BSHS conference lecture] Investigación y Ciencia, n. 493. Scientific American (Spanish edition).

2017, 09.18 Charles Darwin: Victorian Mythmaker by AN Wilson – review. The Guardian.

2017, 09.05 [John van Wyhe on Darwin.] The Spectator.

2017, 09.07 [John van Wyhe on Darwin.] BBC Radio 4.

2017, 06.22 Into the heart of Borneo. NUS News.

2017, 06.21 Ternyata Ilmuwan Temukan Teori Evolusi Di Ternate. Kompas (Indonesia).

2017, 06.12 'Dear Diary': 14 Noteworthy Journal-Keepers. LiveScience.

2017, 06.05 The island that forever changed science. BBC Travel

2017, 06.30 [The island that forever changed science] 改变科学世界的印尼岛. BBC Travel

2017, 05 Richard Bruggs, Darwin's abominable mystery. Nature ecology & evolution.

2017, 04.10 John van Wyhe, Second wind magazine.

2017, 03.27 Times Higher Education Supplement

2017, The Conservation Conversation. (OKJ Discoveries)

2016, 12.29 The Myth of "Darwin's Body-Snatchers" Discover Magazine.

2016, 12.27 [Interview with John van Wyhe]. Dezember 1831: Darwin startet mit der Beagle in die Welt. Der Standard (Austria).

2016, 11 John van Wyhe debunks Darwin myths. Why evolution is True, by Jerry Coyne.

2016, 07.25 Darwin didn't delay. Lateral.

2016, 07.19 New Scientist Live broadcast on Dr van Wyhe’s article Darwin's discovery.

2016, 06.02 Up close with sharks and dragons. NUS News.

2016, 04.19 The tree of life: with Darwin from Genesis to genomic. Guardian: The H word.

2016, 03.16 Did Charles Darwin use his children for science? BBC Earth.

2016, 02.04 A Day in the Life of Dr John van Wyhe. Treehouse - Tembusu College.

2015, 12. Review of Annotated Malay Archipelago. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.

2015, 12 [Feature on John van Wyhe] Standing on the shoulders of giants. Prestige (1 December): 226-7.

2015, 11 Darwin Online was commended by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Information Services Group Reference Award 2015.

"At the awards ceremony a short demonstration of the website was made and the audience was very impressed by the scope, quality and arrangement of the site."

2015, 10 Review of Wallace's letters. Geographical, 1.

2015, 10.02 Alfred Russel Wallace the “forgotten” hero: Why is Darwin more famous than Wallace? NUS Press.

2015, 09 Review of Wallace's letters. BBC Wildlife, p. 97.

2015, 09 Review of Wallace's letters. Northern Echo, 21, p. 46.

2015, Review of Wallace's letters, Nature Autumn Books Special, p. 5.

2015, 06 Joyce, Stephen. [Review of] The Annotated Malay Archipelago. Asian Review (23 June 2015)

2015, 04.21 When Darwin met another ape. National Geographic: The Loom.

2015, 04.07 Charles Darwin's wife's diaries published. DownToEarth.

2015, 02.09 [online Beagle library] Hyperallergic.com

2015, 02.26 Midland daily news.

2015, 01 Darwin Online selected as part of Annual list of Best Historical Materials selected by RUSA’s History Section

2015, 01.28 Schipani, When real science falls short in Hollywood. Euroscientist.

2015, 01 [Review of] Charles Darwin's Beagle Library. Choice 52 Issue 5: 829. PDF

2015, 01 Wallace's Woeful Wager. Scientific American.

2014, Review of Dispelling the Darkness by Joseph Arditti. Plant Science bulletin  60, no. 4, pp. 215-16.

2014, 12.19 The Business Times [Singapore].

2014, 10.09 Für Evolutionäre. Zeit Online.

2014.12 Charles Darwin's Beagle library reconstructed. Research. NUS Faculty of Science annual report, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 2.

2014, 09 Darwin's nautical library sails online. NUS Knowledge enterprise, p. 13.

2014, 09 Information Today 31.7  (Sep), p. 9.

2014, 08.22 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Science Centre 'ripe for a transformation' Straits Times.

2014, 08.22 Review of Charles Darwin in Cambridge: http://web.mit.edu/redingtn/www/netadv/SP20140922.html

2014, 08.01 Nature: images of the month [Beagle library].

2014, Best historical materials: Darwin Online. American Library Association, vol. 54, no. 3 (Spring): 45. PDF

2014, 07.18 Naturalist's HMS Beagle library published online. The Verge.

2014, 07.23

The week in science. Nature News.

Darwin Online Digitizes the Complete Library of the HMS Beagle. Library Journal.

Darwin's Nautical Library Goes Virtual. Asian Scientist.

Gå på opdagelse i Darwins bibliotek. Videnskab.dk

How to Lose a Finger, and Other Things I Learned from Darwin’s Library. Discover Magazine.

2014, 07.22 NUS historian re-constructs Charles Darwin’s Beagle Library online. Open Science World

2014, 07.19 Beagle Library

Books on the Beagle. The Scientist.

Darwin's Beagle library digitalized. Digital Journal.

This Week In Numbers. Popular Science.




2014, 07.17 Beagle Library

Breakfast show [interview with John van Wyhe] BBC Radio Shropshire. (click for audio)

Breakfast with Red Symons [interview with John van Wyhe]. ABC Radio Melbourne, Australia.

2014, 07.16 Beagle Library

Take a virtual voyage into Darwin's library. Nature.

Beagle Library. Smithsonian.com

Darwin's complete Galapagos library posted online. Arstechnica.

Charles Darwin's on board library goes online. UPI Top News.

