DarkOS Icon Pack
A beautiful icon pack made exclusively for Mac and iPhone.
- 600+ App icons
- Easy installation
- Lifetime updates

Truly Dark Mode on your Mac and iPhone.
No technical skills needed. No Code needed.

What's included?
No technical skills needed. No Code needed.No management time needed.

Icon Pack For Mac 🖥️
- System (66)
- System Settings (11)
- System Folders (17)
- Extensions (25)
- Social Networking (9)
- Entertainment (11)
- Business (27)
- Productivity (62)
- Developer Tools (34)
- Graphics & Design (50)
Icon List For Mac (330+)
System (66)
- Finder
- Launchpad
- Messages
- FaceTime
- Apple
- Calculator
- Safari
- TV
- App Store
- Podcasts
- Activity
- Monitor
- Contacts
- Calendar
- Clock
- Reminders
- Notes
- Maps
- Find My
- Photos
- Music
- Voice
- Memos
- Stocks
- Books
- Photo Booth
- Preview
- Dictionary
- home
- Siri
- System Preferences
- Shortcuts
- Terminal
- Screenshot
- QuickTime Player
- AirPort Utility
- Bluetooth File Exchange
- Font Book
- Time Machine
- Mission Control
- Stickies
- Keynote
- Numbers
- Pages
- Weather
- News
- Freeform
- TextEdit
- Keychain Access
- Archive Utility
- Audio MIDI Setup
- Automator
- Chess
- ColorSync Utility
- Console
- Dock
- Grapher
- Digital Color Meter
- Disk Utility
- Image Capture
- Installer
- Migration Assistant
- Print Center
- Screen Sharing
- Script Editor
- System Information
- VoiceOver Utility
System Settings (11)
- Accessibility
- Bluetooth
- Control
- Center Focus
- General
- Network
- Notifications
- Screen Time
- Sound
- Wallpaper
- Wi-Fi
System Folders (17)
- Applications
- Desktop
- Developer
- Documents
- Downloads
- Executable
- Folder
- Home
- Library
- Movies
- Music
- Pictures
- Public
- Servers
- System
- Users
- Utilities
Extensions (25)
- 7z
- apk
- appx
- avi
- br
- bundle
- cab
- dmg
- exe
- gif
- gz
- html
- iso
- jpg
- mkv
- mov
- mp3
- mp4
- png
- rar
- raw
- savedSearch
- tar
- zip
Social Networking (9)
- TencentMeeting
- WeCom
- Telegram
- DingTalk
- Feishu
- Slack
- Discord
Entertainment (11)
- Spotify
- SoundCloud
- Steam
- NeteaseMusic
- 小宇宙
- QQ音乐
- 爱奇艺
- Mango TV
- TencentVideo
- KugouMusic
Business (27)
- Spark
- MWeb Pro
- Typora
- Things
- Dropbox
- Xmind
- MindNode
- OmniGraffle
- Evernote
- TeamViewer
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Microsoft OneNote
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft 365
- Adobe Acrobat
- WPS Office
- OneDrive
- Google Drive
- TickTick
- zoom.us
- Trello
- Duolingo English Test
- BOSS直聘
- SunloginClient
Productivity (62)
- Arc
- Google Chrome
- FireFox
- Microsoft Edge
- Notion
- flomo
- Obsidian
- Craft
- Cubox
- iA Writer
- Bear
- ClashX
- Leensa
- XiYou
- trojan-qt5
- Magnet
- Bob
- One Switch
- CleanMyMac X
- Setapp
- MenubarX
- PopClip
- 1Password
- IconChamp
- Downie 4
- Paste
- 9GAG
- Asana
- Noizio
- Reader5
- Mounty
- Dozer
- NTFS Tool
- 网易有道翻译
- 网易有道词典
- ChatGPT
- Raycast
- LocalSend
- Gifski
- Bandizip
- Bartender 4
- 迅雷影音
- Android File Transfer
- 微信读书
- Folx GO+
- Folx
- Creativit
- Thunder
- Sensei
- BaiduNetdisk
- aDrive
- Bittorrent
- Dynamo
- Xnapper
- CleanShot X
- NextChat
- Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta
- Microsoft Remote Desktop
- Z-Library
- ScreenFlow
Developer Tools (34)
- Visual Studio Code
- GitHub Desktop
- Xcode
- Swift Playgrounds
- Android Studio
- iTerm
- Gitfox
- Sublime Text
- CodeRunner
- Fleet
- DB Browser for SQLite
- Jira
- Sourcetree
- Paw
- Kaleidoscope
- Transporter
- Dash
- SnippetsLab
- HandShaker
- Wechat Devtools
- Python Launcher
- SiteSucker
- SiteSucker Pro
- AppCode
- IntelliJ IDEA
- CLion
- PhpStorm
- PyCharm
- DataGrip
- DataSpell
- Rider
- RubyMine
- GoLand
- WebStorm
Graphics & Design (50)
- Figma
- Framer
- Sketch
- Final Cut Pro
- CapCut
- Blender
- Eagle
- Cinema 4D
- Spline
- Affinity Designer
- Affinity Publisher
- Affinity Photo
- Canva
- IconJar
- Super Vectorizer Pro
- ProtoPie
