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1. (n.) A solemn promise made to God, or to some deity; an act by which one consecrates or devotes himself, absolutely or conditionally, wholly or in part, for a longer or shorter time, to some act, service, or condition; a devotion of one's possessions; as, a baptismal vow; a vow of poverty.

2. (n.) Specifically, a promise of fidelity; a pledge of love or affection; as, the marriage vow.

3. (n.) To give, consecrate, or dedicate to God, or to some deity, by a solemn promise; to devote; to promise solemnly.

4. (n.) To assert solemnly; to asseverate.

5. (v. i.) To make a vow, or solemn promise.

Bible oath affirm and candle assert assert under oath asseverate assurance assure attest avouch avouchment avow book certify confess countersign covenant declare depone depose express the belief extrajudicial oath faith guarantee ironclad oath judicial oath kiss the book loyalty oath make a promise oath oath of allegiance oath of office official oath parole pledge plight profess promise solemn declaration solemn oath state swan swear swear by bell swear the truth swear to swear to God swear to goodness test oath testify troth underwrite vouch warrant warranty word word of honor


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