Historian re-constructs Charles Darwin's Beagle library online. Phys.Org

Darwin's nautical library goes virtual. National University of Singapore News [and NUS website homepage]

2014, 07.15 Beagle Library

Charles Darwin's evolutionary reading: HMS Beagle's library goes online. The Guardian.

Darwin's ship library goes online. Science Magazine.

The library that kept Darwin company for five years, reconstructed. Hyperallergic.

2014, 07.14 Darwins "Beagle-Bibliothek" steht online. Heise Online.

2014, 07.14 Read the books that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution. Engadget.

2014, 03-04 Exploring the origins of the human race [interview with John van Wyhe] The kidz parade, pp. 9-11.

2014, 02.24 The fickle flight of Darwin’s Galapagos finches. The Guardian.

2014, 02.20 Social Darwinism. In Our Time, BBC Radio 4.

2014, 02.12 Google used the microfilm image of Darwin's Notebook B from Darwin Online to create their Darwin Day Google doodle.

2014, 01.05 On the S-pore trail of a great naturalist. [Interview with John van Wyhe] Straits Times on Sunday, p. 34.

2014, 01 History from the hills. [Interviews and commentary by John van Wyhe] TV documentary, Okto, Singapore, 2 episodes.

2014 The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (documentary).

2013, 12.16 Northern Echo. (16 December): 8.

2013, 11.30 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Journey of evolution. Straits Times, p. E7.

2013, 11.23 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Charles Darwin: Row over 'cheat' claims on S4C's Alfred Russel Wallace programme. BBC Wales. (Click for audio)

2013, 11.11 Wallace letters from the Malay Archipelago New Scientist

2013, 11.07 John van Wyhe, Will the real Alfred Russel Wallace please stand up? [Oxford University Press] OUPblog.

2013, 11.07 Thomas Weber, [Review of Dispelling the Darkness] Puzzlesteine aus dem Malaiischen Archipel. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2013, 11.07 Martin Amrein, [Review of Dispelling the Darkness] Der zu Unrecht Vergessene. Neuer Züricher Zeitung.

2013, 11.02 Centenary of death of Alfred Russel Wallace. Canada Free Press.

2013, 11.17 [Review of Dispelling the Darkness] Wallace e Darwin alla luce dei fatti. Pikaia: il portale dell’evoluzione.

2013, 09 What keeps you going? [Interview with John van Wyhe] OSAY, Issue 17 (July-September): 5.

2013, 09.15 Bookends [Interview with John van Wyhe] Straits Times on Sunday, p. 18.

2013, 08.15 Darwin did not cheat Wallace out of his rightful place in history. Why evolution is true.

2013, 08.13 Wallace was not forgotten and Darwin did not cheat him. The cabbages of doom.

2013, 08.13 Wallace: Dispelling the darkness. Why evolution is true.

2013, 08.09 Darwin did not cheat Wallace out of his rightful place in history. The Guardian.

2013, 07.29 Review of Dispelling the darkness. The Dispersal of Darwin.

2013, 07 NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Research. Publication of the Month. Dispelling the Darkness.

2013, 06.25 New book rewrites how evolution was discovered. Phys.Org

2013, 06.26 Darwin cleared of plagiarism. The Scientist.

2013, 06.26 New Book Details Story Behind Co-Discovery of Evolution. Asian Scientist.

2013, 06.26 Book dispels myths of evolution theory. NUS Newshub.

2013, 06.24 Stonehearth news.

2013, 06.24 AlphaGalileo.

2013, 04 Research: Co-discoverer of evolution and Singapore. [John van Wyhe and the launch of Wallace Online]. OmniScience.

2012, David Stack, review of Darwin Online. Reviews in Hisory. (review no. 1221) https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/1221

2012, 12.30 Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin. Atheist Talk Radio 950AM KTNF in Eden Prairie Minnesota, USA. (click for audio)

Launch of Wallace Online:

2012, 10.24 Channel NewsAsia AM Live (TV) (click for video)
2012, 10.08 Newshub
2012, 10.05 Science vol. 338.
2012, 10.02 Newshub
2012, 10.02 Lianhe Zaobao (Singapore)
2012, 10.01 El Otro Darwin. El Mundo (Spain)
2012, 10.01 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Wallace 'discovered evolution' in south east Asia. BBC News Asia [TV]
2012, 09.29 Historic Collection of Naturalist Alfred Wallace. India Education Diary
2012, 09.29 Obra completa de Alfred Wallace. Veja (Brazil)
2012, 09.28 BBC World TV Newsday
2012, 09.28 Campaign for Wallace to get credit for natural selection. The Argus
2012, 09.28 ScienceOmega
2012, 09.28 Science Illustrated
2012, 09.28 Wallace Online launches. NCSE: National Centre for Science Education
2012, 09.28 Resgate Justo. Ciência Hoje (Brazil)
2012, 09.27 BBC World Service Newshour (click for audio)
2012, 09.27 BBC News online
2012, 09.27 The Guardian
2012, 09.27 NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands) pp. 16 & 17.
2012, 09.27 NaturePlus
2012, 09.27 OU History of Science Collections
2012, 09.27 Phys.Org

2012, 07.2012 Darwin treasure safely retrieved from rubble. The Press (New Zealand).

2012, 05 The Humanist 72.3  (May/Jun), p. 9.

2012, Justin Tonra, Review of The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. Variants, pp. 224-227. PDF

2012, 03.08 The Darwin-Wallace mystery solved. PhysOrg.com.

2012, 03.08 The Darwin-Wallace mystery solved: Darwin vindicated from accusations of deceit. Science daily.

2012, 03.09 Charles Darwin cleared of stealing ideas for theory of evolution... 40 years after historians first accused him. The Daily Mail.