- comflowy
- Creative Cloud
- MasterGo
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe XD
- Adobe Media Encoder
- Adobe Acrobat Pro
- Adobe Aero
- Adobe Animate
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Character Animator
- Adobe Digital Editions
- Adobe Dimension
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Adobe Fresco
- Adobe Fuse
- Adobe InCopy
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Portfolio
- Adobe Prelude
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Premiere Rush
- Adobe Spark
- Adobe Stock
- Adobe Substance 3D Designer
- Adobe Substance 3D Painter
- Adobe Substance 3D Sampler
- Adobe Substance 3D Stager
- Adobe After Effects Render Engine
Icon Pack For iPhone 📱
- System (33)
- Social Networking (30)
- Entertainment (35)
- Business (33)
- Lifestyle (64)
- Graphics&Design (14)
- Productivity (44)
- Finance (14)
Icon List For iPhone (260+)
System (33)
- Wallet
- Health
- Game Center
- Translate
- Phone
- Messages
- FaceTime
- Apple
- Calculator
- Safari
- TV
- App Store
- Podcasts
- Contacts
- Calendar
- Clock
- Reminders
- Notes
- Maps
- Find My
- Photos
- Music
- Voice Memos
- Stocks
- Books
- home
- Settings
- Shortcuts
- Weather
- News
- Freeform
Social Networking (30)
- Snapchat
- x
- Threads
- Line
- Messenger
- Tinder
- Telegram
- Slack
- Discord
- Skype
- 知乎
- 即刻
- 小红书
- 微博
- 百度贴吧
- 豆瓣
- 脉脉
- TencentMeeting
- WeCom
- DingTalk
- Feishu
Entertainment (35)
- Spotify
- SoundCloud
- TikTok
- Twitch
- Netflix
- Disney+
- Hulu
- YouTube TV
- Xbox
- Shazam
- YouTube Music
- Amazon Prime Video
- 哔哩哔哩
- 快手
- YY
- 优酷
- 酷我音乐
- 唱吧
- 番茄畅听
- 番茄小说
- 韩剧TV
- 西瓜视频
- 掌上Wegame
- 全民K歌
- TapTap
- 喜马拉雅
- 大麦
- NeteaseMusic
- Mango TV
- TencentVideo
- KugouMusic
- 小宇宙
- QQ 音乐
- 爱奇艺
Business (33)
- Spark
- MWeb Pro
- Things
- Dropbox
- Xmind
- MindNode
- OmniGraffle
- Evernote
- WPS Office
- OneDrive
- Gmail
- The New York Times
- NewsBreak
- Substack
- Google Drive
- Microsoft Outlook
- TickTick
- zoom.us
- Trello
- Todoist
- BOSS直聘
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- 知识星球
- 爱范儿
- 机核
- 36氪
- 猎聘
- 拉勾招聘
- 酷安
- 少数派
- 百度文库
Lifestyle (64)
- Temu
- Walmart
- Amazon
- Costco
- eBay
- Nike
- McDonald
- YouTube
- Lemon8
- Zillow
- Tesla
- Google Map
- Uber
- Lyft
- Grab
- Indeed
- adidas
- Airbno
- DoorDash
- Booking
- AllTrails
- Starva
- 京东
- 淘宝
- 闲鱼
- 当当
- 天猫
- 拼多多
- 米家
- 美团
- 小米有品
- 得物
- 美团外卖
- 大众点评
- 网易严选
- 携程旅行
- 航旅纵横
- 去哪儿
- 交管12123
- 智行火车票
- 马蜂窝
- 高德地图
- 滴滴出行
- 百度地图
- 铁路12306
- 自如
- 贝壳找房
- 安居客
- 懂车帝
- 顺丰速运
- 转转
- 多抓鱼
- 今日头条
- 饿了么
- 58同城
- 链家
- Keep
- 中国联通
- 中国移动
Graphics&Design (14)
- 泼辣修图
- 美图秀秀
- 醒图
- 轻颜相机
- Darkroom
- 图虫
- Figma
- Sketch
- CapCut
- Canva
- Google Photos
- Lightroom
- Leica LUX
Productivity (44)
- Arc
- Google Chrome
- FireFox
- Microsoft Edge
- Brave Browser
- Notion
- flomo
- Obsidian
- Craft
- Cubox
- iA Writer
- Bear
- Shadowrocket
- 1Password
- Asana
- ChatGPT
- LocalSend
- Creativit
- aDrive
- Z-Library
- Linear
- Logseq
- Medium
- Zoom
- Inoreader
- Feedly
- Calm
- Thunder
- BaiduNetdisk
- 网易有道翻译
- 网易有道词典
- 微信读书
- 腾讯手机管家
- 蚂蚁财富
- 扫描全能王
- 搜狗输入法
- QQ 邮箱
- UC浏览器
- 夸克
- QQ浏览器
- 百度
- 搜狗搜索
- GitHub
- Kindle
Finance (14)
- Cash App
- PayPal
- Venmo
- Coinbase
- 币安
- imToken
- 老虎证券
- 火币
- gate.io
- Futubull
- 中国银行
- 招商银行
- 东方财富
- 支付宝
DarkOS Wallpaper 🌌
20 free high-quality dark-themed wallpapers.
- Blocks
- Book
- Bubble
- Concrete
- Dark
- Demerger
- Depleted
- Dinosaur
- Earth
- Egg
- Hard
- Lamp
- Mecha
- Moon
- Paper
- Planet
- Pointwave
- Rock
- Rocket
- Sand
Wall of Love
Explore the Customer feedback on our icon designs.
Getting feedback from more than 100 users inspired us to do better
"The effort and dedication put into this project are impressive. The icons are beautifully designed with consistency and great attention to detail. I have always preferred the stock Mac look, but these custom icons have changed my perspective, despite some downsides."

