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Items in Sarven’s library; books, articles, periodicals, journals, manifestos

On Sarven’s bookshelf
ISBN Title Author(s)
9780451089977 2001: a space odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke. Based on a screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke.
9780553053401 A brief history of time : from the big bang to black holes Stephen W. Hawking.
9780534340285 A transition to advanced mathematics Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre.
9780697253408 Adolescence John W. Santrock.
9780671528096 Alan Turing : the enigma Andrew Hodges.
9780679417958 Alice's adventures in Wonderland ; and, Through the looking glass Lewis Carroll ; with illustrations by John Tenniel.
9780596007652 Ambient findability : [what we find changes who we become] Peter Morville.
9780465097203 Anarchy, state, and utopia Robert Nozick.
9780471365082 Applied operating system concepts Avi Silberschatz ; Peter Galvin ; Greg Gagne.
9780262561099 Artificial minds Stan Franklin.
9780961392178 Beautiful evidence Edward R. Tufte.
9780140292251 Being dead Jim Crace.
9780060929879 Brave new world Aldous Huxley.
9780385334204 Breakfast of champions, or, Goodbye blue Monday! by Kurt Vonnegut ; with drawings by the author.
9780812696110 Bullshit and philosophy : guaranteed to get perfect results every time edited by Gary L. Hardcastle and George A. Reisch.
9780099740216 Bury me standing : the Gypsies and their journey Isabel Fonseca.
9780132261197 C : how to program H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel..
9780534916206 Calculus with analytic geometry Dennis G. Zill.
9780226264219 Capitalism and freedom Milton Friedman ; with the assistance of Rose D. Friedman ; with a new preface by the author.
9781616890582 Cartographies of time Daniel Rosenberg and Anthony Grafton.
9780199931415 Cataloging the world : Paul Otlet and the birth of the information age Alex Wright.
9780140092509 Chaos : making a new science James Gleick.
9781590171691 Chess story Stefan Zweig ; translated from the German by Joel Rotenberg ; introduction by Peter Gay.
9781904859208 Chomsky on anarchism selected and ed. by Barry Pateman.
9780321392350 Communicating design : developing web site documentation for design and planning Daniel M. Brown.
9780201100884 Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman.
9780872203495 Complete works Plato. Ed., with introd. and notes, by John M. Cooper ...
9780201612448 Computer algorithms : introduction to design and analysis Sara Baase; Allen Van Gelder.
9780201477115 Computer networking : a top-down approach featuring the Internet James F. Kurose; Keith W. Ross.
9780716704638 Computer power and human reason : from judgement to calculation Joseph Weizenbaum.
9780131755635 Computer system architecture M. Morris Mano.
9780201752953 Concepts of programming languages Robert W. Sebesta.
9780743299558 Connections James Burke ; [with a new preface by the author].
9780865475878 Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things William McDonough & Michael Braungart.
9780553211757 Crime and punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsksy ; translated by Constance Garnett.
9780763712693 Cyberethics : morality and law in cyperspace Richard A. Spinello.
9780802057730 Darwin, sex, and status : biological approaches to mind and culture Jerome H. Barkow.
9780201549911 Data structures and problem solving using Java Mark Allen Weiss.
9780691138619 Delete : the virtue of forgetting in the digital age Viktor Mayer-Schönberger.
9780321747761 Design by nature : using universal forms and principles in design Maggie Macnab.
9780321432063 Designing for interaction : creating smart applications and clever devices Dan Saffer.
9783037781494 Designing universal knowledge Gerlinde Schuller.
9781591023203 Diogenes the Cynic : the war against the world Luis E. Navia.
9780345404473 Do androids dream of electric sheep? [By] Philip K. Dick.
9780321344755 Don't make me think! : a common sense approach to web usability Steve Krug.
9780743436274 Dreamcatcher Stephen King.
9783858813053 Earth extremes nine projects made of space and time Christian Waldvogel. With an essay by Jörg Heiser. Ed. by Jacqueline Burckhardt, Christian Waldvogel, and Jonas Voegeli.
9780684868769 Emergence : the connected lives of ants, brains, cities, and software Steven Johnson.
9780465051366 Emotional design : why we love (or hate) everyday things Donald A. Norman.
9780471986577 Engineering distributed objects Wolfgang Emmerich.
9780961392116 Envisioning information Edward R. Tufte.
9780840743787 Evidence that demands a verdict : historical evidences for the Christian faith Josh McDowell.
9780970910165 Expect resistance : a crimethink field manual. -
9780201874013 File structures : an object-oriented approach with C++ Michael J. Folk; Bill Zoellick; Greg Riccardi.
9780060920432 Flow : the psychology of optimal experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
9780139227257 Forty studies that changed psychology : explorations into the history of psychological research / Roger R. Hock.