2012, 03.09 Darwin cleared of plagiarism at last. TG Daily.

2012, 02.16 Darwin und Wallace: Jene eine Stunde im Hafen. Zeit Online. Wissen.

2012, 02.12 Darwin the Geologist. Scientific American.

2012, 01 NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Research. Publication of the Month.'A new theory to explain the receipt of Wallace's Ternate Essay by Darwin in 1858'.

2011, 12.13 Darwin Didn't Plagiarize Wallace. TheScientist.

2011, 12.12 Darwin not guilty: shock verdict. Homunculus.

2011, 12.12 Shipping timetables debunk Darwin plagiarism accusations. Nature News.

2011, 12 [Review of] Charles Darwin's papers online. Choice 49 Issue 4: 704. PDF

2011, 02.12 Evolution isn't easy, even in Galapagos. Scientific American.

2010, 09.10 Out of Darwin's shadow. NUS brings to light works of the other Great Naturalist [A. R. Wallace]. Straits Times (Saturday), p. D9.

2010, 09.19 [Interview with John van Wyhe] The Statesman (Durgapur, India)

2010, 03.03 Tremor no Chile em 1835 ajudou Darwin a criar teoria da evolução, diz historiador. BBC Brasil.

2010, 03.01 PBS Newshour.

2010, 03.01 What 1835 Chile quake taught Darwin. CNN Opinion.

2010, 01 John van Wyhe and Anthony in the footsteps of Darwin [in Tahiti]. VPRO (watch video) (YouTube)

2010, 02.07 John van Wyhe lecture: Why Darwin really gave up Christianity. The Humanist Community of Silicon Valley, California.

2010, 01.22 Cosmic Log - Darwin's difficult 'Creation'.

[The 2009 press coverage was considerable despite the fact that the University of Cambridge Press Office was given secret instructions during the Darwin festival not to pass any media enquiries or interviews etc. to the Director of Darwin Online but instead to the Darwin Correspondence Project in hopes of increasing their profile and securing their future funding.]

2009, 12.13 Review of John van Wyhe, Darwin. The Central New Jersey.

2009, 12.31 Richard Kool. Goodbye to Darwin from a contemporary with vision. (Correspondence) Nature 462/24 (31 December): [mentions the 1882 obituary from The Nation Kool did not find in Darwin Online- it is however located here- Dr Kool has since sent scans of his copy here.]

2009, 12.13 Review of John van Wyhe, Darwin. Asbury Park Press [New Jersey], p. 64. PDF

2009, 12.13 Review of John van Wyhe, Darwin. The Central New Jersey, p. 27. PDF

2009, 12.13 Review of John van Wyhe, Darwin. The Courier-News [New Jersey], p. 28.

2009, 12.10 The other evolutionist [Darwin and Wallace interview with John van Wyhe] Radio New Zealand National. (click for audio)

2009, 11.17 150 Jahra Evolutionstheorie. Darwins Werk gegen die göttliche Schöpfungslehre. Die Welt.

2009, 11.04 "Origin" evolves: A new way to read Darwin's classic. Wired

2009, 11.04 [John van Wyhe interview] BBC Arabic Television.

2009, 11.06 Evolution: Darwin and Wallace [interview with John van Wyhe]. BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

2009, 11.04 God & Country. U.S. News & world report.

2009, 10.13 [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin and Wallace] BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast (click for audio)

2009. 10 As Darwin wrote. [review of Darwin's Beagle notebooks] Nature Geoscience 2: 668.

2009, 09.10 Inside the heart of the scientist. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada) [referring to the transcription of Darwin's reminiscence of Annie Darwin here.]

2009, 08.02 Extract from John van Wyhe lecture at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution on YouTube. (watch video)

2009, [On John van Wyhe] Lloydiana. vol. 13., no. 1. (Winter).

2009, 06.24 On the origin of the Darwin myths. Reuters environment blogs.

2009, 06.10 John van Wyhe. Darwin in Cambridge: from Christ’s College to the Beagle. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge podcast, Endless Forms: Darwin natural science & the visual arts. (click for audio and video)

2009, 06.09 Why we know Darwin. Die Welt.

2009, 05.19 Darwin Census. New York Times Book Review.

2009, 05.17 The Billings Gazette [Billings, Montana], p. 1A & 12A.

2009, 05.15 Digging for Darwin. The New York Times.

2009, 05.05 'I've spent 3 decades deciphering Darwin's personal notebooks' [Interview with Gordon Chancellor] Exeter Gazette, p. 8.

2009, 05 'Scholar rebuts myths about Charles Darwin' [Report on John van Wyhe lecture] News of the history department at Boston University, p. 5.

2009, 04 Dinosaur center celebrates Darwin. Pike's Peak Courier, p. 18a.

2009, 04 Darwin comes to dino center. Pike's Peak Courier View, p. 3a.

2009, 04 Colorado Springs KXRM FOX 21, with Angus Carroll.

2009, 04.15 Edmonton Journal [Edmonton, Alberta, Canada], p. 52.

2009, 04.09 How Charles Darwin Got Married. Wired.

2009, 04.06

[45 min. interview with John van Wyhe] The Morning Show with Greg Berg. WGTD, NPR Radio (Wisconsin, USA) (click for audio)
Kenosha News [Kenosha, Wisconsin], p. 24. PDF

2009, 04.07 [60 min. interview with John van Wyhe] Pete & Jan in the Afternoon WRJN Radio (Racine, Wisconsin, USA).

2009, 04 Essex author [Gordon Chancellor] publishes Darwin notebooks. Wyvern. University of Essex, p. 3.