“Love the awesome graphics and original icons! ✌🏼”

"Very beautiful icons, it gave my Macebook Pro an amazing new look. "

“I usually don't use alternative icons, but after seeing this pack, I decided to try them out. The home screen looks really clean now. Thank you! 🙏🏼”

“These icons are amazing! I never used custom app icons before, but after seeing this pack, my Home Screen now has a fantastic Dark aesthetic. The icons are beautiful and clearly crafted with care and attention to detail. They cover most major apps as well.”

"These icons are really nice! They're the best I've used so far. Keep up the good work!"

Frequently Asked Questions
How it works?
After your purchase, you will receive detailed installation instructions via email. Here is a brief overview in the meantime.
For Mac users:
1. Purchase and download the‘DarkOS Icon Pack’ theme
2. Download & install the IconChamp app from HERE
3. Drag and drop the icons you want to Replace, and click apply
4. Select a wallpaper you like
5. Enjoy!
For iPhone users:
Install using iCloud and Shortcuts in iOS 14, iOS 15, iOS 16, or iOS 17 - no jailbreak required!
Video installation guide included (English)
How to get updates?
Stay updated with the latest developments by following us on Twitter where we share all our latest news and updates
How can I request a new icon?
You can fill out the form HERE to request. Unpurchased users can request up to 5 icons. If you have made a purchase, you will find the link to the new application form on the purchase page, and we will prioritize requests from users who have already purchased our products.
Is this set available for commercial projects?
The only notable warning is that you can not redistribute the icons by any means.
Finally, Use this icon pack to transform your devices into a Truly Dark Mode!
Enjoy your fresh devices home screen