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Aesopian language Babel Code Napoleon Greek Napoleonic code Procrustean law TelAutography Teletype Teletype network Teletyping Ten Commandments Zeitgeist argot axiology babble behavioral norm body of law business ethics canon cant capitulary census cipher closed-circuit telegraphy code of ethics code of laws code of morals coded message codification commandment convention conventions corpus juris criterion cryptoanalysis cryptoanalytics cryptogram cryptograph cryptographer cryptography customs cypher decalogue dictum digest digest of law double Dutch duplex telegraphy electricity encipher encode encrypt equity ethic ethical system ethics ethos facsimile telegraph form formality formula formulary garble general principle gibberish gift of tongues glossolalia gobbledygook golden rule guideline guiding principle imperative index interrupter inventory invisible ink jargon jumble jurisprudence key law law of nature laws legal ethics maxim medical ethics mitzvah moral moral climate moral code moral principles morals multiplex telegraphy new morality news ticker noise norm norma normative system order of nature ordinance organization orthodoxy pandect penal code practices prescribed form prescription principium principle principles professional ethics protocol quadruplex telegraphy railroad telegraphy receiver regulation regulations rubric rule scramble secret language secret writing sender set form settled principle simplex telegraphy single-current telegraphy slang social ethics sounder standard standards standing order stock ticker structure submarine telegraphy sympathetic ink system table table of organization telegraphics telegraphy teleprinter teletypewriter teletypewriting telex tenet ticker traditions transmitter typotelegraph typotelegraphy universal law value system wire service working principle working rule


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