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◄ Postulate ►

1. (n.) Something demanded or asserted; especially, a position or supposition assumed without proof, or one which is considered as self-evident; a truth to which assent may be demanded or challenged, without argument or evidence.

2. (n.) The enunciation of a self-evident problem, in distinction from an axiom, which is the enunciation of a self-evident theorem.

3. (a.) Postulated.

4. (v. t.) To beg, or assume without proof; as, to postulate conclusions.

5. (v. t.) To take without express consent; to assume.

6. (v. t.) To invite earnestly; to solicit.

a priori principle a priori truth absolute fact accepted fact actual fact admitted fact advance affirm affirmation apriorism assert assertion assume assumed position assumption avant-propos aver axiom bald fact bare fact basis breakthrough bring before bring forward bring up broach brocard brutal fact call categorical proposition center challenge circumstance claim cold fact commend to attention conceded fact conjecture core data datum demonstrable fact dictate dictum elixir empirical fact essence essential established fact exact exordium fact fact of experience first principles flower focus foreword formula foundation front matter frontispiece fundamental gist given fact golden rule gravamen ground guesswork hard fact heart hypostasis hypothesis hypothesis ad hoc indisputable fact inescapable fact inference inner essence innovation introduce introduction kernel launch law lay before lay down leap lemma major premise make a motion marrow matter of fact meat minor premise moot move naked fact not guesswork not opinion nub nucleus nuts and bolts offer a resolution open up overture philosopheme philosophical proposition pith plain pose posit position positive fact postulation postulatum preamble predicate preface prefer prefix prefixture preliminary prelude premise presume presumption presupposal presupposition principium principle proem prolegomena prolegomenon prolepsis prologue propose proposition propositional function propound protasis provable fact put forth put forward put it to quid quiddity quintessence recommend require requisition rule salient fact sap self-evident fact self-evident truth set before set forth set of postulates settled principle significant fact simple fact sober fact solicit soul spirit start statement stubborn fact stuff submit substance suggest sumption supposal supposing supposition surmise the case the nitty-gritty theorem thesis truism truth truth table truth-function truth-value undeniable fact universal truth verse voluntary well-known fact working hypothesis


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