9780205283118 Foundations of physiological psychology Neil R. Carlson.
9780805317558 Fundamentals of database systems Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe.
9780465026562 Gödel, Escher, Bach : an eternal golden braid Douglas R. Hofstadter.
9781594201530 Here comes everybody : the power of organizing without organizations Clay Shirky.
9781596913875 How life imitates chess : making the right moves, from the board to the boardroom Garry Kasparov ; with Mig Greengard.
9780697235718 Human adjustment Jane S. Halonen, John W. Santrock.
9780674437760 Hypatia of Alexandria Maria Dzielska ; translated by F. Lyra.
9780596527341 Information architecture for the World Wide Web : [designing large-scale Web sites ; introduces tagging and advanced findability concepts] Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld.
9783836528795 Information graphics Sandra Rendgen ; ed., Julius Wiedemann ; [with essays by Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Saul Wurman, Simon Rogers ; including a poster by Nigel Holmes].
9780314045973 Information systems for managers George W. Reynolds.
9783899553949 Iron Curtain graphics : Eastern European design created without computers [edited by Carla Duschka and Ciprian Isac ; text and foreword by Angelo Mitchievici and Caterina Preda].
9780306813764 Iron John : a book about men Robert Bly.
9780130125071 Java : how to program H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel.
9780596004675 JavaScript and DHTML cookbook : [solutions & examples for web programmers] Danny Goodman.
9780811200127 Labyrinths; selected stories & other writings. Edited by Donald A. Yates & James E. Irby. Pref. by André Maurois.
9783468981685 Langenscheidt, Universal German dictionary German-English, English-German ed. by the Langenscheidt editorial staff. [Project management: Heike Pleisteiner].
9781553560005 Lemon cures Werner Meidinger ; [translation: Elizabeth Schweiger].
9781565920002 Lex & yacc John R. Levine; Tony Mason; Doug Brown.
9780471181798 Linear algebra : ideas and applications Richard C. Penney.
9783822838693 M.C. Escher. [ed.: Julius Wiedemann. French transl.: Valérie Lavoyer. German transl.: Claudia Dziallas. Span. transl.: Raquel Vergara. Ital. transl.: Marco Barberi. Portug. transl.: Alcides Murtinheira]
9780810921849 Manwatching : a field guide to human behavior Desmond Morris.
9780465045662 Metamagical themas : questing for the essence of mind and pattern Douglas R. Hofstadter.
9780897060059 Mind design : philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence edited by John Haugeland.
9780930656621 Mind in the world : the Marxist psychology of self-actualization David Lethbridge.
9780375706851 My name is Red Orhan Pamuk ; translated by Erdağ M. Göknar.
9780811201889 Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre ; Translated from the French by Lloyd Alexander, Introduction by Hayden Carruth.
9780770421373 Never cry wolf [by] Farley Mowat.
9780130339683 Number theory with computer applications Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Christina Romero.
9780241964019 Occupy Noam Chomsky.
9780517093801 Out of my later years : the scientist, philosopher, and man portrayed through his own words Albert Einstein.
9781565926813 PHP cookbook : [solutions & examples for PHP programmers] David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg.
9783125617384 PONS Power-Sprachtraining Deutsch als Fremdsprache by Stefanie Plisch de Vega. [Assisted by Agnieszka Grzesiak]
9780893470043 POSSIPLEX : Movies, Intellect, Creative Control, My Computer Life and the Fight for Civilization : AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Ted Nelson. Ted Nelson
9780262631112 Perceptrons : an introduction to computational geometry Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert.
9780375725845 Perfume : the story of a murderer Patrick Süskind ; translated from the German by John E. Woods.
9780395907658 Personality theories : an introduction Barbara Engler.
9783037782774 Poemotion. Takahiro Kurashima.
9780205280148 Principles of comparative psychology Gary Greenberg; Maury M. Haraway.
9780321350312 Prioritizing web usability Jakob Nielsen ; Hoa Loranger.
9781861004659 Professional Java server programming : J2EE Edition Subrahmanyam Allamaraju....
9788275476447 Propaganda! : Russian and Norwegian posters 1920-1939 Daniela Büchten, ed.
9780673468383 Psychology and life Philip G. Zimbardo.
9780312199517 Quarantine Jim Crace.
9780130143662 Reasoning : a practical guide for Canadian students Robert C. Pinto, J. Anthony Blair, Katharine E. Parr.
9780413760203 Schmitt : plays 1 translated by Jeremy Sams and John Clifford.
9780735712560 Search engine visibility Shari Thurow.
9780123859655 Semantic web for the working ontologist : effective modeling in RDFS and OWL Dean Allemang, Jim Hendler.
9781589482616 Semiology of graphics : diagrams, networks, maps Jacques Bertin ; translated by William J. Berg.
9780262693264 Shaping things Bruce Sterling ; designer Lorraine Wild ; editorial director Peter Lunenfeld.
9781590302279 Siddhartha Hermann Hesse ; translated by Sherab Chödzin Kohn ; with an introduction by Paul W. Morris.
9781604860917 Signal : [a journal of international political graphics and culture] / [editors, Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee]. -
9780472065219 Simulacra and simulation by Jean Baudrillard. Transl. by Sheila Faria Glaser.
9780123740373 Sketching user experience : getting the design right and the right design Bill Buxton.
9780525946755 Skipping towards Gomorrah : the seven deadly sins and the pursuit of happiness in America Dan Savage.
9780262562126 Spinning the Semantic Web : bringing the World Wide Web to its full potential edited by Dieter Fensel ... [et al.].
