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1. (n.) A stupid person; a blockhead; a dull fellow; a dolt.

2. (n.) A person stupefied by excessive drinking; an habitual drunkard.

3. (a.) Sottish; foolish; stupid; dull.

4. (v. t.) To stupefy; to infatuate; to besot.

5. (v. i.) To tipple to stupidity.

alcoholic alcoholic addict bacchanal bacchanalian bibber big drunk boozehound boozer bullheaded carouser chronic alcoholic chronic drunk closed-minded deaf devotee of Bacchus dipsomaniac drinker drunk drunkard guzzler hard drinker hardheaded headstrong heavy drinker imbiber inebriate intractable lovepot lush mulish oenophilist pathological drinker pot companion problem drinker reveler serious drinker shikker soak soaker social drinker swigger swiller thirsty soul tippler toper tosspot wassailer winebibber


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