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Module CombineOp

Recognition of combined operations, addressing modes and conditions during the CSE phase.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Op.
Require Import CSEdomain.

Section COMBINE.

Variable get: valnum -> option rhs.

Function combine_compimm_ne_0 (x: valnum) : option(condition * list valnum) :=
  match get x with
  | Some(Op (Ocmp c) ys) => Some (c, ys)
  | Some(Op (Oandimm n) ys) => Some (Cmasknotzero n, ys)
  | Some(Op (Oxorimm n) ys) =>
      if Int.eq n (Int.sign_ext 16 n) then Some (Ccompimm Cne n, ys) else None
  | _ => None

Function combine_compimm_eq_0 (x: valnum) : option(condition * list valnum) :=
  match get x with
  | Some(Op (Ocmp c) ys) => Some (negate_condition c, ys)
  | Some(Op (Oandimm n) ys) => Some (Cmaskzero n, ys)
  | Some(Op (Oxorimm n) ys) =>
      if Int.eq n (Int.sign_ext 16 n) then Some (Ccompimm Ceq n, ys) else None
  | _ => None

Function combine_compimm_eq_1 (x: valnum) : option(condition * list valnum) :=
  match get x with
  | Some(Op (Ocmp c) ys) => Some (c, ys)
  | _ => None

Function combine_compimm_ne_1 (x: valnum) : option(condition * list valnum) :=
  match get x with
  | Some(Op (Ocmp c) ys) => Some (negate_condition c, ys)
  | _ => None

Function combine_cond (cond: condition) (args: list valnum) : option(condition * list valnum) :=
  match cond, args with
  | Ccompimm Cne n, x::nil =>
      if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero then combine_compimm_ne_0 x
      else if Int.eq_dec n Int.one then combine_compimm_ne_1 x
      else None
  | Ccompimm Ceq n, x::nil =>
      if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero then combine_compimm_eq_0 x
      else if Int.eq_dec n Int.one then combine_compimm_eq_1 x
      else None
  | Ccompuimm Cne n, x::nil =>
      if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero then combine_compimm_ne_0 x
      else if Int.eq_dec n Int.one then combine_compimm_ne_1 x
      else None
  | Ccompuimm Ceq n, x::nil =>
      if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero then combine_compimm_eq_0 x
      else if Int.eq_dec n Int.one then combine_compimm_eq_1 x
      else None
  | _, _ => None

Definition combine_cond' (cond: condition) (args: list valnum) : option bool :=
  match cond, args with
  | (Ccomp c | Ccompu c), x :: y :: nil => combine_comparison c x y
  | _, _ => None

Function combine_addr (addr: addressing) (args: list valnum) : option(addressing * list valnum) :=
  match addr, args with
  | Aindexed n, x::nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oaddimm m) ys) => Some(Aindexed (Int.add m n), ys)
      | _ => None
  | _, _ => None

Function combine_op (op: operation) (args: list valnum) : option(operation * list valnum) :=
  match op, args with
  | Oaddimm n, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oaddimm m) ys) => Some(Oaddimm (Int.add m n), ys)
      | Some(Op (Osubimm m) ys) => Some(Osubimm (Int.add m n), ys)
      | _ => None
  | Osubimm n, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oaddimm m) ys) => Some(Osubimm (Int.sub n m), ys)
      | _ => None
  | Oandimm n, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oandimm m) ys) =>
          Some(let p := Int.and m n in
               if Int.eq p m then (Omove, x :: nil) else (Oandimm p, ys))
      | Some(Op (Orolm amount m) ys) =>
          Some(let p := Int.and m n in
               if Int.eq p m then (Omove, x :: nil) else (Orolm amount p, ys))
      | _ => None
  | Oorimm n, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oorimm m) ys) => Some(Oorimm (Int.or m n), ys)
      | _ => None
  | Oxorimm n, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oxorimm m) ys) => Some(Oxorimm (Int.xor m n), ys)
      | _ => None
  | Orolm amount2 mask2, x :: nil =>
      match get x with
      | Some(Op (Oandimm mask1) ys) =>
           Some(Orolm (Int.modu amount2 Int.iwordsize)
                     (Int.and (Int.rol mask1 amount2) mask2), ys)
      | Some(Op (Orolm amount1 mask1) ys) =>
           Some(Orolm (Int.modu (Int.add amount1 amount2) Int.iwordsize)
                     (Int.and (Int.rol mask1 amount2) mask2), ys)
      | _ => None
  | Ocmp cond, _ =>
      match combine_cond' cond args with
      | Some b => Some ((if b then Ointconst Int.one else Ointconst Int.zero), nil)
      | None =>
          match combine_cond cond args with
          | Some(cond', args') => Some(Ocmp cond', args')
          | None => None
  | Osel cond ty, x :: y :: args =>
      match combine_cond' cond args with
      | Some b => Some (Omove, (if b then x else y) :: nil)
      | None =>
          if eq_valnum x y then Some (Omove, x :: nil) else
          match combine_cond cond args with
          | Some (cond', args') => Some (Osel cond' ty, x :: y :: args')
          | None => None
  | _, _ => None