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1. (n.) A low shoe with a thin sole.

2. (n.) An hydraulic machine, variously constructed, for raising or transferring fluids, consisting essentially of a moving piece or piston working in a hollow cylinder or other cavity, with valves properly placed for admitting or retaining the fluid as it is drawn or driven through them by the action of the piston.

3. (v. t.) To raise with a pump, as water or other liquid.

4. (v. t.) To draw water, or the like, from; to from water by means of a pump; as, they pumped the well dry; to pump a ship.

5. (v. t.) Figuratively, to draw out or obtain, as secrets or money, by persistent questioning or plying; to question or ply persistently in order to elicit something, as information, money, etc.

6. (v. i.) To work, or raise water, a pump.

abdomen add to aggrandize air pump amplify animate anus appendix aspirator augment bail out beer pump bicycle pump bilge pump bleed blind gut bloat blow up bowels brain breast pump broach broaden bucket pump build build up bulk bulk out carve catechize cecum centrifugal pump chisel colon concentrate convert corkscrew crescendo cross-examine crowbar cultivate decant deliver develop dilate distend donkey donkey pump draft draft off drain drainage pump draw draw from draw off duodenum electrify emphasize empty endocardium energize enlarge enthuse entrails examine excite exhaust expand extend extract extractor feed pump force force pump forceps forcer foregut galvanize giblets gizzard grill grow guts hand pump harvest heart heat pump hike hike up hindgut huff increase inflate innards inner mechanism insides inspire inspirit intensify internals interrogate interview intestine inwards jejunum kidney kishkes large intestine let let blood let out lifting pump liver liver and lights lung machine magnify midgut milk mill mine motivate perineum phlebotomize pincers pipette pliers press pressure pump probe process puff puff up pump out pump up pumping engine push pylorus query question quiz raise rarefy rear rectum refine rotary pump sand pump send separator shake siphon siphon off small intestine smelt spleen stimulate stomach stress stretch suck suck out suction pump sufflate swell tap test ticker tire pump tripes tweezers up vacuum pump venesect vermiform appendix viscera vitals water pump widen wobble pump works worm out of wringer


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