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Build dApps on EduChain

A starter-kit featuring React & NextJS and Vue & NuxtJS with Hardhat or Foundry for building dApps on the Open Campus L3 (EduChain).

npx create-edu-dapp <dapp-name>

1k+ npm downloads


Frontend Frameworks

Choose between React & NextJS and Vue & NuxtJS for your frontend development environment.

Pre-installed Configuration

Includes TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, shadcn-ui, web3.js, ocid, and more.

Backend Development

Choose between Hardhat or Foundry for your smart contract development, deployment, testing, and verification environment.

Six Example Dapps

Six full-stack dapps with education-based usecases to help you get started.

Connect with OCID

The implementation of open campus ID SDK to connect your community with OC Ecosystem.

Command Line Interface

A working create-edu-dapp (CLI) to help you build and ship fast on EduChain.

Getting Started

  1. Run npx create-edu-dapp your-dapp-name
  2. Select Frontend Framework
  3. Select Hardhat option
  4. cd into the directory: cd your-dapp-name
  5. Install dependencies in the backend folder
  6. Set up your private key in the .env file
  7. Compile, test, and deploy your smart contracts
  8. Start the Next.js app in the frontend folder