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1. (v. t.) To drive or eject in a stream out of a narrow pipe or orifice; as, to squirt water.

2. (v. i.) To be thrown out, or ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice; -- said of liquids.

3. (v. i.) Hence, to throw out or utter words rapidly; to prate.

4. (n.) An instrument out of which a liquid is ejected in a small stream with force.

5. (n.) A small, quick stream; a jet.

a nobody a nothing blow out blowout cast forth cipher common man debouch decant discharge disembogue disgorge disgorgement dummy dysentery ejaculate ejaculation emission eruct eructation erupt eruption exhaust expel expulsion extravasate extravasation figurehead flush flux font fount fountain geyser gush insignificancy jackstraw jet lightweight little fellow little guy man of straw mediocrity nebbish nobody one knows nonentity obscurity outburst outpour pip-squeak play pour pour forth pour out punk pup puppy runs runt rush scrub send forth send out shits shrimp small fry small potato small potatoes spatter spew spit spout spouter sprat spray sprit spritz spurt spurtle squit stream surge throw out trots vomit vomit forth vomit out well whiffet whippersnapper


Squirrel Cage
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