Papers by Celso Alvarez Cáccamo

Catro Ventos, 2021
Background: In Southeast Asia, diabetes and hypertension are on the rise and have become major ca... more Background: In Southeast Asia, diabetes and hypertension are on the rise and have become major causes of death. Community-based interventions can achieve the required behavioural change for better prevention. The aims of this review are 1) to assess the core health-components of community-based interventions and 2) to assess which contextual factors and program elements affect their impact in Southeast Asia. Methods: A realist review was conducted, combining empirical evidence with theoretical understanding. Documents published between 2009 and 2019 were systematically searched in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and PsycINFO and local databases. Documents were included if they reported on community-based interventions aimed at hypertension and/or diabetes in Southeast Asian context; and had a health-related outcome; and/or described contextual factors and/or program elements. Results: We retrieved 67 scientific documents and 12 grey literature documents. We identified twelve core healthcomponents: community health workers, family support, educational activities, comprehensive programs, physical exercise, telehealth, peer support, empowerment, activities to achieve self-efficacy, lifestyle advice, activities aimed at establishing trust, and storytelling. In addition, we found ten contextual factors and program elements that may affect the impact: implementation problems, organized in groups, cultural sensitivity, synergy, access, family health/ worker support, gender, involvement of stakeholders, and referral and education services when giving lifestyle advice.
Agalia Publicacom Internacional Da Associacom Galega Da Lingua, 2011
Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse, 1992

"This study documents the current process of institutionalization of the Galician langua... more "This study documents the current process of institutionalization of the Galician language, traditionally subordinated to Spanish within the bilingual community of Galiza, Spain. Focusing on the detailed analysis of public urban discourse, the study examines the articulations between linguistic choices, power relationships, and underlying linguistic ideologies in cultural and political events, television and radio broadcasts, and daily encounters in the city of Vigo. /// The study first offers a historical introduction to the language question in Galiza, and a general description of the country's current sociolinguistic landscape. This includes a review of the community's repertoire, and a critical discussion of the role of the elites in the standardization process. /// On the basis of interpretive analysis of about sixty hours of oral material recorded between 1984 and 1989, it is then shown how linguistic practices (including language choices, reported speech, prosody, irony, and official rhetoric) are contributing to the growing prestige and authority of Galician, in particular its standard form. The analysis of talk is mapped against: native interpretations; the juridical framework that now allows the official use of Galician in the institutions; and the socio-political and ideological context which underlies the growing, unmarked use of Galician in public life. Methodologically, the study argues for an interpretive ethnographic approach which simultaneously examines the dynamics of verbal exchanges and the broader social conditions in which talk is inscribed. /// It is argued that discourse manipulation is a constitutive force of power and authority, both at the interactional level and at the social and institutional level. Discursive choices -particularly the strategic use of Galician over Spanish at a given moment -are connected to:ideologies about appropriate language usages; the speakers' understanding of changing status relationships between social groups; and situated identities and power relationships. The study reveals how such discursive choices affect the configuration of conversational alliances. It is shown how discourse strategies may reinforce a public figure's institutional authority, and generate new values of prestige for the Galician language. Language institutionalization is thus viewed as a dynamic process resulting from daily practices rather than from legislation or socio-political change alone."
This Portable Document Format (PDF) file reproduces the article’s pagination and formatting as pr... more This Portable Document Format (PDF) file reproduces the article’s pagination and formatting as printed in the publication. Author’s current address:

Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 1999
UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUNHA Codes C ommunicative codes are general procedures that both senders (spea... more UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUNHA Codes C ommunicative codes are general procedures that both senders (speakers or signers) and receivers have to signal the communication of intentions (and to somehow interpret these intentions) by means of multimodal resources such as linguistic and paralinguistic signals, prosody, gaze, gestures, kinesics, and posturing. For the concerted production of meanings, senders' signaling alone is not enough; receivers then inferentially map perceived signals against communicative expectations and previous communicative experiences. In this sense, both senders and receivers are active and productive. Strictly speaking, receivers cannot replicate intentions, since these are abstract properties of the senders' minds; rather, receivers apply their own communicative codes to generate interpretations. These interpretations then affect the receivers' own cognitive states, and a certain sense of "understanding" ensues. Thus communicative codes, applied both to signal intentions and to construct interpretations from signals, are forms of an individual's competence that are alternately (or simultaneously) activated in interaction. The notion of "code" in linguistics derives from information theory. In information theory, a code is a mechanism to pair two sets of signals in non-ambiguous, reversible, and context-free ways. For instance, in morse code the letter "s" is always rendered as three dots, regardless of particular circumstances (context independence); "s" can only be rendered as three dots (non-ambiguity); and three dots are always to be understood as "s" (reversibility). Morse code is not the inventory of dot-and-line combinations equivalent to letters, but the abstract rule or cypher that relates letters to those combinations. This "code" notion was systematically applied to speech first by information theorists (Fano) and, then, fundamentally, by Roman Jakobson. Jakobson refrained Saussure's langue/parole dichotomy in terms of code/message. In this model, the speech signals would match "meanings" in the linguistic "code," equivalent here to "grammar." However, Jakobson's

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2007
In this paper, a model is outlined for the interactional analysis of code-switching (CS) as a com... more In this paper, a model is outlined for the interactional analysis of code-switching (CS) as a communicative phenomenon separate from the alternation of speech varieties (AL, alternancia linguística) which is a purely structural phenomenon. Communicative codes are viewed as general mechanisms to manifest intentions at several levels of discourse organization. A given communicative code mobilizes and organizes sets of both linguistic and non-linguistic contextualization signals. A switch of communicative codes, or CS, is therefore a detectable recontextualization strategy by which contrasting sets of varied signals are deployed. CS may or may not involve AL, as language alternations may or may not be interactionally significant in terms of signalling intentions. The interplay between CS and language alternation results in four possibilities: (1) CS with AL (CSconAL);

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2007
In this paper, a model is outlined for the interactional analysis of code-switching (CS) as a com... more In this paper, a model is outlined for the interactional analysis of code-switching (CS) as a communicative phenomenon separate from the alternation of speech varieties (AL, alternancia linguística) which is a purely structural phenomenon. Communicative codes are viewed as general mechanisms to manifest intentions at several levels of discourse organization. A given communicative code mobilizes and organizes sets of both linguistic and non-linguistic contextualization signals. A switch of communicative codes, or CS, is therefore a detectable recontextualization strategy by which contrasting sets of varied signals are deployed. CS may or may not involve AL, as language alternations may or may not be interactionally significant in terms of signalling intentions. The interplay between CS and language alternation results in four possibilities: (1) CS with AL (CSconAL);