9780471246008 Student resource manual to accompany Linear algebra : ideas and applications Richard C. Penney ; online Mathematica translations by Willam Emerson ; online Maple translations by Robert Lopez.
9780897500487 Tao of jeet kune do by Bruce Lee.
9780785274315 The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you John C. Maxwell.
9781864761689 The Art of war [Sun Tzu].
9780809033614 The Cartoon Introduction to Economics Macroeconomics. by Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman.
9780192836137 The Dhammapada translated with an introduction and notes by John Ross Carter and Mahinda Palihawadana.
9780735712027 The Elements of user experience : user-centered design for the web Jesse James Garrett.
9780886653620 The Encyclopedia of modern warplanes : the development and specifications of all active military aircraft general editor: Bill Gunston.
9781442612693 The Gutenberg galaxy : the making of typographic man Marshall McLuhan ; with new essays by W. Terrence Gordon, Elena Lamberti and Dominique Scheffel-Dunand.
9780310909507 The Holy Bible : New International version : containing the Old Testament and the New Testament. -
9780201674866 The XML companion Neil Bradley.
9780321303479 The Zen of CSS design : visual enlightenment for the web by Dave Shea and Molly E. Holzschlag.
9781594482915 The adventures of Johnny Bunko : the last career guide you'll ever need Daniel H. Pink ; art by Rob Ten Pas.
9780452009899 The age of reason : the 17th century philosophers selected, with introduction and interpretive commentary by Stuart Hampshire.
9780714834498 The art of looking sideways Alan Fletcher.
9780670871469 The barmaid's brain and other strange tales from science Jay Ingram.
9781573227971 The beach Alex Garland.
9781616892180 The book of trees : visualizing branches of knowledge Manuel Lima.
9780809094813 The cartoon introduction to economics by Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman.
9780553149661 The catcher in the rye J.D. Salinger.
9780446671002 The celestine prophecy : an adventure James Redfield.
9780863040702 The commanding self Idries Shah.
9781846683954 The decision book : fifty models for strategic thinking Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler ; translated by Jenny Piening ; with illustrations by Philip Earnhart.
9780465067107 The design of everyday things Donald A. Norman
9780321047090 The developing child Helen Bee.
9781591841661 The dip : a little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick) Seth Godin ; illustrated by Hugh Macleod.
9780743273565 The great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald.
9780140250831 The house of sleep Jonathan Coe.
9781568361048 The human zoo : a zoologist's classic study of the urban animal [by] Desmond Morris ; with a new preface by the author.
9780806994758 The illustrated dream dictionary Russell Grant ; illustrated by Vicky Emptage.
9780521336116 The importance of what we care about philosophical essays Harry G. Frankfurt
9780375423727 The information : a history, a theory, a flood James Gleick.
9781584230700 The medium is the massage : an inventory of effects Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore ; produced by Jerome Agel.
9780262134897 The native mind and the cultural construction of nature Scott Atran and Douglas Medin.
9780874774245 The new drawing on the right side of the brain Betty Edwards.
9780785819110 The origin of species : by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life by Charles Darwin.
9780670887590 The path to tranquility : daily wisdom the Dalai Lama ; compiled and edited by Renuka Singh ; with a foreword by the Dalai Lama.
9780915811892 The peaceful warrior collection Dan Millman.
9780521395618 The scented ape : the biology and culture of houman odour Michael Stoddart.
9780446523080 The secret of Shambhala : in search of the eleventh insight James Redfield.
9780671657130 The society of mind Marvin Minsky ; illustrations by Juliana Lee.
9780226458120 The structure of scientific revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn.
9780961825171 The systems bible : the beginner's guide to systems large and small John Gall
9780446674577 The tenth insight : holding the vision James Redfield.
9780140258424 The tesseract. Alex Garland.
9780201571684 The unified modeling language user guide Grady Booch, with James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson.
9780961392109 The visual display of quantitative information Edward R. Tufte.
9780679775430 The wind-up bird chronicle Haruki Murakami. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin.
9780385334303 TheNaked Ape Desmond Morris.
9780262631594 Understanding media : the extensions of man Marshall McLuhan.
9781592537563 Universal methods of design : 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions Bella Martin, Bruce Hanington.
9781592535873 Universal principles of design : 125 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler ; [foreword by Kimberly Elam].
9780226044651 Us and them : the science of identity David Berreby.
9780679734468 Valis Philip K. Dick.
9780961392123 Visual explanations : images and quantities, evidence and narrative Edward R. Tufte.
9780062515872 Weaving the Web : the original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti.