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1. (n.) One who, or that which, washes.

2. (n.) A ring of metal, leather, or other material, or a perforated plate, used for various purposes, as around a bolt or screw to form a seat for the head or nut, or around a wagon axle to prevent endwise motion of the hub of the wheel and relieve friction, or in a joint to form a packing, etc.

3. (n.) A fitting, usually having a plug, applied to a cistern, tub, sink, or the like, and forming the outlet opening.

4. (n.) The common raccoon.

5. (n.) Same as Washerwoman, 2.

aquamanile automatic dishwasher basin bath bathtub bidet dishpan dishwasher dishwiper dry cleaner ewer finger bowl kitchen sink launderer laundress laundryman laundrywoman lavabo lavatory piscina pot-walloper scullery maid scullion shower shower bath shower curtain shower head shower room shower stall showers sink tub wash barrel wash boiler washbasin washbowl washdish washerman washerwife washerwoman washing machine washing pot washpot washstand washtub


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