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1. (n.) A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon.

2. (n.) A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.

3. (n.) The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes.

4. (n.) A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game; a game of skill in pocketing the balls on a pool table.

5. (n.) In rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners.

6. (n.) Any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join.

7. (n.) A combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities; also, the aggregate of the sums so contributed; as, the pool took all the wheat offered below the limit; he put USD10,000 into the pool.

8. (n.) A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement.

9. (n.) An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities.

10. (v. t.) To put together; to contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic.

11. (v. i.) To combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction.

Aktiengesellschaft Swiss bank account accumulate aktiebolag amalgamate artificial lake assets balance bank bank account bayou lake bear pool blind pool body corporate bottom dollar budget bull pool business business establishment cartel cash reserves chain chamber of commerce checking account cistern collect collection combine command of money commercial enterprise compagnie company concern conglomerate conglomerate corporation consolidate consolidating company consortium copartnership corporate body corporation dam dead water dike diversified corporation enterprise etang exchequer farm pond finances firm fishpond freshwater lake fund funds gather glacial lake group holding company house industry inland sea jackpot joint-stock association joint-stock company kitty lagoon laguna lake lakelet landlocked water league life savings linn loch lough means mere merge millpond millpool moneys natatorium nest egg nyanza operating company oxbow lake partnership pecuniary resources plash plunderbund plunge plunge bath pocket pond pondlet pot public utility puddle purse reserves reservoir resources salina salt pond savings savings account stagnant water stakes standing water still water stock company substance sump swimming bath swimming hole swimming pool syndicate tank tarn team up with tidal pond tiger trade association treasure trust unregistered bank account utility volcanic lake wading pool water hole water pocket well wherewithal


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