2009, 04.01 John van Wyhe lecture: 'Charles Darwin: the true story' at Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio. (watch video)

2009, 02.04 My ancestor's private memories of Darwin. The Spectator. PDF

2009, 03.29 [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin in Cambridge] Euroblick BR3 (t.v.) Germany.

2009, 03.27 Darwin Online a ‘monumental achievement’. National Museum of Wales.

2009, 03.25 Darwin war als Student von Kopf bis Fuß ein Gentleman. Hamburger Abendblatt.

2009, 03.24 [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin's student bills] Reality Check. FM4 Österreichischer Rundfunk (Austrian radio)

2009, 03.24 Darwin's University Days. History Today.

2009, 03.24 Tales of the City. Independent.

2009, 03.23 [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin's student bills] BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

2009, 03.23 The Ottawa Citizen [Ottawa, Ontario, Canada], p. 6. PDF

2009, 03.23 Darwin's student records published. The World Today. ABC Radio (Australia) (click for audio)

2009, 03.23 Charles Darwin's student debts. Guardian podcast.

2009, 03.23 Darwin's 'gentleman' student days. BBC News website.

2009, 03.23 Darwin's College Bills. Science magazine

2009, 03.23 Darwin's bills detailed. Nature

2009, 03.23 Charles Darwin spent more on shoes than books while at university, archives reveal. Mail Online

2009, 03.23 Darwin Archive Reveals Survival of the Most Comfortable. Digital Journal

2009, 03.23 Darwin’s student salad days uncovered. The Herald

2009, 03.23 Darwin 'was a designer shopaholic'. Daily Express

2009, 03.23 Darwin's day-to-day life dug up. Cambridge Evening News

2009, 03.23 Darwins Rechnungen. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2009, 03.23 Student Darwin bezahlte Kaminkehrer und Schuheputzer. net tribune

2009, 03.23 At Cambridge, Darwin's Natural Selection was comfort, ledgers show. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

2009, 03.23 Flash Darwin. The Sun

2009, 03.23 Darwin 'liked his greens'. Press Association

2009, 03.22 Darwin's university lifestyle uncovered. Guardian

2009, 03.22 Darwin's university lifestyle uncovered. The Observer

2009, 03.22 Darwin: From apes to drapes. Metro

2009, 03.22 Book discovery sheds light on Darwin as student. International Herald Tribune

2009, 03.22 Archives shed light on Darwin's student days. Reuters

2009, 03.22 Darwin ’spent more on food than books during college days’. Silver scorpio

2009, 03.22 Charles Darwin's personal finances revealed in new find. Telegraph

2009, 03.22 Well-heeled Charles Darwin. Telegraph

2009, 03.20 Records of how charles darwin spent his money have been unearthed in Cambridge. Ely Standard

2009, 03.07 El año de Darwin. Le Litoral.com (Argentina)

2009, 03.02 Novinky (Czech Republic)

2009, 02.23 [John van Wyhe on Darwin in Cambridge] NRK (Norwegian radio) (click for audio) & illustrated webpage here.

2009, 02.15 Detroit Free Press [Michigan], p. 6. PDF

2009, 02.15 Edmonton Journal [Alberta, Canada], p. 52. PDF

2009, 02.14 Darwin, la gran idea de la especie [Interview with John van Wyhe]. Clarin newspaper (Argentina)

2009, 02.13 [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin's significance]. TalkSport radio.

2009, 02.13 Green Bay Press-Gazette [Wisconsin], p. 12. PDF

2009, 02.13 Christ's restore Darwin's room. Varsity, p. 8.

2009, 02.13 Springfield News-Sun [Ohio], p. 4. PDF

2009, 02.13 The Tampa Tribune [Florida], p. 19. PDF

2009, 02.13 [Guided tour of Darwin's rooms at Christ's College by John van Wyhe] BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. (click for audio) [photo gallery click here]

2009, 02.12 The Times Tribune [Scranton, Pennsylvania], p. A10.

2009, 02.12 Darwin's evolution [Interview with John van Wyhe about the restoration of Darwin's rooms at Christ's College]. (watch video)

2009, 02.12 Moving Darwin into the digital world. NPR Radio (USA) (click for audio)

2009, 02.12 Darwin's dorm recreated. BBC Look East (TV) (watch video)

2009, 02.12 John van Wyhe TV interview Associated Press.

2009, 02.12 Hinschauen, nachdenken, fertig. [Interview with John van Wyhe] Aargauer Zeitung/Mittellandzeitung (Switzerland)

2009, 02.12 The Lede New York Times blog

2009, 02.12 Bärtiges Idol mit scharfem Verstand - England feiert Darwins Genie. Rhein Zeitung

2009, 02.12 The natural selector. [Interview with John van Wyhe on Darwin and economic competition] GlobeInvestor.com

2009, 02.12 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Darwin on a Godless Creation. Scientific American

2009, 02.12 Happy birthday Mr Darwin [Interview with John van Wyhe] The Economist

2009, 02.12 Darwin's 200th anniversary celebrations, Welt Online

2009, 02.12 Darwin's Quotes: Not Survival of the Fittest? [Interview with John van Wyhe]

2009, 02.11 Darwin in Edinburgh. The Scotsman.

2009, 02.11 El otro Charles. El Mundo

2009, 02.12 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Breakfast. ABC radio (Australia)

2009, 02.11 Reinventing Darwin: Quotable things he never said. [Interview with John van Wyhe]

2009, 02.11 Darwin Speaks: "How faithlessness stalked me". Scientific American

2009, 02.10 Darwin leeft, al is hij dood. de Volkskrant (Netherlands)

2009, 02.10 John van Wyhe lecture: Mind the gap: Did Charles Darwin avoid publishing his theory for many years? Environmental and Evolutionary Biology seminar series, School of Biology, University of St Andrews. (watch video)

2009, 02.08 Prensa Libre (Guatemala)

2009, 02.08 Découverte: Un dimanche avec Darwin [interviews with John van Wyhe] CBC Radio Canada (watch video)

2009, 02.08 "Der grösste Fehlschluss war, Darwin sei gegen Religion" Die Südostschweiz am Sonntag, p. 19.

