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1. (n.) One of the various general forms of argument employed in probable as distinguished from demonstrative reasoning, -- denominated by Aristotle to poi (literally, places), as being the places or sources from which arguments may be derived, or to which they may be referred; also, a prepared form of argument, applicable to a great variety of cases, with a supply of which the ancient rhetoricians and orators provided themselves; a commonplace of argument or oratory.

2. (n.) A treatise on forms of argument; a system or scheme of forms or commonplaces of argument or oratory; as, the Topics of Aristotle.

3. (n.) An argument or reason.

4. (n.) The subject of any distinct portion of a discourse, or argument, or literary composition; also, the general or main subject of the whole; a matter treated of; a subject, as of conversation or of thought; a matter; a point; a head.

5. (n.) An external local application or remedy, as a plaster, a blister, etc.

6. (a.) Topical.

action anagnorisis angle architectonics architecture argument atmosphere background bone of contention catastrophe catechism characterization color complication continuity contrivance cross-interrogatory cross-question debating point demand denouement design development device episode fable falling action feeler gimmick head incident inquiry interrogation interrogative interrogatory issue keynote leader leading question line local color matter mood moot point motif motive movement mythos peripeteia plan plot point point at issue point in question problem proposition query question question at issue question mark quodlibet recognition rising action scheme secondary plot slant story structure subject subject matter subplot switch text thematic development theme thesis tone trial balloon twist vexed question


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