Portal de EDiSo - Asociación de Estudios sobre Discurso y Sociedad, Jul 28, 2013
As decisões políticas e a morte das pessoas 28 July 2013. Publicado en En voz alta Os factos são ... more As decisões políticas e a morte das pessoas 28 July 2013. Publicado en En voz alta Os factos são cruéis, e provavelmente conhecidos. Mas, polo argumento a desenvolver, e com respeito, devem ser lembrados: 1. Em 24 de julho de 2013, um trem rápido da RENFE (Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles Españoles) procedente de Ourense, na Galiza, descarrilou numa curva perto da entrada à capital, Santiago de Compostela. Morreram, até hoje, 79 pessoas, e dezenas delas ficaram feridas. 2. Tudo indica que o comboio viajava no momento do acidente a uns 190 km/h numa zona onde devia circular a 80 km/h. 3. Tudo indica que o trecho da curva e alguns quilómetros prévios não dispunham de nenhum de dous possíveis sistemas de segurança avançados (ERTMS e ASFA Digital), qualquer dos quais teria detido o comboio ou reduzido a sua velocidade automaticamente, evitando o acidente. O sistema de segurança utilizado era ASFA Analógico, que deixa o controlo da velocidade exclusivamente nas mãos do maquinista ("O tramo do accidente tiña o sistema de seguridade analóxico de hai medio século", Praza Pública, 28 de julho de 2013; recuperado em 28-07-2013, 20 h. 43 m.; "El tramo del accidente de Santiago tenía el sistema de seguridad analógico de hace medio siglo",, 28 de julho de 2013; recuperado em 28-07-2013, 20 h. 44 m.) 4. O resto da via rápida Madrid -Compostela dispõe de algum dos sistemas avançados de controlo.
Versão eletrónica (2 números/ano): 20€ Versão impressa (2 números/ano): Contacto: agalia@agal-gz.... more Versão eletrónica (2 números/ano): 20€ Versão impressa (2 números/ano): Contacto: Envio de originais: Normas de Edição no fim do volume e em
![Research paper thumbnail of Nós, os resistentes / [Edição de] Nosotros, los vencidos, de Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez (1962)](
É 1962. Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, de 47 anos, poeta, narrador, mestre de titulação e de antigo... more É 1962. Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, de 47 anos, poeta, narrador, mestre de titulação e de antigo exercício, estudioso da cultura, editor, arqueólogo e trabalhador administrativo, mora num andar do bairro das Travessas de Vigo com a sua mulher María Luisa Cáccamo Frieben e os filhos María Luisa, de 14 anos, Xosé María (quase 12), Alfonso (9 e uns meses), María Elena (quase 8) e eu próprio, de três anos e cinco meses; a sua última filha, Berta, nasceria um ano depois. Em 29 de maio, terça-feira, provavelmente à noitinha, depois da ceia, Álvarez Blázquez está a escrever. Eu não o poderia lembrar esse dia, mas sim muitas outras vezes anos mais tarde, no que imagino como a mesma cerimónia intelectual e criativa, sentado na cadeira de três grossas patas instáveis num gabinete de madeiras escuras, cheiro a papel e fumo azul dum Ducados constante. Xosé María está a escrever lentamente à mão em fólios pregados a primeira parte duma íntima confissão política, religiosa e humana, Nosotros, los vencidos, que interromperá polo pranto. Meses depois, em setembro, haverá de continuá-la com um fragmento mais, para nunca terminá-la.
Escolho no título a forma linguisticamente ambígua normalización (não "normalização" ou "normaliz... more Escolho no título a forma linguisticamente ambígua normalización (não "normalização" ou "normalizaçom", nem sequer "normalizazón" ou mesmo -porque não?-"normalissassiõ") para destacar a bivalência da acção das elites intelectuais e políticas na Galiza. Por uma parte, trata-se (aparentemente) de estabelecer como "normal" uma prática linguística oral e escrita pré-definida como "galego"; mas, por outra, isto faz-se em referência ao quadro (político, ideológico, simbólico) do espanhol, quer dizer, dentro do que chamaremos o mercado linguístico (=simbólico-cultural, mas também económico) de tudo aquilo que é o Espanhol. Contudo, como descreio igualmente duma hipotética "normalização" (galego-portuguesa), para sossego de todos/as limitarei o uso do artifício estilístico.
Papers by Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
The study first offers a historical introduction to the language question in Galiza, and a general description of the country's current sociolinguistic landscape. This includes a review of the community's repertoire, and a critical discussion of the role of the elites in the standardization process.
On the basis of interpretive analysis of about sixty hours of oral material recorded between 1984 and 1989, it is then shown how linguistic practices (including language choices, reported speech, prosody, irony, and official rhetoric) are contributing to the growing prestige and authority of Galician, in particular its standard form. The analysis of talk is mapped against: native interpretations; the juridical framework that now allows the official use of Galician in the institutions; and the socio-political and ideological context which underlies the growing, unmarked use of Galician in public life. Methodologically, the study argues for an interpretive ethnographic approach which simultaneously examines the dynamics of verbal exchanges and the broader social conditions in which talk is inscribed.
It is argued that discourse manipulation is a constitutive force of power and authority, both at the interactional level and at the social and institutional level. Discursive choices -particularly the strategic use of Galician over Spanish at a given moment -are connected to:ideologies about appropriate language usages; the speakers' understanding of changing status relationships between social groups; and situated identities and power relationships. The study reveals how such discursive choices affect the configuration of conversational alliances. It is shown how discourse strategies may reinforce a public figure's institutional authority, and generate new values of prestige for the Galician language. Language institutionalization is thus viewed as a dynamic process resulting from daily practices rather than from legislation or socio-political change alone."