2009, 02.08 St Louis Post-Dispatch [Missouri], p. 5. PDF

2009, 02.08 Darwin: The "Reluctant Revolutionary." National Public Radio.

2009, 02.06 Website of the Week - Darwin Online. Voice of America Radio.

2009, 02.06 The Santa Fe New Mexican, p. Z032-7. PDF

2009, 02.05 John van Wyhe lecture 'Where do Darwin's finches come from?'] [Dubbed in Italian] Natural History Museum, Milan. (Watch video)

2009, 02.05 Les oeuvres complètes, en ligne et sur papier. LE MONDE DES LIVRES

2009, 02.03 Darwin's theory is still a hot debate. Cambridge Evening News.

2009, 02.02 Dios vs. el mono Semana (Colombia)

2009, 02.02 Darwin, o agitador Expresso (Portugal)

2009, 02 Missverständnisse um Darwin. Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Germany)

2009, 02 [On John van Wyhe lecture.] St Andrews Courier.

2009, 01.29 Darwin Online's image of Darwin’s Notebook B tree of life sketch in The Guardian.

2009, 01.29 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Irish News Talk Radio (click for audio)

2009, 01.27 A la señora Darwin le angustiaba pensar que quizá su marido no compartiría con ella la vida eterna. elperiodico.com

2009, 01.21 [Interview with John van Wyhe] The innovative University. BBC Look East (TV) (watch video)

2009, 01.17 Prepara UNAM simposios para el festejo de Darwin. TabascoHoy.com (Mexico)

2009, 01.14 Hay Darwin para rato en 2009. El País (Spain)

2009, 01.12 [John van Wyhe on the Darwin 2009 celebrations]. BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast.

2009, 01.12 Das Darwin-Jahr im Internet. Ratschlag24.com [unfortunately this reviewer did not notice that Darwin Online does include works in German.]

2009, 01.09 [Interviews with Gordon Chancellor and John van Wyhe] Hunting the Beagle. BBC Radio 4

2009, 01 Charles Darwin I: Die Anfänge der Evolutionstheorie. BIOspektrum pp. 96-97.

2009, 01 Darwins Leben: Fünf populäre Irrtümer. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

2009, 01 John Thackray Medal for 2008. Awarded to The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. The society for the history of natural history newsletter, no. 94, p. 6.

2009, Leidenschaftlicher Sammler und Beobachter. Blick [Universität Würzburg] 1 (2009): 20-23.

2009, 01.02 Irritable In Aoteroa; Darwin & The Barbarians, New Zealand Geographic no. 95, p. 69.

2008, 12.12 Darwin, 200 años después. Milenio (Mexico)

2008, 12.18 Darwins Theorien im Netz. Der Tagesspiegel

2008, 12.14 Darwin, discutido 200 años después. El País (Spain)

2008, 12.13 Darwin's room at Christ's College Cambridge. The ScienceShow, ABC Radio (Australia) 'John van Wyhe takes us on a tour of Darwin's student quarters at Christ's College. He describes college life when Charles Darwin was a student and debunks some of the myths that have arisen around Darwin's life.' (click for audio)

2008, 10.02 Darwin's microscope. P.S: Poetry & Science.

2008, 09 [Interview with John van Wyhe about Darwin's views on human descent and missing links] 24 Hours (Bulgaria)

2008, 09.09 Darwin and God [Interview with John van Wyhe] The late show. Talksport radio (click for audio)

2008, 08.03 Wallace, el coautor en la sombra. El País (Spain)

2008, 07.08 [Interview with John van Wyhe] BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast.

2008, 07.05 [Report on van Wyhe paper on Darwin and Otto Hahn at the British Society for the History of Science annual conference in Oxford]:

BBC 1 Breakfast (TV)
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast (click for audio)
BBC Radio 4 Today Programme (click for audio)

2008, 06.28 Hühnerhaut im Briefkasten. Der kleine Bund, pp. 6-7. (Switzerland)

2008, 06.24 [Interview with John van Wyhe about Darwin-Wallace paper] Moncrieff. NewsTalk radio (Ireland)

2008, 06 Darwin hazinesi. Bilim ve Teknik (Science and Technic) a publication of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.

2008, 05.28 The Book Show [interview with Sue Asscher and John van Wyhe], ABC Australia (Radio) (click for audio)

2008, 05.14 Darwin's marriage and war in Iraq: the missing link. The Financial Times

2008, 05.08 Darwin Online FAZ.NET (Frankfurter Allgemeine)

2008, 05.08 'Don Carlos', el naturalista que hablaba español. El Mundo (Spain)

2008, 05.07 Darwin geht Online. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, p. 3 (Germany)

2008, 05.03-09 Pour Darwin. "Thank you mister van Wyhe". Marianne (France)

2008, 05.05

Darwin in cyberspace. Australian Life Scientist

The Courier-Journal [Kentucky], p. E3.

2008, 05.02 Website of the week Voice of America radio (click for audio)

2008, 05 Darwin's private papers go on-line. Archives, Records management and Conservation newsletter

2008, 04.30 Peter C. Kjærgaard talks about a newly discovered Darwin manuscript found in the Archives of The State and University Library, Aarhus: Middagsmagasinet, TV2 Østjylland, Denmark.

