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Module Debugvar

Computation of live ranges for local variables that carry debugging information.

Require Import Axioms Coqlib Maps Iteration Errors.
Require Import Integers Floats AST.
Require Import Machregs Locations Conventions Linear.

A debug info is a builtin_arg loc expression that safely evaluates in any context.

Fixpoint safe_builtin_arg {A: Type} (a: builtin_arg A) : Prop :=
  match a with
  | BA _ | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ => True
  | BA_splitlong hi lo => safe_builtin_arg hi /\ safe_builtin_arg lo
  | _ => False

Definition debuginfo := { a : builtin_arg loc | safe_builtin_arg a }.

Normalization of debug info. Prefer an actual location to a constant. Make sure that the debug info is safe to evaluate in any context.

Definition normalize_debug_1 (a: builtin_arg loc) : option debuginfo :=
  match a with
  | BA x => Some (exist _ (BA x) I)
  | BA_int n => Some (exist _ (BA_int n) I)
  | BA_long n => Some (exist _ (BA_long n) I)
  | BA_float n => Some (exist _ (BA_float n) I)
  | BA_single n => Some (exist _ (BA_single n) I)
  | BA_splitlong (BA hi) (BA lo) => Some (exist _ (BA_splitlong (BA hi) (BA lo)) (conj I I))
  | _ => None

Fixpoint normalize_debug (l: list (builtin_arg loc)) : option debuginfo :=
  match l with
  | nil => None
  | a :: l' =>
      match a with
      | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ =>
          match normalize_debug l' with
          | Some i => Some i
          | None => normalize_debug_1 a
      | _ => normalize_debug_1 a

Availability analysis

This static analysis tracks which locations (registers and stack slots) contain the values of which C local variables. The abstraction of the program state at a program point is a list of pairs (variable name, location). It is kept sorted by increasing name. The location is represented by a safe builtin_arg loc expression.

Definition avail : Type := list (ident * debuginfo).

Operations on avail abstract states.

Fixpoint set_state (v: ident) (i: debuginfo) (s: avail) : avail :=
  match s with
  | nil => (v, i) :: nil
  | (v', i') as vi' :: s' =>
      match Pos.compare v v' with
      | Eq => (v, i) :: s'
      | Lt => (v, i) :: s
      | Gt => vi' :: set_state v i s'

Fixpoint remove_state (v: ident) (s: avail) : avail :=
  match s with
  | nil => nil
  | (v', i') as vi' :: s' =>
      match Pos.compare v v' with
      | Eq => s'
      | Lt => s
      | Gt => vi' :: remove_state v s'

Definition set_debug_info (v: ident) (info: list (builtin_arg loc)) (s: avail) :=
  match normalize_debug info with
  | Some a => set_state v a s
  | None => remove_state v s

When the program writes to a register or stack location, some availability information is invalidated.

Fixpoint arg_no_overlap (a: builtin_arg loc) (l: loc) : bool :=
  match a with
  | BA l' => Loc.diff_dec l' l
  | BA_splitlong hi lo => arg_no_overlap hi l && arg_no_overlap lo l
  | _ => true

Definition kill (l: loc) (s: avail) : avail :=
  List.filter (fun vi => arg_no_overlap (proj1_sig (snd vi)) l) s.

Fixpoint kill_res (r: builtin_res mreg) (s: avail) : avail :=
  match r with
  | BR r => kill (R r) s
  | BR_none => s
  | BR_splitlong hi lo => kill_res hi (kill_res lo s)

Likewise when a function call takes place.

Fixpoint arg_preserved (a: builtin_arg loc) : bool :=
  match a with
  | BA (R r) => negb (List.In_dec mreg_eq r destroyed_at_call)
  | BA (S _ _ _) => true
  | BA_splitlong hi lo => arg_preserved hi && arg_preserved lo
  | _ => true

Definition kill_at_call (s: avail) : avail :=
  List.filter (fun vi => arg_preserved (proj1_sig(snd vi))) s.

The join of two availability states is the intersection of the corresponding lists.

Definition eq_arg (a1 a2: builtin_arg loc) : {a1=a2} + {a1<>a2}.
  generalize Loc.eq ident_eq Int.eq_dec Int64.eq_dec Ptrofs.eq_dec Float.eq_dec Float32.eq_dec chunk_eq;
  decide equality.
Global Opaque eq_arg.

Definition eq_debuginfo (i1 i2: debuginfo) : {i1=i2} + {i1 <> i2}.
  destruct (eq_arg (proj1_sig i1) (proj1_sig i2)).
  left. destruct i1, i2; simpl in *. subst x0. f_equal. apply proof_irr.
  right. congruence.
Global Opaque eq_debuginfo.

Fixpoint join (s1: avail) (s2: avail) {struct s1} : avail :=
  match s1 with
  | nil => nil
  | (v1, i1) as vi1 :: s1' =>
      let fix join2 (s2: avail) : avail :=
        match s2 with
        | nil => nil
        | (v2, i2) as vi2 :: s2' =>
            match Pos.compare v1 v2 with
            | Eq => if eq_debuginfo i1 i2 then vi1 :: join s1' s2' else join s1' s2'
            | Lt => join s1' s2
            | Gt => join2 s2'
      in join2 s2

Definition eq_state (s1 s2: avail) : {s1=s2} + {s1<>s2}.
  apply list_eq_dec. decide equality. apply eq_debuginfo. apply ident_eq.
Global Opaque eq_state.

Definition top : avail := nil.

Record availability information at labels.

Definition labelmap := (PTree.t avail * bool)%type.

Definition get_label (lbl: label) (lm: labelmap) : option avail :=
  PTree.get lbl (fst lm).

Definition update_label (lbl: label) (s1: avail) (lm: labelmap) :
                                  labelmap * avail :=
  match get_label lbl lm with
  | None =>
      ((PTree.set lbl s1 (fst lm), true), s1)
  | Some s2 =>
      let s := join s1 s2 in
      if eq_state s s2
      then (lm, s2)
      else ((PTree.set lbl s (fst lm), true), s)

Fixpoint update_labels (lbls: list label) (s: avail) (lm: labelmap) :
                                  labelmap :=
  match lbls with
  | nil => lm
  | lbl1 :: lbls =>
      update_labels lbls s (fst (update_label lbl1 s lm))

Classification of builtins

Definition is_debug_setvar (ef: external_function) :=
  match ef with
  | EF_debug 2%positive txt targs => Some txt
  | _ => None

Definition is_builtin_debug_setvar (i: instruction) :=
  match i with
  | Lbuiltin ef args BR_none => is_debug_setvar ef
  | _ => None

The transfer function for the forward dataflow analysis.

Definition transfer (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (i: instruction):
                                      labelmap * option avail :=
  match before with
  | None =>
      match i with
      | Llabel lbl => (lm, get_label lbl lm)
      | _ => (lm, None)
  | Some s =>
      match i with
      | Lgetstack sl ofs ty rd =>
          (lm, Some (kill (R rd) s))
      | Lsetstack rs sl ofs ty =>
          (lm, Some (kill (S sl ofs ty) s))
      | Lop op args dst =>
          (lm, Some (kill (R dst) s))
      | Lload chunk addr args dst =>
          (lm, Some (kill (R dst) s))
      | Lstore chunk addr args src =>
          (lm, before)
      | Lcall sg ros =>
          (lm, Some (kill_at_call s))
      | Ltailcall sg ros =>
          (lm, None)
      | Lbuiltin ef args res =>
          let s' :=
            match is_debug_setvar ef with
            | Some v => set_debug_info v args s
            | None => s
            end in
          (lm, Some (kill_res res s'))
      | Llabel lbl =>
          let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in
          (lm1, Some s1)
      | Lgoto lbl =>
          let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in
          (lm1, None)
      | Lcond cond args lbl =>
          let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in
          (lm1, before)
      | Ljumptable r lbls =>
          (update_labels lbls s lm, None)
      | Lreturn =>
          (lm, None)

One pass of forward analysis over the code c. Return an updated label map.

Fixpoint ana_code (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) : labelmap :=
  match c with
  | nil => lm
  | i :: c =>
      let (lm1, after) := transfer lm before i in
      ana_code lm1 after c

Iterate ana_code until the label map is stable.

Definition ana_iter (c: code) (lm: labelmap) : labelmap + labelmap :=
  let lm' := ana_code (fst lm, false) (Some top) c in
  if snd lm' then inr _ lm' else inl _ lm.

Definition ana_function (f: function) : option labelmap :=
  PrimIter.iterate _ _ (ana_iter f.(fn_code)) (PTree.empty _, false).

Code transformation

Compute the changes between two abstract states

Fixpoint diff (s1 s2: avail) {struct s1} : avail :=
  match s1 with
  | nil => nil
  | (v1, i1) as vi1 :: s1' =>
      let fix diff2 (s2: avail) : avail :=
        match s2 with
        | nil => s1
        | (v2, i2) :: s2' =>
            match Pos.compare v1 v2 with
            | Eq => if eq_debuginfo i1 i2 then diff s1' s2' else vi1 :: diff s1' s2'
            | Lt => vi1 :: diff s1' s2
            | Gt => diff2 s2'
      in diff2 s2

Definition delta_state (before after: option avail) : avail * avail :=
  match before, after with
  | None, None => (nil, nil)
  | Some b, None => (b, nil)
  | None, Some a => (nil, a)
  | Some b, Some a => (diff b a, diff a b)

Insert debug annotations at the beginning and end of live ranges of locations that correspond to source local variables.

Definition add_start_range (vi: ident * debuginfo) (c: code) : code :=
  let (v, i) := vi in
  Lbuiltin (EF_debug 3%positive v nil) (proj1_sig i :: nil) BR_none :: c.

Definition add_end_range (vi: ident * debuginfo) (c: code) : code :=
  let (v, i) := vi in
  Lbuiltin (EF_debug 4%positive v nil) nil BR_none :: c.

Definition add_delta_ranges (before after: option avail) (c: code) : code :=
  let (killed, born) := delta_state before after in
  List.fold_right add_end_range (List.fold_right add_start_range c born) killed.

Fixpoint skip_debug_setvar (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) :=
  match c with
  | nil => before
  | i :: c' =>
      match is_builtin_debug_setvar i with
      | Some _ => skip_debug_setvar lm (snd (transfer lm before i)) c'
      | None => before

Fixpoint transf_code (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) : code :=
  match c with
  | nil => nil
  | Lgoto lbl1 :: Llabel lbl2 :: c' =>
      let after := get_label lbl2 lm in
      Lgoto lbl1 :: Llabel lbl2 ::
      add_delta_ranges before after (transf_code lm after c')
  | i :: c' =>
      let after := skip_debug_setvar lm (snd (transfer lm before i)) c' in
      i :: add_delta_ranges before after (transf_code lm after c')

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Definition transf_function (f: function) : res function :=
  match ana_function f with
  | None => Error (msg "Debugvar: analysis diverges")
  | Some lm =>
      OK (mkfunction f.(fn_sig) f.(fn_stacksize)
                     (transf_code lm (Some top) f.(fn_code)))

Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : res fundef :=
  AST.transf_partial_fundef transf_function fd.

Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
  transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.