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◄ Vital Body ►

Buddhic body Cynthian Masan airy anagalactic apparition appearance asomatous asteroidal astral body astral spirit astrologic astrologistic astrologous astronomic astrophysical banshee bliss body bodiless causal body celestial circumplanetary cislunar control daydreaming daydreamy decarnate decarnated departed spirit design body discarnate disembodied disembodied spirit duppy dybbuk ectoplasmic eidolon empyreal empyrean equinoctial ethereal etheric etheric body extragalactic extramundane form galactic ghost ghostish ghostlike ghostly ghosty grateful dead guide hant haunt heavenly heliacal highest highest-ranking idolum immaterial immateriality impalpable imponderable incorporate incorporeal incorporeal being incorporeity insubstantial intangible intercosmic interplanetary intersidereal interstellar kamarupa kamic body larva lemures linga sharira lunar lunary lunate lunular lunulate manes materialization meteoric meteoritic mind body nebular nebulose nebulous nonmaterial nonphysical occult oni otherworldly phantasm phantasma phantasmal phantasmic phantom phantomic phantomlike planetal planetarian planetary planetesimal poltergeist presence psychic revenant semilunar shade shadow shadowy shape shrouded spirit sidereal solar soul body specter specterlike spectral spectral ghost sphery spirit spiritual spiritual body spook sprite star-spangled star-studded starry stellar stellary subtle body supernatural terrestrial theophany top-drawer transmundane unearthly unembodied unextended unfleshly unphysical unsubstantial unsubstantiality unworldly uranic vision visionary vital body walking dead man wandering soul wraith wraithlike wraithy zodiacal zombie


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