2008, 04.29 Historianatural.net

2008, 04.27 Edmonton Journal [Edmonton, Alberta, Canada], p. 54.

2008, 04.25

NPR Radio, 'Darwin's notes and thoughts go online' Morning edition. USA (click for audio)
Times Literary Supplement, p. 3
'Delving into Darwin' Netwatch, Science Magazine

2008, 04.22

ABC Radio Canberra Drive
BBC Radio 4 Hunting the Beagle (click for audio)
Darwin: evolución digital. La Vanguardia (Spain)
Fri Tanke.no (Norway)

2008, 04.21 BBC Radio 4 Hunting the Beagle

2008, 04.20

The Observer
El País (Spain)
El Mundo (Spain)
Corriere Della Serra (Italy)

2008, 04.19 Los Angeles Times, p. 84.

2008, 04.18

RTE Radio 1, Ireland (interview) (click for audio)
BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright in the afternoon
Chronicle of Higher Education

Birmingham Evening Post
Still evolving. International Herald Tribune
Origin of the spouses. Daily Mail
The Times of Malta
Darwin Online, todo en la Red. ABC.ES
La Republica ( Italy)
et al. ...

2008, 04.17:

Launch of Darwin's private papers. Millions of visitors on the 17th and 18th of April brought Darwin Online a few times to a standstill. In addition to the story being widely reported in the media and online, it was the second most emailed story of the day on the BBC news homepage. In addition to exploring the new online papers and manuscripts, on the 17th readers downloaded 14,000 copies of the first edition of Origin of Species as PDF. See also some of the reader feedback.


ITV Anglia TV
Danish National Evening News


BBC Radio 4 Today Programme (click for audio)
BBC Shropshire
BBC Radio Five Live breakfast (click for audio)
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast
BBC Radio Kent
ABC Australia Breakfast
BBC Radio Five Live Drivetime
BBC World Service, Brazil
BBC Wales

Online archive shows how Darwin's ideas evolved. The Guardian
Online: Darwin's notes from small islands. The Daily Telegraph, p. 3.
On the Origin of Muffin Pudding, by Emma Darwin. New Scientist
Darwin's treasure trove. New Humanist Magazine
Complete Darwin Papers Debut on Internet. Wired.
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Christianity Today
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Washington Post
Liverpool Echo
Evening Standard

Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. MSNBC
The origin of The Origin Of Species ... First version of Darwin's theory of evolution goes online. Daily Mail
Darwin's private papers launched on the Internet. Financial Mirror
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Mirror
Darwin's papers published online. ITWeb South Africa
Anotações pessoais de Darwin são colocadas online. BBC Brasil
Cambridge releases Darwin's writings on Internet. Xinhua, China
Darwin online opens new world. The West Australian
Darwin's first drafts of evolution theory online for first time. Tech Herald
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. US Daily
Darwin original theory goes online. Channel 4 News
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Yahoo news
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Scientific American
Darwin original theory goes online. The Press Association
Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. Reuters
GMTV website
Charles Darwin's theories hit the web. Cambridge Evening News
Darwin's diary dumps on Australia. Ninemsn, Australia
Darwin's private papers online. The Australian, Australia
Notes from Charles Darwins works and private life published online. Thaindian.com, Thailand
monthly newsletter of Leicester Secular Society
Online archive shows how Darwin's ideas evolved. EducationGuardian.co.uk
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
The Age, Australia
Brisbane Times, Australia
Times of India
Agence France-Presse
Channel Nine MSN,
Daily Mirror

France 24
Der Spiegel, Germany
Yorkshire Post
STV (Scottish TV online)
US Daily
Philippines Inquirer
The Vancouver Sun.

Darwin's private papers get Internet launch. The Star Online.
et al . ...

By our sister project Darwin in Denmark:

TV 2 Østjylland 30.4.2008 Middagsmagasinet, Darwinmanuskript i Århus
NyTeknik 24.4.2008 Darwin på webben
CAMPUS 21.4.2008 Darwin på nettet, s. 2 og 4
TV-Avisen DR1 17.4.2008 Darwin er nu frit tilgængelig på nettet
TV2 Østjylland 17.4.2008 Darwin på Aarhus Universitet
Aktuel Naturvidenskab 17.4.2008 Darwin går online
Ingeniøren 17.4.2008 Nu er Darwins samlede værker på nettet
Viborg Folkeblad 17.4.2008 Darwins notater givet som gave til Århus
Viborg Folkeblad 17.4.2008 Darwins notater givet som gave til Århus (2)
Århus Stiftstidende 17.4.2008 Darwins notater givet som gave til Århus
Jyllandsposten 17.4.2008 Århus med i Darwin-projekt
Kristeligt Dagblad 17.4.2008 Hemmelige Darwin-papirer frem i lyset
Politiken 17.4.2008 Dansk projekt belyser Darwins teorier
Ekstra Bladet 17.4.2008 Darwins private noter på nettet
Berlingske Tidende 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
BT 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Fredericia Dagblad 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Fyens Stiftstidende 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Fyns Amts Avis 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Horsens Folkeblad 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
JydskeVestkysten 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Jyllandsposten 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Kristeligt Dagblad 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Metroxpress 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
NordJyske 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
NordJyske - Erhverv 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Randers Amtsavis 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Sermitsiak 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Sjællandske 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
TV2 Fyn 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Urban 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Vejle Amts Folkeblad 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Viborg Folkeblad 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin
Århus Stiftstidende 17.4.2008 Stort projekt kaster lys over Darwin

2008, 02.28 [2009 page cited]. Correspondence. Nature vol. 451, p. 1050.

2008, 02.25 [Interview with John van Wyhe]. Campus: Aarhus Universitet, p. 5.

