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◄ Vestige ►

(n.) A faint mark or visible sign left by something which is no longer present; as, the vestiges of ancient magnificence\ in Palmyra; vestiges of former population.

account afterglow afterimage ancient manuscript annals antique antiquity archaism artifact balance boss bump butt butt end candle ends catalog catchword cave painting chaff chronicle clue colophon concavity convexity correspondence cue cue word dactylogram dactylograph dash debris dent detritus dint documentation embossment end eolith evidence excrescence fag end filings fingerprint footmark footprint footstep fossil fossil footprint fragment glimmer hint history holdover hot lead husks ichnite ichnolite impress impression imprint indent indentation indention infusion inkling intimation inventory key key word lead leavings leftovers letters list lump mark memento memorial mezzolith microlith neolith odds and ends offscourings orts pad paleolith parings path paw print pawmark petrification petrified forest petrified wood petroglyph pimple pipe roll plateaulith print pug pugmark rag rags record recording refuse register registry relic relics reliquiae remainder remains remnant residue residuum rest roach roll rolls roster rota rubbish ruin ruins rump sauce sawdust scent scourings scrap scraps scroll seal seasoning shade shadow shavings sigil sign signet smack soupcon spice spoor sprinkling stamp step straw stubble stud stump suggestion survival suspicion sweepings table tag taint taste telltale tempering thought thumbmark thumbprint tinct tincture tinge tint tip-off token touch trace track tract trail waste whiff


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