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◄ Stoneman ►

Abaddon Apollyon Baba Yaga Beelzebub Belial Bowery bum Lilith Linotyper Lucifer Mafioso Mephistopheles Old Nick Old Scratch Satan Succubus Xanthippe Young Turk adventurer adventuress adversary afreet aggravate annoy antagonist ape-man apprentice printer archenemy bad boy badger bait bake barbarian barbecue barghest baste be at beachcomber beast bedevil beggar beggarly fellow beldam berserk berserker beset bitter enemy blackguard blanch blighter bloke boil bomber booger bother braise bravo brazenface brew bristle broil brown brown off brute bucko budmash buffoon bug bugger bully bullyboy bullyrag bum bummer burn up cacodemon caitiff chap chivy coddle compositor con artist con man confidence man confoundedly cook crone curry cutthroat cutup daeva daredevil demon derelict desperado deuce deucedly devil incarnate diablo discompose distemper disturb do do to perfection dog dragon drifter drunkard dust storm dybbuk electrotyper elf enemy enfant terrible evil genius evil spirit exasperate exceedingly excessively exercise extremely fash fellow fiend fiend from hell fire fire-eater firebrand foe foeman fox fricassee frizz frizzle fry funmaker fury genie genius get ghoul good-for-naught good-for-nothing goon gorilla griddle grill gripe gunman gunsel guy gyre hag harass hardnose harmattan harpy harry harum-scarum heat heckle hector hell-raiser hellcat hellhound hellion hellkite hobo holy terror hood hoodlum hooligan hothead hotspur hound human wreck imp in hell in the world incendiary incubus irk jinni jinniyeh joker jokester keyboarder khamsin killer knave lamia limb little devil little monkey little rascal lowlife mad dog madbrain madcap makeup man mauvais sujet mean wretch miff minx mischief mischief-maker molest monster mucker mugger nag needle nettle no-good nudzh ogre ogress open enemy operator oven-bake pan pan-broil parboil pauvre diable peesash peeve persecute person pester pick on pilgarlic pique pixie plague pluck the beard poach poor creature poor devil pother practical joker prankster precious rascal prepare prepare food pressman printer proofer provoke public enemy puck rake rakehell rakshasa rantipole rapist


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