2008, 02.7-15 [Interview with John van Wyhe]. Charles Darwin Inc. Weekendavisen, p. 3.

2008, 02.09 'Misconceptions' [Common myths about Darwin], John van Wyhe. The Guardian.

2008, 02.09 'Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species. The definitive guide to the book that changed the world.' [Extracts edited by John van Wyhe] The Guardian.

2008, 02.09 The best Darwinian sites on the web. The Guardian.

2008, 01.11 Guardian science podcast.

2008, 01.06 Talking history: Charles Darwin [interview with John van Wyhe]. Irish News Talk Radio. (click for audio)

2008. Darwin. Scientific American, Investigacion Y Ciencia, Temas 54.

2008, Jonathan Smith, Reviews of Digitised Scholarly Resources: Darwin Online. Journal of Victorian Culture.

2007, 10 Darwin's world. Viewpoint: newsletter of the British Society for the History of Science, 84, p. 8.

2007, 08.25 Great Falls Tribune [Great Falls, Montana], p. 12. PDF

2007, 07 Charles Darwin had a godly side.

2007, 07.14 The Times Herald [Michigan], p. 10.

2007, 07.13 Pensacola News Journal, p. 13.

2007, 07.07 Hattiesburg American [Hattiesburg, Mississippi], p. 25.

2007, 07.01 Darwin's defense of missionaries. USA Today

2007, 05.16 Darwin's letters archived on web, BBC News

2007, 04.25 [Interview with John van Wyhe] Great Falls Tribune, p. 12.

2007, 04 Cambridge Library Group Reflections issue 5

2007, 04 The Hindu (India)

2007, 03.31 Darwin, friend of procrastinators. The Straits Times (Singapore), p. 69.

2007, 03.31 Darwin in the blood. New Scientist vol. 193, 2597, pp. 46-47.

2007, 03.29 Darwin & the 20 year publication gap. Nature

2007, 03.28 Darwin's Delay

BBC Radio 4 Today Programme (click for audio)
BBC Radio Scotland Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast
CBC Radio (Canada) (click for audio)
BBC news website
The Guardian
The Times
Washington Post
Channel 4 news
Daily Mail
Daily star
Daily telegraph
Evening telegraph
Cambridge Evening News
Hemelhempsted Today
Daily Express
The Vancouver Sun.
et al...

2007, 03.27 Darwin's delay the stuff of myth. University of Cambridge Research News.

2007, 03 (Review of Darwin Online) Reference reviews (page 1, page 2)

2007, 03.24 Emma Darwin's Diaries, La Repubblica (Italy) (page 1, page 2)

2007, 03.17 Diaries of Darwin's wife, New Scientist

2007, 03 Portafolio (Mar 13): n

2007, 03 [Interview with John van Wyhe]Darwin, burps and all. New Scientist vol. 193, 2595  (Mar 17-Mar 23): 7.

2007, 03.16 Diary sheds light on Darwin couple's lives, Cambridge Evening news

2007, 03.15

The diaries of Darwin's wife debut online, Nature
Down to Earth magazine
Seven Oaks Chronicle

2007, 03.13

Diaries Shed Light on Darwinian Life. The Birmingham Post
Emma Darwin's diaries, VNUNET
Emma Darwin's diaries, BBC Look East (TV) (watch video)
Mrs Darwin's diaries go online, Cambridge Evening news
In praise of... diaries, Guardian

2007, 03.12

Today Programme BBC Radio 4 (click for audio)
Emma Darwin's diaries, Radio Shropshire
Emma Darwin's diaries Radio Cambridgeshire Breakfast
Mrs Darwin's diaries go online BBC Look East (TV)
Darwin's wife's diaries go online, BBC News
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 2 (mentioned by Terry Wogan)
Radio Chile
Diaries of Darwin's wife to be published online, Daily Telegraph
Wife's diaries shed light on Darwin, Guardian
Darwin wife's diaries go online, London Metro
Emma Darwin's diaries, Daily Mail

2007, 02-03 Aarhus University newsletter (Denmark)

2007 H. Treadwell, 'The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online', Reference Reviews, vol. 21 no. 4, pp. 25-26.

2007, 02.11 'Can one believe in both God and evolution?' 'Faith' [Interview with John van Wyhe], on Colourful Radio (UK).

2007. 02 Darwin Online in Danish magazine_IllustreretVid-Historie

2007, 01 Librarian news

2007, 01 Behavioral Healthcare 27.1  (Jan), pp. 14, 16, 18.

2007, 01.04 (Darwin cheque story) Thebestof.co.uk

2007, 01 Darwin continues to E-volve. Research Horizons, Cambridge RSD.

2007, 01 Darwin via the Tubes. School Library Journal, 53 Issue 1:26. PDF

2006, 12.23 Cheque this out Darwin. The Sun.

2006, 12.22 Academic's Darwin hunch cheques out, Cambridge Evening News

2006, 12.18 Darwin's cheque found in portrait frame, Nature

2006, 12.10 Republican and Herald [Pottsville, Pennsylvania], p. E10. PDF

2006, 12.03 Darwin på dansk på nettet. Politiken (Denmark)

2006, 12 Nature Reviews Genetics. 7.12 (Dec.) p. 906.

2006, 12 Darwin's Beagle diary, BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week (click for audio)

2006, 12 Darwin Online, Cambridge University Newsletter.

2006, 12 The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. D-Lib Magazine, vol. 12, no. 12.

2006, 11 Bringing Darwin to the world, Podium: Arts & Humanities Research Council.

2006, 11.23 I-UK.

