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This site provides an annotated index for computational neurobiology, focusing on compartmental modeling and realistic simulations of biological neural systems. One can locate modeling software and that for computational morphology, phase plane and spike train analysis, and web based neuroinformatics. There are links to major laboratories, researchers, conferences, education and funding for theoretical neurobiology.

In Memorium:
Gordon Murray Shepherd (1933-2022)

Congratulations: The 2019 NAS Award in the Neurosciences has been awarded to Eve Marder.

Congratulations: The 2017 IBT Mathematical Neuroscience Prize has been awarded to Misha Tsodyks and Fred Wolf.

Prior years: Nancy Kopell and Bard Ermentrout(2015), Larry Abbott and Haim Sompolinsky(2013).

Congratulations: The Scholarpedia - Brain Corporation Prize in Computational Neuroscience has been awarded. The first place article:
Alex H. Williams, et al. Homeostatic Regulation of Neuronal Excitability.

Also see the other winners.

Congratulations: The 2021 Braitenberg Prize for Computational Neuroscience has been awarded to Eve Marder.

Prior years: Wulfram Gerstner(2018) David Willshaw(2016) Alexander Borst(2014) Moshe Abeles(2012).

The 2013 Gruber Foundation Prize for Neuroscience has been awarded to Eve Marder.

Congratulations: The 2022 Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience has been awarded to Ila Fiete.

Prior years: Nicolas Brunel(2021), Emery Brown(2020), John Rinzel(2019), Kenneth Miller(2018), Xiao-Jing Wang(2017), Nancy Kopell(2016), Terrence Sejnowski(2015), Tomaso Poggio (2014) William Bialek (2013), John Hopfield (2012), Haim Sompolinsky (2011), Larry Abbott (2010), Horace Barlow (2009), Wilfrid Rall (2008).

Congratulations: The 2017 Patrick Suppes Prize for Psychology / Neuroscience has been awarded to Olaf Sporns

Where & Who



Compartmental Modeling
Computational Morphology
Spike Train Analysis
Database Management

Neuroinformatics (Web Data)

Community Resources

Mailing Lists

On Paper


Face to Face

Symposia / Workshops
Short Courses
Intensive Summer Schools
University Courses


Other Lists

Computational Neuroscience
General Neuroscience

This page is maintained by Jim Perlewitz ( perlewitz@earthlink.net )
Please send reports of errors, updates, omissions, or suggestions.

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