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◄ Reversal ►

1. (a.) Intended to reverse; implying reversal.

2. (n.) The act of reversing; the causing to move or face in an opposite direction, or to stand or lie in an inverted position; as, the reversal of a rotating wheel; the reversal of objects by a convex lens.

3. (n.) A change or overthrowing; as, the reversal of a judgment, which amounts to an official declaration that it is false; the reversal of an attainder, or of an outlawry, by which the sentence is rendered void.

abolishment abolition about-face about-turn abrogation accommodation adaptation adjustment afterthoughts alchemy alteration amelioration annulment apostasy assimilation assumption atavism back track back trail backing backing off backing out backing up backset backsliding backup backward deviation bafflement balk becoming better thoughts betterment bouleversement break cancel canceling cancellation cassation change change of heart change of mind change-over changeableness check checkmate comedown confusion constructive change continuity conversion countermand counterorder defeasance defection degeneration degenerative change descent deterioration deviation difference discomfiture discontinuity disenchantment divergence diversification diversion diversity down ectropion eversion falling back fitting flip flip-flop foil frustration gradual change growth improvement introversion intussusception invagination invalidation inversion lapse mature judgment melioration mitigation modification modulation naturalization nullification overthrow overturning passage progress pronation qualification radical change re-creation re-formation realignment rebuff recall recantation recidivation recidivism reclamation reconversion recrudescence recurrence redesign reduction reform reformation regress regression rehabilitation reinstatement relapse remaking renege renewal repeal repulse rescinding rescindment rescission reshaping resolution restitution restoration restructuring resupination retraction retrocession retroflexion retrogradation retrogression retroversion return returning reverse reverse of fortune reversing reversion reverting revival revivification revocation revoke revokement revolution revulsion right-about right-about-face rout second thoughts setback setting aside severe check shift slipping back sudden change supination suspension swingaround switch switch-over tergiversating tergiversation throwback topsy-turviness topsy-turvydom total change transformation transit transition transposal transposition turn turnabout turnaround turning turning back turning backwards turning inside out turning into turning inward turning over upheaval vacation vacatur variation variety violent change voidance voiding volte-face waiver waiving withdrawal worsening write-off


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