2006, 11.21 Darwin Unlimted. Current Biology, vol. 16, issue 22

2006, 11.15 The Tampa Tribune, p. 56. PDF

2006, 11.14 The Billings Gazette [Billings, Montana], p. 15-6. PDF

2006, 11.13 Phrenological image courtesy of John van Wyhe. Los Angeles Times, p. 57.

2006, 11.13 The Tampa Tribune, p. 8 PDF

2006, 11.13 The Spokesman-Review [Spokane, Washington], p. 8 PDF

2006, 11.09 Deccan Herald.

2006, 11.08 The Kerryman, p. 9

2006, 11.06 Tampa Bay Times.

2006, 11.05 The Sentinel [Carlisle, Pennsylvania], p. 29.

2006, 11.03 'The Ultimate Darwin Library', Science Netwatch, vol. 314, p. 733.

2006, 11.01 Northwest Herald [Woodstock, Illinois], p. 32. PDF

2006, 10.31 Darwin's work undergoes digital evolution. Times Higher Education Supplement

2006, 10.30 Reno Gazette-Journal [Reno, Nevada], p. 10.

2006, 10.30 Daily Press [Newport New, Virginia], p. C7. PDF

2006, 10.29

Johnson City Press.
The Springfield News-Leader, p. 43.
Times Colonist [Victoria, British Columbia, Canada], p. 15.
Republican and Herald [Pottsville, Pennsylvania], p. 29.
Honolulu Star-Bulletin [Honolulu, Hawaii], p. 56.
Northwest Herald [Woodstock, Illinois], p. 42.
Kenosha News [Kenosha, Wisconsin], p. 38.
Journal Gazette [Mattoon, Illinois], p. 6.
The Times-Tribune (Scranton, Pennsylvania),p. G8 PDF

2006, 10.28 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, p. 12.

2006, 10.27 Singapore provides missing link as Darwin goes online, Singapore Today

2006, 10.27 Internet Scout Report

2006, 10.26 conscious-robots.com

2006, 10.25 "Darwin hat sich um Religion nicht gekümmert", [Interview with John van Wyhe] Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

2006 The complete works of Charles Darwin online. Library of congress

2006, 10.24

Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, Times Daily [Northwest Alabama].
York Daily Record[York, Pennsylvania], p. 3.
Complete Darwin works put online, The Scotsman.
Works of theory of evolution founder to be published in the internet, Regnum (Russia).
Darwin goes online, The Straits Times [Singapore], p. 29.

2006, 10.23 Darwin's Works made available Online, Macedonian Radio and Television online

2006, 10.23 Forget Darwin, it's survival of the witless, Daily Telegraph

2006, 10.22 The Atlanta Constitution [Atlanta, Georgia], p. E2. PDF

2006, 10.21 Darwin Online, Ant & Deck's Saturday Night Takeaway ITV (TV)

2006, 10.20

Faces of the week: Charles Darwin Online, BBC News
Notes from a small island. Independent
Financial Times
, p. 11.
Complete Darwin work put online, The Peninsula, Qatar's leading English daily
Charles Darwin's work goes online for free, The Hindu (India)
Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Darwin's complete works now available online for free, People's Daily (China)
Darwin's complete works now available online for free.China Daily (North American ed. New York)
Darwin's works go online for first time, Today (Singapore), p. 16

2006, 10 Der ganze Darwin: Gesamtwerk kostenlos im Internet. Sueddeutsche Zeitung

2006, 10.19:


BBC 1 Breakfast News (watch video)
BBC News 24 (watch video)
BBC World
BBC Look East (watch video)
ITV Anglia TV
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


BBC Radio 4 News Briefings
BBC Radio 4 Today Programme (click for audio)
BBC World Service
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
BBC Radio Scotland
BBC Radio Wales
BBC Radio Shropshire
BBC Radio Severn

Nature podcast. (click for audio)
A life online, Nature
Charles Darwin's works go online, BBC News
Darwin's entire works go online, The Guardian
Darwin evolves on the internet, The Times
Charles Darwin, Die Welt
Researchers launch Darwin archive online, The Wichita Eagle (Kansas)
Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, Washington Post
Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, Forbes
Complete works of Darwin to be made available online, Dominican Today (Santo Domingo)
Darwin archived online, Earthtimes
Complete Darwin works put online, Scientific American
Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, CBS News
Researchers Launch Darwin Archive Online, Los Angeles Times
Darwin goes online, The Inquirer
Darwin online, British Embassy, Berlin, online
2006, 10 Researchers launch Darwin archive online, Prescott Herald (Arizona)
Internet site helps trace the origin of the species, Cambridge Evening News
Charles Darwin's work evolves on Web, CNN News
Complete Darwin works put online, Reuters
Complete Darwin works put online, Mail & Guardian Online
and hundreds of further newspapers and news websites around the world....

2006, 10.15 Rewriting Nature. The New Yorker.

2006, 09 Library Journal 131.14  (Sep 1), p. 44.

2006, 08.11 The Kerryman, p. 19. PDF

2006, 06 Tall tales and tortoises. New Scientist 191, 2560  (Jul 15-Jul 21): 21.

2005, 10.25 Darwin's body of work evolves into online archive, Nature

2005, 10.14 Darwin online, Cambridge Evening News

2005, 09.12 Darwin and evolution. [John van Wyhe interview], Austrian public radio. (click for audio)

2005, 07.01 Who got that cash? Times Higher Education Supplement

2004, 11 Writings of Darwin on the web, American Scientist

2004, 02.27 'The Darwin Reader', Science. vol. 303, 5662, p. 1267.

2003, 05.05 Interview with John van Wyhe in Aarhus University Newspaper Ein hovedløs videnskab, p. 7.

2002 Writings of Darwin on the web, Research News


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